Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1005: Stick to yourself

   This was a serious criticism, and Lu Yu was immediately embarrassed.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi say: "Your thinking mode has improved, Lu Yu, it is worth trying to try, but you can't try according to the other party's requirements. The other party gives a new plan and you accept it. Are you the humble Party B? If iQiyi talks about buying money, or investing as a purchasing agent, you can do this, but now it’s not. Sharing is a cooperation model that is very conducive to the platform. We have to put forward our own requirements with confidence. You are now representing the Pakistani Group and When others talk about cooperation, the waist must be firm.

   As far as this case is concerned, we should first stick to our plan. That is to say, this network university will definitely not change because it is too much trouble to change. Although the web site was cut out, there are also scripts. There are paragraphs with highs and lows, and there are large sections and small sections. How can it be cut appropriately when each is 8 to 10 minutes? The rhythm must be chaotic, the content must be bad, and it's hard to try a perfect one no matter how you try. "

Lu Yu already understood very well at this time. Combining the two conditions of "worth trying" and "not changing the Internet", the only conclusion that can be drawn is that there are a lot of short video materials for "Wu Dao Faunjun". Create new and appropriate content in an instant mode.

  He is not a programmer. If he is a programmer, he will think that it is too tiring to fix other people's bugs. It is better to rewrite the entire code yourself.

   Similarly, human resource Mulian and legal affairs Ye Ping are not programmers. I don’t know that data acquisition operations and business logic codes cannot be mixed together when writing code. So they were doing what Chu Yuanxi confessed while looking for a successor. They really got twice the result with half the effort. They gave feedback today and were criticized by Chu Yuanxi.

   This is also a drawback brought about by the relatively flat work model of Pakistani people. It’s impossible for Chu Yuanxi to stare at the tasks that have been accounted to others every day before they give feedback. There is also no multi-level structure in the company that hangs on multiple levels of leaders to continuously confirm and give feedback. Chu Yuanxi didn't know whether it was good or not when he did one thing well.

   This can also be regarded as the advantages and disadvantages of flattening. To a certain extent, it avoids the bloated process of ordering the situation, but there is no urging mode of multi-level reporting.

   Fortunately, they at least found a successor. Mu Lian introduced a senior human resources director named Tang Lei through his peer circle. Chu Yuanxi was rather surprised. The other party actually admired the Pakistani DKP system for a long time and praised the Pakistani people as the company most wanted to join in the industry. He also expressed his views on the Pakistani DKP system.

This may be because the other party has misunderstood something. Of course, objectively, it is indeed Chu Yuanxi's continuous heavy responsibility to the HR Committee. First, Liu Lu became the second in command of the well-off society, and then Chen Qi obtained the investment. This time Mu Lian was promoted to become Factory director. Regardless of the factory director listening to the soil, among the Ba people, they are also a vassal who reports directly to the president, that is, the personality of the vice president. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Ba people have become the most willing enterprise to serve.

"But the problem is, the above three are all women, don't you find out that you are a man?" Chu Yuanxi thought wickedly, but since the other party understands DKP, it is easy to be a good barman. Because the salary increase system of Pakistani and many companies is different, although there are regular salary adjustments, employees are encouraged to obtain DKP.

Therefore, he said: "You understand it right. Take Mulian as an example. If her DKP hadn't been saved, then the factory manager would not fall to her. Now it is justified. Our company It is indeed a mechanism for exchanging positions with DKP. Of course, it must be understood flexibly."

   Ye Ping is relatively simple here, and directly promoted a girl named Luo Yuan from her company's legal affairs. However, Ye Ping also focused on a round of training and assessment for everyone in the legal department. Luo Yuan had the highest degree of passing the company law related content after the assessment, and the whole process was fairly fair.

   Considering that Ye Ping will not leave the company, this arrangement is appropriate.

   Chu Yuanxi actually only had one request for Mu Lian-to get on the horse as soon as possible. The reason for the urgency of launching the VR factory is that it may be easier to recruit later, but it may also be more difficult. It is easier because more people need to find jobs, and even more difficult because more people are recruiting at a certain point in time. .

   He is accelerating, and the others are not too slow. Xu Xin made an appointment for Xiaokang that evening, and the day after tomorrow, it was the afternoon of the 26th to have a chat. According to Chu Yuanxi’s intention, he should have visited the other party’s premises directly, just like the opening guests Cheng Huilin and Li Jingfei. However, Xu Xin stopped him and made appointments at her office. The choice of location seems to be a bit particular. .

   As a result, there was an explosive news as soon as the day came on the 25th. The program of Xinmeng really deleted the library and ran away...

   Chu Yuanxi received this news immediately. The reason why he paid attention to Xinmeng was because Xinmeng acquired Yasuo, and the time was before Ali's acquisition of Rukeyun. Yazuo is also Rukeyun's competitive product. In other words, it is also one of Chu Yuanxi's acquisition targets, but the scale is relatively small, so the priority is ranked behind the two-dimensional fire, Hualala, etc.

   It’s always a stubborn program to delete the library and run away. For example, the great **** taught me the ancestral code rm-rf/* and asked me to try it on the company's server. But it really happened so strange that various versions of gossip were posted on the Internet, some of which were not suitable for children.

   But Chu Yuanxi is concerned about one thing. Can Xinmeng accept Yazuo's acquisition? If not, Xiaokang can take it over! It is not a trivial matter to know that Xinmeng is the largest micro-business platform of the country. The deletion of the library is not a trivial matter. I don't know how many merchants will be asked to claim. Therefore, the cash flow will definitely be affected.

   As a result, all kinds of rumors were all followed for a long time.

  While he was concerned about Xinmeng and Yazuo, Suddenly, Ah, who had not been in contact for a long time on WeChat, sent a message: "Brother Chu, I am leaving OTO. Can I still return to Pakistan?"

   Chu Yuanxi looked at it, and said to his heart that the dumb had grown up, and he would never have said such low-pitched words before.

  Do not ask, it must be OTO's another major layoff. OTO is also SoftBank's star project, and it has begun to shrink significantly. Under the current situation, the tourism industry will of course shrink significantly. Even airlines have fallen, let alone hotels.

  In other words, Ah Yu should have sensed that there was a problem with the WeChat communication, right? Ordinarily, he shouldn't be a pure and kind-hearted young man. What he lacks is only a beating from society.

   Chu Yuanxi did not answer, but instead replied with a question: "OTO has begun to lay off employees?"

   "No, but coming soon, Li Ge let me find a way out."

   Seeing Ah Ya's emotional response on paper, Chu Yuanxi was still quite emotional.

  He first called out a fluke for Zheng De! Not voting for OTO last year is considered to have escaped again. This is really fortunate. Yuan Mu came to ask him for his opinion. His answer was "look at the valuation". This is a relatively negative answer. But if Yuan Jing thought that the OTO valuation was OK, it would be over...

   Then he sighed that Ah duo failed to obtain the hot qualifications with the promotion in OTO in the end.

   The main reason is that there is too little time left for him, and he always has to go to the management post to go the same way in the workplace. However, he was only a short time as an unsuccessful COO when he opened the door. Although the title was called director after OTO, he actually did self-media work, which had little to do with management.

   This job is somewhat similar to the nature of Lu Yu’s people in Pakistan. What is the nature? In fact, it is the nature of the "president". The president is the person who focuses on multiple product lines. Lu Yu's information in Pakistan is to publish multiple self-media products at the same time, so it has little to do with management. The management of Pakistan's information is very dependent on the group.

   If OTO can develop steadily, give him two or three years, with the relationship between Ah-Yu and Xiao Li, to truly enter the management post, it should not be difficult to get promoted with normal and perfect qualifications. And if OTO is made into a star startup, this qualification is hot enough. Having such a successful experience, whether you start a business independently or continue to find other suitable companies to join in, it's a pity that there is no holiday.

   is called retribution in the end! OTO’s series of wicked operations last year pitted the hotel owners of the country and the dynasty. It is equivalent to using rogue means to tie up resources to their own tanks. Relatively speaking, the recent tactics used by Huang Tuan to increase revenue and efficiency. It's nothing more than a copycat.

   Under this series of rogue operations, if it goes smoothly, OTO’s finances must be okay. Even if it is still unprofitable, its losses must be narrowed.

Regardless of ethical factors, OTO’s series of operations in the second half of last year were quite limited. The attractiveness of offline customers was significantly improved with the support of self-media drainage, and then large-scale layoffs were made, and the shopkeepers There is an incomprehensible madness in his exploits. Relatively speaking, the purchase price of Goudong Pressure Shenchuan is nothing more than a similar method. How can this not increase the profitability?

   This is called not being mad and not becoming a Buddha. OTO tortured the hotel owners with the momentum that either everyone will die together or I will succeed. However, in the face of the irreversible special situation, they are finally in a madness and must save themselves.

   After sighing, Chu Yuanxi replied, “Does OTO need new media? I don’t think your role is low. Draining them should be effective.”

   In fact, if you analyze it carefully, Ah dumb is more than just a function. In this series of rogue methods, his position should be "indispensable." His self-media drainage is definitely a miserable existence for hotel owners from all walks of life, and they have to make a difficult choice between continuing to lose regular offline customers and joining OTO.

I saw Ah Ya replied happily: "But I don’t have anything new anymore. They all learned what I should learn. In fact, my department’s job is to make videos and cast Tik Tok location ads. Their hotel videos actually didn’t. An advertising company can do everything. The key is the low price of the room, so the low price is a seduce."

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that you and Xiao Li are honest enough! "Then what was your rank when you left?"

   "Still director level."

   At this time, Chu Yuanxi didn't need to insult Ah-du again. Although he felt that Ah-du was sorry for himself, after all, he had struggled together when he was poor and white. The rapid rise of the Ba people inevitably made his contribution. Later, Chu Yuanxi also pitted him and used him, so it was difficult to get over it.

Therefore, he said: "I don't welcome you back, so I won't say anything like a good horse without turning back grass. With your ability, if you continue to follow the media, you can eat it, but you want to take the career path. Do you have any other goals?"

   A dumb reply quickly: "I'm not surprised. I really don't want to be self-media, and I really don't have a suitable goal."

"Then let me give you a suggestion. I can't invest in you, and I won't introduce my benefactor to you, but it's okay to help you advise you. From my observation, Weipinhui may be suitable for you." Chu Yuan After Xi finished writing and sending it, she found that Ah Du hadn't responded for a long time, so she laughed at herself on the Internet and continued typing: "Don't underestimate Weipinhui, don't look at other people's special sales, and GMV is close to one thousand. An e-commerce company with tens of millions of active users."

   "I didn't dare to look down upon Weipinhui. But why is Weipinhui suitable for me?"

"Because...because they just need you, I'll count it for you. Weipinhui bought Outreis Plaza last year, ten big shopping malls for 2.9 billion yuan, so far I haven’t sorted it out clearly. And you have openers. For the COO experience, the opening of the door is to expand the store, is it barely the counterpart? This is the number one.

   The second is that you have the title of co-founder of the Pakistani people, and when you left, I promised that you took the title to the outside and said that I would accept it. This promise is still valid, and it is definitely more useful than you think. In addition, you have OTO work experience and manage a business department.

   Weipinhui's new media is not ordinary in nature. As a leading e-commerce company, it is too much. It is still in the stage of community operation and Weibo advertising, almost two positions behind the times. Doesn't this leave a good space for you to show off your skills?

   As for the third point..."

   "There is more?" Ah Yaxin said that I still have so many advantages? Why didn't I find it myself? But it seems to be true at a glance?

"Yes, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the management of Vipshop, which just meets your needs. You can first ask a director to work for someone, and then slowly rise. In fact, the last one is the most important, otherwise it will be you The ability to build a Douyin account with millions of fans shouldn’t be a problem. Wouldn’t it be great to start a company? It’s much better to make money just by selling accounts than by going to Vipshop.

   I predict that if you succeed in Vipshop, you will be promoted to vice president within three years, and senior vice president within five years. At your age, you will still be quite impressive. At that time, even big companies such as AT can get in, or go out to start a business, and become a real co-founder as a manager. "

   is actually a bald person who always shines. Although Ah Ya was not authentic, his career goals are indeed relatively high, and income should not be his top priority. So he quit the self-media, which is very profitable, and it must be because the professional ceiling is too low. Of course, Chu Yuanxi still feels that he is eager for quick success. As long as he keeps his mind clear, he can earn money from the media for a few years first, and accumulate capital and contacts at the same time.

   In fact, the two of them have ceased to be friends a long time ago, and Chu Yuanxi didn't feel owed to Ah Du. There used to be, he disappeared the moment he entered the door opener. However, even if he was not a friend, he did not develop into a mortal enemy later, so even though Chu Yuanxi did not provide any real help, he still hoped that he could develop well. Otherwise, how busy is the president of Xiaokang? How could it be possible to chat with people on WeChat endlessly? Not everyone is eligible to occupy this time.

   It's a pity that I haven't found any particularly obvious channel new outlets to recommend to him. If he finds out, Chu Yuanxi will most likely...take it first.

   But it took a long time for Ah Ya to reply this time, and Chu Yuanxi started to scan the news after a long time. I saw him ask: "Brother Chu, you said that I was a co-founder when I debuted, and then I was reduced to COO, then to director, and became a complete part-time worker. Isn't it true that the more I live, the more I go back? Go!"

The word    seemed to have a stale air between the lines, and Chu Yuanxi had to reply: "It was I who hurt you. If the Ba people weren't so successful, you wouldn't have started so high, and you would all be downhill.

   However, it’s not a shame for entrepreneurs to start working The ups and downs are normal. There are even some of the stronger ones who are clearly on the road to start a business, but suddenly feel bored. They voluntarily stop starting their own business, go to work in another industry, and start a new round of adventures from scratch. This is nothing. Do you know ESBI in the four quadrant of earnings? "

   A dumb second replied: "The road to financial freedom in "Poor Dad and Rich Dad"?"

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that you have read a lot of books. This chicken soup is really familiar. I guess Jack Ma’s inspirational chicken soup is not less.

"That's it. No matter what your title is, your previous job is in the labor quadrant. If you want to enter the non-labor quadrant, you first need to achieve very good results in the labor quadrant. So the title is not important, the essence is Important. If you save the OTO by the media department, you are now a vice president, and you are a vice president when you switch to Weipinhui. I have told you so much, I just hope you find a suitable environment to give full play to your abilities ."

   What should this young man say? Flashy? So lofty? Out of luck? In fact, he can be evaluated as a person who insists on himself. In a sense, Feng Lin’s choices are similar to him. They don’t pay much attention to the immediate interests. He can make a lot of money by doing the simplest things, but he is not interested. Instead, he is most interested in poor toss. Suffering is not hesitating.

   But to understand it from another angle, this is called having one's own ideals, or dreams. It seems unreliable, but it may not be impossible to walk around.

   It's a pity that the two of them met Chu Yuanxi too late, and they never heard his middle school speech using "template to plan their own life", otherwise, they should... still go to school.


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