Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 275: Once stupid

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi continue to say: "So the specific steps and exercise conditions, I will also write in the email, if there is no problem, everyone will sign the agreement before get off work."

Yang Jiangang quietly raised his hand and asked, "Old Chu, you are so complicated, why don't you just give options directly?"

Chu Yuanxi saw many people nodding. This matter is really unfamiliar to the average employee, even if the exercise price is cheaper. Because many companies send options directly.

He glanced at Yang Jiangang ill-intentionally: "Free things are the most expensive. Do you want free ones? You can also change the conditions."

"Forget it." Yang Jiangang didn't know how bad he was, and decided not to touch this mold.

Next to him, Zhao Jie tugged him a bit, and whispered to him: "You have worked for so many years and changed so many companies. Have you ever gotten the option given?"

Yang Jiangang shook his head calmly.

Zhao Jie turned his head and asked, "Hey Lao Chu, can't you make some tax planning or something to help us legally avoid taxes?"

Chu Yuanxi had to look at him with a caring and mentally handicapped eyes: "In the celestial dynasty, don't try to evade tax at any other time except gnawing on the old and dying." He sighed, and then said: "In fact, it is the uncle who should be grateful to the country. If according to the past tax law, they will have to pay 20% of the tax when some of the founder options are to be redeemed next year, then they will have to pay. Then they will be fun. I guess some people will cry, but it’s changed now..."

When it comes to tax planning, Chu Yuanxi has a stomachache, because he was smart when the original world was in a well-off society.

That was the beginning of 2016. At that time, the country’s tax policy was like this: When employees obtain options, they first pay wage tax based on the value of the option, with a seven-level progression of up to 45%, and the general amount of options is not low, so they will pay the top tax.

For example, if the option offered by the company to the employee is worth 1 million when the option is exercised, the employee must first pay 450,000 in taxes when the option is exercised, because this is withheld and cannot be exercised without paying.

If it is not a gift, but the exercise price is exercised, assuming that the exercise price is 200,000, then the employee will have to pay a total of 200,000 to the company + 800,000 x 45% tax = 560,000.

Then, when this equity is sold in the future, the rising part will be subject to 20% personal income tax as a dividend. Assuming that the value of the previous 1 million shares has risen to 3 million, a tax of 2 million × 20% = 400,000 is paid.

This problem is very big, because there is a huge tax difference between 20% and 45%, which creates room for tax planning. Obviously, if employees exercise their rights at a very low valuation at the beginning, they only need to pay a very small tax at 45% to get the equity, and the future increase will only pay 20%, which is a quarter of the difference!

However, the role of options is not only incentives, but also lock-in. You can't throw out equity and let employees quit and earn money. According to Huawei's Ren Zhengfei, the people who pull the car should get rewards, not the people who ride the car.

Therefore, this tax planning also requires the design of complex structures and agreements, the use of proxy holdings, etc., and the addition of many restrictions such as sale-back rights, whether it is given or bought, so that employees can get the same when the company's valuation is low. The "equity" of an option.

In this way, Chu Yuanxi thought that this stupid method could help employees avoid the 45% tax rate.

However, Chu Yuanxi finally learned valuable experience-the tax bureau has the final say on how to pay taxes, not how you understand tax laws and financial standards. As a result, the operation was fierce, and the final score was 0:5. The tax officer told Xiaokang's financial director: These are all leftovers from foreign games, don't come to this set! As a result, this tax planning was useless, and in the end I had to pay taxes obediently.

Moreover, a structure such as holding on behalf of the company instead buried the company in listing, and also affected the preferential tax deferral. It was a series of crits, leaving Chu Yuanxi's head full of thunder.

But then, in September 2016, the country changed the tax law, the previous evil tax was abolished, 45% was not collected, and the sky disappeared! Thanks again to the country!

So this time Chu Yuanxi said that he would not make any **** tax planning!

When the sky turned around, Chu Yuanxi suddenly saw Li Jingfei in the group, and when she asked, she knew that Lianzhong was in bad luck! The vice president was arrested, and the co-CEOs were stranded overseas and did not dare to come back. They were arrested more than 30, and the entire company felt that they had been endorsed, and the stocks were directly suspended.

Chu Yuanxi said that Tietou, won't you send me a big red envelope? Li Jingfei only liquidated Lianzhong and some other stocks in order to switch to the Snowshoe project, but he escaped a catastrophe.

It’s said that Lianzhong was approved because of the Texas Hold’em game. The amount is in 100 million yuan. Chu Yuanxi watched Li Jingfei and Na Dese and couldn’t help but vomit: Why is Penguin Texas okay? ...

Regardless of the scale, capital flow, or the number of users, Lianzhong, who has been declining for a long time, is not even worthy of giving Penguin shoes, and both of them use virtual currency to play games, but when Chu Yuanxi utterly utterly utterly utterly messed up, the group instantly It was quiet, as if cursed by a silencer.

Chu Yuanxi saw that she was cold, and no one came out to save the respect, so she had to flash. Unexpectedly, Li Jingfei, the iron-headed baby, was still chatting with other people, just a screenshot at hand.

Zhang Ming, who was chatting with him, took a look: Hey, do you know Chu Yuanxi too?

Li Jingfei replied proudly: Know, this is my lucky star! I cleared Lianzhong just to invest in the snow project he initiated. It's so cool!

Zhang Ming was instantly fascinated, and he said Chu Yuanxi was not an internet celebrity expert? Or a rising star in the world? Why did you start an investment project? He still has this ability?

However, when you open WeChat and look at even the avatar is the same, that's a person! He suddenly thought of discussions within the group.

When Chu Yuanxi's three songs were put into the group's internal discussion, they encountered great resistance, because people clearly came to take advantage of them, and they took the headlines as a fool!

To promote these three songs, it is necessary to promote the IP of "Truthless Times", which are bundled together, and they are inseparable. The potential of this IP is very large after research, but it is related to the headline. nothing.

Therefore, almost half of the people are requesting that IP rights must be bound, otherwise they would rather not do the activities, especially those in the operation department. It's not a question of money, it's a face! Unfinished products are nothing more than credibility damage, and if the entire industry is taken advantage of, many transactions will be difficult to make in the future. What's more, resources are valuable. Valuable resources should be exchanged for a number of KPIs. If they can't be exchanged, then someone will lose out.

The business group had been arguing for a few days for this matter. Zhang Ming opened the group and saw that several people were still talking about it, and they couldn't come up with unanimous opinions.

How to do? Salted fish's self-help strategy

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