Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 407: Monica in place

Monica walked into the new office area and looked left and right, and finally asked: "Let me come on Saturday, does it count as overtime?"

Chu Yuanxi said: "You haven't joined the job yet. There is no concept of overtime."

"I'm here to do the entry."

"That would be considered voluntary overtime."

Monica's pupils shot a dangerous light.

Her last live broadcast was a great success. She successfully traversed the Ross Ice Shelf. The process was unpredictable. She experienced two landslides and one ice disintegration. She stepped on countless pits. The drone for aerial photography was blown by the sea breeze in the Atlantic Ocean. Ran.

However, it was precisely because of the thrills that her YouTube channel subscriptions soared. The three-day expedition brought 20 million views. At the last moment of crossing the ice shelf, she needed to jump into the sea to escape, and she was directly promoted by the tubing. .

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi found that the cost of getting her into the company was quite high, and her fans of oily turtles exceeded one million...

But he was obviously too worried. Monica had her own idea. When she sat down in the tea room, she didn't wait for Chu Yuanxi to speak and said, "Actually, I have a better way than entering a job."

"Appreciate further details."

"I set up a company and then sent myself to Pakistani Entertainment by way of labor dispatch. What do you think?"

Chu Yuanxi's eyes rolled: "Then I need a very high penalty."

Monica is not to be outdone: "Then I need a salary worthy of liquidated damages."

"Don't you want to earn the company's options? At the beginning, you watched the company's ordering."

"Yes, but you are already valued at 1.8 billion. How much can your options increase? What is the difference between non-increasing options and salted fish?"

Chu Yuanxi scratched her head: "I think you are too stupid."

"So straightforward?" Monica changed her sitting position, raised Erlang's legs, and gave a look of "you continue".

I have to say that it is quite predictable to wear a skirt with Erlang's legs. Chu Yuanxi straightened her eyes and said: "Your solution is to maintain your own flexibility, right? You can go back and take care of your affairs anytime, anywhere. However, , Your share of things is worthless, and your one million oily turtles are worthless. It is far worse than dedicating your value to the company and then in exchange for returns! The company’s options will definitely increase, and the benefits that can be provided are very Much.

It just so happens that you are the one who participated in the company's board meeting, so I don't need to explain too much, your choice is exactly the same as that of Adu. Do you know who I am talking about? "

Monica nodded slowly, "What happened to him?"

"I have been working in the company, but I can only watch other people's options skyrocketing one hundred and fifty times. His investment rights have not yet reached the trigger round, and it is hard to say how valuable they are afterwards." Chu Yuanxi said. It's very helpless to get here, and Mu can't see anything on the surface, but it's too hard to push people.

"That's a torment..." Monica flattened her lips, and then glanced at Chu Yuanxi: "Or, would you buy my YouTube channel? Then I won't have any burdens, and I can accept the equity purchase. ."

The so-called equity acquisition is a merger and acquisition method that uses shares instead of money to acquire, and calculates the value with the current valuation of both parties as an anchor. For example, a Pakistani share is currently worth 150 yuan. Assuming that Monica’s oily soil turtle is valued at 15 million from the media account, it will be exchanged for 100,000 shares of Pakistani Entertainment. After the transaction, Monica holds 100,000 Pakistani shares. The Pakistani own the oily turtle channel that originally belonged to Monica.

So where did these 100,000 shares come from? The answer came out of thin air. The total share capital of Pakistani people has changed from 12 million shares to 12.1 million shares.

This method is usually seen in companies that have been publicly listed. There is a well-known name in the A-share market called "Private Issuance", which is usually used to acquire assets. Only in rare cases will specific investors be issued in exchange for cash. This situation is more common in low stock markets. Correspondingly, it is called "public additional issuance", which means that the leeks who hold shares need to pay cash to refinance the company by blood transfusion. It does not involve asset purchases and is mostly seen in high stock markets.

There used to be a rogue company called "Jing XX" that relied on this kind of scissors to cut leeks. In each round of the bear market, it issued additional copies of retail investors, and then publicly increased the blood of retail investors when it reached a high position, and finally transformed itself from a trash stock into The star in A shares.

Since the shares of non-listed companies do not have sufficient liquidity, few people are willing to accept equity acquisitions.

But with **** thinking and knowing that it is the time when Monica’s channel is the most valuable, Chu Yuanxi’s answer is: "You want to be beautiful! Your channel is not very useful for Pakistani entertainment, I value you this person."

"Ah? Am I just an adventure girl? What do you value me?"

"I value your understanding of youtube, Instagram and other platforms. I hope you can transform into an operator who knows how to produce content, and operate Pakistani entertainment video works on those platforms."

Monica's eyes narrowed: "Hey, if my value as an anchor is 100, will the value of operations reach 10? I always thought that you recruited me to continue to do wilderness live broadcasts and entertain Pakistani people. Sucking fans is basically the same pattern as Zhu Yan, except that she is dancing and I am exploring. It seems that I understand it wrong?"

"It should be said that I had this idea at the beginning, but half a year has passed. The company has developed very smoothly, and its strategy and tactics have been changing." Chu Yuanxi decided to open the mouth: "The tone of your channel The company is inconsistent. If it is forced to merge, it looks like it has got a million foreign fans, but the utilization value of this fan is too low for the or I will not except for the hard advertising Use. As for your low operating value, my opinion is just the opposite."

"Then how much am I worth?"

"I don’t know how much it is, but your qualifications, connections, and professionalism, I can definitely use it. Let’s put it this way, if you go to other companies to do operations, the value may be 10, but you can do operations in Pakistan. , The value should exceed 200."


"Because I am good at discovering the value of others." Chu Yuanxi said that if the value of 200 cannot be realized, I will fire you, but I don't need to tell you...

"Then, what are you giving me?"

"My condition for you is one year and three months with paid holidays, a monthly salary of 25k, and a salary of 13 plus bonus."

"What about options?"

Chu Yuanxi smiled indifferently: "The company's options are now only issued to outstanding employees. Unless it is a leading technology leader, they will not be given options at the time of entry."

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