Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 232: Psychologically complete the obscenity

It is said that there are no eggs under the cover of the nest. The five sectors' methods of squeezing the bubble are obviously well-intentioned regulation. However, letting the bubble burst like this will inevitably become a hard landing.

For example, Zheng De, although it is a private equity, investors are relatively concentrated, and the right to speak is relatively strong, but it does not mean that private equity is completely transparent. Various tricks are also flying, and the new asset management regulations are just as powerful for them.

Not to mention those industries that dismantle the east wall and supplement the west wall. Even real estate companies with a slightly higher leverage ratio will definitely not be able to stand it. The otherwise healthy or even strong capital flow will become weak and dangerous under this influence.

So what is the result? Very simple, money panic!

The money has not decreased, but all institutions will certainly use the most positive attitude to withdraw funds in order to survive this cold winter. It is foreseeable that there will be a break in the capital flow of many companies that rely on loans, triggering new crises to spread to other projects in the industry chain; it is foreseeable that many financial institutions will be reduced to ashes in this lightning; it is foreseeable that P2p must explode collectively.

A scene of the end of the macroeconomic bubble bursting in front of his eyes...

Especially p2p! P2p is a project that lives on. Except for those that were created to scam money, some p2p was originally healthy, but basically can't bear the pain of such a big history.

Then entrepreneurs need to face the problem of not being able to raise money. Compared with the above, it is really only a small problem...

Little sister!

It is a small problem for the whole society, and it is all a big problem for the individual. Chu Yuanxi felt chills in her heart, asking if she would be cold? After thinking about it, it's okay, or just fortunately, I first did a round of physical business as a base, compared to other people, at least a cash calf backed it, and it was no problem to survive.

Then he changed his mind, as if this might not be a bad thing? Those who are unable to raise funds are those brother companies that rely on ppt to raise funds. Baren Entertainment is a star enterprise backed by physical business. Maybe it attracts investors' favor?

Chu Yuanxi spent a noon time to complete the alternation of the lower limit and the daily limit in obscenity, psychologically walked a ground floor, and then found a lot of red dots on WeChat.

He thought it was Yuan Jing and Yuan Mu who sent it, but after a closer look, it was not. Someone wanted him to comment on the newly promulgated "Protection of Heroes."

What the hell? Chu Yuanxi looked dumbfounded, and then searched the Internet and found that another group of relevant departments introduced the "Protection of Heroes Act" while he was studying the implementation of the new asset management regulations?

But this is not a big surprise, because the matter has already gone through multiple rounds of warm-up and consultation drafts, and today it is regarded as boots landing.

Because it has been warmed up a long time ago, he used to blow a lot of beeps when he was humiliating with others. He had been a keyboard man, and today his boots landed. These people were all found along the network cable. Among them are the bosses of the knowledge sharing platform, some super r players, and friends from all over the world. In short, many people think of him at this time.

Chu Yuanxi felt very refreshed. This is the sign of kol, the recognition of his influence and ability by the circle of friends, and an achievement that has never been achieved in the original world.

Regarding this bill, he glanced over it hastily, and found that it did not affect the Pakistani people, nor did it affect his own zhuangbility. Now that the opportunity for zhuangbility has come, Chu Yuanxi thought for a while, and then replied in a unified way: Don't panic, just now studying the new regulations of the five ministries and commissions for asset management. The Heroic Law should have been introduced long ago, and now it is not early, but late!

Soon, Zhang Ming's WeChat jumped to the top again: I remember you said that the Heroic Law would have a huge impact on the media industry? Can you tell me more specifically?

Chu Yuanxi was very satisfied with Zhang Mingqin's learning attitude: the heroic law will first generate huge review pressure on self-media platforms like Toutiao. Because if the user uploads content that insults the heroes and you haven't reviewed it, or if the review is not strict, it will be missed, then half of the pot will be allocated to the platform. The same goes for Udo iQiyi and the like. In the past, there was no law, at most it would be deleted. Now it is legislation, you know.

Zhang Mingxin said that the dead bird had really spoken. What a damn! This time he didn't dare to let him go anymore, and if he didn't think about it, he would continue to strengthen the review and put me to death! It's just that when the big knife that supervises everything falls down, the knife can slash on oneself? And why is it that the swords and knives of Penguin are evasive, and the swords and knives of mine are all crits? Is the size of a penguin equipped with a treasure that I don't know?

He asked very unpetitively: Is there any more?

Chu Yuanxi saw that this was a chance to increase her zhuangbility: Also, pay attention to the patriotic rebound.

Zhang Ming asked very fascinatingly: What is a patriotic rebound?

Chu Yuanxi sighed: In the past, the country lacked effective protection of the reputation of the heroes, which made many well-known heroes take pride in mocking the heroes. This is of course wrong, and it will also arouse the indignation of some patriots. However, because there is no way to rely, the patriots can only spray against the known big v, but their voices are very low, and the hot-blooded boy vs. the old yin beep, with short blows, is in an extremely disadvantageous position.

Now that this bill is issued, and it is relatively strict, it is conceivable that the patriots who have been suppressed for a long time in the past will explode, will vent, or even be used. Most of these patriots who go to the Internet to squirt are emotional. Isn’t it normal for the hot-blooded teenagers to overcorrect at this time? This is the so-called rebound. Therefore, not only must pay attention to the normal audit, but also pay attention not to be injured by the rebound.

Zhang Ming tweeted a like, and then asked: Are you not a patriot?

Chu Yuanxi: No, I am not a lover, I am an angry youth, I will treat this matter rationally.

Then Yuan Mu finally went online.

Yuan Mu was obviously busy, and there was no time to reply to his WeChat at noon. After a long time, he replied two sentences. The amount of information in these two sentences is very large: Zheng De needs to make business adjustments and department adjustments...

Just when he thought Zheng Deli was so busy I didn't expect Yuan Jing to suddenly ask: Have you watched the news? Congratulations.

Chu Yuanxi didn't play any tricks this time: If you are talking about the new rules of asset management, look at it. Is there anything I can help?

Yuan Jing was taken aback, and subconsciously put down the tea cup in his hand. In fact, Zheng De is not very busy internally. This major adjustment is just to take advantage of the situation, not to make a big move.

Yuan Mu was also looking at the WeChat small group, and looked at each other with her old brother, saying that Chu Yuanxi had changed sex? So she sent a message: There are some places that need your help, but you don't ask what congratulations?

Chu Yuanxi replied in seconds: Congratulations on my valuation increase. Is this also a problem?

Yuan Jing's teacup almost fell.


By the way, the previous cospy plot was actually badly reviewed. You have no life, readers, love life and embrace life!

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