Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 102: Half of the country

   In the end, He Nami followed Chu Yuanxi on the subway, but when she got on the subway, she deliberately separated from Chu Yuanxi and stood on the other side of the carriage, far away.

   Zhu Hao is very fresh, and asked: "Let’s go today, and don’t plan to raise money. What are we going to do? Just watching the fun?

   "No, I have a hunch that something big will happen. I have a strong hunch that we must go and witness history."

   After finishing speaking, Chu Yuanxi asked Yang Yuanmei in a low voice, "Which responsibility does he care about me?"

"Hey, what do you want to change when you think about you? Isn't it beautiful if you have a beautiful woman?" Yang Yuanmei first despised, and then looked gossip: "You won't have a life with Qi Yuyuan, right? Reluctantly refuse Nami?"

Zhu Yan's gaze kept looking at the door of the car, and the lingering light drifted in the direction of He Nami, but his ears instantly rose up, and only heard Chu Yuanxi say, "Where is this all? I was beautiful, my mother was single. I don't want to change. I haven't contacted Qi Yu recently!"

   Zhu Yun’s ears were slapped alive and then drooped down. Yang Yuanmei looked at it and felt like vomiting: Are you an elven clan?

   She can stop at this time, but she promised to speak for her best friend, and this is just the right time, Chu Yuanxi mentioned it first. "Actually, Nami is a little selfish, but if you want to think that Nami is interested in you, don't be beautiful. Even if you want to chase after Nami, Nami may not be willing."

   Zhu Yun quit for now: "I think she's quite willing."

"She is willing or unwilling, hey, I didn't mean that..." Yang Yuanmei said in painful organizational language, and flicked her hair for a while, then said: "I mean, Nami knows that she is not worthy of Chu. Yuan Xi, therefore, wants to be better, to be able to be alone, and to become a worthy one of Chu Yuanxi. Therefore, she will not accept Chu Yuanxi now, because unequal love will not last."

After    she said, she gave Chu Yuanxi a fierce look: "Are you beautiful now? Huh?"

   "She said this? Can He Nami say such a level?" Chu Yuanxi looked at the curve of He Nami's back and didn't believe it at all. People with **** generally can't say such level.

   "That's what she meant anyway." Yang Yuan Meixin said that He Nami said at the beginning that she wanted to bring Chu Yuanxi to the same level as her, and then use her rich experience to defeat him... It should be similar to the understanding? Well, I didn't lie!

   But Chu Yuanxi’s understanding is much simpler-He Nami also wants to be an internet celebrity and doesn't want to post articles every day to maintain her account. She feels that her exercise period is already ok.

He fiddled with the phone while he was talking. Zhu Yan never left the phone when he saw him talking. He was irritated by He Nami and asked, "The phone is so fun? Which beauty is this chatting with? "

   "A beautiful man, not a beautiful woman." Chu Yuanxi shook the phone towards Zhu Yun. Zhu Yun only saw the head of a handsome guy on WeChat, and the note beside it was: Angel Fruit Network.

   "Who is this?"

   "Isn't our studio rented the office space of Fruit Network? This person is also my friend, the former president of Fruit Network, who rented it through him."

   "In the magic city?" Zhu Yun was somewhat impressed by this, mainly because of Li Qian. Although Chu Yuanxi didn't say it clearly, the gossip was flying all over the sky. It was this person who spoke to Zhang Jian and then opened Li Qian.

   "Yes, he will come to see the Imperial Capital after the New Year, and take a look at our company by the way."

  Yang Yuanmei also saw Chu Yuanxi’s mobile phone, but her focus was completely different from that of Zhu Yun. Zhu Yun looked at the portrait of handsome guy, and Yang Yuanmei looked at the content of the conversation. It seemed to be about investment and financing. So she asked: "This person also wants to invest in our company?"

   "Well, he valued us 20 million and plans to invest 5 million."

   Zhu Yun immediately "wow". The valuation of 20 million means that she has worked for a month and her net worth has soared to 5 million.

  Yang Yuanmei didn't count this number, because she understood: "You disagree? Have you made a counteroffer?"

   "Ah, I said starting from one billion and going up."

  Yang Yuanmei was almost lifted out of the stop by the subway, and she managed to sit firmly, only to hear Zhu Yan's scornful saying: "You are bullying someone else's handsome guy with a good temper, and I've blackened you long ago."

   "You don't understand this, we are reasonable people, am I not giving him reason?"

  Yang Yuanmei supported the seat: "What fallacies can you tell us to blow our company's valuation to 1 billion? Then I have 30 million worth?"

"Valuation logic, user value, price-earnings ratio." As the Chinese New Year approached, there were not many people on the subway. Chu Yuanxi simply made a voice on WeChat, which was equivalent to talking to An Qi while letting Yang Yuanmei and Zhu Yan listen: "I don't know you Have you ever cared about Hong Kong stocks? I have checked that Heung Kong's self-media "Mao Kei Kwai Chung" has issued a prospectus to prepare for an IPO. You can compare this company with ours. Who is more attractive? The valuation of the other is billions. Judging from the feedback, their IPO will definitely be many times overraised (tip 1)."

Chu Yuanxi didn’t wait for them to investigate, and continued: “It’s all from the media. The business logic of this company is lagging behind us. It’s not easy to compare different types of content, but we are obviously the best of the same type. By comparison, I think Pakistanis are much more attractive than the other. However, I only give a valuation of one billion, which is very objective. Don't even think about a valuation below one billion. I cannot agree."

An Qi’s voice immediately spread from WeChat: “I said Lao Chu. Not only did I know what you were talking about, I also went to Xiangjiang to see it on the spot. My 2016 fiscal year’s profit was more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars! Why does the company of the full moon compare with others? You want so much money, don’t worry, I don’t have so much money, but there is money waiting to be invested in the syndicate of Magic City, and I can get the investment if you make sense."

Chu Yuanxi said calmly, "Brother, you also start a company. You should know how to adjust profits (tip 2)? You can look through their financial reports carefully to see how much profits this year can make. I bet you will not exceed 10 million. That's also a company that is very financially involved."

   An Qi is going crazy: "Lao Chu, I believe what you said, but it is Xiangjiang’s "Ramping"! Ramping has not been IPO yet, and the valuation is 4 billion. The valuation is very reasonable after the IPO!"

"First of all, I admit that their content is very slippery. But they only do slippage of content, and then advertise and do peripherals, and they have an app that is completely useless. The business model is very low. Moreover, their content is not as good as it is. Boomman. Even if it is Boomman, you have to admit that Boomman itself is in harmony with the heavens and has a demon-like commercial right?"

   Wanhe Tianyi is the producer of "Unexpectedly", and "Hundred Thousand Cold Jokes" if there is a monster.

Chu Yuanxi went on to say: "The Ba people’s business plan has not been kept secret from you, and the basic logic has been explained. I only said that the business logic is ahead of Maoji Kuiyong, isn’t it too much? In fact, their user value is extremely low, mainly relying on The third-party channels, if they weren't just used for comparison, I can't remember them."


  Tips are here again: over-raising, that is, when the company is listed on the stock market, investors are enthusiastic about buying, exceeding the upper limit of funds raised. Assuming that only 10 million shares are offered to the public, but the investor’s purchase intention exceeds 10 million shares, then it is an over-raising, which means that the supply of new shares to be issued exceeds demand, and the issue price is set low.

   In the real world, for comparison, China Reading Group raised more than 600 times in the Hong Kong stock IPO and performed extremely well, but Mao Ji Kwai Chung raised more than 6000 times, setting a record for Hong Kong stocks. Then it...six months after listing, it plunged 90%, sprinting into the penny stocks.

   Tip 2 Adjusting profits: This is a way for companies to adjust financial statements, or operating space, permitted by financial standards. Through the rational use of financial standards, a company can shift its profits for a few years.

   For example, a certain profit can be recognized this year, next year, or the next year, and then it can be recorded as income, otherwise it is only accounts receivable. The company can then reflect this profit in a certain year's financial report according to its own needs, or conceal it for a certain period of time after it has received the money.

   Since the media company is an emerging economy, there is more room for ambiguity in financial standards and more flexible adjustment of profits.

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