Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 620: Dissecting the self

So Chu Yuanxi was very interested, "So what? People's internet celebrities are called internet celebrities?"

"That was not what I meant."

"It doesn't matter. Does Fang Shiling want you to work with her again?"

"She knows it's impossible, she just dragged me to vomit."

Chu Yuanxi was full of despise Fang Shiling when she spoke, "What is her face? As for the West Lake internet celebrity company you mentioned, if Fang Shiling dared to play that way, would you believe it would go bankrupt in minutes? Fang Shi Ling her elders are still taking effect as the cause."

"How is it possible?" Zhu Yan exclaimed, "You look down on the old aunt too much, right?"

"How impossible? Have you read the financial report of that Internet celebrity company? In 2017, revenue was less than 950 million, and loss was 90 million. In the first three quarters of this year, revenue was 850 million and loss was close to 60 million. What can I say? The Americans are so miserable that they actually want to buy their stocks. Sell one and lose one, but because they can go public, they make a lot of money.

But even so, it is better than "Late Night Gallery" because they are still alive and well. With Fang Shiling's ability to find money, she couldn't insist on bankruptcy today, and her ability is not enough to support a dynamic company. "

The so-called dynamic company is a definition given by Chu Yuanxi himself. This kind of company's past successful methodology can only be managed for a week. A static company can take three years to find a successful methodology, while a dynamic company will have to explore the new situation a week later. Because business activities change with each passing day, companies that may need to adjust their product lines according to the new situation at any time must be particularly sensitive and adapt to the chaotic model. .

The e-commerce buyer model has a typical demand for dynamics. It is impossible to sum up a set of successful methodology for three years. This is also the biggest difficulty in operating an online celebrity company. If Chu Yuanxi mainly operates an Internet celebrity company, he is confident that he can achieve tens of billions of annual revenue and one billion of net profits in about two years, but all his energy must be invested and he can't relax for a moment. This is also the reason why he did not choose this track-the ceiling is too low, the price/performance ratio is too low, and it is not worth it.

People who do big things must have the ability to resist the increase in entropy and find order from chaos. The best way is to find a minimalist way to overcome the temptation brought by the increase in entropy. For example, the same is flow monetization. When Chu Yuanxi monetizes the game, she only needs to create an appropriate game item to create more than ten times the profit of the e-commerce buyer, so that the seemingly prosperous temptation does not constitute a temptation. It also avoids falling into the dynamic working mode of extreme chaos.

However, Zhu Wei did not grasp this "dynamic company" keyword at all. Her mind was briefly caught in the question of why there are so many revenues and so many losses. Where did the money go?

But Chu Yuanxi didn't explain, she nodded as if she pretended to understand. She hopes that this topic will pass as soon as possible, because there is a rare opportunity to chat with Chu Yuanxi alone. What company or business is not a topic Zhu Yan wants to talk about.

But when did it start? Has it become rare to chat with Chu Yuanxi alone?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yan felt an inexplicable gloom in his heart. I don't know when it started. It may be the day when the company's Series A financing actually made money? Suddenly she felt that the distance between herself and Chu Yuanxi had become very large. It was not a parallel distance, but on a wide street, surrounded by people like weaving. Chu Yuanxi walked far in front and stretched out her hand. , Can't catch.

People always get hurt when they know themselves correctly and at the same time they grow. Beauty will become ugly, purity will become dirty, heroes will be stunned by everyone, and they will be powerless. The virginity is handed over to the world, the lies pierce the heart, the laughter that mocks fate, no one can protect it. Chu Yuanxi stood on a lonely street corner. As long as he turned his head and smiled, the street would be filled with sunshine, but he only looked forward, as if looking for the end of life.

At this time, I only heard Chu Yuanxi ask: "Then are you still confused now?"

Zhu Yan didn't know how to answer this simple question. Compared with the situation of that Internet celebrity company, Pakistani Entertainment should be able to look down on each other, and from a very high mountain.

The same is all about realizing traffic. Pakistani Entertainment definitely does not have a loss of 90 million in receivables, because how do you lose money by selling game props? What's more, it is far more than 900 million. Recently, Zhu Yan has not been asking about the amount of money that has been added yesterday like the days when the server was opened. She prefers to enter the game and play in person, choosing a story card that is talkative. Boyfriend, let your virtual boyfriend make yourself happy. , And then throw him off in the next plot.

So confused? Zhu Wei knew that he shouldn't be confused, but he still said, "Confused."

She didn't expect that Chu Yuanxi seemed to understand, and slowly stopped and said, "I am also at a loss."

"Yes, I also think you are quite confused." Zhu Yan said in a **** manner: "You keep saying that you no longer miss the old aunt, but you are very honest."

"No, that's not the case." Chu Yuanxi took a deep breath, "It has nothing to do with her, and I don't love her."

"What is that?" Zhu Yan always felt that Fang Shiling was the mountain lying in front of her. This was the heart that Chu Yuanxi once confided by herself.

"Think of the troubles of the boyhood."

"This is, your business?"

"Not all." Chu Yuanxi really didn't want to say about Fang Shiling today. No matter how deep or shallow this symbol is buried in her heart, whether it is beautiful or not, today's time should belong to Zhu Yan. "My business is..."

"What the **** is it!" Zhu Yan rubbed his hands anxiously.

"It's because I feel a little distorted in my heart. I seem to...I don't know how to say it, you see there are so many lovely girls around but I don't even feel anybody right now."

"Really?" Zhu Yan couldn't say whether he was unbelief or dissatisfied. "You have no feelings for the old aunt?"

"She is not the girl by my side."

"Is that less than? You don't have to tell me, then I don't know how to despise you."

Chu Yuanxi's face became stiff, and she seemed to know. It doesn't matter if you know it, it seems there is no danger of decapitation, but he can't explain it.

"Poppy, my feelings for her are limited to material things." Chu Yuanxi bit her scalp and explained, "Normal men always have imperfect ideas when they meet beautiful women, right? This shows that I am a normal man. ."

"Do you know what I thought after I learned about you?" Zhu Yan said with a mixture of relief and sorrow: "I was relieved, do you know? I thought you were not close to beauty before!"

Chu Yuanxi said that this is why you didn't blame me for it? I saw Zhu Yan with a hateful expression on his face, and asked him: "You have imperfect ideas, why don't you tell me? I will help you improve it!"

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