Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 269: Be hammered

"Don't join in the fun, you are very hopeful that Mango will stay, now keep silent, don't cause trouble." Chu Yuanxi waved away Qi Yu, and found that Qi Yu was already on Weibo @巴人Entertained, and leave a message: My boss seems to have been attacked!

Chu Yuanxi's heart warmed, and then nodded to Natsume. Natsume immediately copied the copied text to Weibo and followed the conversation chain: I paid for this video, and Pakistani entertainment needs to pay 50,000 yuan. yuan.

This is called defensive as the attack to lead the snake out of the hole, but the effect is not good. The opponent seems to hesitate and did not immediately start the spray. Instead, the black fans of the opponent started the taunt mode. However, the friendly forces who did not know where they came from were also attacking the city on the opponent's turf, and the battle situation was in a state of anxiety.

At this time, the number of page views on Weibo is estimated to have exploded. After all, the sunspots on Weibo have been bombarded for most of the day. Although it is still early to get hot search, it has attracted a lot of attention. Those friendly forces who don't know where they came from are probably paying attention to this.

Someone immediately asked Natsume: Miss Sister, are you crazy? It all costs money?

Maybe this is a passerby? But the question was just right, Chu Yuanxi stood by and watched Natsume input: There is no way, it is indeed mad, and now it has been reduced to living at a friend's house. I want to donate 100,000 yuan, which is only 50,000 yuan in total, and I have to let Pakistani Entertainment help me out.

At this time, a person who may be a fan of Natsume relays: Miss Sister, I really like your cos. Why do you want to donate?

Chu Yuanxi signaled Natsume to wait. Sure enough, dozens of the same problems soon appeared. Natsume responded: Although the live broadcast I did was not illegal, it was not very good after all, and I knew it. Now I am free, so I want to make a cut with my past self and start again. Originally, I planned to donate as much as I want. Later, the boss of Pakistani Entertainment said that he would just shoot a video and give me a license fee, which is enough to make up 100,000 yuan.

At this time, Kuroko finally realized that he couldn't let Natsume-chan play, so he inserted a sneer: Edit, continue editing! The celestial dynasty is good at everything, but it's too polite to fans of crimes that violated crimes. Now, don't you draft stories when you make up? Fraud should be penalized!

Chu Yuanxi couldn't believe her eyes! If he were a sunspot, he wouldn't be obsessed with donations at this time, because it's hard to tell the truth or not. In fact, he donated money not for the sake of Heizi, but for the people who eat melons. Of course, the controversy has to beat the professional black, but the main purpose is to sell people to attract attention and fans.

However, the opponent jumped out to die at this moment? Is this chaos or gambling? It's a bit desperate anyway. Then stop grinding, send him on the road!

Natsume had already prepared the screenshots, and Chu Yuanxi gave an order, so two screenshots of the Youth Fund's official website appeared on Natsume's Weibo. Natsume and Baren Entertainment each donated 50,000 yuan.

After seeing the real hammer, the form suddenly changed, and Natsume sauce's Weibo showed that the speed of the increase was visible to the naked eye, and it rose by 100 almost every time it was refreshed. The fast speed made Chu Yuanxi a little envious.

The painting style on the other side's Weibo was completely turned around, and it was turned into a mess, and it felt like the friendly forces had completely drowned the voice of the opponent's group of sunspots.

The Secret History of Zhao Wen was obviously anxious, and the strongest sound was emitted, and Chu Yuanxi could hear the scream through the screen! He said: Expedited donation? Want to cover up a lie and only use a bigger lie? Forcing you to make an urgent donation is counted as my boundless merit!

Chu Yuanxi's hand ups and downs: I'm sorry, we donated on Friday, and there is time to show on the donation webpage of the Youth Fund.

This message is followed by a quick link. When you click on the link on Weibo, you can see the names of Natsume and Baren Entertainment displayed on it.

After sending the screenshots of Chu Yuanxi, the purpose of this series of results is to post them on Weibo and WeChat public account to whip the corpse.

After a while, Qi Yu reported: "Not only did Zhao Wen Secret History delete everything, it also turned off the Weibo message function."

"Then I will post a Weibo Jiugongge immediately. Don't post anything..." Chu Yuanxi was amused. The other party is decisive. Generally, turning off the message function on Weibo can easily cause off fans. of. He generously sent a Weibo: I announced that Heizi has been perfectly killed! The following is a picture of Jiugongge narrating the cause and results of the incident, as well as the short video on Douyin that caused the controversy. Finally, please move to the WeChat public account to explain the cause and effect in detail.

On the other side of the Internet, a group of people in the Malu studio were dejected. The secret history was bought by Lu Yongxiao, and it was intended to be used by Ma Jie. It was not expensive. Even WeChat and Weibo were only more than 200,000 in total. I didn't cover it, I just found The left eye has not been involved. At this time, it is a little funny to see them like a **** that has lost a fight. But he didn't say anything, just gave them a lower evaluation in his heart. This is obviously being played by Chu Yuanxi in applause. People are already fully prepared and waiting for you to come. Can't you tell?

Just listen to Lu Yongxiao’s strong spirit to cheer up the employees: "It's okay, it's okay. After all, we have nothing to lose, right? It's nothing more than an ambush, a small defeat, but it's a bit uncomfortable to be avoided by the kid. But With such waves, he will fall into the abyss one day. I believe that this day will not be too far!"

The left eye said that you would really comfort people. You didn't have much to lose, except that the reputation of the secret history of the DPRK is completely stinking. However, how many fans does Pakistani Entertainment need to add?

This question was only answered on Wednesday with a clearer answer. Xia Ming’s Weibo added 400,000 followers. In other words, it quadrupled, and the gains of the Ba people were terrifying. Checking Zhanguo, Xia Mujiang’s video received 4 million likes on Monday night, and supposedly should decay quickly. However, the effect of the Weibo war on the second day was very obvious. By Wednesday day, more than 9 million likes were recorded. Thousands of bragging little ones.

Baren Entertainment’s Douyin account only added 600,000 fans on the first day, which is quite normal, but on Wednesday morning, another night passed, and it was found that the number of fans had soared to 19 million, a total of 2.1 million new fans.

You must know that "Sorrow for Li Ren" only added less than 1.5 million fans, and it is obviously difficult to make a success. Pakistani Entertainment has become a fat man with this bite, and the entire company is full of joy. Atmosphere.

Chu Yuanxi has been reading the messages. It turns out that the friends from the tap water are actually fans of Pakistani Entertainment, and...

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