Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 472: Pave the way for a well-off plan

How to bully people? For example, a sand sculpture happened recently. A certain Master Zhang from a research institute of Chang'an Aerospace Power, leaving his post can affect the plan of the Celestial Moon landing, but he is only worthy of staying at the grassroots level in the institute.

According to the official letter with the official seal, Master Zhang is a man who has the talent of the world and the earth. He is the soul of the development of the two-type engine. After leaving his job, there were deep technical problems in the institute and found that he could not work without him. His resignation is directly related to the plan selection and development progress of my country's heavy-duty launch vehicle, and affects the major strategic plan for manned landing on the moon.

However, Master Zhang's annual salary is less than 200,000, which is not as good as a code farmer who has just graduated, so he left normally and joined a high-tech private company, legally and compliant.

There are very few cases where a competition agreement is actually triggered, because there are very few results that really need to be protected. For example, the core battle of the game "Legend of Dota", even if someone jumps back and takes it to another company, other companies may not pay attention to it. Only when "Legend of Dota" goes online and becomes a hit, it will be successful. There will be a swarm of cottages.

Even if you want to trigger, you need to trigger when you leave. However, the Changan research institute and others, Master Zhang, planned to trigger after they joined the new company, and then issued such an announcement requesting Master Zhang to roll back to the institute. It was a big issue and could compete for the annual sand sculpture.

However, if the posture of the institute is not so sand sculpture, Master Zhang can be killed by agreement, because Master Zhang’s salary is not high, and the compensation under the competition agreement is usually one-third to one-half of the salary. When he asks to resign, the institute can immediately come up with a competition agreement-I will give you the money, resignation is fine, but entering a similar company within N years will not work. With this knife going down, Master Zhang can tie Hengjiang back and forth.

What is this indicating? It shows that people in the workplace need to know more about protecting themselves. When signing a competition agreement, the proportion of the amount should be as close as possible to 100%. This is not the time to be polite. Of course, Xianyu doesn't have this trouble. If a staff member is worthless, the company will only give you the compensation for professionalism after the sand sculpture.

This is why a good HR has a high value in a large enterprise. If it is a small company, the president knows every employee in the company and understands their value, then HR is just an executive job. However, if it is a large company, there are many levels of enterprise structure, and the ranks of employees are dozens of levels, and the various departments are not mutually integrated. At this time, the role of the human resources department becomes very critical.

In this respect, the well-off in the original world did not do well, and it was also a very troublesome place in the original world of Chu Yuanxi. In the past few months after crossing, he also often reflected on this problem.

Although working as a Pakistani entertainment company is stressful, Chu Yuanxi is actually tight on the outside and loose on the inside, and his mood is not dignified. It is enough to implement according to the established plan. This is not like being a well-off in the original world. There are many different choices at every moment, and a lot of trade-offs and trade-offs are required. Each choice is related to the amount of money in and out of billions, which burns brain cells infinitely. .

Therefore, although human resources in the original world have a great impact, it is not in a hurry, and there is no time to think about HR issues.

In the past few months, Chu Yuanxi was equivalent to giving his brain cells a vacation. Her body was very tired, but she was very relaxed and did not put any extra pressure on herself, so she had time to slowly consider the mistakes she made in the original world.

For human resources, his mistake is obvious-ignoring the criticality of this position, and in the initial stage did not make great efforts to recruit key personnel in human resources. Especially in the field of human resources, which Chu Yuanxi is not familiar with, it should recruit elite talents for management.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi's approach is to promote old colleagues and old employees, worry-free and trouble-free, in the name of delegating power and peace of mind. It's cool to be lazy for a while, it's always cool to be lazy... blame it!

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi's current idea is to find such a human resource elite first. The so-called elite standard is that whether it learns from other companies or generates ideas by yourself, it can help Chu Yuanxi sort out the pattern of a well-off future and formulate a reasonable human resource structure.

The human resource structure is very complex, involving recruitment, performance management, salary structure, equity system and even corporate culture. In particular, Xiaokang is not a pure IT company. It cannot be handled by a single headquarters and several branches. It involves a large number of stores and shop assistants. Therefore, Pakistani Entertainment does not need to use the KPI system, but Xiaokang wants to bypass performance management. Night Tan.

His plan is to start the well-off plan in the first quarter of next year, so there are only five months to make preliminary preparations when it is full, and the time is still very tight. And looking for people and elites, especially Chu Yuanxi didn't know where there were such elites, how long did it take?

Therefore, on Monday, Chu Yuanxi made a rare trip to Zheng De and asked the Yuan family siblings for help.

"What? Suddenly feel that there is no one available under him?" Yuan Mu was full of spring breeze after listening to Chu Yuanxi's needs.

During this period of time, Zheng De's situation is very good, especially in snow projects. Because it was their initiative, it attracted a large number of investors to surround Zheng De's side for follow-up investment. At this time, not only was the "Huantie Ski Resort" ready to open after a month of preparations and personnel integration, Zheng De also planned to continue to expand the team. , Do topology iteration to the entire imperial capital.

The Huantie Ski Resort is the name of the project. The main hot spring ski venue is located in the Imperial Capital Huantie, which tends to be low in price and cheap but very popular. The entire project not only has a large hot spring ski resort as the core, but also a series of small ski resorts and skating rinks scattered in various areas of the Imperial Capital to operate a membership model, as well as the monopoly of peripheral equipment and equipment, all of a considerable scale.

The total valuation is less than one billion, and the annual profit will not be less than one billion, even if it is conservatively estimated. Using this as a foundation to iterate outwards, take the hot spring ski resort as the card and attraction, and only open small ski resorts and skating rinks to attract members. Follow-up investment will not be exaggerated, but the effect of 1+1 is far More than 2.

As an investor, Pakistani Entertainment is also very happy to lie down and increase the valuation, so the guests and hosts have a great time. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi didn't care, "It's not that there are no available people, and the current HR team is doing quite well. Baren Entertainment is a media and cultural and creative enterprise. It is relatively grass-roots and does not have the genes of such a large enterprise, do you understand?"

Yuan Mu looked like I understood, "So you plan to inject big company diseases into your grass-roots enterprise? So that it can become bigger and stronger?"

"The big thing about this company is that the project is not human resources. Media companies and cultural companies are relatively simple. If you have a good project, just recruit the right people."

"Huh? What do you find an elite HR for?"

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