Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 267: 2 battlefields

Chu Yuanxi added Zhang Ming's WeChat account and can see the other's circle of friends, but Zhang Ming suddenly posted a circle of friends with only one sentence and one picture. The words are all in English: celebratesmall, the picture is a shake Screenshot of Apple's ranking of music.

Moments of Friends was originally a "showroom", Zhang Ming added below, TikTok Tiktok ranked first in the world in downloads from the Apple Store in the first quarter. Originally it was nothing, Chu Yuanxi was paying attention to Xia Mujiang's black fan, and was about to say something, when suddenly he saw him fighting with people below!

Because the WeChat of the other party on the battlefield has not been added, according to the display rules of the circle of friends, Chu Yuanxi cannot see the full set, or even Zhang Ming’s reply to the other party, but Zhang Ming’s words publicly sent under this circle of friends But it can be seen by any friend.

Chu Yuanxi silently deleted the flattery that hadn't had time to shoot out, because Zhang Ming was obviously annoyed by penguins... He was banned, torn and transported. Could it be that on the other side of the battlefield, the person carrying the knife was the Pony horse?

This is so exciting!

What did they tear up? Chu Yuanxi was very curious, and even scratched his head a little.

We must know that today, in early May 2018, Baidu can barely maintain in BAT is a big historical factor. However, the most honest statement is actually money. Its market value is almost the same as Big Dog Dong and Meituan. You must know that they are all listed companies, and Toutiao has not yet been listed, and the valuation has surpassed Baidu Goudong. When they are listed, they will see another round of soaring.

Therefore, under the two horses are Didi and Toutiao. No matter the number of users, the revenue, the monthly activity, the valuation, it is better than anything. Taken together, this is the reality in the market. Then came Baidu Meituan Xiaomi NetEase, and 360, which was on the verge of falling behind.

That's why Chu Yuanxi scratched his head, it was like Dian Wei fighting Lu Bu in the Three Kingdoms. It's a pity that you can't see it with your own eyes!

Speaking of Chu Yuanxi, he is quite worried about Zhang Ming, because in the end WeChat is only an application of an enterprise and has no obligation to spread anything on behalf of anyone. In theory, it is only natural for WeChat to block anyone who wants to block it.

The reason why WeChat didn't block this or that is because it cares about the user experience, because while isolating others, it also closes oneself. Just as people lose their curiosity about the world and become stupid, if a social communication software arbitrarily blocks other national-level applications, it will be absolutely lethal to the user experience and will gradually be rejected by users.

It's like double eleven. There are overwhelming activities held by the second brother's house. All kinds of assistance and invitations are wave after wave. Related information is dominated by WeChat, so that users have nowhere to hide.

If WeChat is yours, you must also be annoying. However, this kind of thing must not be shielded, because it will offend the public. This is the second brother who showed the wool for the whole people to scoop. If you don’t scoop it, it’s lost. You dare to block my team’s request for praise and energy on WeChat. This is causing me to lose money directly! Can this kind of public anger be committed?

That's why WeChat mercifully only blocked the sharing functions of certain "friends", but not by keywords.

But if the friends and businessmen are too ridiculous and it is not a national activity, it is not impossible to block by keywords. The various apps in the Toutiao department happen to be in this situation.

However, this war filled with gunpowder was full of thunder and rain. In the afternoon, various self-media were circulating screenshots of the big friends in the circle of friends. Chu Yuanxi could see the whole picture, but there was no further news. I don't know how the two big men tore it in private.

It's not easy to inquire directly about this matter, Chu Yuanxi faintly felt that the situation seemed to be changing, and there was a feeling that a strong wind was about to blow.

In fact, the following things are unthinkable, and Chu Yuanxi, an old driver in the capital market, also yelled unexpectedly. However, the so-called breeze started at the end of Pingmo, and things were connected one after the other, and continued until a few months later. See the clues.

On Tuesday, Xia Mujiang stayed on hold at the request of Chu Yuanxi. This made the black fans extremely excited. They bombarded the Weibo of Natsume and Baren Entertainment, and Douyin's official Weibo also became It's extremely lively, and it's all about seeking the truth. Some people even ask how much it costs to arrange an unspoken rule for Pakistani entertainment. They are very skilled with rhythm.

Then in the afternoon, a public account picture and text suddenly appeared on the WeChat hot text list, named "The Remnant Flowers and Lost Willows in Douyin, Your Good Days Are Here".

Chu Yuanxi saw that the official account was called Zhaowen Secret History, which was not too big or small, and the usual number of readings was about 20,000 to 30,000, but this article was already 100,000+ from noon to evening.

It was full of irony and sarcasm, and then posted a **** photo of Natsumi and a screenshot of the video, saying: In the past, elementary and middle school students did not study well, and they had to send a message to a live broadcast master for a few years in the future, and they had to undergo plastic surgery to make a big money. . In the future, you don’t have to be so troublesome. Just pose for some **** and then PS, find a Douyin tuba, and immediately become famous and make big money.

I have to admit that there is indeed chaos in the field of short video, or that any super-fast development field will be under the mud and sand. Therefore, it is easy to attack the entire field and it is easy to occupy the moral high ground. Especially a big hat that "brings bad teenagers", as long as it is in the entertainment industry, whether it is live short videos or game novels or animations, even singers and movie stars, this hat is worn.

And this graphic pointed the finger at Pakistani Entertainment’s unself-discipline, and it made a crowd of red-eyes crazy. They were forwarded and reposted crazy through various channels, requested Douyin to delete videos through various channels, and even blocked Pakistani Entertainment!

This made Douyin's official Weibo very panicked, especially after experiencing dimensionality reduction for a month.

You must know that the young lady in the underground garage in the original world was also on fire around this time, and then was removed by Douyin because of a series of black materials that were not tested. But is there really any problem? Anyway, Weibo is not so sensitive. Not only does it add V certification, it also develops very well. It has become a big V with more than 2 million fans. It is a joy to bring beauty products every day.

Tik Tok has completely forced a wild player into a PGC.

And the black material of the young lady in the underground garage is nothing more than dropping out of school and staying in the night scene. It is not as lethal as Natsume-chan's three-point live broadcast and large-scale photo. Although Natsume has been forced to be frantically tested on the edge of not breaking the law before, these photos and videos are enough for black material.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi's phone was broken before the evening.

Hehe, do you think KOL is so dark? Especially in the field where KOL is good at black? He shook his hand and replied with a picture of the official account-"The Truth You Want.

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