Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 448: Xu Shu in Caoying

I saw Zhao Zhujiang nodded quickly: "It's almost the same as I guessed. I guess you want to engage in smart home or car. This era belongs to mobile phones, and the next era belongs to smart cars and smart homes."

"It should be said that the next era belongs to 5G. You can see this, amazing!"

After Chu Yuanxi finished speaking, the three of them fell into a brief silence, while Chen Bingye was completely in a state of unconsciousness.

In the 5G era, everything will be interconnected, and the Internet of Things will move from concept to real life. For ordinary people, it will be smart homes and cars. In the not-too-distant future, mobile terminals will no longer need to undertake the task of computing and storage, only input and output, and data processing and storage can be completely handed over to the cloud.

This means completely breaking the von Neumann structure, meaning brand-new equipment and even brand-new interaction modes. These changes may be far from ordinary people, but they are required courses for entrepreneurs who are interested in becoming a world leader, and Chen Bingye Sitting are just two of them.

So Zhao Zhujiang laughed: "You look down on me too much, brother? Do you think I am Wu Ying? Just staring at the phone will not be enough for the next ten years."

Wu Ying, who once stood at the pinnacle of the times like casting magic, was a little psychic and was once called the same name as Google and eBay by the American Times. However, because he refuses to observe the future, no matter how glorious the glory is, it will quickly fade in the tide of the times, which also makes Zhao Zhujiang, who also came from that era, take a lesson.

This is like the famous drama "The First Floor of the World". The boss of Fujude clearly knows that ducks alone are not good, and the scallion sauce cakes are no worse than others. However, when the "baked duck" appeared If he covers his eyes and refuses to look, he can only stand aside for the "broiled duck" he insists on.

Zhao Zhujiang patted the table, "I already know your aspirations. It seems that 100 billion yuan is just a starting price for you, not a goal. Maybe we will be competitors in the future?"

"It can also be cooperation." Chu Yuanxi didn't mean to be humble at all.

At this time, Zhao Zhujiang finally regarded him as a person who could sit on an equal footing, and he should not and need not be humble. Only the equal status of identity can have the basis for equal cooperation. If you want to cooperate with Cao Cao, you have to be Liu Bei and Sun Quan at least. Cao Baozhi and his like are a little far behind.

This cooperation time should not be too far.

Zhao Zhujiang does not talk about his own strength, he also has a few rich contacts in the capital market, and has a deep relationship with Wall Street capital. However, talent can compete with capital. As far as the results of today's sales anxiety are concerned, Chu Yuanxi feels that it is just right to establish a long-term cooperation expectation.

Zhao Zhujiang nodded and said: "Okay, then I will wait for you to grow to 100 billion and then cooperate with me."

After giving this promise, he got up and left.

Seeing that Chu Yuanxi had to stand up and leave, Chen Bingye suddenly followed up and whispered, "Brother Chu, are you not authentic?"

"What caused you to have this illusion?"

"Although I don't understand too much, you are obviously selling abductees, right? How could it be possible that Lao Zhao has been calm and stable, and you are in danger when you say it? You are not a dead pupil, wherever you go and die!"

Chu Yuanxi immediately looked at Chen Bingye with admiration, as if Pang Tong, who had offered a series of tricks to Cao Cao, walked to the riverside to slip, but Xu Shu caught his bag on the spot.

"It's impossible to sell abductees. I'm telling the truth. Alas, since the traitor, Uncle Benshan, sold our business as a whole, it has become more and more difficult to mix." Chu Yuanxi took a 45-degree angle. Looking up at the sky, "Why don't we work together to study a plan to sell abduction?"

"Forget it!" Chen Bingye didn't dare to make such a joke. "Hey, I just want to know, according to your research and development time window theory, why does Huawei have a time window for research and development? They shouldn't be overwhelmed by Qualcomm and others. Is it?"

"On the one hand, it's the background of peers, and on the other hand, it's fate, right?" Chu Yuanxi really thought about this issue, and even reviewed this history in the original world. "The 5G standard is the channel coding standard. It was really eaten to death by Qualcomm. The patent map is sealed and there is no room for turning over.

However, a professor in Tuji State, also named Erdogan, proposed a very powerful polar code system, also called short code, and created a golden opportunity. The result was caught by Huawei’s special chicken thieves, which doubled the space of the patent map and caught up with Qualcomm’s long code system. "

"So accidental?" Chen Bingye suddenly remembered the fact that Meiliang Enterprise, which had screened the screen some time ago, had voted for Qualcomm with two votes and caused Huawei to lose one vote. He was talking about the long and short code competition.

"Or it is inevitable by chance, anyway, ten days ago, the old man gave Professor Erdogan an award."

"Why do you know everything?"

"We media people, of course... I'll watch the official account more haha." Chu Yuanxi said goodbye to Chen Bingye, preparing to return to the imperial capital.

When he returned to the imperial capital, he had to be separated from Qi Yu, Qi Yu looked at Chu Yuanxi's carefree appearance and was almost out of breath. Especially when Fang Shiling was consuming Chu Yuanxi, she stood by and watched. These two people definitely have adultery! Okay, Chu Yuanxi, I worked so hard for you, what do you think of my old lady? Go chasing your old lover?

For a while, Qi Yu's mood quickly depressed as Chu Yuanxi was about to leave, and he didn't know whom to confide in, because, what if he had always been wishful thinking?

Standing in the huge waiting hall of Hangzhou East Railway Station, watching Chu Yuanxi wave goodbye to her accompanied by Zhu Yan, and then walk to the mill with ease, Qi Yu finally couldn't control his emotions. However, to Fang Shiling, she and Zhu Yan are two On this occasion, Zhu Yan has become a huge light bulb again, even if there are a thousand words, I can't say it.

Staring at the back with his strong opponent's stab at his back made Zhu Yan super cool: "Chu Yuanxi, you are really a scumbag. Qi Yu's expression is about to cry, right? Don't you hurry to comfort me?"

"The only way I can comfort Qi Yu is to confess to her." Chu Yuanxi said muran. Maybe it was a mistake to send her to the Mango Terrace at the beginning. Maybe Qi Yu would develop a love with her if he stayed in Baren Entertainment and developed. ? It may also be that each other discovers more shortcomings of each other, after all, distance produces beauty.

"Cut, can't you talk about girls without confession?" Zhu Yan walked to the mill and handed out the ticket and ID card. Chu Yuanxixin said that there are actually driving, driving, and driving. He turned around and saw that Qi Yu was still standing in the seat where he had just bid farewell, not even his posture changed.

He showed a big, brilliant smile, and then quickly turned around and handed out his ID card and ticket, only to hear Zhu Yan ask casually: "When will you confess to me?"


.. m.

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