Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 439: The forum is to make a comparison (part 2)

"Then you just said that nurturing a national IP requires continuous investment and can't think about harvesting? But are we not always making games?"

"That's right." Chu Yuanxi found that Zhu Yan finally thought of this, and was quite relieved. "We are not cultivating a national-level IP. I never thought of making "Out of the Wind" a national-level IP, but It's not about making quick money, this is not a contradiction. Such a complicated issue is not suitable for you to consider."


Because of Uncle Tom's divine assist, Chu Yuanxi's mood was unexpectedly comfortable, feeling that she could be more unrestrained. Now that he has completed the goal of impressing the other party without knowing his identity, he should be able to consider some more complex issues.

Encountering Zhao Zhujiang is an accident, how can I turn it into an unexpected joy? The so-called unexpected joy, Chu Yuanxi is not very demanding, only needs to go to the next level on the basis of friendship and establish a deep connection.

What is the use of deep connections? Just look at what happened after establishing a deep-level relationship with Yuan Jing and Yuan Mu. For a long time, Zheng De did not invest in Pakistani entertainment, but both sides went very smoothly.

So how to establish deep connections? This is more difficult because I don’t understand.

For example, it is easy to get to know the other party, not only the character, but also the business, and even guess their current situation, so it is easy to get in touch with them.

At this time, although the difference between Baren Entertainment and Sound Technology's coffee position was far, but it was definitely less than a hundred times, and how far was the coffee position difference between himself and Yuan Jing? Ten thousand times? It's too far to estimate.

But now Chu Yuanxi lacks understanding of Zhao Zhujiang, whether it is character or business, the contacts in the original world are too general. The main thing is that Zhao Zhujiang is too low-key, and most people usually can't reach him at all. The same low-key boss, Ren Zhengfei, the uncrowned king, his strength does not allow him to be truly low-key, Wang Wei finally chose to go public, and Zhao Zhujiang is the kind of low-key that even Baidu Baike does not have.

How to do it? Chu Yuanxi rolled her eyes and thought of a skill that she should master as a self-media person. This is-sales anxiety!

Anxiety is undoubtedly the easiest emotion to grasp the hearts of the people in this era. This is also the reason for the anxiety of countless public accounts. It has been proved by countless times that this is the most effective means of attracting fans. As a big man in the self-media industry, although Chu Yuanxi does not eat the bowl of selling anxiety, she has read it too many times, and even after taking over "High Station Master", she had to pinch her nose to sell anxiety articles on it. Look at it!

Thinking of the decision here, Chu Yuanxi looked at the back of Zhao Zhujiang's head and wanted to ask him: What is your anxiety now?

Then he changed his mind and felt that he had really grown up, thinking that if he could get his heart out at the beginning, I am afraid that he would have gotten out of it more than ten years ago? If the salted fish in this world can get this heart out, I'm afraid they would have gotten out of it a long time ago? Well, after all, it was too young before.

I saw Chen Bingye approaching him and asked in a low voice, "Brother Chu, who do you think is the most likely to become a national-level IP among the existing network IPs? Let’s just talk about the Internet. Peppa Pig’s kind of traditional IP ,Not consider."

Chu Yuanxi was silent for a long time before spitting out three words: "No."

Looking at Chen Bingye's face, he smiled awkwardly: "So this is still a blue ocean market, and it's worth everyone's efforts..."

"Who is the closest?"

"This is really hard to say. If you want to become a national level, you have to be recognized by the domestic mainstream culture. How many years did it take Jin Yong to be recognized by the domestic mainstream culture? Many things have to catch up with the good times, the right time and the right people, such as "Huo Feng Liao Yuan" I feel I just missed the good time.

In addition, this has a lot to do with the social ethos. Maybe a certain IP may be built twenty years ago, but it may not be built now. As cultural self-confidence is gradually emphasized now, traditional culture is more popular. If the "Wandering Earth" movie goes live next year, might hard science fiction be more popular? This matter is uncertain.

Traditional culture is also divided into different categories. I am afraid that it is impossible for Xian Xia, and there is too much resistance, otherwise the "Legend of Sword and Fairy" would have been long ago. The martial arts are also suspended, they can reach a certain height, but if you want to become a national class, I think the least resistance is the historical category. "

"That's why you chose the theme of "Unwinding in Troubled Times"?"

"Yes, and the roots are right, it can be deduced, but in the general direction, it can withstand scrutiny. The scale is large and the content can be contained. The most important thing is the core, the inner spirit, which has to be positive energy, like the "Magic Dao Zu Shi". This species can run rampant for a while, but cannot survive forever."

"What do you think of "The Bad Man"?"

"Well, you should go to the main venue. The swordsman of "The Bad Man" is there now."

"Don't you want to hear your opinion?"

Chu Yuanxi found that Chen Bingye was quite familiar with him, and did not regard himself as an outsider. His goal is only to make friends with Zhao Zhujiang, Chen Bingye can be regarded as a charge for the phone bill, the current situation of the Ba people really can not generate any demand for novel websites. However, Chen Bingye's ability to ask whether the bad person is the closest to the national-level IP indicates that this person has a good eye and can see the potential of this IP on the dazzling IP shelf. It seems that he is also a person worthy of friendship and cannot be regarded as a person. Sent by phone bill.

"The Bad Man" was originally pretty good, but it’s okay if the foundation is a little thinner. But the martial arts are a little bit behind the mainstream, and a lot of basic rot content has been added, which will take advantage in the short term. In the long run, unless we have the whole world Learning from a corrupt country is not a coup. The potential of "The Bad Man" is about 3 billion in terms of GDP, which is the upper limit, and the national level must have at least 10 billion GDP, which is short of breath."

Zhu Yan felt a fascinating copper smell on Chu Yuanxi's body: "How can you convert everything into money?"

"In this hypocritical world, talking about money is the most sincere."

Chen Bingye silently calculated his own valuation, feeling that he had received a light blow, "Then, if you had money, you would buy "The Bad Guy", won't you?"

"No." Chu Yuanxi pondered for a moment, and added: "To be a national IP, not to mention copyright transfer, it is best to customize the content by yourself. It is difficult to buy ready-made ones and it is not a question of money."

As he was talking, Zhu Wei stabbed him: "The old aunt is here."

"Come on..."

Zhu Yun whispered: "Back then, I asked for a breed like a dog, but now I'm ugly?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi heard it in such a noisy environment and bit her ear and said: "I definitely can't give Fang Shiling any chance to confess to me, especially in front of Gao Wenming. Do you understand? To some extent? On, I was afraid of Gao Wenming before squeezing the value of the fans of "Webmaster", do you understand?"

"Who confessed to you! What are you dreaming of? I beg you to stop being so narcissistic?" Zhu Yan knows nothing about a lot of things, and sneered after listening, "But, do you have people who are afraid? "

"Of course, high-civilized people, don't you know that people like leopards? If you go crazy and do damage to me, wouldn't it be a big deal for us?"

Fang Shiling was followed by Gao Wenming, Du Shuang, then Wei Ning and Qi Yu. Qi Yu's eyes were sharp and he saw Chu Yuanxi at a glance. However, the speech on stage had already begun. Tom's strong American accent was describing the pros and cons of the IP derivatives market. She was not easy to squeeze in, so she had to find a place to sit down.

Seeing Zhu Yan sitting beside Chu Yuanxi and biting each other's ears after a while, Qi Yu's mood was extremely complicated. She looked at Fang Shiling who was sitting not far away, and after a short remedial lesson, if what Zhu Yan said was true, then this old aunt was actually a rival. Regret it? There should be no regrets. To be the host of Mango Channel is already a dream come true for most people. What can I regret? But why do I become more and more anxious? Is it really the reason why there are too many articles on the official account?

Fang Shiling, who was secretly followed by Qi Yu, had already given up all arrangements at this time. Anyway, Chu Yuanxi couldn't get off the platform for her. As long as this matter didn't go wrong, let it go. With her emotional intelligence, it is impossible to understand Chu Yuanxi's behavior pattern until now. This just shows that Chu Yuanxi cares about herself and takes herself seriously, so she has to deliberately protect herself.

As a person who is good at making use of contacts and playing with people's hearts, she is not afraid of others taking the initiative to distance herself from herself. She is afraid that others don't care about herself. Of course, the strategy has to be changed.

While several people were having their own minds, Tom finally finished talking about his setbacks and gains in the subdivision of IP derivatives. As a master-level IP derivatives surgeon, this explanation made Chu Yuanxi nod, because Tom kept emphasizing the long-term, long-term, and long-term.

There was thunderous applause, but I don’t know how many sincere people ~ Zhao Zhujiang, who was sitting in the front row, was obviously sincere. He turned and tilted his head and said to Chen Bingye, who was sitting next to Chu Yuanxi, "What do you think?"

Chen Bingye shook his head very firmly: "He was right, but it is ahead of the domestic IP practitioners."

Seeing Zhao Zhujiang showing an unexpected look, he clenched his fist and said: "What we need to do now is to survive, to survive when the capital exits.

The most important thing for domestic IP derivatives is to establish a money-making effect. Only through IP derivatives can someone really make a lot of money, and downstream industry practitioners will pay attention to IP, and it will have a bigger market and More mature circulation and operation links. But the problem is that no one has made this fast money at this stage. I even look forward to someone sacrificing some IP. "

"What do you think? President Chu?" Zhao Zhujiang asked Chu Yuanxi.

"I can't agree at all." Chu Yuanxi blinked, "I hope that the company's valuation can be hundreds of billions through IP, so I don't want to make money through IP derivatives." Remember this website, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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