It may be that Chu Yuanxi came in and distracted her. She didn't grasp the amount of the arrow in advance. Six bats from the other party slipped over and covered the dark cloud. Then, there was no more...

Annoyed, Fang Shiling threw the phone on the sofa, then took off his leg, and said in Chu Yuanxi's reluctant gaze: "Last time you said, let me give you a correct valuation again, and then talk about it. ?"

   "You, are you finished talking with Zhu Yun? Are you satisfied?" Chu Yuanxi broke free from the good memories, and took the initiative to put on a "indifference" type protective cover. The distant memory is deep, but what has just happened will not be forgotten in a blink of an eye. When Fang Shiling robbed Zhu Yan just now, he was very aggressive, as if something was going to happen. This is the third time I have eaten it, right? If you want to make peace now? I don't want face? You forgot to offend the old man twice before?

But Fang Shiling seemed to have forgotten all the unpleasantness... a smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth. She has seen a lot of people like Chu Yuanxi, and said no, but it was just a pretentious attitude. Honest. The more aggressive their words are, the more they want to conceal their heart, huh, man...

   "I heard that you valued your company at one billion?" Fang Shiling didn't follow Chu Yuanxi down, but jokingly said: "Your ambition is not small. Have you considered buying Midnight Gallery?"

   "In the future, when the valuation becomes market value."

   Chu Yuanxi was sitting on the sofa next to Fang Shiling, pretending to look at the phone without squinting his eyes. In fact, he was blind. A quiet scent lingered around him, becoming more fresh over time, causing Chu Yuanxi's heart to tremble slightly.

There used to be a famous piece called "I have worked hard for 18 years just to drink coffee with you." Chu Yuanxi didn't feel that way. It was just that Fang Shiling was close at hand, but he knew the kind of dream he wanted. It feels very difficult to have it again. The so-called "things are wrong" is to say a word of love, but a mouth becomes a formulaic business communication, which is very sad.

   Fang Shiling heard a string of exaggerated laughter, and had to say that her voice was still as good as before, even the deliberate exaggerated laughter. After smiling, Fang Shiling looked at Chu Yuanxi's profile and asked, "Are you serious or just to reject others? Old classmate, do you think you are already a unicorn and will be listed at any time?"

"The unicorn needs a valuation of 1 billion U.S. dollars, so it has to be B round." Chu Yuanxi didn't dare to say honestly. In the B round, his business plan had a valuation of at least 15 billion. Horned beasts are not enough, and for the Pakistani people, the main task is to quickly transform into a cash cow, whether there is a B round or not.

   Fang Shiling stared at Chu Yuanxi deeply, she found that Chu Yuanxi actually seemed to be real?

   Chu Yuanxi simply turned around, staring at Fang Shiling with complicated eyes.

   The door was quietly pushed open a crack, Zhu Yun couldn't hear it, so he probed his head outside. Brushing two eyes to stare at Zhu Yan, Chu Yuanxi and Fang Shiling turned their heads at the same time, and Zhu Yan immediately closed the door.

Fang Shiling suddenly chuckled, "Old classmate, if you are a self-media, you will inevitably have to cooperate with others, such as exchanging some resources. Anyway, if you hold this energy, others can't talk to you. ."

   "Isn't this afraid of being taken advantage of by the housekeeper?" Chu Yuan Xixin said what kind of business negotiation the old man has gone through and won't scare you.

   Fang Shiling's eyes flashed: "I apologize, you should forget the one million last time."

   "Well, what is your valuation this time?"

"Fifteen million." Fang Shiling believes that this valuation is reasonable, and there is a follow-up: "I heard that you have invested 4 million in Baren Entertainment, and then the angel round is valued at 10 million, right? Just follow this. Your 4 million rose to 6 million, and then I used 4 million to buy two-thirds of your part. You just took back all the capital, and everything else remains the same, okay?"

   Chu Yuanxi's expression was very complicated, mainly because he didn't know how to refuse. This time Fang Shiling's proposal was obviously well thought out, at least in the eyes of outsiders, it should be a very good condition, and he considered it for him.

   It must be the first demand of most people to recover the capital to remain undefeated. Unfortunately, it is not Chu Yuanxi's.

   Fang Shiling, you look down on me like that? Think of me as a diao silk? Use this condition to tempt me?

  Fang Shiling's complex look is in full view, huh, do you want to add a little more? In fact, she was not determined to win the investment rights for Chin Entertainment today. After being hit by Zhu Yan, she knew that she was exhausted again and needed to plan again.

   But it's good to be pretentious.

"Old classmate, this is a very good time for you to catch up. This kind of opportunity is not available anytime and anywhere. You have to learn to cherish it. You know when I started the late-night gallery, in order to get the first money, how Do you work hard? Do you know how much sacrifice I have paid to break through the yoke of class? Now "Late Night Gallery" is almost on the valuation has only fluctuated around 100 million! You did it for a month. Ten times that of me in so many years? Ah?"

Chu Yuanxi was taken aback, "Isn't your investor Daxia?" He didn't think Fang Shiling would tell lies at this time, but he always thought that Fang Shiling was all the way because of the high stationmaster's house. Smooth wind.

"Heh, did you listen to some rumors?" Fang Shiling said contemptuously, "I rely on talent for Fang Shiling to write explosive articles, and the money invested by Daxia is not windy. You think they are all like you. ?"

   "What's wrong with me?" Chu Yuanxi actually admired Fang Shiling, and he was even a little trembling. Fang Shiling is indeed a typical breakthrough class, even as an idol of many workplace people.

"Sometimes I am really jealous of your fate, so I just lie down and won. Before anything else, investors rush to invest for you, and I don't cherish it at all." Fang Shiling feinted and pointed to his nose. : "The most hateful thing is that this investor is still me!"

   The melodious waltz has been circulating repeatedly in the tea room, Fang Shiling suddenly stood up, then possessed, holding Chu Yuanxi's hand, and said, "Can you still dance?"

   Chu Yuanxi nodded and stood up. Of course he can dance, often in the original world.

   "Then... only dance with me?" Fang Shiling blinked. She raised her hand to the level of her eyebrows, which was a gesture of dancing. Chu Yuanxi's hand was naturally pulled up, feeling the soft and boneless touch, which she liked very much.

   He hasn't touched Fang Shiling since he took music class in the second grade of junior high school. Fifteen years later, he finally took Fang Shiling's hand. Across two hands, Chu Yuanxi looked directly into Fang Shiling's eyes, her eyes empty, memories and reality intertwined...

   At this moment, the door suddenly "creaked" and opened again.

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