The Buddha said that a flick of a finger has twenty moments, and a flick of a finger has twenty moments. Within 4% of the time, Chu Yuanxi's mood experienced a process of sudden tension-strong fluctuations-sliding to a trough-bottoming out and rebounding. Returning to peace, he asked in frustration: "Which joke?"

"Impossible! You slander, you are jealous! Right?" Fang Shiling breathed fiercely, and asked angrily: "We are in such a good situation, why don't we really do a business? Why do we want to run away? The valuation can be tens of billions, not worse than you! Do you know how many difficulties I have overcome? Do you know how difficult it is to make a good project? It is hard for me—"

   Chu Yuanxi breathed a sigh of relief: "Have you heard it all? And you don't know?"

   He leaked the secret. This is a very bad thing at the legal level, but it was unintentional, and it is very necessary to explain to Zhu Yan immediately, otherwise she will withdraw the cash in the next second, and then alert the other party, which will cause even greater negative effects. So he can deal with the issue of leaks, at least it can explain it. If Fang Shiling can be taken out of it in advance for the consideration, it will be very good. It is extremely important for him to know whether Fang Shiling knows or not.

He strode forward a few steps, stood one foot away in front of Fang Shiling, smiled comfortedly, and eagerly said: "That's great, you surrender! I will take you. Take the initiative to voluntarily expose the report. Performing meritorious service, you are still a misdemeanor, and you will definitely be able to come out after a trial and two, two years, at most three years."

   Zhu Yun's eyes were dark, and he said Chu Yuanxi, are you confused? After the old aunt came out, she was still a good man? The question is how can I prove that I didn't know it after I entered? Can the judge believe so easily as you do? One trial and two sentences. Is it important for the judge to know the old aunt? What about your IQ?

   But I think about it again. Recently, many companies that do mutual funds have even caught programmers after committing crimes, and even those who haven't become regular after the trial period. It's useless to say anything to the old aunt!

   Sure enough, Fang Shiling didn't even think about it, screaming: "I don't want--" Then she turned and ran.

   Chu Yuanxi swooped forward and pulled Shiling's arm in one step, and ignoring her struggle, she clasped Fang Shiling's arms tightly.

   "You calm down! I ask you, who is in charge of this project?"

   "You all know each other, it's the left eye in name, but it's Lei Siyun in fact!"

"It's impossible! You are so stupid. They can devise such a complicated routine based on their little ability? Do you believe it? They can make a reasonable financial market? The leek cuts the king rank! You! Think about it after draining the water in your mind, think carefully!"

"Then I don't know! You let me go! Look at the large number of people in the group, and the American team, I am an anchor. Check their corporate funding!" Fang Shiling said, still struggling," You let it go! We didn't make a capital market at all! We have conducted two internal checks, and that capital market is a liar in our name!"

   Chu Yuanxi held on, not only holding on, but also holding on tighter. "You stupid! You have been used as a KOL and you don’t even know! Others are liars, don’t you know what a white paper is? Have you been a pig for a long time blockchain anchor? Just listen The myth of the benefits of cryptocurrency has been brainwashed. Haven't you learned anything about a dime? Your white paper and the white paper on the capital market have been reversed by us, and they are exactly the same! How can there be two?

   Let me think, has anyone of you been abroad recently? Have been in China before, and have recently gone abroad, especially to the United States? Do you have? Whoever runs ahead of time is most suspected. "

   "Yes, Geng Bin is going to coordinate the American team——"

   Fang Shiling suddenly stopped talking. Isn't this just a runaway?

   has already ran off, indicating that the time for generating the power in the original plan is not far away, right? Hearing Chu Yuanxi's voice returned to normal, she asked, "Is it called Geng Bin? What does he look like?"

   Fang Shiling nodded blankly. Suddenly, she shivered, and then struggling violently again, twisting her waist, wanted to leave.

   Chu Yuanxi used both arms together, forcibly pulled her back, and then leaned over to get close.

   Zhu Yun stood by, asking Chu Yuanxi, is this the girl who is going to kiss goodbye in front of this fairy? And is this time for kissing? what--

   At this moment, she suddenly saw Chu Yuanxi stretch her hand into the pocket of her Baoli coat while Fang Shiling was in a blur.

  What is he doing?

   At the same time, Chu Yuanxi was still whispering something in Fang Shiling's ear. In just a few words, Fang Shiling suddenly stood still and stopped violently struggling.

The scent of    is tangy, and the clear fragrance spans time, allowing him to find the feeling he was indulged in the past, but this time he will never fall on any symbol again. It's a pity that Fang Shiling pushed him quickly, and stepped back a few steps.

   Chu Yuanxi suddenly stretched out his hand: "What are you doing? Let's go and surrender together, no, I don't need to surrender, I mean I will take you there, I know the place."

   Fang Shiling took a deep breath, with frost on his face: "Don't come here, you are a scumbag! And also my catastrophe! I'm gone, I never want to see you again!"

   "You stop." Chu Yuanxi seemed to be talking about a very common thing, the volume was not high at all, and the eyes were not fierce at all. "I leaked the secret, it's very bad. But you heard it, and it's even worse. You know everything now. You can only go with me and surrender immediately. I will testify to you. You did not inform anyone. You In order to achieve the best result. Once you leave my sight and any important people run away, I can’t help you. Be reasonable."

   "Okay, let's go..." Fang Shiling only said five words, but the scale went down gradually, and the brilliance on his face disappeared.

   "That, let's be lenient." Chu Yuanxi didn't know what to say. She turned her head and glanced at Zhu Yan, as if hesitated, then took out two mobile phones.

  Zhu Yun suddenly became embarrassed, because one of them was Fang Shiling's, and it also had Peppa Pig’s phone case...

   Fang Shiling saw it too, her fingers trembled and said nothing.

Chu Yuanxi glanced at her WeChat first, and then started calling: "Hello? Cao Xiang? Where are you? Oh good, I'm going now. Ah, yes, I stabbed Louzi. You help me report to the commissioner , Fang Shiling heard me when I was talking, she was panicked, it seemed that she didn't know.

   Hey Commissioner Hello, hello, have you heard it all? what? Why did I say it? Oops, I really don’t blame me for this. On the occasion I just judged it, it’s worse if I kept it secret. The other party might react immediately, and it will be fried. I will explain now. Then Fang Shiling confessed important clues and reported them together, striving for meritorious service. Hmm, I will take her there now?

what? Why don't I control her? Why should I control her? With my face? I have warned her who should warn her. Ouch, I’m so stubborn that I won’t let her confide in her, let’s say I stole her mobile phone. Yes, her mobile phone is with me. If I control her mobile phone, I control her. OK, I'll hang up first. "

   Zhu Yun vaguely heard someone on the other side of the phone say: "You guys are pretty awesome!"

   She had a wrong look: "Chu Yuanxi, I didn't think you would steal your phone with thick eyebrows, you?"

   "I'm saving Fang Shiling! How can the saving of people be considered stealing?"

   Zhu Yunxin said that this is really "save"?

   "Okay, then you go quickly, I'll go back to greet them first, and it will be as if nothing has happened. Don't be afraid, old auntie, don't listen to Chu Yuanxi's bluffing, you don't know or benefit, it's not that serious at all."

   Chu Yuanxi suddenly looked weird, "Why are you going back? Sing? You can't go back anymore, let's go along!"


   "Are you also an insider now, okay? There is also the risk of leaking the wind. Give me your phone."

   Seeing Chu Yuanxi stretch out his hand, Zhu Yun looked Spartan and his mental activities were extremely complicated.


   This evening was quite disturbing and very peaceful for Zhu Yan, because the mobile phone was deprived, and the people living on the mobile phone were forced to calm down, but they were absent-minded.

   Fortunately, she doesn't need to be repeatedly asked for details like Chu Yuanxi, she only needs to sign a few words in the warm room, make a transcript, make things clear, and then there will be no more.

   The next day, Chu Yuanxi appeared at the company vigorously. Although the dark circles under her eyes were very heavy, she was in a very good mood and swept away the haze of the previous few days.

   This made Zhu Yan breathe a sigh of relief. Chu Yuanxi hadn't finished her work when she came out in the middle of the night. After a night of psychological self-destruction, she is now more embarrassed than last night, and more clearly realizes the severity of the incident than last night. In case her brain was too hot to ask Chu Yuanxi to directly contribute funds, not only will the money be gone, but everyone will become a limited liability person.

   In fact, the incident was more serious than she thought, because it needed to be launched in advance, which added a lot of difficulty to the relevant departments.

Of course, it’s hard for Zhu Yan to know the specific process. What she can see is that Zhongchuangtonghui got 404 last night. When she took back her mobile phone, she found that, as she expected, she could no longer withdraw cash. Don't go in.

   Then just now, the official notifications have been issued, and at the same time, the Imperial Securities Regulatory Bureau also issued a clear notice: media units are prohibited from promoting any virtual currency projects or platforms. (In reality, the author Junshi can't find out when this notice was posted. It was first seen in the news on the issue, so it was assumed to be the 27th, so don't worry about it)

   Below this short notice are countless blockchain cryptocurrency projects, or leek projects, the final wailing and despair.

  Because of the timely closing of the network and Cao Xiang's ability to dismantle his own technology, the entire crowd-creation pass platform was instantly locked, and no money ran out. This is what Chu Yuanxi was more pleased with, and did not report in vain. As for how to return the money to the rights protection user, it is not a question he should consider, as long as Zhu Yan does not chase his **** to compensate for the loss.

   But because the net was hurriedly deployed, and Geng Bin had already slipped before Cao Xiang reported it, he didn't catch the first evil, only the larger fish like Lei Siyun and Left Eye. Originally, according to the plan, I wanted to see if I could catch Geng Bin back. Although the other party's experience may not come back because of the calm and quiet here, I can find opportunities to cause trouble. It's just that the time is too tight, and there is not enough time for normal network deployment.

   This is the biggest drawback of launching early.

   The whole thing happened soon and ended soon. It took six days before and after, Chu Yuanxi was also the first time, and there was no time for reflection in the process. When the net was closed, he also had a hint of worry, because he had made enemies with the bad guys. He is not afraid of things, but this kind of enemy who is good at sneaking into the dark, if his IQ is relatively high, the method has no lower limit, he cuts off the hand of evil but does not die, then he is always quite annoying.

Especially Geng Bin should still have some money in his hands. Although not only did he not make money this time, he also accompanied him for a while. From the beginning of "Tiger Pian" to the acquisition of "Middle Night Gallery", and later as a platform, development, heading, etc. There can be hundreds of millions in it, but people should have a lot of savings in cutting leeks in the United States last time, right?

It’s best for this kind of person to hit him with a stick and break his brain, but his ability to commit crimes is too sophisticated. The plan of running is very clear, and the time is better. Chu Yuanxi has nothing to do, but to strengthen security. On the agenda, it may be time to hire a bodyguard.

  Of course, it cannot be said that Geng Bin got nothing, because after interrogation, Lei Siyun confessed a lot of dry goods, and one of them made Chu Yuanxi stunned. That is, Gao Wenming has become the only leek cut by Geng Bin in this big case. He plans to invest up to 10 million yuan in Zhongchuangtonghui. He has already called the platform, but he took another special account and entered directly. He lost Geng Bin’s pocket.

A known:

   Gao Wenming sold the account for 20 million, but the money is not all his. It has to be distributed to investors by one third of the shares, and then he has to pay a tax. Now I have lost 10 million yuan, and the money has been hit, but I haven't even done business changes.


   What is the psychological shadow area of ​​Gaocivilization?

   Chu Yuanxi suddenly had a lot of things to ask Gao Wenming, because he really felt that he was particularly lucky.

   Even if he does not consider the limited liability, he has already paid, and he has also made a friendly guest appearance on the live broadcast. Should he be deeply involved in this project in the next step? If the business change is made, won't it become a limited liability person? But now Gao Wenming is the role of a victim. A bigger heart can be regarded as nothing happened. Chu Yuanxi feels like he has saved another one. Maybe he would have to be happy if he understands people?

It's a pity that Chu Yuanxi can only regret now that he can't verify the answer to him. There is no channel to fully express these feelings to Gao Wenming, because Gao Wenming has blackened him... I guess he is spitting fragrance. ?

Seeing that Chu Yuanxi seemed to have the intention of paddling at work, Zhu Yan hurried into the Xiaokang president’s office and asked her the question she had been struggling with for half the night: "Hey, Chu Yuanxi, you said, if you didn’t reveal the secret to me last night , What will happen?"

   Chu Yuanxi got angry when he heard this question! Because these series of incidents were all caused by the fact that he had to leak secrets, he received a round of criticism and explained it for a long time before taking responsibility for himself and Zhu Yan.

He said this when he was approved last night: "What could I do then? Zhu Yan asked me if I voted, did I say to vote? Zhu Yan helped Fang Shiling as a lobbyist to help her increase her performance. I just need to vote. Zhu Wei and Fang Shiling announced the good news, Fang Shiling immediately sent the news back. At that time, Zhongchuangtonghui was able to issue an announcement saying that it had obtained the financing commitment of the Pakistani Group and that Chu Yuanxi was willing to become the cornerstone investor of the project.

   Let me tell you, I’m not bragging, but Chu Yuanxi’s reputation is so big now. I said that if you vote, you will have to add tens of thousands of victims in less than five minutes. I don’t know when you will close the Internet. I have to consider the consequences, right?

   Replaced by me, what should I do in this case? Saying to vote, immediately pit the people, I had no choice but to say not to vote, and you must also not vote for you. "

   "You can say that you think about it, and you can delay for a while!"

"I tell you, Zhu Yan is too familiar with me. She knows that I never procrastinate. I said that considering considering is exactly the same as rejecting. Besides, I am a very stupid person with a slow mind. I didn't think so much at the time. And there shouldn't be anyone beside a dark corner.

   The situation at that time was that Zhu Yun refused to vote when I heard that, but she had already bought some tokens. As soon as I heard this, I knew there was going to be a bad dish. Sure enough, she naturally wanted to raise the money and withdraw completely.

   This must not work, right? At that time, I had to stop it, otherwise it would be easy to get started. There will be no way later, and I don’t vote, and I don’t let her bring up the token, then I don’t want to explain? Zhu Yan likes to ask questions. "

   "Would you not comfort her?"

Chu Yuanxi said with a grievance: "I'm soothing, it's useless. I told her you don't mention it first, you wait and see, if you lose how much you accompany, how much I will supply you. She won't listen! I'll tell you Zhu Yan can have his own opinions. She is now worthy of the top five female entrepreneurs under 30 in the country. A very powerful person cannot be fooled.

  The key problem is that the Zhongchuangtonghui project looks really attractive. Although they are issuing funds and pulling them offline, it is not a typical Ponzi scheme. What they return is that the token is not cash. Zhu Yan and Fang Shiling are alumni again, and there is nothing wrong with being willing to invest. Are you saying that? "

   In short, as a whistleblower, and he has nothing to do with the illegal project, Chu Yuanxi is still a bit able to speak. It only caused great trouble for the relevant departments to close the net. As a result, he complained for a while. Fortunately, the money did not run away, and the main criminals were caught. Chu Yuanxi was relieved.

   But he couldn't blame Zhu Yun for the leak. Although this outburst was entirely caused by her extra effort, what happened afterwards was a normal reaction to Zhu Yan, including the need to raise the token, which was just human instinct.

  The reason why Chu Yuanxi was so angry was that when he was sophistry afterwards, he suddenly realized that he actually had a perfect answer to effectively avoid leaks. "I should have said this at the time-it's okay to vote for yourself, but I don't vote. I am not optimistic, but I hate all the projects related to Fang Shiling, and I don't want to increase her performance. This is at best by others. Make fun of small belly chicken intestines."

   "Aren't you cheating me?"

   Zhu Yun’s cheeks immediately looked in the direction of Crayon Xiaoxin. However, Chu Yuanxi sneered: "You are a pitfall! I should choose to cheat you, you will be honest if you cheat you twice!"

   "Then why don't you say that?"

   "Because I am kind, what should I do if I can't deceive people?"

   This answer made Zhu Yun feel at It seems that Chu Yuanxi really didn't blame him, even if it were to blame, she was at best to blame her blindness. Was she to blame? Zhu Yan had been struggling with things for half a night.

   Her mood suddenly cleared: "Oh, yes, what did you whisper to the old aunt last night?"

   "Want to know? Ha, I won't tell you!"

   "Cut!" Zhu Yun knew this was the case as soon as he guessed it. My heart said I would call you a scumbag, would you dare to agree? "Hey, let me ask you again. When you went downstairs last night, you held the old aunt with your left hand and held me with your right hand. What was the experience?"

  Chu Yuanxi raised his eyes rarely, "Where do you have so many problems? What experience? The experience of leading the left and right."


   (end of this volume)


   Yesterday’s chapter really scared the author, did you persuade him to leave? What to screen readers and other comments is simply a crit on the author!

   It seems that I am still incapable of strength... Weakly ask, do you want to see the author change the plot online? Change all the contents of these two chapters to the mode you like to watch?

   I remember changing the plot online is even more frustrating. Yesterday, I actually hesitated for a long time, but every day I lack effective communication channels with the readers' grandpas.

   Below this sentence, I will post this chapter and say, if you like more than 400 likes, I will revise the manuscript online. Before noon tomorrow, the first two chapters will be revised. How about? You are satisfied with the kind.

  :. :

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