Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1023: The needs of users are our mission

The uncle was speechless for a long while, and you only think about prostitutes if you agree with your heart?

By this time, of course, Uncle Sheng has a certain understanding of venture financing, and the difference between financial investment and strategic investment is relatively clear. The price of strategic investment is usually higher than that of financial investment, which is self-evident. However, this is the first time I have encountered this situation that requires others to make a war investment without a strategy, and I did not expect it to happen around me.

I saw on WeChat, Zhang Ming didn’t worry about why Pakistani media did not have the value of “accepting war investment”, but said: What we want to enter is film and television media, to be precise, it is a media that also has film and television, variety shows and artist management. The company does not want to enter the entity. I look at Pakistani media and listen to it appropriately.

In fact, Uncle Sheng didn't even figure out the logic of Chu Yuanxi's sentence, he knew every word, and the main sentence extracted from the sentence was called "Baren Media is of no value", but Chu Yuanxi obviously didn't mean it. The question is what is the value of accepting a war vote?

I saw Chu Yuanxi replied with a smile first, and then said: President, now you know that you want to enter the long video by pulling a dog on the street. But the ones that are worth your investment are those media companies that already have successful works. I don't need to recommend a few to you, right?

Zhang Ming sent a question mark: Your attitude is more intriguing. You don't refuse directly, and you don't even ask about the price. Instead, you persuade me to take the initiative to back down. Do you seem to have any plans that need to be kept secret?

Chu Yuanxi said that he was indeed Zhang Ming. Guessed well enough, I couldn't accept any war shots before the well-off movie went online. However, he hasn’t told anyone about the unprecedented ticket replenishment plan for a well-off movie. So it’s worth keeping a secret:: You think too much, now Pakistani media can’t ask for a price. This is self-knowledge.

Zhang Yiming: When was the price called?

Chu Yuanxi: I have to wait for next year.

Zhang Ming: If I accept the war investment now, I can use the way of share swap, but we have done Pre_IPO. It should be impossible to wait until 2021.

Chu Yuanxi smiled again, but didn't know what to type. You are all Pre_IPO, is there too much value in your stock? Unless you go to the Science and Technology Innovation Edition, the value of share swap will only be available when our big A shares are listed.

Just listen to the uncle asked: "Toutiao Department, where is this going to be listed? Nasdaq?"

"He may not dare to go to Nasdaq."

"Why? Because the U.S. check tiktok violates user privacy? Isn't that to prevent Toutiao from developing the U.S. market?"

"Privacy is a question of whether it is possible or not, not a question of daring to go." Chu Yuanxi laughed: "Because of infringement, there are too many infringements. How much do you think the rise of Toutiao has infringed? Infringement on Guang Douyin How many foreign songs are used? Going to the Nasdaq listing is a pure gift. Then there will be a class action lawsuit, which will justify issuing an unprecedented large ticket. Why bother?"

"Isn't it?"

"Not so? Hey! Intellectual property is the magic weapon of the United States. How many times have you been hypocritical? When the time comes, people say that it is a disadvantage for your Great Heaven to protect intellectual property rights. We can protect it. Then I will show you this. Is it a handle? Meat buns hit dogs."

Uncle Sheng shuddered in thought, because it seems that this possibility does exist? This is the price that had been bid for when it was outrageously rising.

"Hey, Chu Yuanxi, you don't seem to like to work with Toutiao? Why? More than half of the valuable media accounts of our Pakistani people are on the Toutiao platform. We can look forward to it."

"Oh, how did you tell?" Chu Yuanxi said that Uncle Sheng's skills have improved. "I'm not afraid that he will put on small shoes for us. If he is just that little belly, the headline will not be able to fly. Besides, Lu Yu has many more now. Dianhua, the dependence on Douyin has long been less heavy than before."

"Feeling, pure feeling." Uncle Sheng said that I have been with you for so long and I still can't tell? "For example, if Ali Entertainment came here today, wouldn't you say that?"

"Then let me tell you that I hope the partner is the cause of the big entertainment." Chu Yuanxi didn't look embarrassed at all. "The reason is that the Toutiao department is operating so well."

"how do I say this?"

"The operation is good, so you can spend a small amount of money to do big things. Look at how smart the watermelon is. Of course I want to learn the headline department if I am a video platform, but we are now sitting on the side of the content producer, of course. I like the bold ones. This is one of the reasons."

In fact, Pakistani media is also part of Chu Yuanxi's strategic organization, which is of great use. And war investment means some kind of "swap", and accepting war investment must bear certain obligations. Of course, the resources used by the headline system are valuable. The problem is that the value can only be reflected by developing in the direction required by the headline system. Chu Yuanxi didn't want the Ba people to be the **** of the headlines now.

So while he was speaking, he thought of several reasons, and he was immediately full of affirmation of his intuition: "Furthermore, only as far as the film and television media are concerned, they are different in size, maturity, and attitude towards us. The same. Let’s not talk about war investment. War investment is too complicated, so let’s talk about being acquired. The same is an M&A. Big Entertainment will definitely wait for us to get results before making money. The headline is that we have the potential to make money. Can it be the same?

Also, big entertainment can tolerate that we retain core talents and start anew. Like the Mediterranean and Gobi networks, can the headline system tolerate it? If it doesn't exist, it must be connected to the pot, because big entertainment has talents, and what people can look at is assets. Toutiao is an intruder and must absorb the core team of the acquisition target into its own body for digestion. You say who I prefer to deal with.

Moreover, the organization of molesting has recently been upgraded. Even if we really want to accept a war vote, it is a waste of time to talk about cooperation now. War investment, a low-value contract is not easy. You can't talk to Zhang Ming directly, right? Wait for you to finish talking. The person in charge of the other party may have been changed, and we have to talk about it again. If you want to talk, you have to wait for them to upgrade. "

Uncle Shengxin said that in fact, these are definitely not the direct reasons, but "I have taken it" has not been fulfilled, otherwise you will be more active than anyone else in selling assets...

At this time, he found that Chu Yuanxi was still reading the news, and Zhang Yiming had not spoken for a long time. He still feels a little guilty: "Why ignore you? Did you push people up and they were unhappy?"

Chu Yuanxi opened a hot news: "No, you see, it just appeared."

Uncle Sheng took a closer look and the title was-"Feishu Suddenly Blocked by WeChat in a Large Area". Feishu is a remote office software produced by Toutiao.

"His beloved dear has just been blocked by Da Long, he is still in the mood to chat with me? Maybe he can smash something."

"Damn, this won't be another goose fight, right?"

Of course, Uncle Sheng knows how popular telecommuting is at this time. Xiaokang is still hovering on WeChat Enterprise Edition and DingTalk. As a powerful spoiler, Feishu will eventually need to spread through WeChat...

"No, no, Daddy Long is so anxious that he even hits Penguin News. What happened to you? Not only did Daddy Long block the QQ applet? Not only did Daddy Dragon block Penguin News. Feishu? What the **** is Feishu? Still need a dark box operation?"

This is indeed true, so Uncle Sheng had no choice but to win the promise: "It depends on how Dalong Dad responds."

Chu Yuanxi imitated the tone of Father Dalong: "Response? What should I respond to? I will seal it first. If I can't seal Dingding, can I still seal you?"

"Hey, how do you know that Da Long Dad can not seal Ding Ding? I will see when Ding Ding is sealed, it will be fun."

As he was talking, suddenly, Chu Yuanxi's WeChat on the top began to jump again, and this time became the old fan of big entertainment.

Uncle Shengxin said, right? Big Entertainment really wants to invest in Pakistani Media? What is going on today?

Unexpectedly, it was not. Old Fan said: I heard that you are doing a good job in promoting virtual idol live streaming in the island country, right?

Chu Yuanxi: No, I was scolded terribly. What do you need?

In fact, with the development of the situation in recent days, the Pakistani oil pipeline account data in the island country has rebounded, word-of-mouth rebound, attention to the rebound, it is worthwhile for the Pakistani people to give them a warning.

Lao Fan: We, we recently wanted to promote DingTalk to an island country. We have already localized it and we need to promote it. It is too ungrounded to put in an advertisement, so I thought of your virtual idol, which is just right. Give us a push too?

Uncle Sheng saw that this was really appropriate. Although it seemed that he couldn't fight, but the attribution words happened to be together.

I saw Chu Yuanxi reply: No problem, when do you expect to go online?

Lao Fan: Tomorrow.

Tomorrow is March 1, Chu Yuan Xixin said that it was too casual to contact for promotion before going online?

I saw Lao Fan immediately added another sentence: In fact, we have a promotion plan. I just remembered it temporarily.

Chu Yuanxi: Okay, we just happen to have a related long video that we want to post, and we will edit the nails, which is very relevant. But your speed is fast enough!

This is the video that Grandpa Yu Suzuki vowed to make. Because it is mainly based on records, it did not take much time. In the end, it took up a few days of his own time, but did not use Pakistani information, but found one. Takeuchi Ryo Takeuchi, an island director of photography based in Jinling, co-produced.

Then, Pakistan Information completed the editing, subtitles, dubbing, special effects text and so on with extremely high efficiency, and it has done almost. But if there is more demand from Lao Fan, he must be adjusted.

I saw Lao Fan replied with a panda head and laughed wildly. jpg: That's no way. I saw netizens in the island country said that they heard that the DingTalk is very easy to use. I hope that the island country can also have this type of class. The needs of users are our mission!

Chu Yuan Xixin said that this is the reason why you gave them a mountain and a foreign land with the sun and the moon together? Are you in a good mood? He also returned a panda head with a sinister smile: Then you'd better translate the video of begging dad for mercy + five-star praise. Use it...

Returning to the villa that night, Chu Yuanxi found that Yu Yanan had returned and was studying the cell phone with Feng Lin.

Chu Yuanxi stretched her head to see, Yu Yanan was shaking with him, holding a Mi-10, shaking his forearms, his forearms, his shoulders, and his shoulders, his chest and abdomen, making it rhythmic.

"What are you doing? What new type of fitness exercise?"

"What..." Yu Yanan had some unexplainable emotions after a long absence, especially Feng Lin had already started a business, which made her feel extremely strong, so she didn't get too close to Chu Yuanxi. It raised his hand: "Listen, this phone will make a'da da da' noise when it is shaken."

Feng Lin's face was uncertain, "A clerk also told me today that some customers asked if the phone was broken or the quality problem? I don't know how to answer."

"Does that have any effect on the use?" Chu Yuanxi took it and tried it, and it turned out to be a little sound, but it was quite rhythmic with the shaking, not the kind of noisy noise.

Seeing Feng Lin shook his head, Chu Yuanxi thought it was quite simple: "That's not the end, what's the worry if it doesn't affect the use? Maybe it's some high-end design from Xiaomi. You can ask."

"Oh, don't you mention Xiaomi!" Feng Lin lay down on the sofa, posing as a salted fish: "You can't even think of the problems we face every day. I'm really pitted and tired!"

"what happened again?"

"The problems that my shop clerk encounters every day are-Xiaomi is easy to break, your shelf life is not enough! Xiaomi heats up too high, seeing the winter is over, we don't need to warm the baby! Xiaomi's quality control is not good, you guys It must be a quality problem to shake it up! And, the most annoying thing is that it is definitely not as good as Huawei! Once these user prejudices are formed, they will not change at all. I think Xiaomi wants to enter the high-end market, ah-the future is really bright gray……"

Said she was a carp and sat up, "It is really not a high-end design, I have asked, it is called optical anti-shake. The problem is that people ask why Huawei does not anti-shake, why does Apple not anti-shake? What do we do? Reply?"

"Why doesn't Apple anti-shake? Apple, Apple has a low chassis..."

"I killed you!"

Feng Lin suddenly rushed over like a hungry tiger. Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi had an idea, hugged her and said: "I think so, you can do the opposite, let the salesperson just take the rice 10 with that, take the initiative Da Da Da has a special rhythm and sounds good. Then I told the customer that this is called optical image stabilization, a new performance, we have never seen it before, high-end."

"It's okay?" Feng Lin pondered it, it seemed that it was not a big deal. Sales didn't ask about the process, what they wanted was the result.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's words: "The physique that you are worried about is called Xiaomi's easy to recruit black physique. This is simple. Send a handout to your clerk to popularize how to prevent black."

"How can you stop it?"

"Simple, first raise yourself up. For example, if the delivery of Mi 10 is slow and netizens complain about it, Rebs personally helps to urge the delivery online. Which president does this?

Secondly, it belittles its opponents. It is true that Xiaomi sells mobile phones offline. An offline phone that has been sprayed as a horse is called CC9e. Do you know what parameters? It is sprayed because it is a 720P screen, but other parameters are under-screen fingerprints, Snapdragon 665, ultra-wide-angle triple camera, glass back cover, and typeC port.

Compare it with Honor Play, OPPO's A series, and vivo's Y series. These are all cheating models they took out to focus on offline. There is no harm without comparison, do you know how to say it? "

The offline machine and the online machine are actually not the same set of sales logic. Although Feng Lin is a newcomer, he still has it. When users buy mobile phones online, especially Android phones, the parameters and prices must be compared in an all-round way. If they are slightly cheated, they will be mocked by the group. In other words, users who buy mobile phones online are basically users who know a little bit. VIVO’s IQOO3 was previously known as being sold specifically to set off the Mi 10, and the Black Shark 3 gaming phone will be sold for two days.

However, in offline machines, it is impossible for the store to write the parameters as a blackboard and show them to the customers. The customers basically don't understand it, and they rely on the sales mouth. That's why vivo's Y series dared to be equipped with a Snapdragon 435 to get offline selling money, so you won't be scolded by people when you put it online?

"Emmmm...let me Kangkang." She quickly opened her notepad, and then she looked surprised: "You are selling Changxiang 10e recently. It seems to be a 720P blind screen, a plastic back cover, and the processor is not a Kirin. MediaTek MT? This has to be compared!"

Chu Yuan Xixin said, what is the situation with your friends? You haven't been integrated by Xiaomi yet, you can't make it... But he took Feng Lin's notebook and looked at it, and his eyes were almost blind!

"Youshang’s mobile phone, the only valuable part is this logo, right? This dare to sell 999? They thought it was Jackie Chan attacking the sand? A $999..."

The reason why Chu Yuanxi also changed his mind was because this was not the emperor, but the emperor. This phone must be sold to middle-aged and elderly people to sell their national feelings, but they don't even have a TypeC mouth. Middle-aged and elderly people need this most. One sentence to describe his mood, that is, this is buying a logo to send e-waste!

At this moment, his phone rang suddenly, and it was Lu Yu. This is a bit weird. Lu Yu wouldn't make a call without an emergency.

Feng Lin was about to have a remote meeting with the officials, and only after hearing Chu Yuanxi's "Hmm" a few times, he asked, "227? What the **** is 227? Ah, what's the matter? Don't, don't, let's not mix up. It doesn't matter to us and it's too dangerous. Yes, pretend not to know."

Lu Yu's voice can be heard through the phone: "Does this matter have nothing to do with us? We have spoken so many times before in Now we are leaving a message on Weibo, you can see, they are encouraging us Speak up, isn't this our responsibility and responsibility as opinion leaders? And it does have something to do with us..."

"I understand your desire for hot spots, but this time it won't work, I don't agree! Little fx is something you and I can afford? It is all transferred from "Chen Qing Fu", what is "Chen Qing Fu"? It's "The Demon Master". How many of those fans are mdzz? Aren't you afraid? What is called the world's bitter little fx for a long time? You can rest! Can you pretend to be dead?"

Cults often have a tight internal organization, the three views cannot be described, and they firmly believe that they are just. Cults also have a strong uniqueness, and it is normal to preach that the leader is number one in the world. How dare you get involved in this kind of organization? It is of course justified to use any means in the process of promoting their own opinions. Who dares not agree to try one?

So Chu Yuanxi was really scared. The last person who said he was not afraid was Professor Yan Ning, the most famous young professor in China. He was still obsessed with Amway when his head was pressed by other fans. He even dared to like Zhu Yilong. He was backhanded by Xiao fx and reported an academic misconduct. So Chu Yuanxi doesn't think it's shameful to persevere...

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