Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 431: Internal and external reactions

On Thursday, the whole company knew about the change of hands of the "Fang Ge" project, and even the coders in the game development zone were whispering to each other, because although "Fang Ge" was not suitable for games, it was originally "Animal Company." It's not like it. Who would have thought that Chu Yuanxi would come up with a TCG game?

   The company had a total of three IPs, and both of them made games, and only "Fang Ge" was ready to go. When did Chu Yuanxi's style of painting make a big news, and it turned out to be jointly developed with the partner?

  Yang Yuanmei feels complicated, because she likes to write the script of "Brother Fang". Writing "Brother Fang" is not the same as "Animal Company". She needs to bring herself into a straight male perspective to imagine cinnabar. As a result, Chu Yuanxi released his military power through a cup of wine.

  Jiaotu felt that she was very hypocritical, "Mei Yang Yang, what do you think you are entangled with? Are you not a person to be a rice bug? This will not reduce your burden. What are you thinking about?"

   Yang Yuanmei was distressed: "I'm afraid that Chu Yuanxi will make another awesome thing to throw me. How can I praise him when you say it?"

   Uncle Sheng interrupted: "Chu Yuanxi has been so awesome so many times, I haven't seen you praise him."

   "Didn't you praise him?"

   Uncle Sheng said lightly: "I was shocked at first, but then I got used to it."

   "Really?" Jiao Tu looked weird, "This is the first time that "Brother Fang" authorizes others to make me feel that Chu Yuanxi is also a human being, and when I am not shocked, it is quite awkward..."

   It's not only the Ba people who don't understand Chu Yuanxi's operation ideas, but Yuan Mu also doesn't understand it, because this is not allowing "Middle Night Gallery" to take a huge advantage? In the IP development model, copyright equity participation is also considered normal. Outsiders seem to be just an ordinary cooperation, but she can get the detailed rules and Chu Yuanxi's ideas.

   Although the impact on Ba people’s entertainment is very small in terms of volume, it is negligible to lose or take advantage, but Chu Yuanxi is not such a person?

   In the final cooperation, the micro-movie is still produced by Pakistani Entertainment, and the completed film is uploaded to the official account and Weibo of "Fangge". In addition, if "Fangge" is authorized for external film and television, Pakistani Entertainment has priority investment rights.

   This makes Yuan Mu puzzled even more, because although the data of "Fang Ge" is average, even a listed company pays attention to a parent company. "Fang Ge" backed by Pakistani Entertainment is likely to get massive traffic injection at any time, at least in the eyes of outsiders, if Chu Yuanxi blows the news, spread his willingness to seek cooperation and development, and is willing to insist on burning money When it comes to micro movies, she feels that there will be big bosses who will bring money and resources to cooperate.

  Especially the big guys from iQiyi and Youtu, Yuan Mu felt that they were so happy to see this opportunity. For dried shrimp? Because the main sources of Pakistani Entertainment’s fans are WeChat, Weibo, and Toutiao, cooperating with Pakistani Entertainment is equivalent to draining traffic from those three platforms. Isn’t it a good news? Therefore, the gold content of this cooperation is not high or low, because the broadening of resources and connections is also gold content.

"Don't nag..." Yuan Jing rarely expressed dissatisfaction with Yuan Mu, and put down a report: "Why did you say you were surprised? How can you not be surprised? Chu Yuanxi acted as you said. I will be surprised."

   "Brother, I'm heartbroken."

Yuan Jing pushed his glasses, reached out and picked up another report on the Snow Project, and gave a final word: "You have said that it looks like this to outsiders. Chu Yuanxi has already explained that it is not appropriate to inject traffic into this IP because of the tonality. Inappropriate. When working with outsiders, does he pay attention to traffic? Don’t drain others and drain yourself. I think it’s clever to let "Late Night Gallery" inject traffic. Chu Yuanxi prides himself on being Qiangdong, what will he do? Just support it."

   On the other side, Du Shuang rushed over in "Late Night Gallery". Fang Shiling's sudden win of "Fang Ge" made him feel like a shot in the heart. Although Fang Shiling has frozen the financing, in Daxia Investment's internal assessment, when she got her exact report, he immediately It raised the valuation by 30 million.

In "Late Night Gallery", the sorrow that had lasted for a few days was wiped out, because the next operation can be said to be familiar to their group of old self-media editors, and they can be done step by step. In terms of content, paint hands and Script authors are all ready-made, and there is no magic core problem. As for the operation, there is the foundation of "Brother Fang" and the micro-movie of Pakistani people. The operation of this IP should not be too simple!

   But Du Shuang found that Fang Shiling seemed not so happy? He was fascinated at the time: "Is there any hidden terms that I didn't tell us?"

"No, the terms are those. I just feel that this woollen is not full of pleasure." Fang Shiling looked straightforward: "It was a complete victory, at least it was a big victory, but in the last five years, it changed. The outcome of Cheng is unclear..."

   "The outcome is still unknown?" Du Shuangxin said that your definition of victory is too demanding? "Didn't you always want to get through the IP road but can't go on? Haven't you been suffering because the "Late Night Gallery" has been finalized and it is not good enough? This time you have obtained such a good project and grasped such a big one. A full-level Isn’t that enough? I can wake up with a smile when I sleep."

"Yes, I have failed twice and can't lose again. This time I must choose one that is easy to open the situation." Fang Shiling smiled, "I just feel very unwilling. This project is a tasteless to Chu Yuanxi. But it's a treasure to me."

   Poppies are as unwilling as Fang Shiling. Fang Shiling compares herself with Chu Yuanxi, while Poppies compares herself to Fang Shiling. Thinking that she had worked so hard to drive with Chu Yuanxi and drove again, only to find a small role in the "Fang Ge" crew, and when it happened, she hugged the whole project and took the project away, so she couldn't think of it.

   Chu Yuanxi sneezed, thinking that someone might be talking about herself. He was chatting, pulling Zhu Yan to chat with Jin Yonghan, because half of Jin Yonghan's work was taken away.

   But he didn't expect Jin Yonghan to be happy: "Oh, Chuyuan Xisangsu, this is really great, I didn't want to paint "Brother Fang" a long time ago."

   "Why is this?"

"I'm a fantasy subject. Urban subjects are okay, but I like to draw Batman Superman. It's best to be combative, muscled, and fighting between men. "Animal Company" is because they are all The cute things are better. "Brother Fang" has no fantasy elements at all. I feel very boring when I paint with hands and feet." Jin Yonghan said with emotion, "Will the company develop new fantasy themes in the future? Vomited!"...


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