Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 948: International ideal

Latest URL: Hero is not only responsible for the release of this game, in fact, the research and development company of "War Double" is also invested by Hero. Therefore, although it seems that the operation accident was caused by the R&D CP, Chu Yuanxi thought that the treasure chest drop rate had nothing to do with the hero. He did not believe that it was not something that the R&D company could call the shots. There was nothing wrong with it. !

He shrugged: "I'm still a bit famous in the tearing world. What can they say directly to me. As for deleting the video, they called and threatened to sue in the video. In the end, we deleted the video? That's for sure. It won't work."

Yuan Mu immediately asked: "How can that work?"

Chu Yuanxi smiled reluctantly: "If we delete the video, it seems we are at a loss. How can we get on the Dao in the future? What if we lose followers? They first posted a public apology on Weibo. I feel that the apology is sincere. "

"It's not like this at all, okay?" Yuan Mu was friends with both sides. It was very uncomfortable to be caught in the middle, but seeing that Chu Yuanxi had no chance of giving this face, he finally turned into a long sigh: "You are simply Little belly chicken intestines, Lu Yu is a perfect match for you! You said that Lu Yu is the same. If you want to make a number at station B, is it not good to do the content upright? Use this kind of cleverness? And how important station B is now from the media. What did he do earlier?"

"Hey, he is just a tool man. I planned the entire incident." Chu Yuanxi stretched out his hand to stop Yuan Mu, and then said: "And he has suffered on my behalf. The Pakistani information is completely behind in the second dimension. It’s because of my management problem."

"Why is there a management problem here..." Yuan Mu rolled his eyes with anger, and asked if Chu Yuanxi and Lu Yu had an adulterous affair? Otherwise, why do you protect him like this?

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi really said something: “As an investor, you should be very clear that all the games and film projects of the Pakistani Group are not in touch with the second dimension, regardless of "Wu Dao Faunjun" or "Rome "The Enemy", or a few projects on the Pakistani media, do not need a second dimension.

But on Lu Yu's side, the stall I gave him didn't have the gene of the second element, so what was the easiest way for him to quickly expand the field of the second element? It's throwing money. Without a certain gene, the most correct solution is to introduce the corresponding gene, sign a contract with the B station UP master, and buy it together with the person and the number. Doesn't this achieve overtaking on the curve? The problem is that this requires a lot of money and requires me to release related policies. My job was absent, and he couldn't do it if he didn't care about promoting this matter. "

"Lu Yu can't push it himself?"

"Well, Lu Yu, he can push, but he didn't think like you. He applied for a budget of tens of millions and required a bunch of preferential policies, which may have a profound impact on other units of Pakistani information. Then, the group cannot use it. Now There is no project that requires a second dimension, so should he push it?

He pushed me and I basically agreed, and then he can get the budget, get more policies, and expand his power, which is very good for him personally. So he didn't push it to make me appreciate him more, understand? This is where he is cautious. He has a sense of measure. First, he considers the interests of the group. Such employees are very good and should be transferred to the well-off side. Unfortunately, Xiaokang does not have a position with him. "

Chu Yuanxi said that he poured a cup of tea for Yuan Mu, "I am not criticizing you, Yuan Mu, you, if you are not working in a specific position, you will not think about such details. The root of this problem lies in Pakistani Entertainment. Disadvantages caused by the reorganization when transferring to a group. After the groupization, it is easier for various departments to sort out the process to cooperate with each other, and the work goals are more systematic, but in turn, it also inhibits the initiative of each branch company and requires the CEO to allocate more delicate work.

And I happen to be an extensive type of management, so that's why Lu Yu has taken it on my behalf. I'll talk to Lu Yu later and let him sign the person directly. Is there any use? Anyway, the content of the two-dimensional element will be discussed first. "

"Should Nabaren Group change its CEO?"

What did Chu Yuanxi say? Change CEO? He sighed: "Why don't I want to find a suitable CEO. The problem is that no one has this talent. We can understand the media, content, games, copyright, investment, film and entertainment, and we can master the principles of human relations and law. With the ability to serve as CFO, where can I find such a strong person?"

Yuan Mu almost choked on tea! "Chu Yuanxi, I'm not convinced by anything else, I'll just convince you to praise your own way, it's really ingenious, it's really too strong!"

"Hehe, otherwise, why can the Pakistani Group achieve a valuation of 40 billion in less than two years? Isn't it because of strong leadership?"

"You have such a strong leadership, do you know how much the mobile payment license has increased?" Yuan Mu watched Chu Yuanxi's face suddenly changed, hummed twice, and stretched out five fingers: "This number!"

"Five billion?" Chu Yuanxi took a deep breath, and said that this is terrible, but it's hard to accept the price of five billion if you bite the bullet...

"Fifty million. The original price was five hundred million, and now I can buy it at five hundred and fifty million." Yuan Mu came to praise my expression, and Chu Yuanxi was greatly relieved, saying that the price is reasonable. , It didn't make sense to see the wind rise, it should be the shadow of a snake.

"Your efficiency is high enough, and the price is good. Strongly praised."

"Heh, if it weren't for you to do things more efficiently every day, what is the difference between what you did last night and eating human blood steamed buns? There is hope that this license will be dealt with recently. You are ready to make money."

"It's easy to talk about money, let's get a round of A++. But when did I eat human blood steamed buns? I don't accept this kind of statement. Human blood steamed buns said that the victim died, and the unscrupulous media hyped the incident. Traffic, this is called cannibalism. Is "Zhan Shuang" a victim?

We spent so much money to draw a bunch of guarantees, and their treasure chests do not have any good cards except for guarantees. Are they called open treasure chests? That is damaging the reputation of the industry. The player is the victim! The entire gaming industry is the victim! Go and ask where they make treasure chests like that in the world? They are called black sheep, not human blood buns! If anyone is dissatisfied, do more self-criticism! "

Got it! Yuan Mu's face turned black, and he didn't expect that Chu Yuanxi was the **** who had eaten the weight, and was determined not to give this face. So the next question is how to comfort the opponent, but don’t be so angry that Chu Yuanxi’s reputation in the tearing world is earned by stepping on corpses. He must be very excited about this matter, and then it will be involved. Energy even affects the development of a well-off society.

Her heart immediately turned on the crazy OS mode: This Chu Yuanxi is absolutely floating! Not humble at all. I was not humble before, but it is not the same as now. Otherwise, why act rashly and namelessly and get angry? Is it necessary to cause such a big fire? It must be swollen.

Chu Yuanxi didn't even know that he was arranged by Yuan Lu, and he had to arrange everything in the headquarters before going to the south. It is impossible for Liu Lu to go back in two days after a trip to the south. The work of Liu Lu's forefoot was to discover problems, and his task for his hindfoot was to solve problems.

The most important thing now is not the issue of getting A++ rounds for Xiaokang, although this is also a problem, ranking second.

The biggest problem with buying licenses in advance is that it disrupts Xiaokang's financing rhythm, or disrupts Chu Yuanxi's wishful thinking. His original idea was to wait until the next round of financing to buy a license, so that the purpose of financing is justified, there are no mistakes in the fundraising, and the capital turnover is also good. The key is that this money comes in at the price of the B round of financing, so it is more friendly to investors in both rounds of AB.

But in advance, who will invest? If the Pakistani people contribute money, it is equivalent to the Pakistani saying that they are not rushing to raise money with everyone, and give way to Pre_A, and give way to A. As a result, they have given Xiaokang two consecutive pluses. If investors are asked to pay, although Xu Xin, Hu Shiheng and Yuan Jing have all paid out the money, they need to have a good chat.

Fortunately, Yuan Mu's feedback was relatively timely, and Chu Yuanxi hoped to have a meeting as soon as possible. Just today, Sister Xu Xin still needs to go to the venture capital forum to receive the award and speak, so she can just call Yuan Jing to talk about it in the afternoon.

It should be said that it is fortunate that this forum only ended this afternoon, and people were able to gather together. Otherwise, these big guys are busy people. Except Yuan Jing can find them at any time, whether Xu Xin or Hu Shiheng, they have to fly around for at least five days out of ten days. If you want to make an appointment, you must make an appointment.

So what is more urgent? It's not about the registration and construction of Ganxin Maicai. This matter should be ranked third, even until Chu Yuanxi returns from the south. According to Liu Lu's words, please be sure to push back. She is too busy to help recruit.

In this regard, Chu Yuanxi said quietly: This is a startup invested by the Pakistani people. Of course, the Pakistani people are helping to recruit...

On the contrary, Xu Xin was more concerned about this matter, wishing to hand over the CFO candidate to Chu Yuanxi today. However, Xu Xin is stuck in a difficult choice, and there are many candidates available, but whoever is most suitable needs to choose.

At this time, the most important thing for Chu Yuanxi was actually Elizabeth Holmes going to Southeast Asia. She was armed with a gun and live ammunition, and she was about to set off for an on-site inspection. The first stop was to think about it and finally chose Vietnam instead of Li Jiapo. According to her, she would also enter the venue in the future. Li Jiapo would not be the first choice.

Although the above two things are also urgent, they are still in the plan, or Chu Yuanxi has planned, and they can be solved step by step. And what Elizabeth had to do was not planned except for the budget. What Chu Yuanxi needed to do was to review and influence Elizabeth's plan in order to control the entire situation.

And this matter also pinned his certain ideal, which is the "internationalization" of a well-off society.

In the early years, many domestic companies boasted that they were large international companies. In fact, they were nothing more than building an office in a foreign country and installing a fax machine. Is there any business? Yes, but it is mainly re-export trade. But the wind does not fall when bragging.

In the era of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet, the situation has improved slightly, because with the internationalization of Apple and Google, many "internationalized" Internet companies export their apps abroad and earn money, so they can honestly say that they are international big company.

However, this kind of internationalization is still very virtual. Real internationalization is called internationalization only by the actions of Huawei, Xiaomi and other similar companies. Not only do they sell their products abroad, but they also have to spread their influence abroad. Every day they have actual contact with foreign users, penetrate invisible barriers, and become foreign countries. Users must have their own voice in international affairs, and this is serious internationalization.

In the field of mobile Internet, companies that can achieve this kind of influence purely by doing applications, currently only the headlines in China have proven themselves. Even tiktok has become a necessity for foreigners to a certain extent, so it has attracted the suppression of off-hand social media such as Facebook and other established social media, accusing it of collecting users' cloud, which has aroused the vigilance of the US government. However, when it comes to collecting and disclosing users, no one has done more thoroughly than Facebook, setting a good example for global entrepreneurs.

Others, such as some mobile game companies, are nothing more than exporting some "scaling products". Money can be earned, but no one suppresses it.

Chu Yuanxi separates ideals from reality. The reality is to become a leading enterprise in China and qualified to grasp the future. The ideal is to achieve true internationalization. In reality, he can rely on his own efforts to achieve, but the ideal requires some luck.

With good luck, it is best to be able to achieve the level of Coca-Cola, to have products that are indispensable in life like Fei Zhai Happy Water, and create a lot of local jobs in foreign countries. Although it is difficult to achieve this level, it is always a good thing to work hard for the ideal.

As for the fact that only the mainland and Southeast Asia are close neighbors, can it be considered international? This is not a problem at all. Why does Chang Kaishen have to save Kinmen Matsu to his death? Because Jinmen Matsu represents Hu Jian, keeping Kinmen Matsu can claim that he has two provinces under his jurisdiction, and he can ask others not to call him senior officials. Otherwise, where does Chang Kaishen's face maintain the five-chamber system?

The well-off society is the same. A firm foothold in Southeast Asia has truly become an indispensable part of local people's lives. Of course, it can claim to be international.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi urgently needed to have an in-depth conversation with Elizabeth before she left, to understand her progress and to gain insight into her thoughts. This is the most urgent task.

Elizabeth's on-site inspection is necessary. Although Southeast Asia can be integrated into a whole, it is actually independent countries and markets. It must be inspected separately, which takes a lot of time. And the key is to use a business perspective to measure, to think about their similarities and differences and their own posture when entering the market.

In fact, some Elizabeths in Xiaokang have almost followed up, from bicycles to stores, from logistics to supply chain, from APP to back office, and even purchasing various services and data.

Before her bubble burst in 2016, although the stall was very large and open, it was not for the Internet, let alone the mobile Internet. However, as the head of a large enterprise, he was deeply influenced by 10,000 hours of theory and has absolutely no learning ability. difference. After studying in a well-off society and close observations, he has now developed a relatively strong insight into the gameplay of the mobile Internet, and even conducted some practical operations with Xue Jianhua under the instruction of Chu Yuanxi.

Although she definitely lacks relevant experience, the Internet is not what Chu Yuanxi needs to worry about, because behind Elizabeth is Xiaokang, she directly uses Xiaokang's products, but the content in the database is different. What she really needs to do at the time is mainly to purchase related corporate services.

In this regard, due to the enthusiasm of entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia, entrepreneurs have stepped up in the blanks left by various emerging industries. The only difference is whether the service demander can afford it.

If Chu Yuanxi were to go, it would be the feeling of entering the quagmire, but the reason why she hit it off with Elizabeth is because she is someone who can buy services.

Therefore, in Chu Yuanxi’s view, what Elizabeth lacks is actually the application concept and experience of the blockchain, but the unique online content of Xiaokang-mobile payment-credit system construction-the top level of social networking. Architecture.

In this regard, Chu Yuanxi needs to wait until next year, when she is really ready to start the expedition, and then decide whether to give all the gameplays in her bag, or to ignore this high-ranking gameplay and let Elizabeth put the bottom layer first. Let's talk about the construction of the convenience store + shared scooter system.

In fact, the bottom layer alone also includes technical details such as the integration of the local supply chains of Southeast Asian countries and the construction of logistics. Although it can be attributed to the basic skills of a certain type of entrepreneur, it is definitely enough for Elizabeth to drink a pot.

It's just that Chu Yuanxi had learned about Elizabeth's experience of making her blood into gold back then. She should be able to play this ground style, and she doesn't lack basic skills.

Chu Yuanxi and Elizabeth have blended and sorted out these related content many times, so there is no need to repeat them. She is now fully engaged in her journey to Southeast Asia after the beginning of the new year. When she heard that Chu Yuanxi’s first question was the starting place, she immediately answered without thinking: "I want to understand, I can enjoy a relatively large advantage in Lijiapo~www But Li Jiapo has no living conditions for shared scooters, so he must be ruled out. I chose Vietnam because of the good entrepreneurial environment in Vietnam, and I also have certain advantages."

Chu Yuanxi was very surprised. In the original world, he had been to Lijiapo many times, but mainly for strolling inside Changi Airport. The main reason is that it is particularly unfree to move around in the Lion City. The rules there are too big and you may get a whip when you spit. Therefore, even if he enters the city, he does not squint and leaves immediately after handling the matter. He has no impression of local life.

Therefore Elizabeth said very bluntly: "Hey, you, Chu, you are really a bun, you should take a good look at this world."

"Wait what you said is wrong, why don't shared scooters survive? Is it because there are too many shared bicycles?" Chu Yuanxi said something else. I don't know how many shared bicycles Xiaohong and Xiaohuang have invested in Lijiapo. I don't know yet? Shared bicycles can survive, why can't scooters?

Unexpectedly, Elizabeth showed a caring look in mentally retarded eyes...


Happy new year, everyone, the author is polite.

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