Many people say that women are made of water, at least He Nami is, tears come just as they say it is, and they swirl in her eye sockets in an instant. Chu Yuanxi panicked immediately, asking her heart, did I say something wrong?

"Chu Yuanxi, tell the truth, what on earth do you look down on me?" He Nami stood up, wiped her tears carefully, trying to keep her makeup as much as possible, "I also made a lot of tcg battle videos? Am I not on camera? "

Chu Yuanxi nodded quickly: "Photogenic, very photogenic."

"Then I want to be a broadcaster. Is there anything wrong with it? So many people in yours are all flying, why can't you give me a chance?"

"But we can't live broadcast Bengdi, isn't it plausible?"

"Who is going to broadcast Bengdi live!" He Namei was angry, "If I live broadcast, I must sing too! Like Qi Yu, shoot Bengdi short videos and sing live broadcast, can't it?"

Chu Yuanxi was silent. After waiting for a long time, He Nami became impatient. Chu Yuanxi suddenly said, "You also want a contract like Qi Yu?"

"I want to help you! Chu Yuanxi, won't your conscience hurt?" He Namei was anxious, and she gave the crematorium with her tenderness. She really wanted to quit, but she couldn't bear it and became famous. The temptation is right in front of you, as if you can reach it with a hand out, and as if you can never touch it.

"But you haven't done a live broadcast before?" Chu Yuanxi sat up straight, looking formal. What He Namei wants he knows very well. What she wants is not to use a brand new account, but to use Qi Yu's account to broadcast live and video, so she might be worth a hundred times. But this is exactly what he does not want. Compared with the hollowing out of fans with vacant accounts, the loss of a failed live broadcast is more serious. Not only will it be powdered, but there will also be overwhelming negative reviews, bringing down the reputation of Pakistani entertainment. possible.

"What's the problem? If Qi Yu can do it, I can do it too!"

"Although you can listen to singing, it's still a lot worse than Qi Yu." Chu Yuanxi had to harden her heart and said to He Nami: "You haven't done a live broadcast. Qi Yu spent a lot of time after Zhu Yan. If you have trained live broadcast skills, let Zhu Yan spare time to train you for another round, it will last two weeks, let alone whether Zhu Yan is willing or not, I don't agree."


"Why can Qi Yu allow Zhu Yan to train, but this girl can't?"

He Nami burst into tears, her tears came out again, and work time was approaching, and someone who issued the fruit was already outside the door. Chu Yuanxi decided to end this communication: "Even Qi Yu often panicked when it was broadcast, and the broadcast was very stiff. But she can sing casually. She panicked and saved. That was because she insisted on practicing singing weekly for several years. It’s done. You should at least become a qualified anchor, and then I can consider letting you go live on the Pakistani account.

As for the short video of Bengdi, you can design how to dance, choose the music, choose the venue, and I will reimburse you for what you need. If you need help, you can find someone to help you shoot, but—"Chu Yuanxi watched He Nami At a glance, He Nami stopped talking.

"But I have to go through it first, I nod before uploading. Otherwise, you can open a new account and upload by yourself."

He Nami heard this and said quietly, "Chu Yuanxi, do you know why I hope to help you?"

Chu Yuanxi felt very tricky. A word was careless, He Nami might be leaving her job. This kind of sweetness happened to have been in contact with the original world many times.

Although He Nami actually has no decisive role in the Pakistani people, and has intentions for herself, Chu Yuanxi does not think this is a huge reduction. The only thing he is more taboo is He Namei always wants to take the company Of her resources are spent on herself. However, this is human nature and can be treated fairly. He does not necessarily have similar thoughts when he works for others. It is just that the person being shorned is himself, so he is uncomfortable.

Chu Yuanxi is a nostalgic person, not only to He Nami, but also to Yang Jiangang to Zhao Jie. Chu Yuanxi, the salted fish in this world, has fought side by side with his old comrades for so long, and many memories are indelible and he has inherited them. Some memories may have been blurred, but the good memories left behind gradually become a kind of comfort after the ravages of time. Seeing the corresponding person will trigger this kind of good feeling. This feeling is still there, and the affection is still there. They can also tolerate some of their shortcomings more.

So this question is not easy to answer, because he doesn't want Ho Nami to leave herself with huge negative energy. If He Nami becomes famous here and then leaves with her head high, it doesn't matter if he sends him a good person card, he will be happy from the bottom of his heart, but it can't be forced to leave.


Therefore, he responded after a flash of thought: "I can use the internal mutual @ mechanism of Douyin to attract some traffic to you."

He Nami breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Chu Yuanxi still has feelings for herself! Hmph, this girl's methods have not been used yet! At this moment, she swept away from the corner of her eyes and saw Zhu Yan just walking in the corridor, and she would come in in a few seconds. She suddenly asked: "I haven't eaten breakfast yet, have you eaten it?"

Chu Yuanxi immediately replied to her: "You have eaten, you can eat."

"Cut!" He Nami turned around deliberately disdainfully, the moment she turned around, her face changed drastically, she turned into a sunny smile, and she walked out the door and took out the keychain and hooked it on her finger. When he pushed the door, he suddenly said, "Remember, you promised me, you are a little heartless." After that, he flipped the keychain and turned around.

When Zhu Yan pushed the door and came in, he heard He Namei beamingly say such words, and when she fixed her eyes, He Namei walked past her with the pride of the winner in her

She was in a bad mood at first, but she wrinkled her nose, and the air was full of He Nami's perfume, what a show!

Seeing Chu Yuanxi sitting with that silly boy, Zhu Yun stopped getting angry, and walked over a few steps. Chu Yuanxi thought she was going to squat again, but he didn't expect Zhu Yun to lift her long legs. Get up and step on the chair next to him, arching and asking, "Chu Yuanxi, are you going to pay Qi Yu a bonus? From the account of the artifact company?"

"Huh? Qi Yu told you?" Chu Yuanxi was extremely surprised. He thought Qi Yu had no personal relationship with Zhu Yan.

"Huh! Am I a shareholder of Sacred Instruments? Am I a shareholder of Pakistani Entertainment? Why don't I know?"

"Isn't this going to discuss with you?" Chu Yuanxi patted the chair, motioned her to sit down and said, this posture is much more powerful than squatting. She is wearing leather pants today, with her bowed body Chu Yuanxi I was afraid that her leather pants would be ripped apart.

"I'm not sitting, I'll listen to you explain." Zhu Yan tilted his face and gave Chu Yuanxi a big eye. (Salted fish's self-rescue strategy: 128128019)--(Salted fish's self-rescue strategy)

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