Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 224: Unexpected person

Cao Shan still dressed up similarly to the last time, with Qingsi covering her face showing a beautiful appearance. Chu Yuanxi looked at it and said to her heart that your old man's face covering technique is addictive, right?

Yang Yuanmei became excited after hearing this, and asked excitedly, "Why? Find the judges to rate? S can still pk?"

"Score?" Cao Shan obviously despises laymen, even her girlfriends are no exception. "There is no rating in the s circle, let alone any judges. <щww.suimeng.lā"

She pointed to the location. "We have drawn up a list of each other in advance, and the two sides are ready to persuade the Dao. We will sing a group of characters together, one by one, and whoever is more like each other will get one point. After 9 rounds, the total score will be calculated."

"Fuck, you people in the city really know how to play!" Chu Yuanxi exclaimed, "How do you decide on this list?"

Cao Shan thought for a while, "Lol’s banpick knows to cut? It’s similar to that. Both sides exclude some characters from the other’s list, and the rest is put together into a complete list. There are more than a dozen in total. pick."

As she talked, she suddenly looked happy. "Ah, yes, it looks like it doesn’t look like it. It’s not like a walk. There must be a performance and a plot. Maybe you will need your help to write a plot later. , Great God, please." After she said hello, she flashed, looking very busy.

Huh? Since the list has been set a long time ago, the performance plan is supposed to have been set long ago. The scene is just a show of what has been prepared. Why do you still need them? Chu Yuanxi couldn't understand.

Chu Yuanxi turned around Cao Shan's site and found that it was really worth it today, because Cao Shan had shipped almost all of her belongings, and the Tao of Service was very rich. Not only are they convinced, but there are also many people. Cao Shan's ser is gearing up one by one, waiting to show themselves on stage.

Today, not only are there conflicts between each other, but also a lot of people watching the excitement. It can be said that it is a grand event in the s circle of the imperial capital. There are a lot of people like Chu Yuanxi to play, but Chu Yuanxi and the others are equivalent to tickets. Lu of the NBA Cavaliers guides the field to watch the ball.

Looking at this posture, the two parties may have not said anything good in the previous part of the lip-off session, so they are all about how hard they are, and the other party's momentum is also great. Not only did they bring their wealth, but also their friends. Many people have been invited, and people from both sides have come one after another.

Maybe Chu Yuanxi's group was a bit dazzling. The three beauties, Zhu Yan, Qi Yu, and Yang Yuanmei, were all good at winning. They stopped at Cao Shan's side, which immediately attracted a lot of people to give pointers.

Maybe this is what Cao Shan wants? At least overwhelming the opponent in momentum. What is s better than? In the end, it's still handsome men and beautiful women. Of course, the opportunity to win is mainly to be able to defeat the opponent's prepared ser. The form of this banpick to determine the list is actually equivalent to a home and away system, and whoever can score away points will take the initiative.

This time, let alone Qi Yu, even Zhu Yan felt very fresh, touching one and picking the other in the field, and the clothes gestured directly on the body. Only Yang Yuan has a bigger nerve, wandering around in the field, and has no intention of playing.

Because she might have to help Cao Shan later, Chu Yuanxi felt at ease, and even took out her camera to take a video of Qi Yu. He still has a lot of short videos in his hands, and he hasn't taken a lot of shots, so it happened to be a taste.

This time he is going to shoot a quick and continuous transformation using video editing. This is also a short video gameplay that has just become popular before he travels. Find a super rhythm and brisk bg, pose or catwalk by the ser, change different costumes to the same show, or pose in the same pose.

In the end, when the video is synthesized, videos of different costumes are connected to the beat of the music, and it can be made into a very powerful and dynamic video. For example, I walked all the way and I couldn't see that the action was edited, but it was changed. Five sets of different ancient costumes, and the sword in his hand was replaced with a wine gourd and the like.

It just so happens that Cao Shan has a complete service and Dao today, so you can take a painful shot.

When Zhu Yan saw fun, he wanted to join in. Chu Yuanxi simply designed a script for the two female heroes to compete. Zhu Yan female dressed as a man was very aggressive, and then kept changing clothes, but the action routine remained the same, waiting for the editing to come out. It must be fun, and it can be cut into several different sets.

At this moment, Cao Shan came back and brought two crushes from her side, one of them was petite and gentle, the other was tall and unique. Chu Yuanxi was stunned when he saw the person coming in. Zhu Yan looked at him in a daze, turned his head, and found that the petite and weak one was a bit familiar. For a moment, this was not the time when Chu Yuanxi went to eat Pangu seven-star tuna that day. Is it the girl who talks to me?

"Chu Yuanxi, Chu Yuanxi, didn't you think you were a lo*ic*n with thick eyebrows and big eyes?" She patted Chu Yuanxi's shoulder, but found that Chu Yuanxi's body was a little stiff.

Only then did Chu Yuanxi come back to her senses, and said, "Why did I control Loli? I was looking at that big ocean horse."

"What big Yanma? You are blind, not a foreign girl, OK?"

Zhu Yan also saw the other beauty. She herself was taller among the girls, with a height of 1.68 meters, but the pretty girl was taller than her, almost the same as Chu Yuanxi, and her skin was very white. She is a little bit jealous of her fair skin and beautiful long legs.

Cao Shan led the two beautiful women over, and then saw Zhu Yan wearing the ancient costume she wanted a tall girl to wear, so she was very embarrassed. Zhu Yan could understand at a immediately took off her clothes, and then listened to Cao Shan’s haha, "I’ll introduce you to these two as my friends, this is Natsume sauce, this is poppies , Natsume-chan is our strong support."

After speaking, she suddenly felt that what she said was wrong, and quickly asked for a supplementary sentence: "Poppy is also our strong support hahaha."

This is called the darker and darker the description, Chu Yuanxi clearly saw the poppy's cheek twitching. Fortunately, they seem to have known each other a long time ago, so no one cares.

Chu Yuanxi knew that poppies were playing s, but they weren't that crazy. Although they are all island-based cuties, they are far worse than Natsume.

At this time, Cao Shan pointed at Chu Yuanxi ceremoniously, and turned around and said, "You may not have seen this person, but you should have heard of it? The most popular on Douyin recently, Ba Ren Entertainment, he is the boss Chu Yuanxi." He also made a gesture of "underground garage, you know?"

"Ah! I have heard of it and I have seen it." Xia Mujiang exclaimed. She also recognized that Chu Yuanxi was here, so she leaped over in two steps and stretched out her small hand. She gave Chu Yuanxi a light grip, and then she was full of wonder. Turning to Zhu Yan and asked, "Then you are Sister Kongshan Xinyu? Jiu Yang!" After finishing learning the martial arts, he held a fist.


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