Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 394: Entanglement in troubled times (part 2)

Regarding Yang Jiangang’s doubts, before Xue Ming could speak, Chu Yuanxi said: “Don’t tell me, there are already people doing AI writing, but they’re not doing well. But the conclusion is that AI writing is currently the most suitable for writing. It is a fan, because there are ready-made maps, characters and plots, and there are many anchors for deep learning. Crossing into a certain comic is a standard fan. Therefore, Yang Jiangang, you are really good at it!"

Yang Jiangang said it was OK. If the AI ​​hadn't written the plot well, it wouldn't be as simple as writing a bomb. The plot is something. From a planning point of view, it is important to say that it is also important, and it is not important to say that it is insignificant. Most game makers value gameplay more, but once the plot is seriously unreasonable, it is possible for players to AFK.

The point is, no one has ever done this in the market. Is this crab delicious? Chu Yuanxi actually expressed support for Xue Ming's unreliable suggestion, so he didn't weigh the risks and cost performance?

As an old planner who has been in business for many years, all four Lu Bu in the battle have seen it. Isn't it normal for two people to settle the same troubled times at the same time and have nothing to do with them? Compared to realizing this mechanism, it seems much simpler to kill Xue Ming.

However, Chu Yuanxi seemed to feel that it was not lively enough, and told Yang Jiangang that players were allowed to walk on different map lines in the same dungeon stage and meet different characters...

"What does this mean?" Yang Jiangang looked at Xue Ming affectionately with innocent little eyes, hoping that Xue Ming could beat Chu Yuanxi's unreasonable request back. However, Xue Ming has been poached by Chu Yuanxi since joining Pakistani entertainment. I heard this request on the first day, so I have been preparing for this event since the Spring Festival. At this time, I have an ideal plan.

He first smiled apologetically at Yang Jiangang, and then said: "According to Xiao Chu's request, I think our game format can also be innovated. Since the theme is to calm the chaotic world, it is not necessary and should not be made into a normal picture drawing game. A map line + copy form of changing the soup but not the medicine."

The so-called map line + copy form means that the main gameplay method is to pass the map, arrange one map after another in order, each map has a series of copy nodes, each node is a group of monsters, the player needs to go from front to back. After the fight, it is a boss to the bottom, and defeating the boss is the end of the chapter. Among them, the player needs to consume action power to attack the replica node, and rewards after victory.

Then the monsters of each node are given a star rating according to the degree of completion, from one star to three stars. Among them, the sweep function can be turned on if the three stars pass the level. After clicking the attack, the action power will be consumed directly without fighting. There are also some unscrupulous games selling sweeping. Voucher, no voucher can not be mopped up, the heart is black.

In this way, after playing the first chapter map, open the second chapter, and so on, and then increase the monster value in the level to become the so-called elite base or hero base. If you do it again or twice, it will consume more action power. The rewards have also become better.

This set of gameplay was deeply rooted in the heavens. Countless unscrupulous games were designed in this way. Yang Jiangang thought this from beginning to end. So he finally knew what Xue Ming was sorry for... Xue Ming was going to break the routine. !

Just listen to Xue Ming said: “I’m not a professional game designer. I don’t understand many of the established routines, so I’ll just say it casually. I think it’s okay. Don’t you let the players calm the world? Let’s settle a county first. The initial novice map is It's a small place, but there are copies and other elements in the map, allowing players to roam, and after the map is flattened, enter a larger map, flatten it, expand it, and finally the whole world."

Yang Jiangang listened to the clouds in the mist, but Jiang Bo and Zhao Jie nodded together. The programmers really have a common language. Isn't this fractal and self-similarity?

Xue Ming said and looked at Chu Yuanxi: "Do you remember the main points you said during the Spring Festival? All players are the same in form and have the same number of maps. The number of dungeon nodes, monsters, and victory rewards in each chapter It's the same, but the performance is different. At the same stage, different players are not taking different copy lines and map lines.

I just wondered how to make different map lines? Simply start from the overall mechanism. Each player has a different choice of birth point. Enter different novice maps. After the novice map is cleared, when entering a larger map, players can choose where to enter according to the plot, personality, etc. Zhang, or simply AI automatically selects based on the player's previous settings and card situation, and generates plots and tasks at the same time. In this way, the dungeon, plot, and mission are completely unified. "

"Fuck!" Zhao Jie clapped his hands: "Yang Jiangang, your position as the main planner is not guaranteed..."

Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but think of the world mission and world timeline concept that Xue Ming put forward. It feels like the plan Xue Ming is talking about is feasible, and then take a big step forward, artificial intelligence can clearly describe it. The so-called "world timeline" is here.

How can it be a big step? Because the current gameplay is cool, but it is still aimed at a single player, and players will not affect each other's plot. But the world timeline is not the case. It is the timeline of the entire server, which affects all players and is also affected by all players, so there is still a big step forward.

Once the world timeline can be accurately described and a reasonable two-way feedback is generated, a MM that detonates the world will be Of course, although this big step is only one step, it is very, very difficult.

It takes one bite of the meal, and Chu Yuanxi feels that he can achieve what Xue Ming said today.

He was about to make a decision when he suddenly found that Yang Jiangang, the only one who did not understand AI, raised his hand: "Chu Yuanxi, can we do this? The plot and the copy roadmap are made into two versions, one called the official plot and the other called the free plot. Official The plot is that there is no AI, and it is planned to die, including related tasks, dungeon routes, etc. The free plot is the AI ​​set, do you think you?"

"You made two versions with high and low... are you afraid that Xue Ming would mess it up?" Chu Yuanxi looked at Yang Jiangang with a guilty conscience, and smiled: "I agree, I'm also afraid that Xue Ming would mess it up. This set of map gameplay is okay, I think it can be determined first, and the rest will be discussed later."

Only then did Yang Jiangang let go of his hanging heart, saying that Chu Yuanxi could still be reliable once or twice at a critical moment.

"Then today's meeting will be here first, Yang Jiangang, based on the content determined today, you propose a version of the detailed gameplay, and the core battle. You can see if you want to adjust it. Can you come up with a discussion paper tomorrow?"

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