Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 521: Expectations for overseas

It was the first time that Monica heard Chu Yuanxi talk about her business, but she didn't expect it to be really detailed. The overseas Internet is a very strange field for ordinary people, but it affects huge cash flow.

Island countries and cosmic countries are very high oil and water from the point of view of the game market and the Internet. Especially for games, players are extremely hardcore, which is suitable for companies that really do games. The key is to have money.

Among the 130 million people of the island country, the game population is 68 million, and the mobile game population exceeds 50 million. If the global mobile game market is ranked, the sky is the first, the island country is second, and the United States is the third.

The universe has a small population of 52 million people, but the number of gamers also accounts for half, of which krypton gold players account for more than half. According to statistics, there are more than 14 million krypton gold players in the game. The average monthly krypton gold per capita is converted into ¥80. many. This is the per capita cost, extremely scary, second only to the island players.

Internet publicity in these two countries is mainly based on online media. The four kings of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube cannot be avoided, as well as Google, Naver&Line, Yahoo, GameWith, Top10, Twitch , Yidian Tianxia and AppLovin are media platforms and advertising service providers. Among them, Yidian Tianxia itself is a company of Tianchao. AppLovin was acquired by Tianchao Enterprise last year.

These common senses are actually a bit unfamiliar to Monica, because she was familiar with the four kings when she was an expedition live broadcast online celebrity. YouTube is the main battlefield, but the advertising service provider doesn't understand it at all and only accepts advertisements.

All of the above were prepared by Naibao for the mobile game "Troubled Times". Chu Yuanxi felt that the other party should be more concerned than himself.

Mobile games in island countries and cosmic countries are usually distributed by agents, and they are called "agent store culture". In these two countries, the largest agency is not Naibao, but ClickTech Co., Ltd., but it is now called AdCube.

The agency store AdCube occupies almost 60% of the market share of Chinese mobile games entering the two countries. For example, "Yin and Yang Dark Change Division" enters the island country is the agent of AdCube. It suppressed other agencies shivering and suppressed Naibao, the local giant of the universe, in its own country, because AdCube opened up the channels of Naver and its subsidiary Line.

Naver has the largest stock market value among Internet companies in the universe, and is also the largest search engine and portal website in the universe. Line is a chat software. It is a chat software created by a subsidiary of the universe company Naver in the island country. Now it has become the island country hegemon. Level, is currently negotiating mobile payment with WeChat.

This is the combination of Baidu, Sina and WeChat! Who suffers from this? As the number one game company in the universe, Naibao also struggled to resist. In fact, they are also wars. The dead bodies on the battlefield where no gunpowder can be seen are full of corpses. The story that happened can be written in another book, and it is quite difficult to explain to Monica.

Although Naibao is not without breathing space, AdCube has become bigger and has a super strong adsorption capacity for good products. Naibao wants to expand its domestic channels. It's good to say that if you want to open the island country channels, you must take good products to play, and it is so difficult for them to take good products besides their own games!

This is the reason why Chu Yuanxi judged that Naibao would take a big move in the release of "Troubled Times". Even if the people of the universe don’t understand the truth of “the golden horse”, they should also know the value of a good product as a case. Only if the mobile game "A World of Trouble" is successfully released in both countries can they prove that their strength is not worse than AdCube. , In order to get more products and resources.

After all, Tianchao is now the superpower exporting mobile game products. It belongs to the source of raw materials in the industry chain. The agency is the "local dealer", the online media is the channel, and the rules of war between dealers are the same all over the world. . How can Naibao not invest in a good product so easily?

This was also the reason why Chu Yuanxi happily agreed with Aunt Cynthia's motion. He knew that this was a cold stove, and it seemed that Naibao took advantage of it, but the cold stove was not impossible to burn. AdCube will definitely not value its own products like Naibao. The good products they get from the Celestial Kingdom are soft, so they don't necessarily agree to his special conditions. On Naibao's side, in-game drainage links may be a huge bonus, depending on Naibao's failure to smash ads.

After listening, Monica nodded frequently, realizing the importance of speeding up the production of comics in foreign languages. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This is a big opportunity, but to seize it, the existing preparations are not enough. The huge traffic must have a huge self-media matrix to catch it. If our bowl is If it is too small, all the water will overflow.

How big is the bowl to keep the water? It depends on how much content there is in the bowl, and the content will always carry traffic. Comics alone are not enough. Game fans cannot be attracted to comics alone. Only comics have insufficient adsorption power. Other types of content are also needed. The traffic is diverted to each refined media number through the comic number. This is also the area where you can use your talents. "

"What talent do I have?"

"Have you seen it before? At least you know what type of content male fans on the Internet like? At least you know the tonality and style of the four kings? You have to dominate the work of distributing fans."

"Well, there are many Asians who watched my live broadcast."

"Our existing content, most of which is cheaper, is music, dance and pets. There is no language barrier. UU reading can be directly transported. Then you can purchase or produce some other types of content to let Our account has become substantial and attractive enough. In this regard, you can chat with Liao Xingxing to see what resources he has. Zhou Minxi is responsible for operating the Tiktok account of Pakistani Entertainment in the Universe Country. You can also communicate with her. In short, we have a lot of resources that can be tapped."

Monica's head is about to explode, so how much extra work is necessary? what--

But she never expected what Chu Yuanxi would say next: "Our goal of operating an external network from the media, the first step is to track Naibao’s advertising route. In the future, we should have the ability to independently distribute products overseas. In the future, we will release new products by ourselves, so we don't need to divide half of them to the agency.

The second step is to cultivate our own matrix. We must establish two or three clear styles. It does not pursue the ability to attract all users, but at least it can intercept a considerable number of mainstream users in the spectrum. In terms of business effect, it can be comparable to 10% of the headline overseas operations. "

"Wait first!" Monica vomited blood and screamed, "How many people are there in the team? They have high-quality apps!"

Chu Yuanxi showed Hexi's smile: "The number of people doesn't matter. Who in our company takes one as a hundred?"

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