Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 403: How to make a good company

   So on Monday morning, Chu Yuanxi actually received a cosmic language call? He doesn’t understand anything else, but he still knows the cosmic language of "Zhou Minxi", so he thought it was Zhou Minxi’s parents, and then handed the phone to Jiaotu...

   Zhu Yun sat aside, puckered his ears and listened to Jiao Tu's words in cosmic language: "How about uncle and aunt? Ah? Who are you? What are you trying to find my girlfriend? You Guwa'er say well—"

   The last sentence was spoken in Chuan Yin. Zhu Yan covered his mouth Zhengle, and saw Jiao Tu put down the phone, and said to Chu Yuanxi with a strange expression: "Someone asked my wife to go to Qingdao and Yantai to do variety shows..."

   The name of this show is Super Turtle, "Can I Eat Locally?" Chu Yuanxi had a headache listening to this name, and felt too low to let Zhou Minxi go. However, her opinion must be respected on this matter. After all, although the show was filmed in Qingdao and Yantai, it was mainly a food show that Zhou Minxi could not refuse to get back to the national broadcast of the universe.

   Zhou Minxi jumped up with excitement when he heard it: "I'm going, I'm going, wait for me to contact the other party!" Then he babbled non-stop.

   Chu Yuanxi knows her heart knot, her heart is not here, now she lives in the celestial dynasty, if there is a particularly good opportunity, she would definitely want to go back and develop. From this point of view, Chu Yuanxi should boycott this incident, because then let go of a cash cow. Although this day will come sooner or later, it should be delayed as much as possible.

   But this thought only flashed and was put down by Chu Yuanxi because it was too short-sighted.

   On the contrary, Zhou Minxi is more sensitive. After putting down the phone, seeing Chu Yuanxi's eyes with some doubts, she immediately asked: "Ligger, do you not want me to go?"

   "I think this program sounds a bit low, should you ask before you agree?"

   Zhou Minxi said proudly: "Ah no, I've seen their first issue of Thailand. I'm a professional food and broadcaster."

  Jiaotu is curious: "What does this show do? How long will it take?"

"It's a show for cooking and chatting. It will be ready within a week. In the first issue, a chef took a few of our celebrities to cook local dishes, and afterwards we put them out for locals to eat. , Listen to comments and vomit."

"Cooked nuts make local dishes for the locals to eat, and then wait and vomit?" Chu Yuanxi thinks that this idea is average, especially in the Universe Country variety show market where creativity is its life, it seems so mediocre, unless it is taught by all. Stars, otherwise how could the citizens of Yantai and Qingdao recognize these stars of the universe?

   "Ligger, do you really mind if I go?" Zhou Minxi asked cautiously, "You, aren't you afraid that my career in my hometown will pick up and run away?"

   "I'm afraid, but I can't stop you just because I'm afraid, right? Besides, I'm afraid of more things, not more of this."

   "Wow, liger, you are so great--" Zhou Minxi closed his eyes and smiled brightly, and then ran away. Why is it so urgent? This is because the crew looks like a grass-roots crew. Today, the crew will start shooting tomorrow. This shows that the artists on the show have no positions in the show and can be on call.

   Zhu Yun is very envious, even slightly jealous. She hadn't realized this problem before, and she thought of Zhou Minxi's words. When everyone else returned to work, she quietly pulled Chu Yuanxi and asked in a low voice, "Hey, Chu Yuanxi, haven't you always emphasized the company's interests first? If Xixi really returned to the universe to develop Not a huge loss to the company?"

   "Why? Afraid of your value plummeting?" Chu Yuanxi leaned against Zhu Yun, and whispered, "To what extent is the company's interest first? Everything has a degree, and the degree of different companies is different."

   "Then what is the "degree" of our company?"

   "We are a startup company. A good startup company should grow with its employees, and the best startup company and employees complement each other."

   "Do these two mean the same thing?"

"Obviously not. It's easy to grow together. The more the company gets stronger, the employees' business level will also improve. Get more salaries and get promoted to higher positions. This is called growing together. A bad company treats employees. When used as livestock, employees do not have the time and opportunity to improve. When the company becomes stronger, it resigns old employees and hires higher-level employees; good companies exploit employees while giving them time and opportunities to improve their standards and train them. Let them keep up with the speed at which the company becomes stronger. But—"

Chu Yuanxi pointed to Yang Jiangang in the distance: "Suppose there is an employee who is particularly awesome in some aspect. His ability is very important to your company, but his business ability may be even more powerful if he goes out to start a business. What do you do? "

   "Can I stop this? People who have such a great ability must go out to start a business, right?"

"How can it be that simple to start a business? Do you think that you have business ability? Finding venture capital, arranging ability, management, finance, legal affairs, contacts, there are more things to consider, maybe you have to consider paying back your house loan and car loan wife Children. If you have the ability, you don’t necessarily start a business."

"How do I feel that you are looking for a chance to brag?" Zhu Yan pursed his lips, listening to Chu Yuanxi's words: "What do I say, I mean, I'm afraid of him leaving, UU Read Deliberately making it more difficult for him to leave his job and start a business, create difficulties and trap him? Or just let her go? Or help him?"

   "I don't know." Zhu Yun was blank, "Isn't the company obviously damaged when he left? He still offered to help?"

"Yes. And sometimes he really can't go, such as the back-end main program of a game project. Maybe the technical solution adopted by this project is understood by him alone, and he is responsible for building the architecture, and the other back-ends are just for functions. After he left the project, he went horribly wrong, and he couldn't recruit replacements. The cost of one year of development was wasted. Such people have a good opportunity to start a business, what should I do?"

   "Should people like this keep high salaries and plenty of options?"

   "But people know blockchain..." Chu Yuanxi couldn't help but think of a past event in the original world. "Anyway, this is the situation, what should I do?"

   "I really don't know, just tell me."

"A great company will back up talents, and at least two talents with the same technical characteristics will be retained in the company. If he is the only one who understands this technology, then he will do a good job of evangelism before he has the idea of ​​leaving, and let him Bringing out apprentices is called mutual fulfillment. More powerful companies will participate in his entrepreneurial projects, or simply stay in the company to incubate. Do you understand?"

   "After co-authoring for a long time, are you still complimenting yourself in a different way? I know you are good, okay?"...


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