Latest website: According to Lu Yu's original plan, it should be that the live broadcast caused controversy and spread among the player groups, and then attracted the crowd to watch the live replay of the live broadcast accident at station B. Unexpectedly, the direction of the event was completely different from the one imagined!

So in the past few days, Zhou Minxi went live at 8 o'clock every evening on the live broadcast of 100 consecutive draws to test when the official revised the probability. The cost of ten ten consecutive draws is a drop in the bucket for the Pakistani group, but it is quite a lot for ordinary middle R, and it is of great reference value. With this simple and rude means of burning money, it has gathered a very high popularity and the number of attention is as desired. Breaking through 300,000, it is still growing rapidly.

With Chu Yuanxi's years of experience in running the player community, Zhou Minxi at this time can easily become the second of the aviation grandma (a well-known player) as long as he goes up and down, and establishes an influential player guild. However, Zhou Minxi said that she was not here. Chu Yuanxi felt that she might have noticed that her game level was relatively good. I am embarrassed...

But the growth of this account is not Lu Yu's unexpected joy. The real unexpected joy is that he finally found a plan to operate station B's self-media.

Suzuki Yu's team has close to 20 people, most of whom are programmers. The programmers themselves produce nerds, let alone the programmers of the island countries, one by one they die.

This label happened to be in time for the operation of the B station account, which made Chu Yuanxi and Lu Yu have a little idea at the same time, so they hit it off and conducted an in-depth consultation with his team through Suzuki Yu.

Both the otaku culture and the otaku are the values ​​and outlook of life transmitted from Dongying to Guochao. The otaku at station B that Lu Yu wants to get is still in the lower reaches of the island country otaku. Regardless of the degree of otaku or the depth of exposure to otaku culture materials, the average level of the otaku in Suzuki's team is definitely much higher than the average level of the otaku at station B.

This is equivalent to using high-dimension to fight low-dimension in business. Lu Yu soon decided that there is no need to sign a grandma at station B. Directly becoming a virtual idol is the most cost-effective and easiest way to succeed. Of the hood.

The history of the virtual idol Vtuber has a long history. Although Lu Yu doesn't know much about it, there should not be too many members in Yu Suzuki's group that are familiar with virtual idols. The realization of this direction requires technology, but Vtuber's market itself is quite mature, and the difference is more about how to operate.

The programmers in the Suzuki Yu team can handle even open games, not to mention a virtual idol. What's more, the Pakistani people also have a certain accumulation in AI landing applications. They can also be used to directly interpret the user’s barrage and let the virtual idol Make corresponding expressions and actions. Even Xue Ming said that as long as the platform opens up the data interface to give him enough response time, he can provide one-stop service. After the barrage is obtained, the AI ​​generates a response and then transfers the voice output.

As for the operation method, although the Pakistani information also lacks Vtuber's operating genes, the group has introduced close to 20 otaku from the island country. After Lu Yu was infected by Xue Ming, he was confident and believed that there was much depth to be tapped.

Chu Yuanxi had to remind him: "Be more sober, what I introduced is a programmer..."

All in all, he felt that Lu Yu seemed to have seen a broad road. After the successful development of the technology here, the short video could be output like a diabetes.

As for the live broadcast of virtual idols, although Le Element, Penguin, Giant, Zha Yi and other giants are all intervening in virtual idols, Lu Yupao, who has already begun to enter a state of self-confidence, spent several nights in station B and researched station B. After Vtuber's status quo, it was believed that the Ba people could sling all the current similar grandparents.

Chu Yuanxi originally felt that there was a problem in this regard, because the vision is easy to solve, how to deal with the sound? If you use AI to train a voice-producing robot, you can learn and speak complete sentences, but you can't directly use the voices of well-known voice actors. Like Kegiya Rie, a lot of lawsuits were used immediately. But without the voice of a well-known voice actor, what should I do if the voice cannot get to the audience?

Lu Yu patted his thigh: "We have money!"


"Let's directly introduce voice actors." Lu Yu plausibly said: "Mediterranean Games can introduce an island country team with a size of 20 people. Why can't Pakistani Information sign an island country voice actor?"

Chu Yuanxi said that you have learned to budget even with thick eyebrows and big eyes? "Okay, as long as you can do it, you can sign a few more if one is not enough."

Although he does not have any specific plans for the otaku community, whether IP creation, operation of fan groups or even making money, he is very happy to incur some reasonable expenses for this. It's not because the Pakistani people are rich. Rich is only a sufficient condition. What drives him to spend money is the data and atmosphere of station B.

This data did not appear in the original world, so he has never put the rise of station B in a particularly important position. It was not until the third quarter data came out that he found out what kind of position he ignored.

Just list a set of data to know the value of station B users, such as a single user's daily use of APP for 78 minutes! Today's Toutiao APP was cited as a major enemy by pony when its user's daily time reached 40 minutes. When it reached 76 minutes, it was subjected to heavy supervision and even besieged by BAT!

In fact, Chu Yuanxi had been touched before, that was when he saw several giants waving banknotes in the pan-entertainment territory and sprinting for the copyright of the second element. Penguin’s rush is especially energetic. It has the momentum of hunting around the country, and it has indeed gained a lot of traffic, but although the "quantity" of the traffic has come, the "quality" can't rise. After watching the penguin animation, users go to the B station to interact. , The scene was very embarrassing.

Why is this so? Chu Yuanxi recently researched it and found that station B is not powerful in the second dimension, but the second dimension otaku, and UGC.

This made him very regretful, and he did not give Lu Yu an order to increase his funds to attack Station B early. Even this made him have to reflect on whether he was really too old, and there was a generation gap with young people, so he didn't pay much attention to subculture. He had been here before, but he was indifferent.

In particular, station B is going to hold a New Year’s Eve party recently. This format has made many people in the industry look confused, but Chu Yuanxi feels that this plan is superb. It is a concrete action to redefine what is meant by "mainstream." The mainstream people bravely claim the right to speak.

However, Lu Yu has not successfully entered the B station because the Pakistani information's own tonality and ability did not play at the B station, so he did not allocate his energy to the B station. So much so that he and Chu Yuanxi regretted being together.

Station B not only takes a long time, but the number of video submissions has doubled over the same period last year, and the number of user interactions has doubled. If this growth rate is not terrible enough, then another phenomenon is that Chu Yuanxi has to upgrade his knowledge-the drainage cost of station B.

The most expensive thing to make an APP is promotion, but after making a national-level application, the promotion cost is no longer a problem, until this national-level application encounters its own "content ceiling", that is, relying on its own content and tonality, the whole country With so many users, it is difficult to attract traffic. Why does Toutiao APP prefer to have a big search on Baidu in court? Zhang Ming once said that Toutiao APP does not do search, and the growth space of DAU may only be 40 million.

This is the moment when a national-level app needs to reconstruct its own content.

The most notable feature of station B now is that it has been out of the circle. It is no longer a small circle of two-dimensional otaku, but an advanced national level, and it is very far from the ceiling, so the drainage cost is extremely low, and the users attracted are extremely low. High-quality, many of them are UGC users who make money by contributing videos for the better and better ecological environment of station B.

Therefore, the traffic at station B is currently a huge positive cycle.

In this situation, there might not be a good opportunity to get into the car. It was Chu Yuanxi's sensitivity to traffic that made him immediately think that this was an opportunity to rub traffic when he saw what Yu Yanan was watching.

So this thing can only be let Lu Yu do it. Chu Yuanxi has other things, such as asking a writer to help identify candidates and set up an international business department at the end of last month. The writer finally gave feedback and gave it all at once. The four candidates made Chu Yuanxi fall into choice difficulties.

The first is Warren Eric, who was the former head of game operations at Entertainment.

The product is the first king of the mobile Internet era, called Angry Birds, but the revenue ability is also regressing under the circumstance of declining heat, so last year it closed the studio in London. Eric has been wandering for more than a year after he left, and now I heard that some people are willing to shoot high salaries and are more interested.

Chu Yuanxi asked a question: "Well, this tycoon is too old, can this work?"

"Eric said he would report to the 11-year-old girl as long as he was given money."

The second person’s choice of coffee position is not so high, but his resume is brighter, and he almost blinds Chu Yuanxi’s krypton golden dog’s eyes. It is actually Wilham, the publishing director of Activision. He has worked for Activision for 8 years and published " "Call of Duty" and "Destiny" previously reported directly to Activision CEO Bobby.

This person has won praise from writers-he has the ability to bring **** products to the public.

After seeing this resume, Chu Yuanxi hoped that he would be like Warren Eric, who would be desperate for money.

However, the writer frankly said: "Wilham has little hope, although he is now idle. Even if you are a group company that has just received $5 billion in funding, if you want to hire Wilham, you can at least be the president. Now you It’s a start-up subsidiary who is introducing talents. Although it seems very promising, it is still too young. In fact, I did not hope for this option. Without a suitable position, the chairman of the board will not work."

Chu Yuanxi said, why are you mentioning this candidate? I want to try it anyway.

The third resume in his hand comes from a lady named Amy. She was originally the plot designer of Uncharted. She also left EA after the chief designer of Uncharted left last year. It’s just that the entrepreneurial business is not successful in AR, and I don’t know if it’s because of the bad environment or the failure to do it well. In short, the small and beautiful CEO worked for a year.

Chu Yuanxi does not discriminate against game plot designers, but this kind of qualifications, especially having just experienced a failure, made him doubtful.

The resume of the fourth is completely different from the first three and must be interpreted by Elizabeth. At this time Elizabeth had arrived in Nha Trang, Vietnam, and the next stop was Phu Quoc Island. She gave Chu Yuanxi a detailed explanation on the long-distance bus, and she had heard of this person.

The fourth person introduced by the writer is also a young lady named Susan Bell. She is not a practitioner in the game industry, or even a typical mobile Internet operator. Through Elizabeth's interpretation, Chu Yuanxi understood her as an "industry influencer" in the United States.

The so-called industry influencers do not rely on ordinary methods to become influencers, but are very popular in an industry and have many peer fans. This situation is not uncommon. For example, there are many Internet celebrity siege lions among the programmers, and a certain Internet celebrity siege lion whose front-end time has been hyped in the program apes group diss a P10 interviewer because of the interview with Ali. The battle of words is one of the representative events, during which a large number of siege lions came off the field to cheer both sides.

Susan Bell’s situation is similar. She has worked at Google, Facebook, and Shengpotian, but all of them left after less than a year of work. After leaving, she immediately posted a passionate article on Twitter to change the previous period of work. The experience is summarized and scored.

This has brought huge topicality and traffic to Susan. Her ratings are not all diss. There are praises and criticisms, and her rhetoric is sharp. The key is that none of the companies she left has forced her, which has increased her popularity.

Chu Yuanxi always felt that these companies were more wise and didn’t tear it apart, but ordinary Internet users seldom think so. This makes this young lady quite popular in the U.S. operating industry, and some media even say that she is not engaged in Mobile Internet operations have created a new profession called "Company Experience Officer."

This is quite magical. Chu Yuanxi doesn't know if she is suitable for Zhao Jie's use, let alone how long she can work, or even why she came to the country to find a job across the ocean. What is the purpose? Isn’t it moisturizing being an Internet celebrity in the United States?

However, this candidate has a unique advantage, that is, there is no problem with the first three big bosses. When they come, they are employees. They will never ask for the ranks of vice president, president or even CEO, nor will they require super high salaries. The ability is in the average level of the top three big brothers, it is definitely worth considering.

Chu Yuanxi's career is actually relatively short, because he is young and has worked at full capacity for 8 years. If you add up the experience of the two worlds, you will add another 4 years. Therefore, he has never contacted such an Internet celebrity employee, but Elizabeth's prompt is very clear, because this Susan Bell, she may not find a suitable job in the United States.

In this way, Chu Yuanxi understood that with this kind of resume and characteristics, large companies are unwilling to call, and small companies are unwilling to go. It's not that they can't go, but they lose shares and fans. Therefore, it is better for the other party to travel across the oceans to find a foreign company to brush their resumes.

These are the four explanations Chu Yuanxi put on Zhao Jie's desk.

Zhao Jie has actually built an overseas operation team, but the recruits are all talents with ordinary overseas operation experience. It is necessary for the writer to recommend the leader of this team to be able to operate overseas corresponding to the H5 The person who promotes the program. Such a leader must have a deep understanding of the living environment and user tone of overseas social networks, rather than ordinary operating experience.

In the past half a month, Zhao Jie was waiting for his position. Chu Yuanxi threw the four candidates directly to him, because in the end he had to choose and talk to the candidates for employment, prospects, and conditions.

Zhao Jie is already the CEO, and ordinary recruitment can be done by Pakistani Group, but for this kind of candidate who basically needs to be appointed as a vice president, although the Pakistani Group has a larger share in the Gobi network, he is the one at the helm. What kind of promise is given, what salary and conditions are given, and even how to fool people over depends on him.

However, Chu Yuanxi did not act as the shopkeeper. Instead, through the literary magnate, he suggested that the four tycoons each next Chinese and Korean version of Douyin, and then waited for the double twelve Douyin event. They can experience the product "Wu Dao Hun Jun", but this activity allows them to intuitively see the influence of the Ba People Group through Douyin.

Of course, Chu Yuanxi said, "Zhao Jie, let's invite Wilham over and play in the Imperial Capital. Let's talk about the failures. Let's talk. What do you think? "

Zhao Jie looked dumbfounded: "Why did you call people over to play in this cold weather?"

"This is not something I need to consider..."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"Talk about ideals and What else can we talk about?" Chu Yuanxi left this arduous task to Zhao Jie after she said, and walked away by herself. Before leaving Beijing, the Ba people had other things to do. Arranged.

With three days to go before Double Twelve, Lu Yu has basically arranged the outreach work that should be done, and all the results have been submitted to Chu Yuanxi for review. There is no official page for this event, no official stickers and special effects, and only materials can be selected from the existing vibrato materials. Therefore, it is inherently weaker than the official event. This is inevitable, but the efficiency of Lu Yu's money is in Chu Yuanxi It seems to be OK. First, I contacted more than 20 celebrities through the Pakistani media Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei.

Chu Yuanxi didn't know in advance that the stars in this year's scene are so easy to mobilize. His thinking is still stuck in the original world. When the movie was made in early 2017, the prices of the stars were high, and he didn't expect to be in the winter of film and television. Shrunk a hundred times. Among them, there are those who are willing to make a PY, no money, which is very pleasant.

Among them, Li Zifeng is sure to sell some strength. He has already lowered his worth and joined the short video crew of "Wu Dao Hun Jun". The relevant material is bowed down. However, Lu Yu also asked him to take out the boutique, which was sent by the company. Hope for the money.

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