Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1000: Give Yang Jiangang a difficult task

(Even 1000 chapters)

Chu Yuanxi hurriedly stayed behind when he saw that it was a business matter. The result was totally unexpected that Liu Lu would say: "My friend said, Didn’t the Huo Shao Group of Land Chuang 101 disband in June this year? I would like to ask if the Pakistani media is willing to accept the transfer. meeting?"

"What the **** is the transfer?" Chu Yuanxi said that this sounds fresh. Of course he understands the transfers in professional football. He is also a pseudo-fan at any rate, but the artist management has never heard of transfers, only the cancellation of the contract and the breakup.

The most fierce battle is undoubtedly the three giants of aquatic products. When they went to practice, they were not only personal trainees, but also litigated with the former owner. They broke their heads and took the C position of even practice, and the number of votes was fault. The leading style makes people think that black box operation is impossible.

Unexpectedly, Liu Lu also asked similar questions to him, and then took out her mobile phone to show Chu Yuanxi, and found that the other party really wanted to pioneer this model in China. The original brokerage company imported it and the new company connected. He found that the other party did not seem to be the boss of a brokerage company, but a role similar to a broker. The ability to organize such a bureau is equivalent to a market maker in the financial market.

In the final analysis, this model of group debut is also the first in China. It is originally attributed to the artists of various agencies. They have to sign double contracts and are subject to double restrictions, which is indeed different from ordinary artists.

But this is not that simple. Because there is no contract subcontracting in the law, the artist contract has never heard of signing with entity A and then transferring to entity B and still valid. If you have to do it, it's the analogy of the "sign before change" model in the NBA.

And even if there is room for maneuverability in terms of legitimacy, Chu Yuanxi thought about it for a while, but shook her head regretfully at Liu Lu, "Well, I am not interested anyway."

"Hey, I think Pakistani signed some artists last year. Basically, they are not much better than the amateurs. How come the female artists with less fire are much better than the amateurs, right?"

Liu Lu is indeed at the age of watching variety shows, and she has a better understanding of each group. But she certainly didn't know about the Pakistani media and the Pakistani information, and the various departments of the Pakistani people had to write a summary and submit it to Chu Yuanxi regularly.

Recently, he happened to read a report about Huo Shao by Yang Yuanmei, and then searched it with keywords, and found that it was more informative. Then he fell into a contradiction, praising Yang Yuanmei for not cutting some content to deal with an abridgement? Or is it to criticize her for the quality of abbreviation even inferior to some of the answers?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi’s words: “I don’t know if you have noticed the situation with little fire. Every member is very impressive. It’s been a year and a half after joining the group. What else can be done besides Calories. Did you say that? "Calories" is still the first work, which is tantamount to a cliff-like fall behind."

In fact, there is a more elegant description. This method is used to describe the young players of the NBA Lakers. It is called "gathering is a pile of shit, scattered with stars." In the Lakers, it is the talent that can be seen by the astronomical telescope. Leaving the Lakers Enter the All-Star immediately. However, according to the report, there should be no chance for the female artist of Huo Shao to disperse into a starry sky, and there is a high probability that only one star will surpass her sister.

"Yeah, why can't you become a group?" Liu Lu can't say that Huo is as rare as Jiazhen because she mainly watches men's groups, but Huo Shao is so popular in 2018, it is difficult for her to know.

"Hey, think about it, if you are the person in charge of this group, but you also have a brokerage company in your own hands, belonging to the same industry. This group has a time limit, and your friends and businessmen have to point their fingers before it expires. After the expiration, they will go back to each house. They are direct competitors with your artists. What will you do?"

Liu Lu was stunned when she heard that, only Chu Yuanxi said: "Using your brain to do the draft and your **** to do business is considered integrity, right? You may not be able to do it. Why am I not interested? I'm not very optimistic about Transcendence Sister. I am very likely to be completely confused when you disband. It is impossible for you to transfer to include Transcendence Sister. If they disbanded in place today, I would be a little interested, and the reason is not too much. Understand?"

Liu Lu did understand that it was not easy to hold someone up, but it was definitely easy to drop it down. "But Chu Yuanxi, is it a bit too much for you to say that it's completely muddled? Is Xuanyi's face going to be muddled? I'm about to play "Douluo Dalu" soon. Meng Shanzhi even played "Zhu Xian" will be muddled?"

"Oh, you are purely a layman, so don't talk to me." Chu Yuanxi was unwilling to slap Liu Lu. "Your Shanzhi brother has nothing in common with Baguio except for being a female. I am the least optimistic. She is the one. Xuanyi is okay, but she can't transfer.

Huo Shaoli is really likely to come out except beyond his sister, Fu Mingsi, who is only the tenth dark horse in his debut, but he has planned his actor's route and his acting skills are indeed good. She is not easy to confuse, even if she confuses for a while, there is still hope of fire in the future. "

Regrettably, Fu Mingsi is unlikely to transfer because Yang Yuanmei not only gave him the foresight, but also the statistics. Scored according to the number and degree of participation of artists in film and television dramas, variety shows, music, commercial endorsements, singing and dancing raps, fashion activities, etc., Fu Mingsi ranked surprisingly behind Xuanyi in third.

Considering that Fu Mingsi’s beauty is very good, she is one of the few people in the Huo Shao Group who will not cause disasters in the same frame as her surpassing sister’s plain makeup. The actual situation may be higher than the data feedback. As long as the capital behind her is not stupid, she must not Will allow transfers unless the price is unreasonable.

Liu Lu doesn't have a cold with Fu Mingsi, which is also normal. Just like why Chun Ge was so appealing in the super girl era, the female fans must have different looks from the male fans.

So Liu Lu also cares more about the Mengshan branch: "Hey, I have to focus on breaking with you, otherwise I won't be able to return to my friend. Why are you the least optimistic about the Mengshan branch?"

Chu Yuanxi said that this broker actually wanted to operate the Mengshan branch transfer, right? Indeed, at first glance, if the transfer is allowed, the transaction value is relatively large, and it is true that Xuanyi is more popular in their company.

Liu Lu is his own, and he doesn't need to hide it, "Shanzhi is really not good. After more than a year of commercial endorsement, it turned out to be a micro business. This face is lost in the Mariana Trench, which is lower than Lu Yu's lower limit. Her fans are really that, they are all in the same group, and fans spread rumors to surpass her sister every day.

This is beyond the sister's high EQ, plus the company behind it can't move. If Chaoyue's sister is a signed artist of Pakistani people, I can't stand it if I can bear it myself, and the ashes will be raised to her! She is a black material, and she can be exploded to the level of retreat anytime and anywhere, but she can't compare with her fans. Her fans have so much black material that I can’t even see them, and they are especially produced, so I am embarrassed to say, but who are they doing it? From the perspective of trading, the risk is too great. "

After hearing these comments, Liu Lu was speechless, because Shanzhi's low EQ is rare, even she knows that she doesn't read Weibo very much. Others posted pictures on Weibo when they recorded programs, but she only posted herself. Others helped her to publicize, but she never helped others to publicize, and the interactions between people were mutual, so afterwards, no one in the whole group promoted "Zhu Xian", which was absolutely amazing from the perspective of being a person.

"Now, you can't deny a person just because of their fans or the operation team? Besides, is the EQ of surpassing my sister as high as you said?" She said nonchalantly, but how to reply to her friends is counted. .

Chu Yuanxi already wanted to leave, she said that you still don't care much about fan circles. The red V-certified fan of Shanzhifan circle personally went to the black Chaoyue sister. It was light to spread the rumors that she was living together as a pornographic anchor. People directly brushed the names of biyuntao and maiyin with Chaoyue's sister and called Chaoyue's sister "Sister". How jealous do you dare to think about this?

It can only be said that surpassing Sister Red is unwilling to reconcile, and it is difficult to get rid of this kind of distress even after 20 million zombie fans on Weibo. It is a pity that the rumor sister is well-deserved, and every time she makes other people's rumors, she can find a similar experience in her idol, as accurate as a big prophecy, and become a living legend.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi said: "Did you know that there is a picture on Weibo that was posted in the past? A group of people dragged a boat on the beach with the word Huo Shao written on it, and everyone else's appointment was written on their heads. , The only thing written on the boat is beyond sister. What did they say? Thank you everyone for dragging me, and I will pick you up when I get to the sea. Study hard. I am grateful that half of our company can surpass sister and half EQ."

In fact, it was more than others, Chu Yuanxi knew that he was also inferior, far inferior. In terms of emotional intelligence, if I surpass my sister, if I share knowledge, I will definitely make tens of millions. Her experience can basically be defined as hell-level. The so-called "Qianfu" refers to her death without illness. Instead, she was scared to death by others using video to spread rumors, but she did not die. She must have a stunt if she survived, and then soon Turning over in a variety show, a strong sense of variety shows like a fish in water.

It's a pity that it is impossible for my sister to transfer at a reasonable price.

Chu Yuanxi left in a hurry to find Yang Jiangang.

Under his call, not only did the Pakistani people work overtime during the Chinese New Year, but several incubator companies almost did not rest during the Chinese New Year, and almost all employees were on duty. Ordinary companies would never dare to play this way, but this time there was a reason. The Pakistani people paid for the overtime during the Chinese New Year, so all three companies were enthusiastically working overtime. Although it became a remote office, the construction period did not lag behind. Catch a bit before.

Peak visual effects third year warm-up, the effect is actually average, because it was on the cusp of the storm at that time, many people did not have the energy to talk about some promotional information, directly classified as spam and filtered out. Therefore, although the peak visual effect is good at grasping the time, the effect is not as good as usual, and the price/performance ratio is not as expected.

However, the series of live broadcasts that followed were very effective!

Live broadcasts ushered in a big explosion during the Spring Festival. It was not Qiao Biluo’s income that broke out, but as online classes and other live broadcasts were accepted by more people, the audience of this form of live broadcast expanded and the penetration rate increased , Was accepted by more people. This is a journey of upgrading, and it is subtle. The benefits for this industry are not much better than fresh food e-commerce, but there is no such obvious short-term effect.

And Pinnacle Visual Effects immediately launched the platform master plan after the promotion, which is the so-called cooperation with UGC creators.

The most direct part of this cooperation is that Yang Jiangang encourages UGCs to do live broadcasts, through the live broadcast to promote the video production process and mode of peak visual effects, like the live broadcast users instill the fun of this animation production mode.

And his way of cooperation is not to send someone to the UGC’s live broadcast room to brush the gift name, the old iron plane will take one, which is definitely not good. The correct posture is to open more powers to the master and to transfer more long-term benefits to the master.

First of all, the art resources of Pinnacle Visual Effects are inevitably used by UGC, and the main characters of the company have applied for softening. This is the legal basis. In theory, UGC should display these animation videos on the platform of Pinnacle Visual Effects. , Unless pushed to a third party by the official. Therefore, UGC creators can use these animations to play around in private, and they can also transmit Douyin B station, but they can't go to other places for commercialization. If they want to commercialize, they must first sign a contract.

This is a strategy set at the beginning. It has been explained in the user agreement from the first day of the launch of this platform. The official provides resource tools and platforms, and UGC provides wisdom and experience.

But it is difficult for UGCs to say whether they will incubate successful works and IP worthy of commercialization. In particular, many people play according to "Talking Tom Cat" from the beginning. Whether they can be completely judged by people, by the choice of IP image, by their brains, and by their sense of humor.

What if one of them is the IP that hatches the fire? This is not impossible. In the past, the animation network celebrity Tang Tangshen vomiting was just two or three animations and two or three magical expressions, which became phenomenal. Therefore, animation is only a carrier of wisdom, and the animation level of the peak visual effect. Although rough, it is enough to carry great wisdom.

You must know that the benefits here are great, and they are considerable for the top players. "Talking Tom Cat" is still strong in 2019, with 370 million MAUs. Among them, the app "My Talking Tom Cat 2" ranked seventh in global downloads in 2019, which is the same level as tiktok.

At this time, as a UGC, it is definitely impossible to be satisfied with being trapped in the small pond of peak visual effects, so he went around in circles and went back to how to sign.

Here I have to talk about the mechanism of peak visual effects. There are many roles above, and there are already thousands of roles, which users can use at will. Therefore, it is easy for multiple producers to use the same art role. It's like two people using the image of Tom cat to make animation at the same time. Once one person takes the lead in commercialization, he must monopolize the IP role, and the other person must be at ease.

This situation is similar to the starting point where there were many supporting characters in books called "Wang Qinian", and in the early years there were many heroines in books called "Bing Yun" and "Bai Chenxiang". Two of them may have the value of film and television at the same time, and whoever comes first becomes a bit subtle.

Therefore, signing contracts are also hierarchical, such as ordinary contracts, VIP contracts, exclusive contracts, etc. Only by signing the appropriate contract, UGC can obtain reasonable benefits through its own efforts. At this time, UGC, which cooperates with Pinnacle Visual Effects, will have an advantage when signing the contract.

There is also the issue of the proportion of shares. Peak visual effects as a UGC content platform is divided into one thing, and IP commercialization is another. The business models of the two are different, and the division method and ratio are definitely different. To the extent of commercialization, many clauses need to be negotiated by casebycase. When the cooperation mode was opened, Yang Jiangang promised the UGC to make profit.

So there are indeed some people who are willing to bet on this rough animation.

In addition, Yang Jiangang personally went into battle and started a live broadcast, which illuminates his prosperous beauty. Chu Yuanxi never expected that he could attract a group of game fat houses to watch the live broadcast. It seems that when he was planning, he did not add various player groups. Chu Yuanxi even saw Yang Jiangang in some groups. Sending red packets to drain the flow.

Therefore, unique data has been formed after this round of promotion. The single user cost is relatively high, but the proportion of UGC converted into UGC is extremely high. It is necessary to know that after the increase in platform content, the UGC conversion ratio should have fallen, because the retention of ordinary users will increase, diluting the UGC ratio.

In this way, we can barely start planning the next round of financing.

As a result, when Chu Yuanxi went downstairs to look for Peak Visual Effects, he found that Yang Jiangang was also speaking and was impassioned. If he hadn't been wearing a mask, it would have been spitting, at least from the speaking skills, the improvement was obvious.

Seeing that it was not too late for a half-time meeting, Chu Yuanxi didn't wait at all, and wrote down one thing, next time I will call Yang Jiangang to make an appointment. Appointment not only improves efficiency, but is also a courtesy to a president.

In fact, he came to Yang Jiangang for one thing, and he didn't say it in person, so he sent an e-mail with the beginning: "My brother Jiangang is like me."

By the way, the time node for you to do the B round of financing is not far To undertake the previous ideas, I hope you can complete this round of financing alone.

The so-called alone means that I, the CFO, is not in charge. You have the full power to find money, price, and confirm the framework and terms. Of course, on the premise of not violating the terms of the previous two rounds of investment. In fact, in the last round of financing, you have found some investors and institutions through your own channels, but in the end you did not participate because of factors such as valuation and terms.

This is a good thing. Of course, I will continue to endorse you. During the two rounds of investment, your cash flow situation is not bad, and there is still a surplus of funds for the last round of investment, which are all favorable factors. As for whether the Pakistani Group participates in the B round of investment, I will judge based on business rules.

After the A round of investment, you have gone through the general process. Early investors who have obtained priority investment rights need to be notified in time. In addition, you should not have any problems if you follow them exactly.

It is quite difficult to find money during this period because investors have generally become cautious. In particular, even if the GPs of the organization are willing to invest, they must also consider the emotions of the limited partners LPs. Therefore, you need to come up with highlights and attractiveness.

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