Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 462: Work overtime you

Yuan Rong was silent immediately.

He also felt wronged. He has done more. The problem is that the hand-made toys and stand cards of the IP "Animal Company" are not purely fan-oriented. They are not special types like Goku, Ultraman, Uchiha Madara, and only fans will buy them. The objects are not only cute and cute, but because they are all animal shapes, passers-by can also buy them for children.

This is also a direction for IP derivatives to expand the influence of IP. With their cute shapes and inexpensive prices, they spread to passers-by groups, and then infect passers-by to cultivate their interest in IP. Only some special figures, such as Zhou Minxi’s character, are completely aimed at fans and very expensive.

However, the speed at which passers-by digest the derivatives does not rush, only a long flow. He made a good calculation to quickly sell a batch like Hong Feng, so that channel distributors can gain insight and realize his appeal, and then slowly sell his products. Especially after bursting out such a large amount in the first one or two days, isn't it appropriate to add a little more? What is it like to do business without being forward-looking?

As a result, now the entire scene of a large-scale car accident, the flood peak has not been drained, and it has become a barrier lake. If he does not dispose of the goods, his capital flow is at risk of problems! Who will teach me what to do? Soho? So Hao was very happy at first, and You Rongyan, these days they don't know where to go to hide!

On the other side of the Internet, Chu Yuanxi said that it is impossible to talk now, and that he will never talk now in this life. Two days later, you talked so nicely, and I really liked listening to my arrangements.

At this moment, he saw Zhu Yan and Monica approaching in an intimate manner, and Monica saw him at the work station, her eyes lit up and she walked quickly over: "A producer from Shanying asked me " Let me introduce you to the story of "A Windy World"?"

"Okay, is it reliable? Is it the name of Shanying or the producer's company?"

"Reliable, obviously a personal company. How do you thank me?"

"It's a benefit for you."

"How much?" Monica's eyes immediately turned into a crescent shape.

"Five hundred thousand?"

"So looooooow?" Monica was so dissatisfied, her lips turned into O-shaped, "The IP transaction valued at hundreds of millions of dollars, only half a million yuan of benefits?"

"You care about what the other party wants, what is the ability to be with me? We are the same." Chu Yuanxi said that Monica's contacts should be fine. Shanying, that is, Taishan Film and Television Group, the personal company of Shanying's producer backed by such father-level resources, is an ideal partner, if it is representative of Shanying, it is not easy to talk about. "Have you been on an outdoor show on Taishan TV?"

"Yes, yes, it was through her that happened in 2015." Monica took out her mobile phone and started talking. Soon, she gave Chu Yuanxi a gesture of OK, "Tomorrow she will come to the company."

Chu Yuan Xi Muran: "Tomorrow is Sunday..."

"Work overtime, hahahaha—" Monica laughed wildly, took Zhu Yan and left, and whispered to Zhu Yan as he walked, "Chu Yuanxi has to counter him like this. Are you against employees working overtime? Let him work overtime for himself. You guys, you just rely on him too much. You just listen to him for everything. There is no initiative at all. How can this work? Do you know where you are wrong?"

Zhu Yan shook his head, Monica hated that iron can't make steel: "I've watched you set the game. You were irreplaceable at first. At that time, you were best suited to lead, but you all followed passively."

"But...but I don't have the ability to produce content. Chu Yuanxi makes plans and I execute them. What can I lead?"

"I'm not talking about good work at all? I'm talking about, oh, you are so stupid. I'm talking about asking for conditions."

"any request?"

"When you were a kid, didn't you act like a baby with your parents to buy toys and dolls?"

"No, I grew up in a ravine, dozens of miles away from the county seat, and I haven't seen a rag doll before I went to college." Zhu Yan said sadly, what the **** is acting like a baby? This fairy live broadcast asks for gifts and never acted coquettishly.

"Oh, you simply don’t use the advantage of a woman at all. It’s hard to imagine that you are still a super internet celebrity. Shouldn’t internet celebrities be all acting actors? You can’t do this. There are so many goblins in this world. For you, your rank is simply too low! Your character must be stronger."

Zhu Yanxin said that if I were as strong as you said, I would not be frozen by the guild, and I would be on the verge of retiring from the Internet, and I would be reduced to the point where I needed Chu Yuanxi's rescue. "You don't know how miserable I was at the beginning, let alone the trough in my life, I have a life limit. Chu Yuanxi gave me the feeling of pulling ten daily limits, do you think I can ask him?"

"Stupid, these are two different things, okay!" Monica has no hope for Zhu Yan's pig's brain. "Do you have anyone in this company to talk to? Or who do you want to talk to? "

"Probably, Chu Yuanxi, right?"

"Isn't that over?" Monica followed the temptation. "He set you ten daily limit, and you helped him set twenty. Why are you so persuaded?"

"Oh, you don't understand the situation at all." Zhu Yan became very irritable. This is a mental journey she didn't want to recall. "When the company was first established, I had a playful mentality and never considered Chu Yuanxi. He At that time, I called a house and sold this company, UU reading, I am a big anchor with millions of fans. As a result, the company soon became popular, and it was too late by the time I found out that it’s huge Oh, oh—"

"Ah..." Monica suddenly realized, "You didn't feel about him at first?"

"No. My impression of him is just a GM. Kneeling and licking local tyrant players every day, how can I feel? When I feel it, according to you, I have no irreplaceability."

"Then you should do it immediately, okay?" If Monica didn't get along with Zhu Yan so well these days, she wouldn't want to talk anymore, "He is a straight man, do you know? You wait for him to tell you Confess that you don't wait to die?"

"Isn't that forcing him to do multiple-choice questions? There are too many girls around him, I..." Zhu Yan suddenly thought of Fang Shiling, which was a lingering shadow. It is not convenient to tell Monica about this, but as a witness at the West Railway Station, Zhu Yan knows that it is okay to PK with the old aunt, but it must not be in Chu Yuanxi's heart, otherwise it would be too tragic.

Monica sighed, Chu Yuanxi's current situation was too attractive to the fairies. "This idiot doesn't know how to behave well in front of you, it's okay to seduce you... he doesn't understand girls at all!

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