Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

: Explain 1 The so-called first love and literary illness, please criticize me as much as possible.

Seeing many readers and friends condemning me, saying how unsightly the first love complex is, I want to clarify that Fang Shiling is not the first love (the author imitates the ape Taishan Zhong), Chu Yuanxi is single and has never had first love. Can only be considered a crush.

   I know the shortcomings of this episode very well. It will drive readers off the shelves. This result is terrible and I cannot bear it. I apologize to you for this matter. It would be great if you can tolerate my willfulness. If not, I would also appreciate it. Even if you look at me, it is fate.

   But I really don’t have any literary and youth sickness. There is a huge cognitive gap between you and me. What is the main difference? I think the most probable thing is-you take it for granted that when writing online articles, of course, all female roles are collected. However, I don't think so, or never think so. Seeing a lot of readers and friends leave a message and quickly write her to death, I am inexplicably relieved...

   But I also have a headache. What is my headache? I can’t say, I’m spoiled when I say it. In short, I’m afraid that you can’t help the plot in front of you, abandon the book, and you won’t be able to see the super exciting place behind. That's a shame.

As a web essay, this book fails in some aspects. In addition to the cognitive gap caused by the female role positioning problem mentioned above, there is also the issue of plot span, but I can’t find a better way. I can Limited, I can only write according to my own ideas to write what I think is the best. To briefly describe, the outline of the book is 135,000 words. The key plot of Fang Shiling starts at 77,000 words, and the time is March 2019, and then a large span. The real mega climax detonates at 88,000 words, and the time is 2019. August. Because the book lists all events starting and ending in time, it is easy to find haha.

   By the way, to explain, Fang Shiling will not often appear in the back. After this passage, I mainly wrote about the outbreak of Chu Yuanxi's career, and it was a major event related to her, which evolved into about three or four scenes.

Don't talk about you, I'm so anxious, but this book is not fantasy. You can't jump out of the road with a two-hundred-and-five hundred jump in front of the protagonist and be beaten by the protagonist. Chapter by plot... That's fast. Arrived!

   A little off topic, the author I admire is the author of "Gu Zhenren". His plot of "Sanwangshan Mortal Refining Immortal Gu" is the highest climax of all online novels in my mind. As an author, I am not very smart. As a reader of online articles, I have read more than one billion words. Think about it when I wrote the book in Obviously it is still ahead. My judgment should be Isn't it reliable?

   This book is now a hot book starting point, and it is often on the list with a lot of iron fans. However, it was unknown at the beginning. I posted a long review of more than 20,000 words on tieba. The time seems to be 2014? It's a pity that the so-called long review is not widely read.

The time span of the episode of   Three Kings Mountain is also very large. During the period, the protagonist also experienced a rebirth. Readers who have seen it can recall it, and then, the real person Gu created a super climax (whether it is the first time). Therefore, I think that even if the time span is longer, and some plain things will be written during the period, it is worthwhile to create a super reading pleasure in the end? May not be able to write the pleasure of Reality Gu, see the virtuous and think together, do your best.

   At the same time, I was prepared to be silent for many years like Master Gu, so I was fearless. Of course, I can't write slowly, often inject water, and change constantly like he used to (now he has kept updating). Anyway, the book "Salted Fish" needs to be written at least 2 million words. When I signed the contract with Qi Qi, I didn't intend to leave room for myself, so I directly filled in 2 million words.

   This is an urban novel with no superpowers, and it strives to be true. A large number of events cannot be written as they wish. There is a inheritance and an objective law. And I can proudly say that there are no facial characters in the main characters of this book. They are people who have their own appeals. At least from the perspective of the outline and personality, they may not work well because of insufficient ability. problem should be treated as if it does not exist haha.

   If you are used to reading fantasy, reading a book will cause a little discomfort. A woman appears to be sexed by the protagonist, and she has to do it quickly. Another female character appears, eh, is it a contradiction? Then slap it after a few chapters. This is not the case for me. I have never written about fantasy before. Maybe I will write about fantasy in the next book that will satisfy you...

   This can be regarded as a kind of cognitive gap, anyway, I am not good at writing this kind of functional characters, and the behavior logic is like the NPC in the game. This kind of character only provides a certain function for a certain plot in the novel. A certain character appears to be against the protagonist, without any other pursuits. If you are full all day, you can just step on the protagonist and pretend to be forced and then be beaten back; or The character appears to train the protagonist and so on.

  The concubines have tried their best to practice this kind of writing, but there is a gap between them...

   This uncomfortable problem is actually okay, and it will be corrected after two more days.

   In addition, explain why the character Fang Shiling also happens to be named Fang? Because when I was designing, I thought about career first and then feelings. First, I set 150 career lines, then interspersed with emotions, and expanded to 200. In this process, the naming of the character is influenced by many things. For example, her surname is Fang, which can naturally derive some plots. That's why she is surnamed Fang. You will know when you look down. In fact, there is already a foreshadowing.

   Finally, it’s the issue of listing. Next week’s recommendation is not a forced push. Then there are two possibilities. The first one is to put it on the shelves without forced push. It’s about mid-October. The second one, wait and see next week.

   There are fewer complaints from readers. I really can’t help it. The number of words has exploded before it was released. By the way, new readers of my book don't read it, right? You are all old readers from the starting point, you understand this situation...

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