Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 376: Brilliant beta


Tianchao game public beta likes to call it Honor Open Beta, Shocking Open Beta, or Brilliant Open Beta. In fact, there are only a few who can really shock or brilliant, most of them died silently after the beta started. Some died from the poor quality of the game itself, some died from the reverse operation of the operation, and some died from the bomb service.

The back-end of TCG is still very scientific in terms of architecture. It uses regional/branch servers to accommodate players, so that players can change servers in the same region. Therefore, on the first day of the player strategy, Chu Yuanxi chose to set the latest server as the default target for the number and server selection, so it is better to put only 10,000 people in a server first, and then adjust it later.

The server strategy is divided into "short link" and "long connection". Each time the player's mobile phone sends a data packet to the server, there is no need to maintain the link state. This kind of game can accommodate a large number of players at the same time, and one hundred thousand is almost no pressure.

But the long connection is not the case. The long connection needs to maintain the link state between the player's mobile phone and the server for a long time, and exchange data anytime and anywhere, and the workload of the server has skyrocketed. Therefore, in theory, the long connection supports one hundred thousand people with the same server. Chu Yuanxi does not believe that Zhao Jie has such superpowers.

You should know that even Zheyi's Fantasy Westward Journey mobile game has a high chance of being blown up if it accommodates more than 10,000 players online at the same time.

Of course, Fantasy Westward Journey is an MMO, which requires real-time interaction between multiple players. TCG only needs to interact with the two sides of the battle, and the difficulty is different.

In terms of the back-end level of the game, in fact, if it accommodates one hundred thousand online and long-term connections, it is definitely regarded as the first-class level in China, but it is still quite different from the international level.

Take, for example, Supercell in Finland. This company was later acquired by Big Penguin for more than 50 billion yuan, but the awesome server technology was not available.

Supercell’s games, whether it’s a clash of tribes or clashes of the royal family, are all the only servers in the world. Careful players will notice that there is no server selection process at all, no matter how many people around the world are playing and how many people are online at the same time.

But in theory, it is impossible to have a single server with unlimited capacity. What does this show? Explain two points. First, when you log in, people will automatically assign you a sub-server. Second, it can realize online dynamic real-time interaction between sub-servers, and it is a long connection. That's why people can make players not feel the choice of servers. Perhaps careless players have not experienced their powerful server capabilities after playing for several years, but the industry is amazed.

The game corps that the Big Penguin ruled the country still have to serve today. This is a technically obvious generation gap, and it is far more than one generation away.

Chu Yuanxi's heart has been hanging, but fortunately, after one noon, the first 20 groups of servers in the first large area were actually used up, and the horrible thing of bombing clothes did not appear.

In this way, you can change the player's strategy of creating a number and choosing a server to default to which server has fewer people, which can be considered a smooth ride through the difficulty of opening a server.

This kind of match-and-match game between players, there are too many players to be afraid of explosion, and it is not very good if there are fewer players. Many times when there are fewer people, they can only fight against robots.

The service data of more than 200,000 people absolutely exceeded Chu Yuanxi's expectations. You should know that even though Chu Yuanxi used a lot of effort to push, he didn't buy any advertisements and didn't spend any money to drain traffic. The more powerful operation is nothing more than contacting the game guild resources accumulated in the past.

This kind of resource is actually matched with the players of the gods, because the players of the gods are most likely to be attracted by the game guilds, and conversely, many large game guilds can also be contacted through the gods.

Chu Yuanxi was still cautious, and did not dare to contact a guild that was too large. On the one hand, because the size of the TCG game is still small, the temple is too small for the big Buddha, and on the other hand, the big guild will also have a strong impact on the game. He doesn’t want to get into the aviation tribe in the royal clash and make a grandma. character.

He is driving a few mobile phones in the game, and he doesn't play, only watching public chat channels. I saw the dialogue flying upwards like an upside-down waterfall, wishing to fly faster than the Pakistani live broadcast room, one after another, one by one:

"Fuck Nima Game Company, black! Darker than briquettes! Purple Treasure Box is full of special project cards, skill cards? Are they all planned to eat?"

"Who can tell me why the price of opening a treasure chest in seconds is different and getting more expensive every time—"

"The King of Europe was born, 4 purple treasure chests, 1 character, 1 skill, and 2 events, hereby celebrate la la la~~"

TCG’s treasure chest drawing and card development system draws on the card upgrade system of the royal clash. You can use the first card of a certain card. The cards with the same name you get later are used to upgrade, and you can also open the box. Need cooling time. The local tyrants can't actually spend much money to buy boxes, but when they go to the second cooling time, they will find that it is really dark! Because the spike price of this cooling time increases step by step.

Hehehehe, Chu Yuanxi snickered and glanced at the anti-black server again. This is a server specially made at his request to filter information from crooks. It doesn't matter if you look at it, **** it? Just opened the service, where are so many swindlers?

At the same time, Heizui was operating frantically in his workshop, and his hand speed could almost turn into afterimages.

As the person in charge of the guild in the Wave Information, he is a commonplace to cheat money in the game, and this has always been his important source of private money.

But the hatred between Pakistani Entertainment and him is so deep, it is impossible for him not to pay attention, and he has already waited for tcg to open.

At this time, I saw that there were so many people, and I was so took out four mobile phones and logged in and swiped the marquee in 30 groups of servers.

"Tsk tsk, Chu Yuanxi is a stupid? Different accounts can be freely accepted, don't you even have to rush to different accounts without drilling?"

Heizui very proudly chose to brush the marquee. There are too many people on the chat channel, and free chat messages are sent out immediately, and the information penetration rate of the marquee is still high. With so many people online, today I can make a profit of 350,000 yuan!

The information was copied on several of his mobile phones, and some wrote "300 yuan for a 100,000 diamond gift package, plus". In fact, the official recharge ratio is 10:1, even if you consider the opening event, it is only 1:20. .

Some wrote "50 yuan to get an orange treasure box, one purple and four reds, plus QQxxx", this kind of treasure box contains 128 cards, 1 purple, 4 red, 10 yellow, 28 green and 85 white cards. The official The list price is 3680 diamonds.

Some are more ruthless, saying "10 yuan and 1 million gold coins, the price of gold coins is slightly higher at the beginning of the service, and the price will be reduced after three days. Get it." The only purpose of gold coins in the game is to upgrade cards. The way to obtain them is either hard money from battles or exchange of diamonds. The problem is that the exchange of diamonds is getting more expensive, and the exchange reserve price is reset every day, and 1,000 yuan can not be exchanged for gold coins.

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