Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 235: Bright gun and dark arrow

After Zhu Yan's training, Qi Yu completely gave up the intention of purely reading the lines and decided to maintain his "fresh" style of painting. The so-called freshness means Buddhism.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi's meaning is very clear, eat the blood buns of jokes, don't attack the relevant departments, and don't lead the fans' resentment. You can only take the route of remembrance and arouse the "remembrance" of former friends to entertain Pakistani people. Acknowledge, become a fan, or become a consumer.

Therefore, Qi Yu must not just sing like before, but must talk to the water friends.

The Heart of the Universe is a gift close to two thousand yuan each, and the effect is not bad. The chat area of ​​the special effects Yifei live broadcast room immediately began to scroll quickly, basically brushing 666 for the emergence of local tyrants.

However, this Doudou Fei Shui friend's gift was whitewashed, and Chu Yuanxi felt sorry for him, because Qi Yu did not see the barrage and did not thank him. She doesn't have the keen response of a professional anchor, nor the instinctual habit of a professional anchor.

I changed to a professional anchor, and I rushed to the barrage when I saw the emergence of big special effects. Of course, this kind of local tyrant water friend had to wait for it, because in the future, there will be a steady stream of rewards from the local tyrants. Thank you for a moment.

Although Qi Yu has been educated by Zhu Yan many times, she still hasn't formed this kind of conditioned reflex. As soon as the big special effects fly, her attention is focused on the beautiful and luxurious special effects on the screen, waiting to see who it is. The display time has passed, making Hong Xing, who gritted his teeth and waited to record the screen, waited for a long time before Qi Yu sang the national anthem...

"I'm going to her mother! Wouldn't she have seen such a big special effect?" Hong Xing was completely furious, wishing to pull Qi Yu over along the network cable.

Zheng Tong frantically tapped on the screen of his phone without giving up: "Sing the national anthem, sister, I want to hear you sing the national anthem."

This time Qi Yu saw it, but did not react. This Doudoufei Shuiyou is the local tyrant who just gave a gift of two thousand yuan...

So she just glanced at the barrage curiously, and sang the prepared song by herself.

By the same token, professional anchors will look at their VIP room when they see someone posting a barrage request, which has a list of rewards, or the ranking of fan rewards this week and the month. Sending barrage is different from speaking in the chat area. It costs money to send barrage, and those who send barrage requests are usually local fans.

In fact, many anchors don't need to look at the VIP room and the reward list at all. They only need to look at the nickname of the person who sent the barrage and the dots before and after to know the status of the person. Many professional live broadcast software also grade water friends, there are various distinguished signs, grade display, nicknames will even bring the title of the anchor fan, etc.

However, Douyin lacks many standard features for live broadcasts to coax money. For example, water friends are not classified at all. For example, there are only basic VIP rooms and no weekly rankings.

Zheng Tong snapped his phone on the table and yelled, "Isn't she unaware of watching the VIP room? Where did Pakistani Entertainment find such a strange anchor? The anchor came out to cheat money before graduating from school. Ah, this is!" Douyin's unprofessional live streaming software and Qi Yu's unprofessional anchor joined forces, and almost made him cry.

Yin Ying sneered when she heard Zheng Tong's howl, and stabbed the knife she used to pierce her heart, and said: "I am a new host of Kuaiben, and the anchor is only a part-timer..."

Zheng Tong swallowed hard, and couldn't help but think of the epic tearing with Yin Ling.

Hong Xing paced back and forth in the studio. Today’s news is extremely important, and of course he has seen it, but he has no interest in the new rules of asset management. It was the "Fighter Law" that made his eyes shine.

In one afternoon, he sorted out the black material that had been preserved before, and at least one third of the black material was committed by the heroic law. It is only in accordance with general legal principles that those who break the law after the bill is introduced will be considered as breaking the law, and those who break the law during the legal window period are not counted. Therefore, it is not realistic to make a small fortune from these stocks.

However, the inventory cannot be cashed out, and you can still look for new opportunities! He immediately mobilized all studio members to follow the well-known anchors on major live broadcast platforms.

You must know that the anchor industry is the most criticized. There are many reasons for the criticism. One of the more hackish reasons is that the mouth does not know the door. After you say high, you dare to say anything, just go to the kidneys and not the brain.

This stalking has yielded great gains. He has saved video evidence for several major anchors, and he has also seen that Qi Yu is about to carry out a round of delivery.

The Duan You T-shirt of Ba Ren Entertainment has actually attracted a little attention on the Internet. Duanzi has only lie down for half a month. It can be said that the bones are not cold, and Duan You is a very cohesive group. From their daring to besieged Fu Chi Ju It can be seen that their action and appeal are coming, and suddenly they discover that there is a very large V who is speaking for them, which will naturally cause a relatively large spread.

In fact, Duan You is different from any other social media users. There is a great offline linkage between Duan You. The offline gatherings and activities spontaneously organized in various places are printed on the shirt by Chu Yuanxi. Duan You’s car stickers don’t even mention it. The famous Duan You’s code "Di Di Di" and other joint codewords are actually a very famous subculture on the Internet in recent years.

In fact, many people say that this is also an important reason why the jokes are blocked, and this is indeed an important factor that can easily cause taboos by relevant departments.

It is precisely because of this that when Pakistani Entertainment came forward, even after several consecutive live broadcasts, under the invisible sea, the four words Pakistani Entertainment have begun to go viral among many former ~How could Hong Xing, who is well-informed, not know about this? However, it's useless to know. Except for the big anchor who can print and dye by themselves, no one can eat this bun. It is as tough as Hongxing, and can only drool while watching.

Can this be tolerated? This is absolutely unbearable!

With a frown, I thought that the promulgation of the heroic law was not only a bunch of laws, but also the attitude of the country, which is actually more important. It is difficult to seduce a person like Qi Yu to directly attack the hero, but shouldn’t it be difficult to seduce her against the taboo of the country? The three heads of Hong Xing and Zheng Tong quickly triggered each other's inspiration, seduce and sing the national anthem, and violate the national anthem law. Isn't it the same as violating the heroic law?

But Qi Yu, how can he not watch the barrage of rewards? It's just outrageous! what--

Seeing that Qi Yu really didn’t see him, he was ready to sing the next song. Hong Xing's face was red with unhealthy face. He bit his back teeth and said to Zheng Tong: "For this kind of dish, use that trick. ."

Zheng Tong stunned: "Which trick?" I want to talk about "Salted Fish's Self-Help Strategy" with more like-minded people, follow "Hot Net Wen or" on WeChat to talk about favorite books with more book friends

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