Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 992: The feeling of meeting my own trumpet

"Senior, you are so young."

Lu Ting, the segment on the opposite side of the video, spoke first, Chu Yuanxi said with a dazed expression, and said that there is indeed a generation gap in three years. Now it is the same routine for young people to greet each other?

However, Chu Yuanxi can learn all the routines without a teacher, so he nodded and said: "Of course, the hero is a boy."

After such a chat, the atmosphere was immediately harmonious, and both parties talked about their own situation and position. Then Chu Yuanxi learned that Duan Luting was actually a son of his father’s business. This fresh food processing enterprise was said to be founded by him, but in fact it has a large family attribute. A family of more than a dozen people are distributed in various production and processing links. The initial small workshop was also a family asset, but he was the one in the middle.

This situation has advantages and disadvantages for mergers and acquisitions. Chu Yuanxi thought of two disadvantages in an instant. One is that it is easy to cheat. The first domino that caused the collapse of the fresh food track last year was when the founder of a star fresh food startup pulled his family into the purchasing system.

Therefore, from floor materials to office consumables, from store decoration to consultant fees, the source of fresh goods is of course not available. There are a large number of profit-makers in every aspect of the cash flow, and even the store’s liquidity is not spared. The next two clicks will burn all the investors' money.

However, the members of the old Duan family are basically on the production line. They are all working people, so the situation is much better than that of vampires. But the second disadvantage is even greater, that is, if the merger is completed, and then want to remove them intact, it will take a lot of effort.

However, these members were originally part of the assets of the subject matter of the merger. A good day is that as long as they are stabilized, the basic framework of the company is stable and troubles are not easy to occur.

But when Chu Yuanxi began to ask the price, Duan Luting smiled professionally: "Senior, let’s tell you, I don’t plan to accept mergers and acquisitions now. We still have enough money in the account. Although the business has been affected recently, the business The volume is still maintained, and the cash flow is also expanding. The key is that the development of the company has not reached my expectations, so now I am not willing to sell."

Chu Yuanxi pressed the table very hard, and couldn't see the opposite side anyway. This sounds familiar, it seems that I have said it some time? And it seems to have said it to different people more than once?

Of course, you must be calm when you speak, Chu Yuanxi smiled: "So, what are your expectations?"

"Me? Of course, my goal is to go public, or to be merged by a listed company. If a non-listed company must be merged, I hope it will be full cash, not less than 5 billion. This is what I can achieve in the future for Tianxian To what extent is estimated, although the last round of valuation was only 150 million yuan. Whether you laugh or think that I am so lofty, this is my goal anyway."

Chu Yuanxi said that he wiped it off. This is definitely what the old man said, at most it was a bit of a revision! Why don't young people now play cards according to their routines?

Of course, he didn't have any stance to spit on others. His goal was only 5 billion, which is still down to earth compared to calling out 300 billion. Even when the other party agreed to meet today, he felt that he might not meet for the sake of being acquired, but for something else. In this state, I am familiar with it anyway, but the seats need to be reversed.

For example, Chu Yuanxi thought of the early days of the Ba people. At that time, Daxia Investment talked to him, and then the two parties discussed a valuation of 50 million yuan. Has he thought about selling? Daxia will never know the answer. But Daxia may have heard that when Chu Yuanxi later gave her own reassurance pills, when she talked with others, especially when recruiting, he endorsed Daxia's 50 million valuation. This is the value given by the market, fair, so that it is hard to speak!

Therefore, even if the other party really thought that way, he had no reason to be angry, it was just a cycle of heaven. Justin Sun has three tempers with Buffett, is Justin Sun better than Buffett? Heaven's path is just a cycle.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi laughed hahahaha, with a dumbfounded smile on Duan Luting's face, then stroked his face, turned his expression straight, and said, "I don't think so, I'll give you a billion When people ask me, I say you refused. What do you think?"

Duan Luting suddenly forced ×2, and asked his heart how Chu Yuanxi's thinking came to this point? This is unscientific, I am just trying to get rid of it, and it is not my turn to ask how much you value me! Why don't middle-aged people now play cards according to routines?

But 1 billion is a number that makes him satisfied, which is conducive to various actions that may be taken next. So he laughed awkwardly, and asked pretendingly: "What do you mean by this?"

"The meaning is that I approve of your ideas." Chu Yuanxi said calmly: "When others came to talk to me about the acquisition of Xiaokang, I also said that our target is 300 billion, and capital operations are not considered for less than 300 billion. So I fully understand you. "

"Wow, there is such a thing? Your ambition is too big, the juniors admire it!" Duan Lu Tingxin said that these two seniors did not scream for nothing, it seems that they have really met their counterparts!

Chu Yuanxi remembered what Yuan Mu had recently advised him to say, and it happened to be taken out at this time, so she said, "However, although your thoughts are very similar to me, have you considered your ability to resist risks? I guess you Even if you make quick profits now, your cash reserves will not be sufficient, but now may not be the most risky period for you. It is very likely that you will encounter a time when you are very short of cash in the next six months."

I saw Duan Luting slap his thigh: "Financing!"

Chu Yuanxi said that I knew you would say that! "Let’s talk about financing, let’s just talk about the situation on my side. It’s actually quite difficult to raise funds this year. My two main investors, Xu Xin and Hu Shiheng, have the top management scale in China. But recently I have been busy saving people, and I have already expressed to me that I can help and I am very nervous."

This is what Hu Shiheng said. Xu Xin has been a little better lately, and the rise of fresh produce cheer her up, so she is busy but in good spirits. Hu Shiheng is already overwhelmed. His original words are that the more you invest, the greater your responsibility. Now that you wake up every day to understand the status of the invested company, the lethality of the dual factors is too heavy, some are complicated, and some are almost dead. Help them to hold on so that they can survive.

This state is basically the new normal in the domestic investment circle. All investors say that this year’s new projects want to raise financing must be slow, even if things are past, they will not be ranked. Old projects, especially old projects invested a year ago, The workload of post-investment services is too great!

Moreover, the current reality is that there is no way to enter the market to do DD (Due Diligence), nor to have a deep understanding of the entrepreneur's situation and the state of the team. This is called a force majeure factor.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi immediately posted a circle of friends to praise Yang Jiangang, because Yang Jian's plan is to wait for the financing in March, and the peak visual effect is estimated to be cool. As a result, a round of promotion before biting your teeth may turn out to be a brilliant move because you can get a round of data.

If this key data is good, it will be easier to impress investors. There are still elderly people who can't get in for new investors. In the last round of release of shares, the Pakistani “deliberately” held back their troops and released as many shares as possible to institutions. Many people got on the train. It seems that the money from these institutions may still be obtained as desired.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi stood on the sidelines of Pinnacle's A round of financing, and now it seems to be "one of the gods", and once again got the praise of Xu Xin.

In short, Chu Yuanxi's words are all true. Duan Luting suddenly thought that Chu Yuanxi not only controls Xiaokang, but also the actual controller of the Baren Group. The information of the Baren Group is transparent and rich by November!

So, what is the purpose of Chu Yuanxi's remarks? Is it just a simple reminder of the difficulty of financing in the future? This need not be reminded, who does not know the entrepreneur? Duan Luting couldn't help thinking deeply.

What he didn't know was that Chu Yuanxi was particularly looking forward to Guotai Min'an, because the Pakistani people could only go out to buy and buy with the money when they returned to normal. At this point in time, it looked like a prime time to buy, buy and buy.

Measure of the big deal in the Diba game last year, why doesn't anyone think that Chu Yuanxi has lost? This is because, of course, the ability to make money in "Troubled Times" has been transferred to Ali, especially due to the dual factors, it is conservatively estimated that it can earn 2.5 billion more than normal in two months, which seems to be a loss for the Pakistani group.

However, the Pakistani Group cashed out talent into strength in advance, which seemed to be an overdraft and a certain discount. However, the overdraft is to gain time. Explained in game terms, it is a "wave" style of play.

At this point in time, Pakistani people have a lot of cash in their hands, and the value of various assets in society is falling. Money is more valuable than usual. Some assets that are usually not available for 100 million are still not available for purchase. Some ten million can buy two. So, is it a loss or a gain?

The suspension of work seems like a joke to ordinary people, and the holiday is extended once you close your eyes and open your eyes. But for business owners, it has turned into a closed eye and opened an eye, and hundreds of thousands are gone. There is only consumption and no output, including the Pakistani themselves. Only people's livelihood industries such as Xiaokang and Tianxian Pei are still in operation, with rising costs but increasing income, and the situation is slightly better. As for fresh food e-commerce, that is an example.

This is the reason why capital bosses such as Xu Xin and Hu Shiheng are now anxious every day. The prices of the assets they invest in are generally falling. Even if you can start remote office, you will still have to pay communication costs, but the output of time and workload of employees will definitely fall.

So looking into February, Chu Yuanxi is thinking about whether to start unplanned mergers and acquisitions every day.

Originally, the money was used as a strategic reserve for the well-off society, as well as the investment and construction of factories, etc., which should be spent on the schedule, but there must be surplus, and of course it can be modified. At this point, if you have the ability to distinguish among the assets that have fallen in price, which are high-quality, which are wrongly killed, and which can be returned to the fundamentals, it is indeed worth studying whether to go out and drop coins.

Big bosses and LPs in the fund industry are holding tightly to their money bags at this time, and Chu Yuanxi ran out to throw coins, and he might be called the big head, but Chu Yuanxi had a different mentality from them. He is engaged in this industry, he is playing finance, measuring profit and loss and risk, and talking about cash as king; Chu Yuanxi is doing a career, and only needs to consider two issues. First, do you want to do it, and conditions permit Is there anything wrong with the second goal? Is it worth it?

What's more, if Xu Xin had so much living money in his hands, she would definitely take the initiative.

It's just that Chu Yuanxi is restricted by the three words "unplanned." Unplanned means that Pakistani people have not made a talent pool for mergers and acquisitions, and do not have the ability to distinguish between good and bad, so it is easy to get an eye.

Even with analytical skills, it is difficult to make reasonable mergers and acquisitions without a suitable trader, because the equity of many companies is not as simple as Pakistani and Xiaokang. Various conditions may arise during a round of financing, with various early investors signing various unreasonable agreements. The purpose of mergers and acquisitions is to gain control, which requires the trader to sort out all aspects of the situation, and then come up with appropriate merger terms.

Obviously this kind of thing that takes up a lot of time and energy cannot be done by Chu Yuanxi herself. Moreover, actual conditions do not allow it. At this stage, the fund cannot communicate face-to-face with entrepreneurs, and cannot enter the market to do DD. Pakistani people have no other way, and they even have to recruit relevant talents.

What's more, if the Pakistani people intend to carry out mergers and acquisitions, what will they do? Although it can be limited to cross-border, it must be related to the two main businesses of the well-off people, right? Food and beverage prices have fallen the worst. You can't buy a group of restaurants just because Pakistani information is used to explore restaurants. It's a nonsense, and Chu Yuanxi can't bear it.

Therefore, it is best to supplement the main business. For example, Tianxian Pei is a strong correlation, but its value has not fallen and is very unbeautiful.

Liang Kenian has already had a lot of brains these days.

Although Liang Kenian didn't have a full understanding of Pakistani people and Xiaokang, he could still come up with good ideas from the big logic without the details. For example, Ba people are a cultural and creative company, he understands the meaning of a cultural and creative company, because his dad once did it, and "Troubled Times" was originally from Lao Liang.

So, how about acquiring companies that operate claw machines? This is definitely a pioneer in price decline. The more a nationally large company is, the more difficult it is to operate at this time, but it can also return to fundamentals in the future, and it also belongs to the cultural and creative sector. This kind of asset can just be allocated to the artifact company Barnana to operate offline IP derivatives. It is best to merge companies with upstream industry chain resources to achieve one-stop production, supply and marketing, and then add support to the claw machine inside and outside. The IP of "Wu Dao Faunjun" is the finishing touch.

We must know that compared with other industries, there are not many domestic companies engaged in the cultural and creative industry, and there are even fewer serious ones. Among them, how many of them have healthy capital and strong risk resistance? Policy is unlikely to give priority to support. Therefore, the market in the second half of the year will definitely be better after the reshuffle. Difficulties are difficult. At this stage, how cultural and creative companies can tide over the difficulties, if a large area collapses, the industry will be broken.

Chu Yuanxi immediately took Liang Kenian's brain to Cao Shan.

In fact, Panana is also very miserable now. Cao Shan reports to the funeral every day. She played a bit fiercely before, which caused a little tight cash flow. But fortunately, although Chu Yuanxi told Cao Shan that she could switch to an incubation model, allow independent financing, and allow her to truly be the master of the house, Cao Shan didn’t know if she was lazy or did not think it had reached the right time. Transfer to incubation. So now there is a need in Banana, the Pakistani Group still has to support it, unlike the peak visual effects, which can be deadly.

Because of this, the five divine players had also approached Chu Yuanxi, and they couldn't just sit back and ask questions. Therefore, the previous financing of Banana was completed under the leadership of Pakistani Entertainment. In the past few days, Chu Yuanxi and Cao Shan have been communicating, what solution is used to solve the funding problem? Is it the dismantling of funds? Continue to raise funds under the leadership of Pakistani people? loan? Still enter the incubation state?

Cao Shan must also consider whether to complete this important role change and shoulder greater responsibilities.

For another example, film, animation and special effects companies are also very directly affected. Film and television are always cold winter, and animation and special effects require a lot of collaborative work in the middle and late stages, and require professional equipment and broadband, making it difficult to work remotely.

As far as Chu Yuanxi knows, some teams with a strong desire for survival are already developing a remote control system. It doesn’t matter whether it’s confidential or not. First, let employees use the system to remotely create the company’s workstation at home and perform special effects processing. .

Chu Yuanxi knew that it was because there was a similar need for peak visual effects, and he was also eager to save himself. Yang Jiangang's busy feet these days were up to the sky, and he had the most impressive Spring Festival in more than 30 years of his life. In his words, to start such a company, you must be able to solve the problems you may encounter.

This made Chu Yuanxi had to nod her head, even if she couldn't solve it, she had to pretend to work hard, or she would be looked down upon by investors.

It is definitely easier to make acquisitions at this time than usual. This type of company can be used for Lu Yu, Zhao Jie and Yang Jiangang.

Therefore, what Chu Yuanxi said to Duan Luting was rare from the bottom of his heart. During this period, he was still at home anyway, and he had a lot of time to consider mergers and acquisitions.

In a cordial and friendly atmosphere, I ended the video connection with Duan Yuanxi thought for a while, let's first inform all the brothers of Xiaokang about the tentative method of rework.

Rework is relatively simple for Pakistani people, because there is no particularly urgent work that requires three hurdles, but it is not for the well-off. It’s just that the situation is still grim, and the relevant spirits issued by the country and the city must also be observed, especially time for observation. Therefore, it is urgent to issue a charter before the 3rd to orderly resume work.

When he finishes these things, he finds that Feng Lin is actually playing "Warcraft 3 Remake"?

"Are you still playing RTS games?" Chu Yuanxi was strange. There were no female players playing real-time strategy after a decade of going backwards, let alone now. Even the male players have played real-time strategy. ruled by moba.

I saw Feng Lin staring at the screen and said while operating: "No, I'm just curious, why this game is so bad that the score is below 1 point, and why you should buy such a bad game."


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