Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1003: Li Jingfei's astonishment

Chu Yuanxi was watching a "movie" when Li Jing flew here. In fact, it was the web site that Pakistani Information combined the short video unit drama editing + supplementary shots of "Wu Dao Wu Junjun". At present, a watchable version has been cut out. , Post-processing has been done, but the dubbing has not been done yet.

When Li Jingfei brought people in, Chu Yuanxi was communicating with Monica, and gave Monica the responsibility of communicating with Netflix.

This movie looks good, which is why Chu Yuanxi is a little emboldened. Moreover, he hopes to build a large toll network in the country, so that testing the water can try to see how much water is really coming. This is like a game test that always requires a small range of fee-based file deletion tests, and users are most convincing to speak with real money.

Of course, this kind of business negotiation is a test for Monica.

Li Jingfei brought an Indian named Thrall, who was once the vice president of Unicorn Travel in India, and currently works for SoftBank.

Sun Dasheng particularly likes Indians, so it is no accident that Li Jingfei brought an Indian boss to Chu Yuanxi, and an Indian brother must be more important than a manager in Greater China. But seeing Indians, he had to think of the Gongdou drama that was recently exposed within SoftBank.

It is said that the three consecutive princes of Softbank are all Indian tycoons, which can also be seen Sun Dasheng's heavy reliance on the Ganges water. But the first big boss Arora left after being dug into Softbank by Sun Dasheng from the post of Google's chief business officer in just two years. Everyone thought it was the second crown prince Samara, but only recently did they know that it was not!

The truth is that the third crown prince, Misra, found an Italian publicist to create negative public opinion for Alora, and set up a fairy tale to lure Alora with beautiful women, but Alora avoided.

Misra had no plan to make a living, and secretly went to the law firm to issue an anonymous shareholder protest letter, and Black Arora conveyed benefits. Spreading rumors, dispelling the rumors and running off their legs, Alora finally couldn't stand it. Although SoftBank found out that Quante was a rumor after investigation, many small shareholders were motivated to attack Alora before the truth became clear. Having never suffered this kind of grievance when he grew up, Alora chose to resign.

Thus the second crown prince Sama succeeded. He is SoftBank's CFO, and he led SoftBank's acquisition of chip design company Arm, which has been very successful for a time. However, Arora's affairs made Dasheng and Sama have a grudge, so although Samagui was the president of Softbank, the 100 billion-scale Vision Fund was handed over to Misra.

How did this Gongdou drama come to the fore? It was Mishra who finally gained power after Samar resigned. At this time, the deliberate black product came to ask Mishra to fulfill the promise that year. This should always be right?

As a result, Misra refused to honor it.

Italy's black products dare to play? A letter was sent to The Wall Street Journal. As a result, many details were made public, so detailed that no one would believe it if they wanted to deny it, and this thing could not be compiled at all!

Considering that the $100 billion Vision Fund was invested in the hands of such people, it is not surprising that Sun Dasheng is leaking from all sides.

The guest and host were seated, and Li Jingfei’s first sentence was: “To make a long story short, Mr. Sun’s initial valuation for Xiaokang is $2 billion. We need to carefully evaluate the current situation of Xiaokang, do a reasonable investigation, and then confirm this valuation. Then Sun Mr. can accept the setting of AB shares, and he can vote for $800 million without having the right to vote. Recently, Mr. Sun’s situation is also more complicated, you know, so 800 million is not too much."

Of course Li Jingfei knows Chu Yuanxi's price, 20 billion, which is about 3 billion when it is replaced by $. The question is how is it possible? Even Sun Dasheng would not accept this kind of asking price from a 400-store convenience chain at his peak. In fact, $2 billion is also a not very logical number, but...

However, he never expected Chu Yuanxi to ask, "What then?"

"Then?" Li Jingfei looked at Thrall blankly, "What then?"

"Other conditions." Chu Yuanxi didn't mean to entangle the valuation and financing amount at all, which made Li Jingfei feel extremely strange.

And looking at Chu Yuanxi’s serious little expression, Li Jingfei had a strong sense of sight--

The most famous and classic sketch of the Kingdom is called "Selling Crutches", and there is a price-raising link in "Selling Crutches 3". In the first round, the two people took turns to increase the fare. Uncle Benshan made a mistake and the wheelchair hit his hand, but the past went wrong. In the second round, Fan Wei shouted the first price of "One Thousand Five". Uncle Benshan made a decisive decision: "It's yours!"

In this way, Uncle Benshan has fulfilled his promise to the people of the whole country...

What's the situation now? What Chu Yuanxi meant, it's yours?

I rub! Li Jingfei has a bad bite and can't vomit, and he said that we can't use it because we are planning so much.

But now Chu Yuanxi has asked about other conditions, Li Jingfei was disrupted and had to answer: "The other conditions are that SoftBank will do DD first, and Mr. Sal will be responsible for the specific work. If the due diligence is okay..."

Having said this, he suddenly remembered that he should give Thrall at the same time, so he walked up in English and grumbled a lot.

Thrall has always been sitting there, but he is obviously not as proficient in Chinese as his compatriot OTO's Xiao Li, so after Li Jingfei said, he asked in surprise: "So, does he mean to agree to the offer?"

The question was Li Jingfei, but she didn’t expect Chu Yuanxi to understand it, so she started to speak English: “No, I didn’t agree with anything. Valuation is very important, but the conditions are also important, and there should be better agreement. Based on this, Let’s talk about the conditions first. It’s better to talk about the price afterwards. Otherwise, the price will be deadlocked for four hours, and then you will find that the conditions are not agreed at all. Isn’t that a bargain?"

Only then did Li Jingfei understand what Chu Yuanxi meant, and suddenly said angrily: "Your time is too expensive, right?"

"It's really busy. I will make an appointment later to start the deployment of cloud resources."

Li Jingfei said in his heart that you should not pretend to be forced? Do you think I don’t understand? When can't cloud resources be deployed?

However, Chu Yuanxi was really anxious about this matter. Xiaokang itself went to the cloud. Now, who is not going to the cloud for modern enterprises? But the cloud that Chu Yuanxi said at this time was different from the other cloud. Next month, at the latest next month, Xiaokang will be connected to the upstream, and cloud deployment needs to be carried out in the blockchain mode before going online. Regardless of whether it is private cloud or edge computing, it is impossible to cross the gap after the code is written. It is necessary to organize the cluster by computing power. As Chu Yuanxi said, it is a block cloud.

Originally, because the deployment of the block cloud has a certain technological level, there is no rush to advance it, and it is planned to wait for the milestone 6 game network to go online. Then Milestone 5 was supposed to start after the holiday, but now it certainly cannot be started immediately, and certain adjustments must be made. Therefore, Milestone 6 will definitely have to be postponed for about half a month, and the cloud deployment is naturally synchronized.

However, although Liang Kenian still works at home, he has already made up the well-off class, and immediately made a strong voice: "No! The sooner the cloud resources are deployed, the better!"

This is what happened this morning. Of course Chu Yuanxi didn't understand it. As a result, Liang Kenian said that Xiaokang can no longer think in the way of small businesses. At this time, making major decisions must consider the macro economy, the overall environment, and the policies. Towards.

It is conceivable that, in the face of special circumstances, the country must start macroeconomic regulation and control. It may not be as straightforward as the four trillion in 2008, but investment must be invested. When the policy is intensively introduced, what should we invest in?

Chu Yuan Xixin said that referring to 2008, isn't it Tie Gongji? Then Liang Kenian gave the answer-old infrastructure and new infrastructure!

The purpose of investment is to stimulate consumption. Today, unlike the past, it is obviously not as cost-effective as investing money in 5G, Internet of Things and cloud computing to stimulate consumption. What Tie Gongji is doing is unblocking in reality, and what the new infrastructure is doing is unblocking the network. In reality, Tie Gongji has been saturated after years of investment, but with the iteration of 5G on the network, the throughput The amount is quite large.

Of course, Chu Yuanxi understood that if the country issued an investment plan, cloud-related resources would definitely increase in price, which was the front line of inflation. The state's move is of course trillions. If we don't quickly deploy the deployment of a well-off society, who can withstand it?

Especially when the spirit of the central government comes up, there must be a large number of tech speculators appearing, while weaving concepts and speculating on related resources, this is an inevitable story. I think that when Chu Yuanxi was just entering university at the time of four trillion yuan, she had not even endured social beatings. I also know that many people ignore the intrinsic value and use Tie Gongji as a concept. Tie Gongji is so stupid and black that he can be fired, let alone cloud computing so big?

These words made Chu Yuanxi feel that the salary given was not a loss, Liang Kenian deserves to be the son of Lao Liang, his own! This reminder is very timely, otherwise you may run into trouble soon, and it will be too late to worry.

When Li Jingfei finished the simultaneous translation, Thrall seemed surprised. This Indian boss has a dark complexion, which is very suitable for the camera technology of Sound Technology.

Therefore, it is difficult for Chu Yuanxi to observe his words and expressions. He only listened to Thrall continuing to speak in Hindi English: "My condition is to do due diligence first. If it meets our expectations, then we need three months to six months to complete this transaction. Investment, and then there must be a gambling agreement, the next round of valuation cannot be less than twice this round of financing."

Chu Yuanxi nodded: "Is that all?"

Although Li Jingfei nodded, he felt more uncomfortable.

In fact, with Softbank's current Mercury retrograde status, it is certainly impossible to make money as happy as before, and it is normal to have a certain delay. Especially for an investment of 800 million US dollars, the amount is quite not low, and the slow implementation is well understood. However, based on his understanding of Chu Yuanxi and the wind direction that Chu Yuanxi had not discussed the valuation conditions before, how could it be wrong for this length of time? What medicine does he sell in the gourd?

Seeing Chu Yuanxi took out a very beautifully printed document, it seemed to be very diligent. Li Jingfei took it over and saw that it was actually an agreement to inform due diligence, what can be investigated and not disclosed in advance?

Li Jingfei, who had a ghost in his heart, immediately felt Chu Yuanxi's smile unpredictable, "Hey, what do you mean? It's for me?"

Chu Yuanxi said that if I prepare for you, I don't need such a good paper!

"Originally, Xiaokang would start a new round of financing next month, so can institutional friends not be allowed to do DD? You are an investor yourself, you know too well, there must be boundaries to do DD. I am used to public roadshows. You don’t know if you are doing financing publicly. I will definitely not talk to everyone about the DD boundary, right? To speed up the efficiency, I will set the DD boundary by myself and send it to the institutional friends who want to do DD. It's set, what does it have to do with you?"

At this time, Li Jingfei had already scanned the agreement, and his heart was very cold, and the good things he wanted to see appeared in the agreement, all of which were not disclosed.

"Hey, are you defending me as a thief? Are you so unreasonable?" Li Jingfei changed hands and handed over the agreement to Thrall, because Chu Yuanxi actually prepared a bilingual version, and I am embarrassed to say that it was not for me. Prepared this time? The question is, who leaked the secret? How does he know what investigation we want to do? Only Sun Dasheng, Cheng Huilin, Director Uchida, and I have studied the plan? Even Thrall is a tool man...

This is truly outrageous! At this moment, Li Jingfei's sense of honor as being able to hear the secrets and participate in the key execution is gone!

Chu Yuanxi was happy at the time, "I didn't treat you as a thief. Assuming that there is a house of investors here, I mean I can't trust everyone here."

Why does Li Jingfei say this term so familiar?

I saw Chu Yuanxi continue to speak, and directly said in English: "In addition, I can understand your investment intentions, but I can't wait for three months. I can't do it. When the valuation is negotiated, As the valuation of the B round financing, I can not do public financing, but the prior investment in Xiaokang must go according to the contract. They are the B round, and you are B+, how about?"

"How is it possible?" Li Jingfei said that your abacus is good? "What we want is this round of solo vote, which must be exclusive."

"If you have this condition, didn't you say it earlier? Then how can I explain to the previous investors?"

"That's the job your CEO needs to solve." Li Jingfei said in a very rare and slightly provocative manner: "We have invested so much money, of course, there must be a strategic buffer, I think you must be clear."

"Then I think about it."

This is the meaning of not going down today. Li Jing suddenly wanted to say something and stopped. After a pause, he said: "Let's also consider it. You are too much to not allow DD."

While talking, he rushed past in his heart, saying that I had even rehearsed the script, and after a lot of hard work, he finally agreed to increase your valuation. In the end, are you talking about valuation? what--

Chu Yuanxi was also a little weird when she spoke, mainly because she was wondering how the Indian boss was so quiet? Is he the kind of person who talks very little? It's not right, then why is he here? Do not participate in the discussion and only listen?

This is what Chu Yuanxi puzzled.

However, he didn't have time to investigate this kind of problem, and wanted to start deploying cloud resources immediately. However, Li Jingfei was quite talkative, and instead pulled him to chat about the current situation of Xiaokang and the opener.

This is what Chu Yuanxi is more interested in, especially the cooperation between Kaimeng and Yishengxian. You must know that Yishengxian has been out of stock for Xiaokang to only 25% of the previous level. Thanks to the efforts of Sister Xu Xin, she has made a lot of adjustments for Xiaokang Emperor through her own resources, and this has always maintained its stability.

Of course, Ganxin Shopping in Eastern Guangdong Province also began to supply fresh food entrepreneurs who were out of stock under Xu Xin. The supply chain over there has been sorted out very carefully, and the number of well-off stores is relatively small. Of course, what is more is to find other next homes in accordance with the formal toB method.

As a result, Li Jingfei pushed 265. The two factors appeared at the beginning of the cooperation. All the processes were disrupted, so there was not much to say.

However, Chu Yuanxi did not believe that this was a punctuation mark. Even people from island nations have begun to use DingTalk for distance education. Tell me that the process of your two families will be completely broken by special factors and has not been restored yet?

Soon Li Jingfei took the Indian brother and left. Yuan Mu came to care about the conversation with Tietouwa after getting the bottom of the M&A investigation. However, Chu Yuanxi said, “They are not sincere at all. Still organize the financing conference call as planned."

"Ah? Why? Is the valuation too low or is the plan to invest too little?"

"Not low. With a valuation of $2 billion, it can reach $800 million, and only class B shares are needed.

"Isn't sincere yet?" Yuan Mu couldn't help showing his ancestral eyes, "If I were you, I would sign immediately. This is still a lot higher than the 10 billion valuation I had originally thought."

"If I were you, I would sign immediately. The problem is that this is not a question of high or low valuation. He asked for sole investment, exclusivity, and let me persuade early investors to give up priority."

Yuan Mu nodded normally, and what she immediately thought of was the issue of strategic depth. Standing in the position of the other party, if he bids at the same price with a group of other small and medium investors, his investment in class B stocks will be a pure contribution, with no advantage at all, and will be passive in the future. Needless to say, you must be cheaper than the other people in the same period and subsequent ones to have room for maneuver. This is why someone can earn dozens of times from investing in However, Chu Yuanxi and her are obviously not on the same channel: "Excuse me, the other party has to vote alone. It must be ranked from the beginning of signing TS. It’s right? In the past few months, if the other party’s money is not accounted for, we can’t go with others. Finally, they said that I’m sorry I don’t want to vote anymore. There are too many, so you bother with mergers and acquisitions."

After Chu Yuanxi hurried away after speaking, not only should the cloud resources be organized immediately, not to mention the deployment today, at least the matter should be started today, related matters should be settled, personnel arrangements should be in place, and responsibilities should be clearly assigned.

In addition, there is the issue of Milestone 5.


The QQ group collapsed, I don't know who made the report or something. Recently in the group, XZ is more likely to be a taboo. I am about to write the plot of the 227 incident, and my hands trembled.

New group 786‘979’004

Chapter list of self-help guide for high-speed text hand-playing salted fish

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