Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 214: You never know that the opposite of the Internet is a person or a dog

This number has been hammered heavily in the hearts of many people. Some people really have red eyes, and they directly questioned: How much do you plan to cheat by sharing knowledge? Is this knowledge sharing? You are focused on cutting leeks to coax money!

This is because you didn't cut it, brother dei! For this kind of person, Chu Yuanxi has always responded in seconds: There are seven people in this company, how can they have the energy to concentrate on cutting this new crop of leeks? We need to devote our limited energy to the sale of live-streaming artifacts selling cute hats. We have made tens of millions of hats. Note that it is after tax. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā This little money is an order of magnitude worse, and it is not worth mentioning.

Some people also ask: Is your knowledge sharing deceptive? Can you guarantee that you know why your work is popular? I think what you are saying is correct, I don't know if I should believe you.

Although this person was talking yin and yang, and he was here to pick things up, Chu Yuanxi still patiently replied: I can interpret the phenomenon I created, and there is nothing wrong with it. Do you believe what I said you don’t believe what others say? Do you know why Professor Yang has always been employed?

There are others who speak much more normally: the second bomb has benefited a lot again, when will big brother write the third bomb? Can you reveal something in advance?

Chu Yuanxi didn’t know if this was a sunspot or a fan, so he used the words appropriately: If there is a third bullet, let’s introduce how to enter the real economy through Douyin operations. After the hat, we have developed new products and have entered production. The process will start to bring the goods in the near future. Welcome all new and old friends to purchase. Many people equate the simple realization of Internet celebrities with advertising. The company has to use a practical way to explain that this is picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons. We can be regarded as a new way for our colleagues.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi's real idea is to go his own way and let others have nowhere to go. But what he didn't know was that Fang Shiling's trumpet was the one who asked the question. After reading Chu Yuanxi's reply, he overturned the Wuwei Bottle in his heart. Could it be that, sitting and watching Chu Yuanxi rush forward, he can only write two explosive articles? Didn't that become Chu Yuanxi's, did he advertise for free? Who is taking advantage of this?

Chu Yuanxi didn't know that someone on the other side was so sad. Anyway, he used Weibo. He took the time to take a look at the battlefield last night, and then found that the situation was a bit strange? He clicked on Lu Yongxiao's Weibo, and finally confirmed that he had deleted the long Weibo...

"Wipe! Destroy the corpse!"

Chu Yuanxi didn't know how to vomit this mess. There was a very anti-human thing on Weibo, which was that you could sit back when you pulled out the shit. As long as you think you haven't done it, tomorrow will be a happy start.

You can imagine Lu Yongxiao's violent violent when he deleted Weibo. Chu Yuanxi's brain made up for it. His hands trembling with violent veins were shaking and clicking the delete button. The screen was too beautiful to watch. According to the unspoken rules on Weibo, others have all sat back on their shit. If there is no deep hatred, it is not advisable to continue to whip the corpse because the corpse is gone. This kind of scum Chu Yuanxi didn't intend to continue to take care of it, if he was dead, he would still give him a high look.

At this time, Zhongyuan Liangdianhong asked again, and he was extremely humble. He spoke so nicely. Chu Yuanxi was in a good mood, so he continued to give some pointers. This person must also be an old fried dough stick. Chu Yuanxi believes that the other party must be controlled by an old Weibo. She probably saw that Douyin became popular and wanted to enter, but she had only made short Weibo videos, but was unfamiliar with short Weibo videos. Although they are both short videos, these two are the difference between river fish and marine fish, so the lowest cost method is used-to find a large lead.

This is the portrait he gave to each other. Ordinarily, this kind of guidance shouldn't be free, but Chu Yuanxi seldom calculates such trivial matters, so he should just enter it as a guide. Besides, the other party probably bought his own knowledge and paid for it, so he has a little obligation to answer questions.

Moreover, Weibo is a public place, a place to express one's own opinions, not only for Zhongyuan Liangdian, but also for other Weibo fans. Taking out some valuable dry goods on Weibo, you can't just count the small accounts. This is also a process of establishing and consolidating reputation. From this perspective, someone who can ask the right questions is undesirable, and they play a role of admiration.

This is quite a praise, and I scratched Chu Yuanxi several times. However, no one can tell whether the person on the opposite side of the Internet is a dog. Zheng Tong on the other side of the Internet is so anxious to scratch his ears and cheeks, he wants to pull Chu Yuanxi along the network cable. Come and ask.

The content of the studio, Hong Xing, has been handed over to his shoulders. In the past few days, he has followed the method of Chu Yuanxi’s previous instructions to make videos. If you don’t do it, you don’t know. Chu Yuanxi’s path looks very good, but he It’s good to have 50,000 likes for the videos I made, and most of them are still at the stage of 3,000 or 4,000 likes.

Hong Xing, Zheng Tong, and several main content broadcasters in the studio really bought Chu Yuanxi's knowledge sharing and researched hard, but they can't sum up the rules at all! Chu Yuanxi's production is simply unreasonable and unreasonable. Every time they grab a scale and a half of a claw, it feels like a huge harvest, but after verification, it seems that there is no use for eggs?

Zheng Tong felt that Chu Yuanxi must have an inner production track, but it was like an antelope hanging horns without a trace, at least he hadn't seen it yet. At this time, Neptune's tuba has also accumulated almost a million fans, and it is regarded as a big broadcaster on Douyin. However, Douyin fans are simply not necessary. I feel that the wave of fans is basically concerned after the attention What can I do if I become a zombie?

So they bought the second bullet of today’s knowledge sharing as soon as it was released. The dry goods in it were very dry, and they immediately followed suit.

However, after they finished their Bundi I was surprised to find that the vibrato was like thunder everywhere, full of Bundi shakes. I hope that eight out of ten of the recommended videos are Bundi shakes. , Each one has the essence and essentials?

Zheng Tong only felt the weeds in his mouth, and opened Weibo just to curse the street.

I bought knowledge at 12 o’clock and started shooting at 1 o’clock. After shooting at 2 o’clock, I uploaded it and waited until after 4 o’clock. Their ambitious video did not even have 000 likes. It felt that it was no different from the previous work, and even more on the street... …

Zheng Tong then eagerly sent Weibo to decorate himself as a little fresh, and then asked Chu Yuanxi for advice. Then he received special treatment and guidance from Chu Yuanxi, and saw that Chu Yuanxi left a message in response to his question:

You may not distinguish the difference between ug and pg. In addition, there are some basic skills on Douyin, such as tagging, participating in activities and so on. You have to give up the set of short videos posted on Weibo. Douyin has its own rules. The time and method for you to get the first 000 likes is very important. Douyin has a trial play for every account.

"These are so special!" Zheng Tong's roar persisted in Neptune for a long time.

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