Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 115: Man Qian's legacy

   Even with the help of his left eye at this time, Hong Xing still couldn't raise the valuation to his satisfaction. The highest quotation was only 9 million, and the valuation was 9 million. He was only willing to vote 1 million, which made him a little impatient.

   I want to say that the left eye is really good for face. At this moment is a small highlight in his life. This stage has attracted much attention, and he sits leisurely on the stage, casually discussing the world's major events, and slamming Fang Qiu in front of rows of investors. It is very enjoyable.

   Hong Xing and Zheng Tong have been standing **** the stage, while he sat with a big horse and a golden sword, forcing the grid to make a judgment. Under this kind of forced blessing, he also rarely puts down the shelf and occasionally caters to Hong Xing No. 1 or 2. Although the word is full of words, but the occasional opening is to affirm the achievements of Neptune Studios and make them famous. The cold domineering left eye held a handful, Hong Xing was cool.

   However, this is useless, investors will be fooled, but you also have to have something to fool!

  Especially the left eye has a great reputation, but its influence is limited to the self-media circle, at most spreading to the fan circle, but investors don't feel it. When it comes to investing in the left-eye studio, it must be a high-quality asset. Investors must be swarming up, but only for a short video studio that has left-eye endorsement but has just been established for less than a month. This must be researched. .

   Hong Xing finally realized that it was a stupid thing for him to find the left-eye endorsement. What he should find is a big man in the investment industry to endorse himself. If there is a famous big guy who says that this studio is worth investing in, then it's open! As for why the boss himself didn't vote, this is not the key...

   His eyes circled around the stage, and he cursed his mother. Among the investors in the audience are qualified and prestigious, and the most suitable person to come forward at this time is Du Shuang, who is invested by Daxia. This person has successfully invested in "High Station Master's House" and "Middle Night Gallery". Each self-media has a great reputation, and it has also made Du Shuang soar. He is well-known in the IP investment circle and is known for his sharp vision.

   The key is that the mansion investment is still Pengfei Technology’s father, the funder of Pengfei Technology. Although the investment in Pengfei has nothing to do with Du Shuang himself, there is such a relationship, and Gu Shujun is also there. He can speak up.

   The problem is that Hong Xing didn't think through this before. He just wanted Du Shuang to be his support instead of endorsing it. The difference is too big! As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth, Du Shuang declined directly, and now he is not sitting down at all...He lost a strong support, this is his life!

   Time waits for no one, and after a while, it’s going to end. Could it be that I have spent so much effort to create an auction-like format, sitting on the floor and failing to raise the price, and finally ended up in a state of unsuccessful auction?

   Actually, it’s okay if Yuan Mu is willing to speak, but Yuan Mu slipped earlier, maybe still in the venue, but since signing the contract, I haven’t seen her dangling!

   He didn't count on Yuan Lu. He wanted to bake the back after putting someone on the fire? Then he saw Lei Siyun at a glance. He was talking and laughing with Lei Siyun who was on stage in place of Yuan Mu just now in the forum, and he held Lei Siyun several times without any trace, which made Lei Siyun very useful. Although Lei Siyun is not a bigwig in the direction of IP investment, he is a gold medal investor and a leader of the Zheng De Fund. His words are good!

   In a very short moment, Hong Xing's mind turned a few times, and finally straightened out the interests, and immediately turned his attention to Lei Siyun for help.

   Lei Siyun responded with a kind smile, his task today has been completed, and now he is waiting for the end to continue picking up girls.

   What a kind smile! Hong Xingxin said that this is not okay, let's give it a try, and lose face! At this time, the situation on the stage was a cross talk between him, Zheng Tong, and the three people in the left eye. The lines had already been read, and they were now in the stage of talking. At this time, Zheng Tong was talking about the time issue of the studio’s establishment. He took the call and directly named: "Mr. Lei, do you think that a studio that has made god-level works sweeping the major lists of the entire network, the short establishment time is the advantage or the disadvantage? ?"

Lei Siyun couldn’t escape, so he took the microphone and said, “It’s definitely an advantage. The ability to make a burst of money immediately after its establishment shows the strength and vision of the studio. This kind of studio must have been planned before its establishment. Now that the future development path is ready, it is obviously promising."

   It is said that Dongfang Shuo is regarded as the ancestor of the cross talk world, and the name of Dongfang Shuo is Manqian. Therefore, the cross talk is also called Manqian Yifeng. Later, there was teasing, talking and singing, and a group of counterparts.

   Lei Siyun felt that the part he was praising was right for the audience, and then he planned to throw the burden back: "Would you like Mr. Zheng to tell me about his idea of ​​planning this work?"

  His heart has actually flown. Yuan Mu and Qi Yu, a genuine goddess and a spare tire, have all been out of his sight for a long time. This is very annoying for him who is extremely possessive. This valuation will not be of any value to him, nor does he have the right to make an investment on this occasion. It is not worth the gain to spend time here...

Hong Xing held down Zheng Tong’s microphone and exaggerated with body language: "The idea of ​​his creation is kept secret. This is the guy he eats. And I think this idea can create a list that sweeps the entire network. For his work, this idea alone is worth a valuation of at least 10 million ~ After finishing speaking, he looked at Lei Siyun with piercing eyes.

   This is called "general" in chess. It is no longer appropriate for Lei Siyun not to speak because of Hongxing's general. He can only speak in affirmative, negative, and muddy mud. Hong Xing felt bitter in his heart, and said silently: Don't mix with the mud, don't mix with the mud...

   As if Hong Xing's telepathy had worked, Lei Siyun frowned. He should have been sloppy, but suddenly at this moment he remembered some gossip about Yuan Mu that had been spread by the company, and also thought that Qi Yu was also sent to Zheng De by the boss of the company called Baren Entertainment, and the "billion" The story of "valuation" has a violent chrome hard in my heart. The hardest thing is that Zheng De will really invest in that company in all likelihood in the future, maybe the specific work will fall to him...

   Moreover, he also knows what Hong Xing wants in terms of the conversation. Of course it doesn't matter if he just endorses it. After changing his mind, Lei Siyun simply said: "It's worth it, it's definitely worth it! I know that a short video studio established with Neptune is already valued at one billion yuan, and I think Neptune's valuation might be more aggressive."

   Zheng Tong made an extremely shocked state: "Ah! Who estimated such a high value?"

   Lei Siyun said calmly, "They themselves."

   There was a burst of laughter in the venue. Chu Yuanxi, who was hiding in the crowd, didn't get angry when he heard it, but was a little excited--he didn't even want Hong Xingrong to arrive at five million, let alone the valuation is now close to ten million? He is about to find the fault, Lei Siyun, you are offering a knife, good comrade!

   Hong Xing was also ecstatic, and the gaze at Lei Siyun was simply grateful! father! You are my father! This magical assist exceeded his greatest expectations, but before he could speak, his left eye suddenly picked up the microphone: "I know that studio, they did a great job copycat!"

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