Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 281: What to do after playing the bomb

"Is it not good to be famous?" Uncle Sheng asked strangely, only to hear Chu Yuanxi say: "What a shit, there are a few funds that might want to beat me to death, I guess it's indispensable to splash dirty water. No, we can't just sit and wait. Uncle Sheng, you have to help me!"

   "What's the matter?"

   "Help me write another official account tweet and tell me why report them!"

   Uncle Sheng was confused when Chu Yuanxi described to him what thought he used to pretend to be forced, and asked: "Aren't you afraid of offending people? If you write like this, people will hate you?"

"Already offended, there is something special about Lu Yongxiao over there. You can make hatred if you don't have any grudges. What's more, it is indeed my rhythm? After knowing that it is Lu Yongxiao, I am not afraid now. It is useless to beg for mercy! Let them fear us. Put this war book on their faces, and it will be useless for them to splash us with dirty water."


   "Because the dirty water must be a third-party standpoint, it must stand on the moral high ground."

Chu Yuanxi said the secret of tearing and forcing. It seems that Uncle Sheng doesn’t understand: “We wrote a blast to directly pose as a hostile position. Are they still a third party? The whole world knows that they have enemies with us. Then we stand on the moral commanding heights. They have trouble turning over and want to splash dirty water? After all, we don’t need to be afraid of them coming directly. They are not afraid of playing with yin and yang, just because they are always splashing dirty water. The toad crawls on its feet. It doesn't bite you but it disgusts you."

"Oh, I understand, after you make them stink, it's not easy for them to find someone else to pour dirty water on us. Others have to weigh and weigh." Uncle Sheng's tearing skills of Chu Yuanxi are clear. "Okay, okay, but shouldn’t you let Lu Yu write this article?"

   "His skill points are all about rubbing hot spots and managing idyllic female slaves. Ask him to tout feminism and resonate with idyllic female slaves. He is better than you. He can't write this kind of pretense."

   "Why do you think I will?" Uncle Sheng said that I have written about the Internet, but I have never written about Wang Wen! I am writing a clear water article!

   "Oh, even if you can't write, but you never read less? Go ahead!"

  Uncle Sheng had no choice but to concoct a Xiongwen, the core of which was to condemn those self-media that eats human blood, and by the way attack those who invest in them. The focus of the article is that it is these investors who only value traffic and data and forget what social responsibility is. They are tempted by the power of money, forced by gambling agreements, and forced to fall into the trap of flow-only theory. , Forcing them to dare to write anything, dare to eat any buns!

   This article made Uncle Sheng more and more scared, and said that Chu Yuanxi scolded this group of investment scum, although it is cool, but it is not pushing me out to fight thunder? He is obviously playing with a bomb, right? Well, the signature must be signed by Chu Yuanxi's name!

   Chu Yuanxi saw that the articles written by Uncle Sheng were different. This is a sure and ruthless one. I let you pour dirty water!

   On the other side, Lu Yongxiao was cursing Chu Yuanxi not to die well in the circle. He is not cursing alone, but cursing a group of people who have suffered heavy losses.

   Really speaking, this is not a good thing for him, because it cost him less than one million to learn about the secrets and history, and his loss is actually extremely limited, but what about the large investment institutions? The loss is over 100 million! Although they are more powerful than themselves, the losses of hundreds of millions can't be ignored, right?

  Through such a small amount of money, I have established a relationship with these super wealthy investment institutions, and become antagonistic to the same enemy. In the future, I will be called brothers and sisters. Isn't this a good thing to step up? Besides, it is only 7 days after being banned by Penguin, and losing some fans is not necessarily a big loss.

   However, just as they cursed and swore, a majestic article that detonated the Internet appeared, "pounding" at their noses was a blow in the air, and the group of people who were hitting their faces were trembling like earth and trembling to their lives!

   They will scold for the devaluation of the investment, but even if the entire investment is lost, it is better than being watched by the regulators, especially in the atmosphere of the new country's newly released nine articles! There are too many places where their investment is worth voicing, and Chu Yuanxi's article is aimed at hitting the road. If this is really going to be the screen of the circle of friends, the supervisory department must kill them! what

   Turning the sky and coming to Sunday, Chu Yuanxi was shocked to see the punishment results posted in the news forever ban, two WeChat public accounts were banned forever, and reincarnation was not allowed.

This result made Chu Yuanxi stunned. From the bottom of his heart, he never expected that he would really be banned forever. The supervisory department generally held it high and gently put it down, giving people a chance to reform. He thought it would be public at best. Apologies and fines, but this time it was obviously moved and really angry!

   This is exactly what he wanted. Chu Yuanxi looked at the phone, and WeChat almost exploded. This is equivalent to taking the lead in completing a valuation smashing plan. Although it is not comparable to dimensionality reduction, it is a magnitude 8 earthquake for the self-media industry. If this happens, all self-media financing will become several times more difficult. .

   The irony is that this thing was done by the media people themselves!

Ha ha? Can you blame me? Chu Yuanxi didn't want to offend people, especially his colleagues, because the colleagues would always find the people he missed. However, this is the end of the matter, it is useless if you don't want to offend, you don't want to die, you don’t want to so let’s do it! Anyway, the old man will transform into a well-off society in the future, and the self-media is just a springboard.

   In his WeChat, Zhu Yun was pinned to the top, no matter how much information he jumped to the top, Zhu Yun could not be taken off. I saw that Zhu Wei sent a screenshot. It was Fang Shiling crying. Her late-night gallery had already reached the stage of making money. Daxia Investment was still leading the investment. Tu Capital and Qianyun Fund followed the investment. The proposed investment agreement was repeatedly scrutinized. After a few rounds, gambling and incentives are intricate, and I’m done, but overnight, investors said they had to look again.

  Chu Yuanxixin said that it was so bad that she didn’t add Fang Shiling’s WeChat, otherwise she would

She must have been scolded to death, and it was a wise decision to refuse to add her on WeChat!

   He quickly replied to Zhu Wei: Stay away from Fang Shiling during this time! I'm afraid she will take advantage again

   Zhu Yun seems to be reading WeChat, and the second reply: You scumbag! You hurt the old aunt so badly, won't your conscience hurt?

  Chu Yuanxi: It hurts, it hurts my heart, but I don't have the money to invest in her, so I can only pay for it. What do you think?

   Zhu Yun: The beauty you want!

   Chu Yuanxi smiled and turned off the phone, not reading any other messages. The so-called Hengmei Leng's criticism of Qianfu must have the confidence to ignore all kinds of accusations. He has the right thing to do and cannot always be involved in this kind of miscellaneous things. Especially for things like tearing, unless it is actively torn, premeditated and planned to tear, otherwise it must be adequately stopped, like this time it is a standard play.

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