Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 134: What is artificial intelligence

   There is another game type called "sandbox game". Sandbox games only provide rules, and there are no so-called tasks. Players can play as long as they want to play as long as they conform to the rules, and then package the "achievement system" into tasks. For example, rewards for completing tasks such as killing 100 chickens. It is an achievement.

   This type of game is usually very interesting, but the shortcomings are also obvious, there is no costly plot. From the planning level, it is difficult to predict player behavior, and it is difficult to arrange the plot.

   These three types of games actually have one thing in common, the game world is dead, and the player will not turn if there is no player. So what kind of game is alive? The ideal situation is of course the future virtual game in online novels, there are a large number of intelligent NPCs, even if there is no player, the game world itself will run, and the timeline keeps moving forward.

   However, this kind of thinking is too advanced. Reality is not a novel after all. With the current technical strength, it is difficult to complete the scenes in the novel, especially considering the strange influence the players exert on the game world.

   What Chu Yuanxi has to do is much more realistic. Simply put, it is to add an artificial intelligence to the task mechanism to make the entire game world alive. This artificial intelligence requires deep learning training to learn to automatically generate tasks, and it is a task that conforms to the rules of the game and is suitable for the player's current plot and self-built personality.

This is equivalent to giving each player a portable game plan. When the task is triggered, a brand new task content will be compiled for you on the spot, which conforms to the structure of the task table, and then generates a supporting plot according to the main plot. Of course, the plot also needs to be correct. AI trains.

   In line with the rules of the game, it means that the content of the task is not lost, and the player can complete it. It is suitable for the player's current plot to increase the player's fun and let the player feel the "live" of the game world.

   As for the player’s self-built character, a simple example is good and evil. The player’s game progress has advanced to a certain level. When facing choices, he has been playing the evil faction. Of course, the story of Wei Guangzheng should not appear. The story of Wei Guangzheng and the appearance of tasks are not in line with the player’s role in the game. Of people.

   The meaning of artificial intelligence is to complete the simple and repetitive tasks that required humans in the past. If it is manual labor, let the robot do it. If it is intellectual labor, it needs to use deep learning to train AI to complete it. The current level of technology is just right for adding this module.

   The feasibility of this method has been verified in the original world. There are three games related to shared bicycle riding in the inner cycle of the well-off life in the original world, two of which use artificial intelligence task modules.

   This time, he is going to apply the artificial intelligence task system to the mobile game "Out of the Wind".

   is not TCG, but "Troubled Times". TCG does not need this system. It is only needed for Chu Yuanxi's "Troubled Times", which is the most important part of Chu Yuanxi's entire self-media entrepreneurial plan. In Chu Yuanxi's design, as long as the IP that emerged from the troubled times is successfully established, you must develop your own mobile games, and artificial intelligence will be used at that time!

  Although "Unwinding in the Wind" is a more thorough mobile game, it is not quite the same as the well-off game in the original world, but the truth is figured out, after all, Chu Yuanxi is not a really good AI to do anything.

Xue Ming listened quietly, did not say a word, and sighed softly for a long while: "This, it is difficult. There are many dimensions that need to be trained for AI. The more dimensions, the more complex it is. The logical consistency needs to be considered. The more complicated it is."

   "Can I simply interpret it as a heavy workload?"

   Xue Ming's constipation-like expression: "Almost."

   Chu Yuanxi clapped her hands happily: "Great, you have enough time to design, and you are not afraid of heavy workload."

"It's not just a lot of work, wait for me to think..." Xue Ming's brain hurts, his brain is extremely fast, the faster he turns, the more his brain hurts, "I have also played games. Your game must still be required. If there is a main story, the main story is also edited by training AI?"

   "Yes, there is a basic plot line. You can understand it as a context. Each player encounters the same events and characters when walking on this context, but the specific plot is different."

"This is impossible. As you said earlier, there are good and evil behaviors for players, and there are plenty of choices. How could it be that the specific plots are different and the events and characters encountered are the same? You are contradictory. Yes, the forcible plot must be extremely funny. It cannot be solved by AI. Artificial intelligence is only faster than humans and tireless. It is also difficult for humans to accomplish things that humans cannot accomplish."

"Oh, this is easy to handle. Different dungeon lines and map lines can be given in a certain stage. The number of levels and the rewards for clearance are the same. Isn't it possible to encounter different characters and events? After the stage is completed, all players return To the same node, UU reading is perfect." Chu Yuanxi said more and more beautifully.

   "Wait first..." Xue Ming finally wondered: "How far has your game project been developed? How can you adjust the underlying game mechanics at will?"

Xue Ming has also been an ordinary programmer. The impact of adjusting the underlying mechanism on the entire framework is not generally large. Often a seemingly small adjustment will cause tens of thousands of lines of code to be reorganized, which can kill the project team, let alone Saying "add a few map lines to let players choose their own way" such a major change, this is a radical change for the back-end programmers.

   "It hasn't been developed yet. I told you that it is a brand-new module. This way the AI ​​module is started first and other traditional functions are developed. I think it is the least difficult and smoothest to develop."

   Xue Ming nodded heavily: "I hear what you mean, it seems that what you are doing is still an IP project? The plot is still very important? Does it have anything to do with the "Animal Company" that your account recently promoted?"

   "Yes, yes, the project is called "Morning Times", the theme of national style and history has nothing to do with "Animal Company"."

   Xue Ming was even more puzzled: "Huh? Then why haven't I seen anything related to your project? I have seen a lot of your company's works."

   "Because I haven't started painting yet, I'm preparing intensively. The comic series will begin after the Spring Festival."

   A huge unreliable feeling arose in his heart, Xue Ming hurriedly asked: "The game development team?"

   "Ah, the project hasn't been established yet, and the development team hasn't recruited yet." Chu Yuanxi said, and saw that Xue Ming's expression changed a lot, and his heart said it was going to be bad. "You can rest assured that a mature development team is in place at any time."

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