Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 210: The issue of belonging to the harem

   Chu Yuanxi was silent, saying that no one knows about the old master's life. What is the difference between "friend" and ""? The difference between friends is friendship, which can only last for a long time.

  Friends are to feel comfortable with each other before they become friends. Instead, be first and then feel comfortable with each other.

"What? This girl doesn't ask for status. Isn't it okay to do this?" He Nami said that water molecules began to spin in her eyes, and then she heard Chu Yuanxi say: "That's not a friend, it's a lover. A lover wants Emotionally, I can accept flirting with unfamiliar beauties, but I can’t accept talking with impossible people."

   The three words "Impossible" hit He Nami's ear like a three-count hammer, running along the ear drum to the head. Chu Yuanxi, you ruthless fellow! You have no conscience! He Nami scolded in her heart, but her expression became relaxed instead.

   She blew a whistle frivolously, and said, "I didn't see it, you're pretty good at it, is it Qi Yu?"

   Chu Yuanxi shook his head silently.

   "Then, is there Qi Yu?"

   Chu Yuanxi was also asking himself this question, and finally he nodded.

   "Is there any Zhu Yun?" He Nami's arm loosened.

   Chu Yuanxi took the opportunity to sit in a swivel chair, raised his head and said, "You have too many problems."

   From this angle, you can admire the beautiful mountain peaks. He Nami's clothes are elegant and thin. In the weather in late April, it looks particularly cool.

   "Scumbag!" He Nami gritted her teeth and stared at him, "With her without me, you are a scumbag! Where do you look?" She said her chest.

   Chu Yuanxi retracted his gaze, secretly crying regret. But I really didn't have her place in my heart, so I didn't think I was scumbag. If you agree to her, that's scum.

If he must rank the issue of the attribution of the harem, he has a crush on Fang Shiling for more than ten years, and it is still difficult not to rank her first, but he also knows that he is hopeless in this life. It is not because he did not work hard, but he tried too hard. And she became a scumbag.

   Qi Yu, Chu Yuanxi admits that she has her in her heart. This kind of affection is increasing day by day, even after he traveled.

   Zhu Yun, Chu Yuanxi felt that she was more responsible for her and wanted to give her the best return. This sense of responsibility is more than he likes Qiyu, but is it true to talk about feelings? People are emotional animals. Even if I have a little feeling for He Nami, Zhu Yan certainly has more than her.

   As for others, Chu Yuanxi suddenly flashed a long-lost name, Poppies.

   He doesn't know why he thinks of Poppies at this time. Ordinarily, thinking about such a serious issue shouldn't think of her.

   In this world, the two of them have not seen him, and the poppies may not even know he is there. To say that there is no sincere love with her, Chu Yuanxi feels that there must be none in the original world. In the original world, he has money and doesn't care about money. The money that poppies got is enough to support second-tier female stars, and she still sits steady. The main palace of the harem regiment, who has the right to recommend beautiful women to him, is so beautiful in her own circle.

   Maybe the heat released by He Nami stimulated a certain nerve of her own? Poppies from the body to the measurements are full of these two proud He Nami, the appearance is not bad, and the temperament is more special, she is the kind of woman who can feel contradictory only by looking at her face and looking at her bare face. There are thousands of miles away, and there is a bed on one side, so Chu Yuanxi's nickname for her is Ice Bed.

   This is not simply hotness, but the result of hormonal spillover. Few people can release hormones wholeheartedly like her. Her body is extremely flexible, she has unlocked too many positions with Chu Yuanxi, and she has made great sacrifices to please him.

  Chu Yuanxi finally thought about why she suddenly thought of Poppies, first because she was not good at jealous, and second because her sacrifice was not for fame and fortune. If it is only for money, she only needs to refuse to unlock it. Chu Yuanxi will not give her a penny less, she is purely dedicated to herself and let Chu Yuanxi be happy.

   Will He Nami make such a sacrifice for herself? Maybe it will, but she is for fame and money. Is He Namei jealous? Fortunately, the advanced **** that I have seen is not too few...

   Chu Yuanxi calmly met He Nami's gaze.

   He Nami found out that he was distracted at this moment. When she stared at Chu Yuanxi, he was distracted? This caused her to suffer 10,000 critical damage.

Chu Yuanxi looked at He Nami who turned away angrily, thinking that she had been the most smooth. If this did not allow her to regain her heart and lock Yima, then her resignation would be inevitable. Let her go.

   He still has poppies in his mind, and at this moment he especially wants to see poppies. He felt that he was indeed a lover, because he is now different from January. After three months, he is absolutely capable of helping Poppies, but he is indifferent.

In fact, he knows that it is easy to connect with poppies. Although she does not do live broadcasts, she is a star in the flat mold circle. She must have a vHoney account. He will give a reward on the vHoney app on her mobile phone. Money can pick it up right away.

   But this thought just flickered, and it faded quickly. People are selfish, and he has no time. Why is the so-called Pan Lv Deng Xiaoxian ranked last? Because the last one is the most important.

   As a result, He Nami walked quite Yuanxi couldn't stop running horses in her mind.

  His aesthetic orientation is not so heavy. Pure natural green crops are the best, salty and light are also very good, but they are all salt and oil. There are still many members of the flat model harem regiment in the original world, and one after another beautiful figures in the mind.

   Then, some pretty girls in the original world who had not joined his harem group for various reasons also appeared to fight, Yang Xinxin, Liu Lining, Ma Yujiao and Feng Lin,

In addition, there is Ruoshui who he admires but has always kept restraint. They are all girls who have more appetite for him than poppies.

   I don’t know if they are doing well?

   This noon has passed in the memories of letting people lose control, until they growl hungry.

   Suddenly a reminder came from the phone. Chu Yuanxi took a look and Qi Yu asked in WeChat: Do I need to go back or start a live broadcast here?

   Chu Yuanxi quickly replied: No need. Are you scolded too?

   He quickly opened Weibo to see Qi Yu, didn’t he? How could the verbal and written criticism of Pakistani entertainment by colleagues disappear within a day? Jingfen is addictive to play, and some people have spread to Qi Yu's Weibo as fans.

   Qi Yu second replied: That's for sure. Someone asked me at the scene today. How should I answer? Waiting online, very anxious.

   Chu Yuanxi: Pretending to be reserved, tell them that there are many red-haired people, suggesting that they don't want to be jealous.

  :. :

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