Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 391: Fang Shiling's entanglement

At the same time, the editorial department of the Late Night Gallery was brightly lit, and Fang Shiling supervised the battle until midnight as usual. This was a critical moment for the huge self-media matrix financing of Midnight Gallery. Fang Shiling's aura was fully opened, and the entire editorial department was overwhelmed.

A group of editors watched the boss go out to let the air out, and immediately began to whisper. Various gossip spread quickly in the office. However, when Fang Shiling came back, they immediately slumped their heads to work. Manuscript washing.

Fang Shiling couldn't calm down anyhow, she held her breath in her chest, she was about to stretch her chest!

She opened the WeChat and flipped it quickly and meaninglessly. What's more, Chu Yuanxi's WeChat hadn't been added, and there was no such fellow, Chu Yuanxi!

I still remember that on February 13th, when his glasses broke, Chu Yuanxi once licked his face and said: "I have estimated by myself that the important financing node is probably in July and August, and the valuation of the A round is about 1.5 to 2 billion. If you do Pre_A, you will pay 1 billion yuan, and it will increase by more than 50% in less than half a year. If you integrate it, you will earn it."

How did I mock Chu Yuanxi back then? I have forgotten it, but it is strange that she still remembers what Chu Yuanxi said. The problem is that the more I remember, the worse I was. My sister had no money at that time, so she made money even if she did it? No money to make a ghost? When she thinks about this, she has the urge to vomit blood, and half a year's profit is 50%, no more...

Shook his head, now is not the time to think about this! What I should think now is how to complete this B round of financing! This round of financing has dragged on for too long, to the point where efforts must be made to maintain cash flow, and it has delayed the company's development for a long time.

The Late Night Gallery has long encountered a bottleneck. The number of fans has already reached several million, and the ceiling has long been touched in the emotional field. It is difficult to increase the number of real fans without major changes, because the speed of adding fans cannot keep up with the falling fans, and it must be done every day Only by working hard to write explosive articles to stimulate fan reposting and spreading can the balance be maintained by adding new fans.

What is a major change? Without considering the amount of counterfeiting, either open up new channels for adding fans, or make drastic reforms to the existing self-media matrix, re-segregate, reset channels, and reformulate a set of content production plans and logic.

The problem is not dare. The essence of this operation is to change the account and change the tone. It must give fans a relief, which can be equal to a large number of fans. It’s not that there aren’t no self-media queens who do this. Some fly up to the sky, and some hit the floor directly.

For a self-media that has already raised funds and has performance promises, such allin will only happen in desperation, which is not feasible for the late night gallery.

Therefore, in the next stage, the direction she set for the company is mergers and acquisitions, and the money from financing is used to acquire the desired target. There are many self-media in the market that are very valuable, and the acquisition can immediately react with the basic board of the late night gallery, at least 1+1 is greater than 4, which makes up for its shortcomings and even opens up the chain of making money. But now, there can only be limited cooperation, with very little effect.

As for the question of how to make money? She has chosen e-commerce a long time ago, and many of the previous measures were to pave the way for e-commerce, which is the so-called new economy.

And the development of this set of dismissal undoubtedly needs to complete the B round of financing before it can start, otherwise it is a simple problem-no money to play Mao!

When she thought of this, she started to get upset, and her head was full of resentment! If it weren’t for the Didi incident last time, Pakistani Entertainment suddenly smashed a sledgehammer at Wemedia and the investors behind Wemedia. Her 105 million-valued round B financing has been completed, and now it’s all about e-commerce. Isn't it a good time to fight?

As a result, now it’s almost time to renegotiate, and Chu Yuanxi’s 1.5 billion valuation has raised 300 million. Is this deliberately planning to **** my sister?

Want to know how many terms did she polish in this new round of negotiations in order to keep the valuation unchanged? At least four or five super-complex structures and supporting agreements have been added. How many tight-knit spells have been put on virtually?

Just as her heart was in a mess, the phone rang suddenly. She picked it up and took a look, but didn't dare to neglect, and immediately connected: "Hello? Old Du? Oh, it's Manager Liu, all right, you say."

This is Liu Jinfang, CEO of Daxia Investment, using Du Shuang's mobile phone to call her. What's the situation with a sudden call at so late? A very bad feeling suddenly rose in Fang Shiling's heart.

Just listen to Liu Jinfang say: "Little room, we have to study something."

What Fang Shiling fears most is this sentence. Since the B round of financing, Du Shuang has gradually lost the right to speak, making her feel insecure, because this President Liu said every time, "We have to study something." Nothing good!

This Daxia investment is really good! It's nothing more than a valuation of 100 million yuan, an investment of about 10 million yuan, as for? Or is the economic winter really so bad?

For the B round of Deep Night Gallery's investment, Daxia Investment is still the lead investor. This is not to say, because they have the priority, and then Tubian Capital and Qianyun Fund will co-invest. A total of 25 million is raised and less than 25% of the equity is released.

This condition can no longer be lowered. If it is lowered, either the money will not be enough or too much equity will be released. The angel round and the A-round Daxia voted alone, and there are also equity. Who will be the company who lowers the valuation?

But Fang Shiling didn't have the guts to turn his face, and said tremblingly: "Say it, I'm listening."

Liu Jinfang is also not welcome: "Have you heard about Pakistani entertainment financing, right?"

"Ah, I just heard about it." Fang Shilingxin said what does it have to do with Baren Entertainment? Does Chu Yuanxi also invest in me?

There was just a mixed emotion in her and heard Liu Jinfang say: “Baren Entertainment’s virtual net assets have reached 750 million, and all of them are coupled with the next development direction, but the valuation is only 1.5 billion eh, the premium rate is only 100%. However, we urgently calculated the virtual net assets of Midnight Gallery. It is less than 20 million, and it is basically copyright value and goodwill. There is not much to do with your next e-commerce development. Relationship, I think our valuation should refer to the premium level of Pakistani Entertainment?"

What the **** is virtual net assets? What the **** is coupling? Fang Shiling felt cold in her hands and feet, is it because her sister is going to be cold today? "No, please wait for President Liu. I don't particularly understand the two new concepts you mentioned."

"Oh, virtual net assets, that's... why, Du Shuang, explain it to you." Liu Jinfang said as he paused, "Ah, how about that? You can come here tomorrow morning. I also called the people from Tuchan and Ganyun to let us recalculate and try to be accurate."

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone decisively.

Soon, a mournful cry echoed from the editorial department of Late Night Gallery: "Chu Yuanxi, you pit me again—"

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