Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 226: The opposite is also Einstein


Chu Yuanxi also found a place to sit down, with Xia Mu and Poppies in the front row, and Cao Shan next to them. Zhu Yan and Qi Yu found a place where no one was to play high. The two of them were not very interested in pk. After watching two games, they ran away and pulled Yang Yuanmei, who had learned this gameplay, to shoot them.

He saw Cao Shan's several cos walk through the set, curiously patted Xia Mei's shoulder and asked, "Where are you on?"

When Xia Mu turned her head and saw Chu Yuanxi, she shook her head quickly and said, "Report to the Great God, I don't know, Shanshan said I will only play in which match."

"You'd better call me Chu Yuanxi, I'm not used to other people calling me a great god, I feel very lo..." Chu Yuanxi looked at Cao Shan, and Cao Shan shrugged, pointing to a beautiful eyebrow with green hair on the opposite side and said: "Did you see that? That is known as the first island nation of the Imperial Capital Cos Meimei Xiaocao Sauce. Natsume Sauce is our trump card. It is specially used for Xiaocao Sauce. Xiaocao will not be served if it is not used in Natsume."

"Huh?" Chu Yuanxi was surprised, "Why is it good to open? Isn't it good to get a point?"

"Cut, do you think it's Tian Ji racing?" Cao Shan said with contempt: "We pk to show ourselves better, not to win. Oh, your realm is too low."

After speaking, she leaned into Chu Yuanxi's ear and said, "Don't keep staring at Poppies' thighs, pay attention to your demeanor."

Chu Yuanxi suddenly rubbed her nose in embarrassment.

The poppies were sitting in front, and they were wearing hot pants. In the weather in late April, they should be demeanor and not temperature. Then Erlang's legs were raised, and the two thighs were folded together. Chu Yuanxi looked over from the side, it was hard not to look away. Down.

These legs have a huge gravitational force on the sight of men, and become repulsive force on women, as if silently explaining the mystery of the four basic forces. It is said that Zhu Yan is also known for its leg shape, compact, elastic foot, perfect shape, known as long legs, but it is not as long as a poppy! The poppy is a long and straight example, commonly known as the Year of Playing with Legs.

Moreover, Chu Yuanxi knew that she could split a horse. Back then, she could split a horse but not a cross. In order to satisfy Chu Yuanxi's pleasure in unlocking different postures, she practiced every day. She practiced very hard until she reached Chu Yuan. Xi was embarrassed after seeing it. When I saw these legs at this time, of course I couldn't forget.

At this time, Cao Shan reprimanded, Chu Yuanxi had to reluctantly raise her gaze, and then asked: "When will the other party produce Xiaocaojiang?"

Cao Shan asked: "Have you seen Naruto?"

"I've seen a little bit, after Naruto became descent, he was boring, and then the ninja opened up to go up every day, driving the tail beast and Susao to fight each other, and even more boring, I didn't watch it again."

Cao Shan clapped her hands: "That's it. Ninja War is first compared to intelligence gathering ability, understand?"

"Huh? What information did you collect?"

"I just couldn't collect any useful information, so I think the other party is a great ninja..."

As if to confirm Cao Shan's words, she lost two games in a row after getting a blood from Sanshengwan, and the score instantly came to 1:3.

This score made Cao Shan's face very bad. On the contrary, Chu Yuanxi had nothing to do with her, thinking that it would not be ashamed not to be shaved. Don’t you see that Arsenal is still very confident with 5:1, 6:2 and the like every day? Only Pellegrini who became a Super League coach can be more confident than his professor.

However, Cao Shan didn’t think so, and quickly sent in a competent team to get back a round, but the opponent had the home court advantage and still led by one point. The form still did not improve, or the next game must be won, otherwise the opponent would get the match point. .

I saw the other party discuss it, and then the green-haired Xiao Cao Jiang gracefully stepped onto the big stage, wearing a silver helmet and white armor, causing the island fans to scream.

Chu Yuanxi clearly saw that Natsume became tense. Although there was no change on the surface and the muscles were very relaxed, some subconscious small movements could easily betray the nervous mood.

Natsume-chan took the list and saw that Kokusa-chan cos... Uesugi Kenshin?

Natsume-chan and the poppies are dumbfounded. There are many island nations in the list, and she always thought that the other party would cos a popular Shiranui Mai, or Yu Rin. Cao Shan's information collection battle is not without any gains. Seeing some service channels carried by the other party can infer some information, and the cos of the fate series is what she is good at.

Because she wanted to play with Xiaocaojiang, she also specially practiced the role of Onmyoji in that area where the other party was good at but she was slightly worse. Didn't expect that the other party cos a Uesugi Kenshin? What the **** is this? Isn't Uesugi Kenshin a man?

Cao Shan panicked, this is terrible! Xiaocao-chan's cos is a girly version of Kenshin Uesugi in a very old book "Sengoku Lance". Natsume doesn't know it, but she knows it, but she didn't expect this before.

She has a complete set of props. There are also several sets of warrior samurai, but the models are all men. Natsume is petite and can't wear it at all, let alone cos.

Kenshin Uesugi was the candidate proposed by the other party. She always thought that the other party would have a male coser, but she didn't expect to play a girly version. This is a big trouble!

Chu Yuanxi didn't understand why they were so embarrassed, but after listening to Cao Shan's words, she understood, she couldn't help but vomit: "Who is afraid of Biyin? There is also an Einstein sitting on the other side..." He hid a hand very cleverly in the list, but this is also allowed by the rules and belongs to the exchange of courtesy. This is so forceful that he can only admire him as a melon-eater.

Xiao Cao Jiang came on stage alone. He was about to watch Xiao Cao Jiang's performance. Suddenly, Cao Shan grabbed his arm and pleaded: "Great God, it's a desperate situation now. I can only rely on you. Let us make up something that can come back. Short script!"

Chu Yuanxi was lost. Are you stupid when your heart says big face plate? The other party came prepared, and let Natsume stop up to the challenge, wouldn't it be over? In the next game, Natsume can basically score a point, so this side is only behind 3:4, and there is a chance to fight back. Isn't it unwise to Kamami Natsume now?

"No way, God, so even if we win in the end, our reputation will be bad. It doesn't matter if we win or lose, Natsume can't be counseled, this one must go!" Cao Shan said to her head and gestured: "PK can lose, but head, Must be hard!"

"Yes, you will lose on stage if you lose!" Natsume raised his small fist and said.

Damn it? Your heads are so iron? Chu Yuan Xixin said that this was going to be too fateful. It was better than the understanding of the history of the island country and the Warring States period, and he might not be familiar with Natsume.

However, Cao Shan said that this is a desperate situation, because she did not have clothing suitable for Xia Mei to play this scene. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without Natsume must not be able to wear a Shiranui Mai or Bow Rin. It was Kenshin Uesugi who insisted that he cos.

At this time, he couldn't admit counseling anyway, Chu Yuanxi immediately jumped up and ran to the clothing group, and he had to look at what materials on the scene to decide what to do.

Cao Shan, Xia Mu, and Poppies came along with them. When Chu Yuanxi turned it over, she turned around with satisfaction and said, "I said a plan, but you think it is impossible. You can help you figure out the details, because I I am not familiar with things on the island country."

"Let's go ahead, don't fudge." Cao Shan's eyes lit up.

Chu Yuanxi distracted his attention from the stage while making suggestions. He found that Xiao Cao Jiang's performance was actually incomprehensible. At least for someone who has never heard of Lance in the Warring States Period, he is completely incomprehensible. Regardless of the character or the lines, this is also a problem that Xiaocaojiang Cos has to face.

He immediately organized the language: "This time, Natsume and Poppies will go together, and then Uesugi Kenshin will let Poppies play the role. Isn't it all right? Natsume pretends to play against Kenshin. The other party."

"Oh, it can only be so."

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