Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 459: Immediate elimination doesn't work

After a brief silence, Chu Yuanxi decided to tell the truth. To tell the truth is a respect for the love of Qi Yu for many years.

"Your question is more complicated. Let me answer it like this: I had a crush on her when I was in junior high school. What I like is the 13-year-old Fang Shiling that I remembered, not her now. After I was fifteen, I didn't have much Having seen her, she is too utilitarian and selfish now. As for whether she wants to be my girlfriend, she used to be the only girl I want to date, but now she is not."

"In other words, you know that she has such a big flaw, but you still haven't ruled out her, right?"

"Everyone has shortcomings, the more beautiful the beauty, the bigger the problem." Chu Yuanxi rolled her eyes slightly, "Like you, like to lose your temper..."

Seeing that Qi Yu was about to pinch someone, Chu Yuanxi hurriedly shut her mouth, and saw Qi Yu thoughtfully, and circled around him for half a circle, "With your personality, if you like a girl like that, you won't see her after she is fifteen. Are you that kind of person? You don't participate in the class reunion?"

"Yes, I don't participate. I am ashamed of myself and will only escape. I always wanted to be particularly awesome, and then I confessed it gracefully, but it was a pity that I left her with too much time for evolution."

"Cut, it's still changing..." Qi Yu didn't know how many times he had cut it today, "I can't see that you're pretty scared."

"It's just that I don't need to be so persuaded to other people."

Qi Yu stopped talking, things were more complicated than she thought. Since Chu Yuanxi said this kind of dark history generously, there is no reason to be false, but the problem is that this situation is extremely unfavorable to her. Not to mention that she has nothing with Chu Yuanxi now, even if she is married or even has children, and Fang Shiling comes to be a junior, she has no confidence to compete, maybe it will be like Ling Ling in "My First Half of Life" The same, abducted Luo Zijun's husband in a few words. Oh, man...

"So you have been hiding from her until now?" Qi Yu's eye circles were a little red, set off by the brown eyeshadow, especially obvious.

Chu Yuanxi took a deep breath and said, "I am still avoiding her now, but the reason is different." After speaking, he suddenly jumped forward and held Qi Yu in his arms: "I know I am a fool. If time goes back fifteen years, and Fang Shiling is willing to associate with me, I will definitely sign without hesitation. But now I am not the second me, and she is not perfect.

In fact, I have long known that Fang Shiling in my heart is just a symbol created by myself. She has never been what I imagined. Even I know that if I fall in love with her, there will be no good results. Her fiancé is a stupid X who is bigger than me and loves her more than I. He helped her build the "Late Night Gallery" but was dumped by her. . "

Chu Yuanxi's sweaty odor was dry, and she couldn't stand it when she changed it to something else, but now Qi Yu realized that she was so contented? She was hugged by Chu Yuanxi and squeezed into the wall, breathing hard, "What about me?"

"You have always made me feel very warm, and I can't bear to be a normal friend. But I need some time to forget the code name Fang Shiling."

"Whose looks is good with her?"

"Fang Shiling."

"What about Zhu Yan and I?"

"Zhu Yan."

Qi Yu stomped on Chu Yuanxi's feet fiercely: "Do you want to die?"

"You should be happy. If I'm just stubborn, wouldn't He Nami be happy to die?"

"She? Humph!" Qi Yu pushed Ding Chu Yuanxi's shoulder with his forehead, "Do you feel like a very rational person?"

"Don't I look like it?"

"You are like a second fool!" Qi Yu raised her head and smiled with tears. She knew she still had a chance, but she also knew clearly that today is not the time for a showdown.

After working as a colleague for many years, she feels that she knows Chu Yuanxi better. This scum is a straight male cancer. When he is forced to do multiple-choice questions, he doesn’t care who is far in the sky or who is in front of him. They can't talk sweetly, and they can't coax girls' words at all!

In other words, the instant elimination method doesn’t work for Chu Yuanxi at all. I’m really pressing for him to express his position now, and Chu Yuanxi will compare it seriously, and then say: Sorry, I have 45% at this moment. Chance to choose Zhu Yan, 32% choose Fang Shiling, 15% choose you, and the rest go to others. Yes, this is Chu Yuanxi's daily guilty style!

Is this an advantage or a disadvantage? Qi Yu didn't know, she only hoped that this moment could extend to the end of time.

It's a pity that this is impossible. She finally took a breath and pushed hard, Chu Yuanxi let go, and only listened to her saying, "I will let you feel lucky in the future for giving me a chance today." Leave without returning.

Chu Yuanxi looked at his watch, and said to his heart whether I was staying in a hotel or whether I had a high-speed rail ticket? Qi Yu, you fool, you have another option, which is to cook mature rice with raw rice! Why don't you know me so much?

However, he forgot that his friends were all over the world, and when he vomited in the circle of friends, he immediately appeared the third choice, because Guan Kuo was from Star City.

As one of the five great players who jointly invested in the artifact company, Guan Kuo itself is a mystery. The other four big bosses, Chu Yuanxi, at least understand their heels and feet, only if the "come is unknown", Chu Yuanxi knows that his father is a senior commander in the army, nothing else?

She didn't have any contacts in the past, so Chu Yuanxi wouldn't get to the bottom. When they took the money to invest, Chu Yuanxi couldn't help making a background check, but Mao Maoqi didn't find out. Although it has its own weak slag-like back tone ability to back the pot, but the curiosity is also a bit.

As a result, Guan Kuan saw that he was stranded in Star City, and immediately called him: "Come to play cards!"

"What card to play?"

""Animal Company" TCG."

Chu Yuanxi was so angry that her nose was crooked: "I ran all the way to Star City, so you let me play TCG all night? Performance art?"

Guan Kuo suddenly laughed like a "hahahaha" Then I ask you a great sword! "

"It's okay, is it safe?"

"Fuck, you really came! You are such a person?"

"If someone asks me, I will consider it. Why am I polite to you, a local tyrant? Is it worthy of me to give you so many gift packages?"

"Okay, next to Xingsha Auto Parts City, I will give you a WeChat positioning!" Guan Kuoxin said that Lao Tzu would still persuade you? "I'll go first, and when I go, I'll tell my mother Sang that you can hit ten!"

"no problem!"

"Let's take care to eat kidney treasure first."

"No need! Not only don't need it tonight, but I still have the energy to go to Mawangdui during the daytime, believe it or not?" Chu Yuanxi said vigorously like Sahuan, and no man had ever counseled anyone.

As a result, when Guan Kuo arrived at the place, she saw Chu Yuanxi in WeChat saying: I’m sorry I didn’t want to go anymore. It’s a big deal...

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