Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 428: Fang Shiling zoom

Chu Yuanxi organized a language: "For example, okay. Although there is no official account in the movie "The God of Medicine", you can analyze it upside down. Suppose there is an explosive article that the patient cannot afford the high price. Drugs, and then went abroad to buy generic drugs, triggering a series of legal and moral collisions, which aroused huge repercussions. Just like you usually write emotional articles, there is a central idea, and then 1234 is divided into several paragraphs, and several fictional characters fight the old. It's sensational, but it doesn't have as many plots as in the movie. This is suitable to be turned into a script. It should be possible to write the plot along this theme, right?"

"The God of Medicine" was a big hit in July. It caused a sensation as soon as it went online. It hasn't been offline for a month, and the audience is full of audiences. With that said, Fang Shiling was immediately thoughtful, and even shaken the original intention of coming to Pakistani Entertainment today.

"If you say that, it seems that the copyright of this kind of exploding article is very valuable, right? There should be a lot of mine that fit this situation."

"It's not valuable, there are too many such blasts." Chu Yuanxi is not polite, "You are the fans who have seen this blast. You can directly push the movie to them. This announcement has a high number of exposures. And the ticket purchase rate is certainly not low. The effect of your announcement is equivalent to the effect of the partner in opening up the film and television channels. Both parties contribute money and contribute, which is very fair."

"Hi...At that time, Gao Wenming said the same. He shot his own stories, and the fan box office is guaranteed. But I am a layman, I have no idea about doing this. I guess he didn't make it because of the film and television industry. The water is too deep?" Fang Shiling was a little entangled, "You haven't done film and television, why do you understand this? I didn't expect you to support Gao Wenming?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that I had done the largest commercial film in the history of the celestial dynasty. Unfortunately I can't tell you. He pondered for a moment: "This idea also exists in my acquisition of "High Station Master". As for Gao Wenming, he has the idea, but it was wrong at the beginning. For the film company, the origin of making movies is always the script, a high-end one. The production cost of movie scripts is several million. He doesn't come up with an awesome script and he talks to the film and television company. Just holding a few explosive articles, God will not shoot him."

Fang Shiling shook his head again: "The reality is that there are policy risks. It is said that it is not easy for "The God of Medicine" to be successfully launched. I have to carefully consider the gameplay you mentioned."

As she spoke, she found that she was touched, because Chu Yuanxi was sharing the money-making routine he had prepared with her, right? Although it is possible for her to travel ahead? However, based on her understanding of Chu Yuanxi, she would not be a guinea pig if she was not short of money or resources.

She quickly extinguished the touch, because after weighing it, how she thought about it, this path was unclear to her, and it was not worth shaking the original intention of squeezing the wool. "Which one do you think is the easier way to adapt a movie, an IP created in the way of "Yao Shen" or an IP serialized in the way of "Animal Company"?"

"If there is no such a phenomenon as the story of "Yao Shen", it should be a serialization? The explosive article is a one-time contact with fans. Many people watch the spread of WeChat groups and circle of friends. The article has read but did not pay attention. The serialization is a continuous delivery. For regular fans, you can do peripherals before making a movie. The operation method is different. However, "Animal Company" is a spoof, and it is not the same as the real theme..."

"I think so too, so I have an immature suggestion." Fang Shiling stood up and began to undress.

Chu Yuanxi was at a loss at the time, waving her arms in the air, and then slowly lowering it. I saw Fang Shiling unbuttoning his buttons, shaking his shoulders and fading off his black suit, revealing the tight body inside, and the t-shirt that she wore on her body was the same T-shirt that she wore yesterday, the "Fang Ge" T-shirt.

Wearing a Tshirt underneath and a suit on the outside, this outfit was very unsuitable and did not fit Fang Shiling's temperament, but Chu Yuanxi suddenly understood something. Co-authored, she was holding the magnifying move yesterday, but she was blocked by a delay skill that she used to use Poppies, so she dragged it to today.

If Poppies didn’t come yesterday, and she was taken to KTV by Fang Shiling, and saw her wearing such a Tshirt, what would be the result? I dare not think about it!

"what do you mean?"

"Cooperate." Fang Shiling smiled lightly, "Don't you think the name of the project "Fang Ge" is very interesting?" She moved her shoulders, which is worthy of a clothes rack, and her loose Tshirt was actually worn out by her.

Chu Yuanxi's eyes flickered. He knew that Fang Shiling had flashed in his heart when he took this name. Because of her short hair, Fang Shiling used to be called Fang Ge among junior high school girls for a short period of time.

"If you cooperate with "Brother Fang", your tone is not suitable." Chu Yuanxi had a headache, but Fang Shiling asked, "Is your tone suitable? Didn't you find that your tone is more inappropriate?"

Chu Yuanxi was taken aback, and found that she could not immediately refute Because of the gender of fans, "Late Night Gallery" is dominated by pastoral female slaves, and "Brother House" is masculine, and Pakistani fans are mainly male. It looks more appropriate. But there is a key problem. The user portraits of Pakistani entertainment fans can now be determined to be somewhat relaxed. The fanciful theme "A World of Disorder" and the spoof theme "Animal Company" are highly accepted, while the purely realistic " The response of "Fang Ge" has always been significantly low.

This low is directly reflected in the number of openings of the comics. Before the diversion of "Fang Ge" has been half of the "Animal Company", but after the diversion, a large-scale publicity was carried out because of the "Animal Company", and the play was due to nesting. The addition of the service account has made the number of openings of "Unfolding in the Wind" also increase, making the gap of "Fang Ge" even more obvious, and now it is less than one-fifth of the "Animal Company".

It will be two months from the diversion to now. The number of openings of "Animal Company" has far exceeded the number of openings before the diversion. So that this project was initially positioned as a guarantee for the company, not to mention the small goal of 100,000+, even the restoration of the previous data has to work hard.

Lu Yu also issued a report to him last week, analyzing the data and reasons of the three cartoons, and concluded that "Fang Ge" was difficult to divert and became a victim of diversion. The reason may be that they were mixed up before the diverting, and users still reluctantly took a look. Although there were open numbers, their loyalty was low. Therefore, there are few fans who specifically chased the new account after the split.

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