Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 558: Spokesperson?

Seeing Chu Yuanxi not speaking, Zhang Dongdong sighed: "Mr. Chu, if you are looking for a game endorsement, you have to hurry up. Although the endorsement advertisement shooting takes only half a day or even shorter, the schedule for the celebrity has already been decided. It’s not easy to spare you a long time, you’re like a stopper."

"Then who do you think is the right endorsement? Wang Kai or Dr. Zhai?"

"There is no need to have a movie and TV protagonist, right? Besides, I haven't decided on it." Zhang Dongdong was surprised. "But if you really want to spend a lot of money to ask a movie and TV cafe to endorse it, it’s not bad. It's very distorted. The situation in the circle is now more confusing, and it depends on Lao Cui! But if you use game endorsement fees to make up the tens of millions in price difference, I will be able to talk."

Chu Yuanxi said that I'm so hard to talk about! This is something of a nature to money laundering! I want to be a star entrepreneur. I can’t leave this impression on relevant departments and help celebrities openly fight against the country’s new regulations to make money in disguise. Isn’t this cheating? Fortunately, Zhang Dongdong broke through the key points, Chu Yuanxi was not in this line after all, and he really hadn't thought about this kind of problem.

"Then do you have suitable recommendations for other candidates?"

"What do you think of Wu skr? The price is definitely super high, but the advertising effect of traffic is also super high."

Chu Yuanxi fell into deep thought again.

In fact, if you can't hire Lei Dalong to endorse, it is also an option to ask Xiaoxianrou to endorse, but it needs to be carefully screened, otherwise the advertising fee will not be earned and the word of mouth will be negatively evaluated. It is a pity that domestic advertisers do not have the level of Google, and cannot identify users for differential placement, otherwise they can do whatever they want.

Xu Caikun is unprecedentedly hot, and Wu Skr is very popular, but what about people who hate them? Asking them to be endorsements is not a question of more money and less money. Just like Jackie Chan’s attack on sand, it has a driving effect on many potential users, but it is not beautiful. In particular, Chu Yuanxi is very literary and believes that her own products have connotations. The more connotative products, the less suitable for traffic star endorsements. The product tone is fundamentally different from the tone of advertising audiences.

Chu Yuanxi still remembered the reason why he let Liao Xingxing go to Hupu for promotion, because although he couldn't make it, he was close from the user portrait.

And Hupu's most famous thing recently is the walking street straight man vs. Salamander sister.

In fact, this kind of disgust was also the reason why Chun Ge's later advertising was not good. How popular was Chun Ge back then? But more people don't buy products directly endorsed by Chunge. We must know that in the era of Brother Chun, although many people did not like her, it was more due to people's own hearts or certain behaviors of the fan circle, rather than because of her misbehavior or her actions. The matter of heaven.

Chu Yuanxi expressed consideration, and then began to pay attention to Wu Skr. Since it is a consideration, we should do some research.

This consideration took into account the next day. On November 2nd, there was a big news in the fan circle. Wu Skr's first album "Atlas" came out, and then followed Xu Caikun's August behavior, login The United States iTunes.

At the beginning, Xu Caikun wanted to mix the hot search results and was suppressed by Didi Tianjiang hot search. He took the first place on the iTunes download list. He returned to Weibo and celebrated with fans for a day, and was given by Apple the next day. Take it decisively.

Maybe Wu Skr saw that the doorway was coming, and worked harder. He liked to mention hot searches in 5 hours. Moreover, Xu Caikun converged a little anyway, only taking the first place in downloads, and Wu Sky was TOP1 on all four lists. Do you dare to believe that the album charts, hip-hop album charts, singles charts and hip-hop singles charts are the top four?

But Wu Skr felt that it was not shocking enough and not enjoyable enough, so he put every single in the album on the chart, occupying the top ten of the hip-hop singles chart and the top seven of the total singles chart. He is invincible from the hole. Hand, Tubang iTunes I am number one!

In fact, on October 12th, he had already done this once when he released the single "Retribution". It was the fastest song to "top" after Taylor Swift in 2 hours, and it broke the record of Xu Caikun on iTunes!

Today, Chu Yuanxi, who has just followed Wu Skr's research for less than 24 hours, was completely shocked. This is no longer a problem with the new Chinese record. This is a problem with the Americans even being wiped out. On the same day, the most popular female singer in the United States, A sister Yalianna Grande's new song came out, which was ruthlessly brushed by Wu Skr.

As someone who had just thrown clues of thought to Wu Skr, Chu Yuanxi fell into deep thought again. What he thought this time was nothing more than the little money from the list? How about the music of "Broken Times" following Wu Skr? The effect is definitely against the sky, at least the goal of "out of the circle" should be achieved, and the 30 million endorsement fee prepared for Lei Dalong has also been saved.

But then he dismissed this idea because he decided to let Wu Skr out of this circle first! Look at the reputation of this little white mouse out of the circle?

This is a coincidence, because at the beginning of the investigation and investigation, Chu Yuanxi knew about Wu Skr’s iTunes butcher list in the first place. That is to say, before the domestic We-media circle reacted, we were Do quasi-hot events have first-mover advantage?

"Where is Lu Yu? Hurry up and call Lu Yu—" Chu Yuanxi's thought link reached this point and immediately yelled in the WeChat group, causing Lu Yu to think that he had come up with something, and the media team produced Yaozi. But it will be fine.

In the end, I didn't expect Chu Yuanxi to be pulled into the tea room to teach the machine, waving his arms and saying: "Let's do this, do this, and do this again at the end."

Lu Yu took a deep breath: "Mr. Chu, I always thought you were a straightforward How come you with big eyebrows and big eyes have learned to talk about topic marketing?"

"Not only do I know how to stir up topics, I also create topics and then stir up topics. Can you stir up this topic?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that I still have to stir up Lei Dalong's topic again, what is this?

Lu Yu patted his chest: "Yes, he Wu Skr dared to do this, why didn't I dare to fry? But why should we wait for tomorrow to start frying? Today, let's go straight ahead without others noticing."

"Today, the topic is not high enough..." Chu Yuanxi said with a smile, "Look at Xu Caikun. The first day he checked it, and the next day Apple cleared the data for him. At this time, he will fry again. It's the timing, but Xu Caikun's noise is not big enough to be worth a stir.

Now we post, time is ahead, but the topic is not enough. We save the ammunition first, and we are not afraid of other people's post. When Apple clears the data for him, the starting gun is fired.

This kind of thing is not a patent dispute. It doesn't matter who speaks first, but whose article is spread first, right? "

"Sou Karma! Sao's death pinch." Lu Yu waved his fist and said to his heart that he was afraid that the straight men would not come?

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