Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 954: Be cautious

Chu Yuanxi: Look at you, don't you understand? Many are PY transactions. Besides, let’s get to know the artist market first...

   This is not Chu Yuanxi's search, but the rate at which the market is shrinking this year is visible to the naked eye. Projects are declining rapidly, new projects are not established, and even old projects have been cut. From the first line to the third line, from the elderly to the rookies, the celebrities can receive fewer and fewer dramas. Many big stars have not received jobs for a whole year, and even big stars like Huo Jianhua are self-deprecating and unemployed.

   Otherwise, the Internet variety show like "Actors in Place" would not be so popular, and a large number of artists have begun to change their minds to squeeze online, and even cause trampling.

   This bad situation is transmitted to the upstream, so that many brokerage companies do not sign a year, or only sign one or two, because the resources are too limited. However, the ability of network delivery has become a "resource" this year. Therefore, Pakistani people have really not signed fewer people this year, and Zhu Yan has become an alternative in the artist job market.

In fact, for Zhang Ming, under the operating strategy of Douyin, which tends to be celebrities, he is also concerned about the ecology of celebrities and artists, but the priority is not high, especially Toutiao also launched a "co-producer" plan in June. . Therefore, he is not ignorant. He just saw that Chu Yuanxi spent a few million to take care of the matter, and he was still doing it under his nose...

   At this moment, Chu Yuanxi turned to a headline article called "A Tribute to This Era". Zhang Ming clicked and saw that it was actually the rainbow fart posted by the Pakistani people on the headline tuba to tout the vibrato ecology. It is said that Douyin has convenient and easy-to-use functions, and the structure allows us UGC to engage in such a grand and spontaneous event, which is second to none in China. No other platform has such a strong endogenousness that can evolve to this point.

   Zhang Ming couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it, but what he said was actually a fact! Although Kuaishou has all functions, its ecology can't do this kind of activity!

   Close this enthusiastic article, Zhang Ming put the whole thing down to continue his work, but he did not know that the article Chu Yuanxi posted on Weibo was not written like this. The title on Weibo is "Yes, I did it", and the Pakistani shouted loudly, calling on the players of "Wu Dao Faunjun" to participate.

   A long, long time ago, before the "Wu Dao Faunjun" game was launched, this IP was first preheated on Weibo and Douyin, and many short videos were posted. Therefore, there should be a lot of players on Weibo fans. These users, as well as the lurking "Wu Dao Hun Jun" seed users in Douyin, are the third wave of firepower preset for this event, which constitutes the three-stage rocket power system of the entire event.

   In fact, the player power is the main body, because the number is large. The feature of the vibrato ecosystem is that as long as you send a lot, there will always be a burst of money, which is different from Kuaishou. Therefore, as long as the number of users participating in the activity comes up, the chance of a hit is several hundred percent, and there will always be a few big hits.

   But to be honest, there is a huge traffic pool that the Ba people don't use, and that is the player in the mobile game "Wu Dao Hun Jun". Now the DAU of the players who hang up has reached 20 million, and as predicted at the beginning, the growth momentum has fallen rapidly, and it seems that the follow-up is weak. Therefore, it is necessary to organize this event in advance.

   But this pool can't move. As soon as it moves, it becomes a Pakistani mobile game for Douyin drainage.

   From Weibo and Ti, it is the fans of the M agency sorted out from the media matrix. It is justified to drain traffic from these accounts to one's own apps, but on the other hand, Chu Yuanxi dare not operate without permission to drain traffic from others from his own commercialized apps.

At this time, "Wu Dao faunjun" is also, it is almost catching up with some chicken-eating mobile games. Although the income is the same as chicken, but the size is here, the Douyin is suddenly drained and no ads are received. Fee, it is estimated that many people will have ideas, which will affect the camp attributes and operating space of the Pakistani group, and even affect the well-off.

After the sale of the Pakistani game, the faction attribute of the Pakistani in the Internet map of the Celestial Dynasty must be biased towards Ali. Maybe they have stepped on the thunder pool. If you move to cross the boundary, you must be cautious. Bear the consequences.

   Chu Yuanxi originally thought that it was enough to be polite with Zhang Ming, and there is enough to keep the relationship between the Ba people and the headline. After all, from the root cause, this activity is an activity of active Douyin users, which is beneficial to Douyin itself and does not offend anyone. It's just a bit sudden, and the traffic it drives is a bit large, which may cause some people to think about it.

   Unexpectedly, Zhang Ming suddenly asked: Why do you engage in self-media overseas? I mean, like yours, you spend money on the media and don’t understand it.

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that you can’t understand it!

   His reply is: What is the purpose of self-media in China, and what is it overseas? We media that spend money to promote their own accounts are not rare in China.

   Zhang Mingxin said this is totally different, okay? I still don’t know how to advertise from the domestic media? I have never seen a person like you.

   I saw Chu Yuanxi and then said: The cost of foreign promotion is too high, and it is far less moisturizing than domestic! The user’s taste is also uncertain, and I was forced to make no choice but to rashly imitate the domestic method to make the account. Once the water and soil are not satisfied, the effect will be worse. If tiktok is so fierce overseas as in China, I will feel comfortable and I don’t need to be a strange flower!

   Zhang Mingxin said that co-authoring is still my fault?

   However, although tiktok is known as a social upstart, it has developed a community atmosphere of large-scale online foreign friends in the island country. However, the user density cannot be compared with China in any case, and it is rejected by various old Shanghai media. Users wanting to move between tiktok and other social platforms have artificially set up many obstacles.

   For Pakistani people, let alone any new routines, even if it is a re-enactment of the original IP creation of "Troubled Times", there is not a certain concentration, there is no convenient environment for sorting out fans, and adjusting the account of the fans. Zhang Ming has not investigated these situations carefully, but he can guess one or two with the feeling of the world's top product manager.

   He knows that Pakistani secretly opened several sets of videos focusing on Chinese food overseas. There are tiktok and other platforms. They are pretty good. It's just a few levels worse than that of Pakistani Entertainment's wild staking on the Douyin platform.

   Thinking of this, he asked again: Don’t you want to push some apps overseas to do some apps? Do you know that there is a company called Akagi Technology, which is about to IPO.

   Chu Yuanxi nodded on the Internet, not to agree with Zhang Ming's statement, but to feel that Zhang Ming is optimistic about Chicheng Technology.

   His reply is: Don't do it, Akagi is obviously a negative teaching material.

   Akagi Technology is actually called the overseas headline system, because the tactics adopted by the headline system are almost the same from model to frame. They are both to build an APP army, but the specific applications are different, and the market environment is also different.

Toutiao is using Toutiao APP, Douyin Volcano Watermelon and other tractor applications to form an APP matrix. After that, the traffic is distributed through the so-called AI engine, which is a machine algorithm that Toutiao is proud of. This advertisement is distributed on the advertising platform. The platform is the famous "mass engine" and the main source of revenue for Toutiao.

Akagi’s APP matrix includes a series of apps and games such as Google Store’s 2015 global best app “Lock Screen Master”, “Solo Desktop” and “App Lock” with search engine and information flow recommendation attributes. The traffic is grouped into e to connect with the advertising platform.

   This system is called "CBA" mode by the investment circle, with C-end B-end + AI. There are headlines in front of the jade, and the valuation of 75 billion US dollars is very exciting. Akagi is naturally sought after by a large amount of capital, and the road to listing is smooth.

   But let’s calm down and look at it, even if it is IPO right away, what is the market value of Akagi Technology? It is nothing more than two or three billion, and the Pakistani Group can buy ten!

In Chu Yuanxi’s criteria, Akagi’s IPO operation is indeed beautiful. The problem is that this company has been doing it for seven years, and the entire application matrix adds up to only 35 million daily activities. How interesting is it to do this kind of thing? ? All the apps added up are similar to the DAU of the mobile game "Unwinding". After finishing the event today, I don't know how much DAU can get, but it won't be too much.

   This fully illustrates the situation that it is not easy to do applications in the offshore market.

   Is Akagi Technology the wrong way? They used the " a" method to move the domestic methodology that was successfully verified by the headline system to overseas, but the actual effect needs to be re-understood.

   Is it a technical or product quality problem? He won the title of "Top Developer" by Google.

   Therefore, the matter of creating an overseas headline system is definitely valuable and meaningful, but Chu Yuanxi is in a state that outsiders think is very high-end, difficult and low cost-effective, and it becomes worthless to him.

   Zhang Ming thinks he is so lofty, he can't even look down on the bright and handsome advertising platform of Akagi Technology?

   So he asked: Hey, do you know Akagi Technology?

   Chu Yuanxi: I really understand that I have to decide whether to vote in their advertisement. All their apps are added together only.

   Zhang Mingxin said that you have to be mad when people hear this. What is "only"? Is 35 million rare? what--

   Actually, Monica should decide how to spend the advertising fees, but Chu Yuanxi must decide on this matter, because this is not only a question of money, but also implies who should give the protection fees.

In the end, because of the consideration of giving money to social media platforms, the Pakistani Group can be on their whitelist as a whole, and even if there are any violations in the future, it will not be blocked, so it decided to vote on Google, Facebook and Twitter. . This bonus is based on the company label. Not only the current APP, but also the apps that will be launched in the future can enjoy the bonus treatment.

   The advertising engine of Akagi Technology naturally does not have this advantage, because their APP is a pure application rather than a platform. There is no problem of violations or violations, and there is no so-called whitelist.

   Soon Chu Yuanxi closed WeChat because of a new situation.

After a period of release on the Ba people’s side, the biggest hits did not come from Li Zifeng’s costume videos, did not come from the Ba people’s own anchors and artists, and did not produce other forms of production such as Jiao Tu’s comics. Instead, from an inconspicuous corner, a work suddenly emerged.

   This work comes from a non-famous voice actor in the island country, named Notake Chika. The content is a second production of a cartoon clip dubbed in the island’s national language. It is used to apply for information from Pakistani people.

   Lu Yu’s tactics for virtual idols at station B is to sign voice actors directly from the island country, but who to sign is a question. Because this motion just came into being, it was too late to slash people, so Lu Yu planned to cast a net in general and be a good sea king.

   Then standing on the platform near the water was this young lady who had dubbed the island country version of the mobile game "Unwinding".

   It is said that with the status and income scale of "A World of Disorder", one should find famous and excellent people anyway. Not to mention the local release of the island country, even if the two-dimensional mobile game is released in the country, there are many famous people from the island country, and the cost is very economical. Once domestic mobile games were vying for famous players, they raised prices and messed up the dubbing ecology of the island country. Of course, the voice actors were very excited.

   But "Unwinding in a Troubled Time" does not work, because there is no fixed text and the dialogue is randomly generated by AI. Therefore, the character dialogue in the game can only be left blank and cannot be matched with words. Only "sound effects" need to be matched, such as call signs in battle, screams that may frequently appear in the plot, cheering and so on.

   This kind of dubbing is too much to invite famous talents, so I have to entrust ordinary sound effects companies.

The well-known voice actors in the island countries usually sign up through the selection and even competitions of music firms, similar to the well-known “debut” in the country, and then start to develop both voice actors and singers at the same time, show their talents in the music industry, and give animation Dubbing.

   Notake Chika has insufficient qualifications. He didn't go through this link. Instead, he went directly to an ordinary music and sound effect company to engage in special dubbing work. He also didn't dub an animation, but hit "A Troubled World". But this is also an ordinary behind-the-scenes job, the kind that doesn't even show the name.

   But her timbre is very good. Yu Jie's voice has strong characteristics, and the sound she hears is very crisp, but after listening to it, it is like a reverberation, which is very worthy of aftertaste.

   At the beginning of this year, "Troubled Times" was launched in the island country through Naibao. It is impossible for the Pakistani people to ignore it. They must run to comment one or two. Therefore, the contact information of the young lady is left behind. At this time, Lu Yu issued a signing reminder. The salary was very attractive when he saw him, and the famous Yu Suzuki and a team of more than a dozen people were there, so he was moved.

   Lu Yu just caught up with the activity of "Wu Dao Faun Jun", so he handed out a title of "Wu Dao Faun Jun" as a test.

Lu Yu’s assessment can be said to be very unconcerned. There is no original content at all. He directly picked a small bridge section on Douyin that has been very popular recently and posted it, so that the girl can match the island language according to the context and scene, and make her own Picture. There are only two lines of dialogue, one man and one woman.

  女: My prince, my concubines are late.

  男: Kneel down!

The result is such a short piece of content that is less than ten seconds long. It burst after uploading. It quickly got 3 million likes, and it will probably increase later. From experience, it will reach at least 5 million likes. The Ba people can rank in the front in the vibrato works accumulated for so long. This made Chu Yuanxi had to stop talking to Zhang Ming and asked Lu Yu what to do next?

   "How to deal with it? Of course it is to sign someone over." Lu Yu said happily. The girl is still in the island country, and it is unlikely that she has become angry on Douyin. Isn't this very much a sign of signing?

  Chu Yuanxi knocked on his desk: "You are a little bit legally aware, you? You are not afraid of any disputes if you put the articles submitted by others on Douyin?"

"This is exactly how our company judges candidates objectively." Lu Yu said naturally, "Isn't this just because her work became popular under the indiscriminate push? How could there be disputes? The dispute is caused by the cultural differences between the two countries."

   Chu Yuan Xixin said you are awesome! People who post this work by themselves can at least gather more than 500,000 fans... Ba people make a lot of money!

   However, the employees who go to the island country are indeed different from the There are obvious differences in the overall spirit, so the other party may not mind.

   Actually Suzuki Yu's team has started work these days, and the Pakistani people can clearly feel the difference in team culture, which left a deep impression on Chu Yuanxi.

There are two working relationships in island country programmers, one is called regular members, and the other is called dispatch, and the proportion of dispatch is very large. It is hard to imagine that 90 out of 100 programmers in an IT company are dispatched. , There are only ten own companies.

   But no matter what kind of employees, they must abide by strict or rigid rules, not only in terms of attendance, but also in the R&D process.

  The IT project process of an island country starts with system planning, which requires conceptual definition and design, followed by coding and testing. Moreover, the testing is very detailed and takes a lot of time, and the design of the test is the highlight. It is said that only in this way can there be a purposeful test to minimize system bugs.

  In the development stage, the level of detail in the documentation surprised Yu Wenhui. The documents on his side are considered meticulous in all the Pakistani projects, but the island country programmer crashed directly after reading it, saying that it is impossible to do interlocking layers of progress, and it is impossible to follow the process...

   In short, after Chu Yuanxi got acquainted with the development team from this island country, he found that it was indeed easier to command, and he obeyed instructions very much. He just liked to make too much fuss that made him a little uncomfortable. Relatively speaking, the office process of the Korean government is too loose.

   Of course, this "overly relaxed" office environment may also make the other party uncomfortable, and both parties need to run in.

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