Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 221: Ready to bring goods

Qi Yu laughed wildly while talking, clutching his stomach and said: "I really laugh once when I think of it. I contracted my laughter for a year. WWW.SUIMENG.lā"

Chu Yuanxi made up for it, as if this rhetorical question could easily lead to a crit...

Before Qi Yu came back, Yang Yuanmei's low-end t-shirts came in by mail. Zhu Yan didn't feel that Qi Yu came back, but she was very looking forward to the sales prospects of t-shirts, because she went to the artifact company and she owned shares.

As for the high-end cultural shirts, Chu Yuanxi and Yang Yuanmei have also communicated well. Considering that the clothing factory of Yang Ma's family does not have any high-end craftsmanship, it is only the improvement in fabrics. Therefore, the price cannot be increased temporarily. 249 pieces are tentatively scheduled. Having rushed to work, Chu Yuanxi feels that at least for salaried workers in first-tier cities, even if it is more cost-effective, it is somewhat attractive.

For example, it is male, there is a rigid need for one or two sets of menswear that can be worn easily. However, IT men do not have an aesthetic sense. What kind of menswear wears to go out is a mystery, but IT men have an advantage. Generally speaking, they have a b number and know that they don’t understand clothing, so most will prepare a set of versatile Suit.

Suits are okay, but what if you can't wear a suit in the summer? Do you take a plaid top bag? At this time, an opinion leader is needed to recommend to him casual menswear with taste and delicacy. It's a pity that IT men don't usually recognize such opinion leaders.

The price of 249 is not high, but it can perfectly fill the rigid needs of such customers, and Zhu Yan can also serve as their opinion leader.

Therefore, on Tuesday night, Zhu Yan began to carry goods on the Douyin main ship, Qi Yu needs to be scheduled until Wednesday, and Friday is the Volcano. During the day, Chu Yuanxi also specially posted a short video to preview the night's live broadcast, and the official account, Weibo and Toutiao account were also synchronized, which was full of firepower.

Seeing it was eight o'clock in the evening, Zhu Yan was already sitting in the studio, Qi Yu and Chu Yuanxi moved a small bench to sit outside the door.

According to Qi Yu, the live broadcast skills are still not enough, this is a good opportunity to observe the actual combat up close.

For Chu Yuanxi, it was like facing a big enemy, for fear that Zhu Yan would say something wrong, every time he broadcasted the live broadcast, he was like facing the abyss, making Zhu Yan never tire of it, and despised Chu Yuanxi while doing the last check before the broadcast. He said to the outside: "You, have this spirit to be a babysitter for Qi Yu. Qi Yu is now a wrist. It is impossible for this fairy to say something wrong before her live broadcast instincts deteriorate."

"Hey, don't take it lightly. You can drown in water." Chu Yuanxi was very worried about Zhu Yan's carefree attitude. "Besides, you have to know that the video is edited deliberately and it is very easy to'take out of context'. You If you say it in its entirety, it might be fine. Those who want to hack you can just cut a paragraph. When you say it, can you think that there will be a problem with the middle wheel?

"Then I can't just say nothing!" Zhu Yan curled his lips, asking what scene this fairy hadn't seen? Fans who made mom and Timo hacked each other back then, aren’t they much better than yours? Are you still using reminders?

Chu Yuanxi knew that it was useless to persuade her now. The key is that she did not make any mistakes in the live broadcast, which made herself useless for many nights, so just watch the venue, so she said: "In short, be careful not to guide you during the live broadcast tonight. The audience can attack the relevant department. I don't worry about Qi Yu. She is a stupid broadcaster and there is no chance of making mistakes."

Qi Yu immediately stretched out his **** Zen to pinch Chu Yuanxi's waist and eyes.

Chu Yuanxi suddenly screamed. Although Zhu Yan couldn't see it, it was a joy to hear the scream, "Okay, you two, this fairy will start broadcasting."

"It's up to the two of you this time. I have sold more than 10,000 t-shirts this month to give you bonuses." Chu Yuanxi said across the wall, putting on headphones and turning on Douyin to watch the live broadcast from the audience's perspective.

Qi Yu naturally took off a headset from Chu Yuanxi's ear and put it on herself, then looked at the same mobile phone as Chu Yuanxi, and then asked in a low voice, "I heard that the users of Yini Duanzi are very resistant to Douyin? You are broadcasting on Douyin Volcano, will there be friends watching it?"

Chu Yuanxi said strangely: "Could it be that Yinizi Duan has been closed, so they don't watch short videos? There was a lot of trouble on Douyin before. Sixty percent of the videos on Duanzi were originally carried from Douyin Kuaishou. Yes, they still watch Douyin while scolding Douyin? What you said is that when they get together, they have to compare with each other who is more loyal to the joke? So they all have to show that they look down on Douyin Kuaishou. But who knows what kind of in private? Besides, the jokes are cold..."

"Oh." Qi Yu nodded faintly, and then asked, "Why are the t-shirts sold so cheaply? Ordinarily, shouldn't the Internet celebrities sell the goods be charged IQ tax?"

"If you collect IQ tax, you can't spoil your fans. The target users of t-shirts are our own fans, and we can't catch fish." Chu Yuanxi saw that Zhu Yan had already started broadcasting, and said: "Moreover, t-shirts have advertising attributes. More is better for us to expand our influence. This is a soft improvement, and we can’t just look at money. Let’s sell at normal prices, and rely on your influence to sell more to open up sales. After all, we all go online shopping, and the sales cost is higher than others. Low, we have already made a lot of money at normal prices."

After that, I started watching the live broadcast with peace of mind.

The content of this live broadcast was also carefully Yang Yuanmei, as a senior Duanyou small universe broke out, first organized the classic content of the paragraph, and then formed a short story according to the context and sent it to Chu Yuanxi and Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan’s live broadcasts have always been talking about jokes, which fits in with connotation jokes. Although she generally does not directly talk about the contents of connotation jokes, the content provider is originally Yang Yuanmei, naturally with the attributes of Duan friends. Suddenly, laughter continued.

The only sort of content Chu Yuanxi made was to cut out Yang Yuanmei's too extreme grievances against the relevant departments, and what Zhu Yan gave was a clean version. The anger of the Duan friends is terrible. Chu Yuanxi didn't want to get a reputation for guiding fans to attack the relevant departments. Therefore, the theme was adjusted to miss the happy times that Duan friends once had, and a little to defend Duan friends inside.

The official reason for the connotation paragraph was shut down. The official reason is vulgar kitsch. When translated as human words, the negative energy is too large. However, there are also many positive energy content in the paragraph. For example, if you have something to find a Duan friend, the Duan friends will feel angry. Was wronged.

When Zhu Yan starts broadcasting, it starts from telling the story, and then asks and answers himself. Many water friends have heard this paragraph. It is indeed a classic on the inner story. The old aunt is not plagiarizing, but is missing it. You see what I am wearing. What?

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