Remember in one second【】

"Hahahaha—Chu Yuanxi is really worried, I'm listening here." Xu Xin laughed openly, saying that Lao Ning later asked if Chu Yuanxi was in a relationship with Yuan Mu. So interesting!

However, what she cares about is actually the main content of Milestone 6. This thing Chu Yuanxi has been hiding for a long time, but Yuan Mu's experience is not clear, which makes her very regretful.

Now that the B round of financing is about to start, Chu Yuanxi has to pour out something real, right?

But there is another thing she wants to ask, "Speaking of Xiao Chu, are you a little brother named Yang Zheng? Then you recommend him to Weipinhui?"

"Ah? How did you know?" Chu Yuanxi said that your ears and eyes are so powerful that you can know everything about dumb?

Yuan Mu blinked: "What Li Jingfei said just now."

Chu Yuanxi heard nothing wrong, after all, Ah Yu had worked with Li Jingfei, and it was inevitable to let him know.

"I'm not recommending, I'm making a suggestion. I don't know anyone from Weipinhui, and I can't recommend it even if I want to recommend it."

Just listen to Xu Xin said: "But I just heard about this person's experience, why do I feel it is more appropriate for him to go to Mido?"

Chu Yuanxi scratched her head straight, saying that you feel too wise! Worthy of being an old world!

Of course, I know he is suitable for Mido, but I recommend him to Mido. Am I sick? I recommend that people actually accepted me in the past, what can I do? Can you give someone a gun if you fail to cooperate? Ah, but he used to operate a shared bicycle in the opener, and when he was a Pakistani person, he sat next to me and watched how I did social operations and self-media. Co-author of a problem I put forward to Mido, he can solve one and a half of it by himself, can this kind of person push it through?

It's impossible to push past a strategic cooperation!

Xu Xin laughed loudly again with this expression that hesitated to speak but somewhat above, as if he had read through Chu Yuanxi's careful thoughts.

This is not okay. Chu Yuanxi must restore his image, so she used the time of scratching her head to quickly think of a statement that will not cause misunderstanding and will not really reveal the value of dumb: "You are right, he can go to Meido to engage in community group purchases. . He did it when he opened the door."

Group buying can be accurately prepared by users placing orders to improve the efficiency of sku and logistics, so it is valuable, especially in heart stores, that is, large stores, where the value of group buying is greater.

"Hey, that's right!" Xu Xin immediately agreed. She is well aware of the importance of community group buying, because almost all fresh produce in 2019 is based on community group buying.

Therefore, she also has a lot of insights about group buying. At this time, after thinking about it, she felt a little puzzled: “Group buying is a thing that needs ecology. If there is no ecology, there is only a naked WeChat group, and the efficiency will be very low.”

In fact, this is the reason why so much fresh food hit the street last year. There are only WeChat groups, which are very, very primitive.

"Isn't this the space for him to exert his strength, he doesn't need him if everything is ready."

As Chu Yuanxi said, it suddenly occurred to him that if Ah Yu was smarter, he could actually start a business now and pull a community group buying team to connect with various o2o e-commerce companies with group buying needs.

At this time, Xu Xin's conversation changed: "Since it is talking about group buying, let's talk about Xiao Chu, there seems to be a highlight in your Milestone 6 that is group buying. How did you do it? It should be revealed at this time?"

Yuan Mu also showed a curious look. I saw this feature in the system file for a long time, but I never understood it. I didn't have it in the last experience because it involved intervention ai. She wondered if Chu Yuanxi would introduce these functions in the conference call later?

Chu Yuanxi heard it, oh, did you want to inquire about this? This can be said because it is a function rather than an online content.

"It's not time yet, but it's okay to tell you first, but it's confidential for the time being. How good is it to surprise the market when I come out?"

He walked to the blackboard and drew a few big circles: "Let me talk about the technology. These circles are all o2o e-commerce companies that have the need for group buying, such as Hippo, Mido, Kaimenke, China Resources, Suguo, Yonghui Wait, there are actually small shops like Weddome and Guodomei."

After speaking, he drew a line from each large circle, and the end was a small circle, so there were a dense pile of large circles and small circles on the blackboard. "These small circles are the e-commerce WeChat groups they operate. They say that the community is actually for issuing coupons, and occasionally announces some offline discount time periods, right? Their functions are all the same, relying on WeChat Ecosystem makes small programs and the like, and then the head of the group looks around for users to pull in, and distribute preferential information to users."

Seeing Yuan Mu and Xu Xin both nodding their heads, Chu Yuanxi continued: "What is the community function I want to do? First, users can only join the group where they are located, usually their home and company. It's not a person, but ai. On the surface, it looks very similar to the social e-commerce company in Heli, except that the group owner is ai."

As he said, he wrote the word ai in the blank on the other side of the blackboard, and then asked and answered: "What is this group doing? In the beginning, it was not for real social networking, but for e-commerce group purchases. For Xiaokang, it is Distributing coupons, users pick them up at the store, it’s very simple, but—"

Here Chu Yuanxi gave the accent without accident, and was slightly excited: "But the well-off community function can provide enterprise services and access other o2o e-commerce companies. Mainly Dadianxin stores, which are the ones just mentioned. After entering, what appears to customers is that they can get all the coupons in such a group."

Xu Xin was stunned: "Wait, you mean that the same group not only gives coupons to the well-off society, but also their coupons? They are competitors to the well-off society? Exciting, right?"

^0^Remember in one second【】

"No, Xiaokang is a retail store, and there is not much demand for group buying. Besides, Xiaokang has its own coupon system and currency circulation system, and is not afraid of competition. Moreover, in the future, everyone will enter Xiaokang to distribute coupons and must compete differently. If you sell crabs, you sell Galapagos crabs, I sell Australian breaded crabs, and Yuan Mu sells Hainan coconut crabs, so users cannot compare prices. Otherwise, it will become a price war bayonet..."

God, the Galapagos Crab! Yuan Mu was shocked and didn't know what to say, so he had to continue listening.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "The benefits of doing social group buying are efficiency and ecological double harvest. It is very user-friendly and has an excellent experience compared to the past. Moreover, each family does not need the current community leader, and the device replaces people. , Which not only improves efficiency, but also saves commissions for the head of the delegation, increases profit margins, and reduces costs."

"Ah, I understand." Yuan Mu finally got to this point. "The current community group buying ecology is dedicated to special groups. For users, each community group buying is a WeChat group. After adding this group, you have to add that. Eventually joined n WeChat groups and generated n spam messages, so the experience was bad. Chu Yuanxi, do you mean that?"

"Moreover, many of these communities are controlled by the group leader. The group leader owns user resources, not the enterprise." Chu Yuanxi took the opportunity to answer: "After opening enterprise services, the community is definitely well-off, but the enterprise can do it point-to-point. Obtain the right to use these user resources and develop various services. Xiaokang provides interfaces and developer environments. Enterprises can develop and expand service packages by themselves, which is definitely more convenient than relying on WeChat. I must find a better solution than WeChat for social networking. Place of social demand.

From the user's perspective, users don't need to add more groups. One community group and one company group are enough. All the coupons of various e-commerce companies are collected here, which is comfortable. This is called WeChat’s return to WeChat, well-off to well-off, God’s to God, and Caesar’s to Caesar. Ai was able to do the task of the group leader long ago, increasing efficiency and reducing costs, but couldn't do it in WeChat, without this environment. This is the environment that Xiaokang wants to provide. "

Having said this, Chu Yuanxi finally stopped his slightly excited voice and took a few breaths. Xu Xin immediately asked: "All coupons are issued in the same group, what should I do if I send too many vouchers? What if users can't find what they want?"

"Very simple, intelligent distribution. When the special group was originally dedicated, in fact, each store was repeated construction. Let's just talk about the voucher and not the shop shopping scene. In terms of category, how much difference do you think Hippo, Yonghui and Suguo can do? ? And the group leader is brainless to push coupons, everyone has to accept all coupon information, users just add this group, it is not easy to find what they want, watching for a long time is not wanted, want to miss.

Instead, using ai to send is in order. First, it can be distributed with an algorithm like Douyin Kuai. On Douyin, if you only like to see the little sister, you will not see the big guy who pulls the feet. The same is true for us, to determine what you need, only let you see these coupons, and the others are hidden and displayed. You can also choose to see all of them, and you can also give the group leader a request, specify what coupons I want, and help the algorithm to identify. This is something that the WeChat group and head of the group cannot do. "

"I'm going..." Yuan Muxin said that I have been doing my best this year? Xiaokang hides such a powerful killer, and my palace has the right to see all the files. As a result, the functions are almost developed, but I don’t know? Is this number of users exploding? For those who are not well-off users, for the sake of this easy-to-use e-commerce community, they have to download the mini!

The key is that there is no need for Xiaokang to burn money and cut a knife. It is the enterprises that Xiaokang serves as the subsidy to users, and it is Yonghui Hippos. This is a lot of fun to drive low prices crazy, and then stimulate social distribution! Can the coupons of friends and businessmen be regarded as their own resources?

Of course she can think of Xu Xin, and she thinks more. This is a complete win-win situation, because the group buying provided by Xiaokang is accurate and efficient for the companies being served, and the cost is low. It can be expanded by providing the development rights. This is better than relying on WeChat groups.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This is just the most trivial one of the well-off social gameplay. Oh, yes, it also has a role to promote mobile payment. WeChat payment has a coupon function, right? Users get one after paying. Coupons from other merchants. But that coupon has no soul. We are not the same. Mobile payment can be very closely integrated with community group purchase coupons, which can achieve thousands of people. How do you choose when users pay? ?"

Yuan Muxin said that Chu Yuanxi really did not let go of any meeting with friends and merchants...

Just listen to Xu Xin said: "Why do you want to keep it secret? Half of your store is now next to the community. This is an advantage that other stores don't have? Can others copy your functions and change the store? You will later Let’s talk about financing, isn’t the valuation soaring? Can 18 billion satisfy your appetite?"

"No, Sister Xu, our pace is slow..." Chu Yuanxi said, you think I don't want to? If according to the original plan, both Yangcheng and Pengcheng have already begun to expand in strides, and the ground will be placed in the circle first, the good spot will be stuck, and the bike will start, what else will it say? The overlord of the four core cities, of course I dare to say, I am not afraid of anyone except WeChat Dragon Father.

The question is, isn't this anymore? This is called not catching up with each step being implicated. There is no way to spend a small amount of money over there, and a large amount of money is needed here, which is really helpless.

We must know that the most powerful thing about convenience stores like the Tian Dynasty is the speed of opening stores. In this respect, being well-off is actually above the standard. Suning stores once opened as many as 1,400 in 8 months. If you confide this feature before Xiaokang takes a key step, others must have ideas, then don't you just give it away?

Still the same sentence, they can't do social, can't copy function? A 100-point paper with a good answer and an 80-point copy for them is always enough, right? It’s hateful that this ai store manager is too easy to do it, it can’t form a technical barrier, nor can it form a moat

^0^Remember in one second【】

, Is developed based on the strength of the friends, even if it can’t be developed, it can be entrusted to the headline department and fast development, which is the best at algorithm algorithm. How can it be reasonable?

With that said, Xu Xin immediately took extra care, and must not speak out with a big mouth...

But after listening to Chu Yuanxi's words, she has no worries about the future. The only pity is that she is really out of money, and the reserve team will be exhausted, otherwise 200 million will not be enough!

So people are going to go out for a light meal, come back and start the conference call directly.

Yuan Mu looked at the e-mail at this time and found that there was an extra letter in it, which was sent by Gu Hongru, saying that Haiyi Fund did not need to participate in the meeting, and was willing to accept a valuation of 18 billion and follow up with an investment of 10 million.

"It's only 10 million? Sister Gu is too picky, right? Our Zheng De is more than 10 million."

"Hey, think about it, for Pu Mingyi's company, Gu Hongru would rather pay for her than for herself, because there is really no money."

As Chu Yuanxi said, he saw the people walking in front of him. Although they were all wearing masks, they could recognize Shi Jiaotu, Zhou Minxi and Zhu Yan. This one finally returned to the team today...

Zhu Yan also saw them, said hello to Yuan Mu and Xu Xin, and then looked at Chu Yuanxi with extremely strange eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Grass grows on me?"

"No, just now I checked our company's account..."

Zhu Yan is the second owner of the Ba people, and he has the right to look at the account. He can only check but not use it, because the secret key invested by the Ba people was carried by Chu Yuanxi.

"What's wrong with the account? No less money." Chu Yuanxi was very confused.

Just listen to Zhu Yan said: "It's not less, but it seems to be more than 40 million US dollars? Then I looked again, you made a profit from stocks?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Oh, that money will soon be invested, so don't worry about it." Chu Yuanxi didn't know what Zhu Yan was fussing about? Dumu is more successful in alms, he is ready to vote for 5 million.

"What are you talking about!" Zhu Yan found that everyone was looking at him, so he had to make it clear: "Chu Yuanxi took 50 million in capital and made 40 million in six weeks, almost selling at the highest point... It plummeted and sold at 900. As of six trading days yesterday, it closed at less than 680. I didn't expect him to have one in stocks."

Chu Yuanxi smirked twice, and said with the most serious expression: "I'm such a powerful person, is it too much to buy at the lowest and sell at the highest? I just don't stock stocks, otherwise the leeks of the United States will not survive, hahaha— —"

However, the actual situation was that Elizabeth requested to start in advance that day, so Chu Yuanxi had to reluctantly leave the warehouse...

Soon the time came to half past six in the evening, and Chu Yuanxi started to connect as soon as the agreed time came. With sharp eyes, Yuan Mu saw a special eyeball named Zhao Zhujiang appear in the list, and immediately asked in a low voice, "Who is this Zhao Zhujiang?"

Before Chu Yuanxi spoke, Xu Xin was happy: "This is the rescuer invited by the monkey."

"This is Mr. Zhao, the chairman of Transsion Technology." Chu Yuanxi said calmly. At this time, the remote conference was connected, and all those who connected could hear this sentence.

Of course Zhao Zhujiang heard it too, and immediately let out a strong laugh, "I am Zhao Zhujiang, friends in the investment circle should be familiar with me, right?"

Suddenly, many licking dogs scrambled to make a sound. As a stock that started with 688, Transsion Technology now has a market value of close to 50 billion. Although not a big crocodile, Zhao Zhujiang still needs to please investors.

Just listen to Zhao Zhujiang and then ask: "Xiao Chu, I heard that you are planning to make an alliance with Mido? You are a bit of a misconduct. It’s not We heard that the alliance with Mido is still inseparable. Refused."

Chu Yuanxi heard that this was a good intention, and was looking for reasons to resolve the embarrassment that he had taken the initiative to seek an alliance and was returned by others. This reason is also very good. Xiaokang has a small size and Meiduo has a large size, so it is normal for people to refuse to form an alliance.

So he pretended to be angry: "Why not? Am I still climbing? He himself said that I am worth the same as their big boss. I didn't get on Forbes because it happened that Forbes finished the list and I sold Pakistani games. ."

He didn't make it, and Zhu Yan didn't make it, but Zhu Yan was undoubtedly ranked first on the list of 20 potential women in the Kingdom released by Forbes yesterday. In fact, she is a little bit close to being on the list of the richest women, because the list is only 25, and if it is 0, she will be shortlisted.

It's just that Zhu Yan himself didn't know anything about it, just as usual, and didn't have the consciousness of being the most potential woman.

Chu Yuanxi's words were not intended to choke Lao Zhao, but to add persuasiveness to her next words: "As for the difference in size between the two parties? I just want to say that you should not bully the young and poor. Xiaokang's next financing valuation will exceed Mido! "

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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