Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 607: Make a decision

Chu Yuanxi couldn't read it with her mobile phone anymore, and hurriedly uploaded the two documents to the computer, and then ran back to her work station to look at the computer screen carefully, comparing the two documents.

The more you see, the more light shines in his eyes, the dangerous light blends with excitement and fear.

This company may indeed have a very hard background, which makes them particularly arrogant. In their own recruitment information, there is a recruitment information for reptiles and siege lions!

This is really awesome. When the country began to crack down on web crawlers, Deep Space Data openly wrote down recruitment requirements: design crawler strategies and anti-blocking rules, and solve problems such as blocking accounts and blocking IP and robot verification codes. Responsible for web page information extraction, cleaning and structured processing to improve the success rate of information capture.

How aggressive is this? Only this one, the counterclaim winning rate is +30%, but Chu Yuanxi is obviously not satisfied with the counterclaim victory, because the business process of Deep Space Data is even worse.

For example, the resume space-time tunnel. After opening the resume, the headhunter can see all the resume versions of the job applicant, and the revised records can be vividly remembered. Not only can you see a person's career track, even the family situation is not born or sick! In other words, even if the job seeker deletes this information and makes a recent resume, I'm sorry, all your old friends are remembered!

The level of this product is very high. First of all, it must have a large enough data warehouse. Second, the test of data mining and merging is also great. It is necessary to find the right target from multiple sources of information to make a useful product. And this is the most gentle product of Deep Space Data for job seekers.

Their second product is resignation warning. As long as a person performs any operation on his resume, including but not limited to posting resumes on major recruitment websites, updating resumes, and even frequently checking resumes, companies that buy this product will Receive the message the first time.

Is this an extreme application of big data? No, there is a simpler one, which is also the most valuable in Chen Qi's documents—they sell user portraits after mining and integrating job applicants' big data!

Two dollars for a portrait, it’s not too good to use for precision marketing. I don’t know how many spam text messages and phone calls promoting stock insurance and real estate have benefited?

This is a blatant violation of the law! In fact, they have been complained many times during the process of growing bigger, but they are still unmoved. The answer given is: Laozi only provides education and job search experience, and I am desensitized to other things!

The question is how did their 200 million resumes come from? Crawlers are stealing, so they stole it! He will be desensitized, who believes? I update my job search information, who asked you to call my boss to the police?

Therefore, the only thing Chu Yuanxi needs to do now is to confirm the background of the company. What kind of background can make them arrogant like this? In Chu Yuanxi's impression, there is no such arrogant startup company in China!

If you really can't afford to provoke, then don't talk about counterclaims, the digging of corners will be considered as a ball, Chu Yuanxi admits this.

Such a company must be particularly good at litigating civil lawsuits. No wonder it suddenly sued Pakistani Entertainment, and their legal affairs are familiar with the road. In this way, even if the counterclaim is successful, it will not hurt their muscles and bones. It is nothing more than a superficial victory. For Chu Yuanxi, it only disgusts the value of deep space data and last week's technology.

But what about the other biting? The unprovoked background will cause unpredictable consequences. There is nothing wrong with it, and there is no need at all.

But if it provokes, Chu Yuanxi said in his heart that Old Fute doesn't mind doing harm to the people! Sun Thief, you dare to provoke me with scars, you are looking for death!

But this matter cannot be made public. Chu Yuanxi entered a small group with only Yuan Jing, Yuan Mu and Li Jingfei in a low-key manner, first took a screenshot of the lawyer's letter, and then at all: The Pakistani people are about to be sued, and the other party is called Deep Space Data. I want to know if this company has any With a particularly awesome background, then evaluate my coping style here. Let's not say anything outside, is there a way to understand it?

Soon, Li Jingfei bubbling: wrap it on me.

Li Jingfei has some upper-level connections, so it's appropriate to inquire about this.

Yuan Jing immediately asked: Is the contradiction deep? Do I need to make peace with you?

Chu Yuanxi: Not for now.

He didn’t explain that the situation was just because of the need to make decisions, but the most important thing for investors is to make money with harmony. If you can make peace, you must try to make peace as much as possible. He is unwilling to cause trouble, especially when the investment company has a good momentum of development. . The relationship between investors is intricate and complicated. What's more, there is the godfather of entrepreneurship in the venture capital of Deep Space Data.

Yuan Mu made the look of the rabbit peeping at the door that year: Does it need judicial help?

Chu Yuanxi: Let the legal affairs contact a law firm that is good at Internet lawsuits.

Yuan Mu: May I introduce a reliable one to you? In the past, I worked as a criminal police officer and later learned a lawyer. Although he was not specialized in Internet lawsuits, he was capable of thief.

Yuan Jing: You mean Lao Zhuo? Lao Zhuo is Li Luo's old buddy, I think it will work.

Chu Yuanxi said, then see you?

He is chatting on WeChat, Chen Qi can’t wait: Have you helped me think about it?

Chu Yuanxi suddenly felt that Chen Qi's value was greatly improved, and quickly replied: I read the text you gave, do you also have research on big data?

Chen Qi: I can't talk about research, but I'm interested. Isn't big data about information gathering and splitting? I don't need to understand the specific technology, just find someone who understands to make the product.

Chu Yuanxi said that if you think so, it would be a good match for you to go to deep space data training!

He replied like this: I think you have come up with the You are a human resource, do you know that human resource entrepreneurship has the biggest advantage? It is easy to set up plates. You just need to know what you want to do and how to do it. Finding a co-founder is much easier than an average entrepreneur! In theory, you can do everything. The key is what you do and how to do it. You need to be competitive and have a business acumen. It is equivalent to playing a copy of an online game, you are a team leader who is particularly easy to group, but the ability to pick a copy is poor.

Chen Qi watched for a long time, and she said to her heart that this is really the case: Your metaphor is very appropriate, so you can pick one for me?

Chu Yuanxi: No problem, as far as big data is concerned, I think you can be a DSP for overseas Internet advertising.

Chen Qi Baidu realized that DSP is called an advertising trading platform, and it really needs a strong big data integration and analysis ability. Compared to what she does, Chen Qi is more concerned about what benefits she can get, so she asks: Then to what extent do you plan to support me?

Chu Yuanxi is no longer thinking about Chen Qi now, and she replied: If everything goes well for me, Pakistani Entertainment will invest 5 million cash in you, and your own value will be 4 million options, and the angel round will be worth 10 million. How about one million reservations?

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