Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 632: Pleasant negotiation

Chu Yuanxi nodded: "You are really good at it! We have reached an agreement internally, and the content is all handed over to the screenwriter. Except for the hero's personality and mainline process, the characters, stories, feelings, etc. are all re-created by the screenwriter. , Only two conditions need to be met."

Lao Fan didn’t speak, but his eyes appeared patient. Chu Yuanxi continued: “First, refer to the story card distribution. Whose distribution is strong, whose role is high, and whose role is high, relying on the player’s preferences reflected in big data. It is not the subjective will of the screenwriter and the author; secondly, the character set should conform to the existing IP content as much as possible. If the screenwriter needs to create a new character, it is best to create it by integrating the character set of the known character."

"So the main question now is how to find a reliable screenwriter?" Lao Fan was very happy, "Would you like us to recommend a few of our big entertainment? We have a very rich talent pool here."

"Uh, I really need it." Chu Yuanxi's nod made Lao Fan very surprised, because he was polite and thought that Chu Yuanxi had already decided on a candidate here, who knows that there is no one. I saw that Chu Yuanxi said as it should be: "We are here to produce the data first and then write the script, so the screenwriter has not been in a hurry. When will the major event be settled and when will we find the screenwriter? Detailed."

This is also Chu Yuanxi's goodwill to release cooperation with Lao Fan. Lao Fan Zongheng Shopping Mall has certainly been a personal spirit for so many years, and immediately started a wave of business exchanges with Chu Yuanxi.

Twenty days ago, there was no commercial mutual talk, but now for the sake of approaching 30 million DAU, start blowing! Chu Yuanxi whispered about the "unprecedented interaction between film and television and games" and the "development of new application scenarios for big data", whether I am an entrepreneur or Lao Fan is an entrepreneur? Is this a treasure or a new skill?

He can also be left behind and blow back with his sorrows. What is "leading the opening of the web drama 3.0 era" and what is "the video website that understands the most content", but the level is obviously dwarfed and worse than Lao Fan.

It’s mainly because Chu Yuanxi doesn’t know much about the industry of webcast video. If this is a mobile Internet in other directions, Chu Yuanxi can blow Lao Fan fascinated, but only webcast video, Youtu has any shortcomings. It is clear that the advantages are really lackluster, and perhaps the only bright spot is money.

Just listen to Lao Fan said: "On the track of webcasting video, my vision is different from that of my predecessor. I hope to build Youtu into a comprehensive platform for content services, including marketing and distribution, brand operations, and user operations. This diversified service method and commercial realization are of interest to me. I am positioning myself as a'waiter' who specializes in serving you producers."

Is this the rhythm of the need to talk about business? "Then your specific plan? Or the original one?"

You know, although only 20 days have passed, Youtu has already turned upside down. Lao Yang assisted in the investigation. Lao Fan said that he had one more title, but it was actually the same as taking the post, because it had benefited from the great entertainment for many years. With unremitting efforts, the weight of other sectors relative to Youtu is close to nothing.

Therefore, these three weeks are three weeks for Youtu to reinvent itself, but it is not clear whether it is a fairy or a ghost. With a swipe of his pen, Lao Fan transferred the Ali operation teams one after another to Youtu, looking like he was going to do something big, but he didn't know what the reserves were.

I saw that the old fan was confident and leaned back on the big sofa, "I am preparing to open a closed-door communication meeting to convene a briefing meeting with well-known top customers in China to announce our new strategy and adjustment direction. "Speaking of this, his gaze became very powerful, "As for President Chu, I don't think you need to worry about this kind of thing. The concept and conditions I mentioned last time can definitely be realized. As long as your cast is okay, and If we are responsible for finding the screenwriter, I think I will give you an S grade now, isn't it over?"

"Uh...This script problem has to be given to Taishan Station. Do you understand? But I don't think the problem is big. My collaborator should be able to handle it." Chu Yuanxi's words are actually leaving room for herself.

He is not so entangled in the content of film and television dramas. In the final analysis, he does not understand the content. Therefore, anyone can make the script, and anyone can review it, as long as the content is the content of his IP, which is very talkative.

If the content of the script is river water, then the protagonist is the embankment that guarantees that the river does not divert, and the main line is the direction of the river. As a layman, he hopes that he can play a boosting effect of resource allocation, only control the general direction, and bring positive impetus to the project, rather than negative effects.

This is also the B number that laymen should have in their hearts. As a fake expert, he is best at pointing Jiangshan, and he can also form a plate, but he is not as strict with the content itself as traditional content entrepreneurs. The idea of ​​"achieving the ultimate" is to Chu Yuanxi It doesn't exist, because in essence, it is also based on operations. The content is the object of operation and serves the operation. The entanglement in this large-scale routine is that the content is upside down.

And now is another key node in operations.

It is precisely because she doesn't understand the content that Chu Yuanxi doesn't This actually shows up early. For example, when he first traversed, he thought about how to build a disc. He didn't struggle with the IP content, and directly chose the direction with the least resistance-"A Troubled World".

The keyword "least resistance" determines that the content of this IP may not be optimal, but it must be the easiest to build with his energy at the time. As an operator, the focus is mainly on the various benefit expectations of the operation. The ceiling for generating benefits depends on the content itself, but under the ceiling depends on the implementation level of the construction.

For this reason, when Uncle Sheng asked to change the content, Chu Yuanxi passed without much entanglement. It was impossible to change to any cultural and creative company. The boss has decided on the general direction. The only solution is that the writer on duty is responsible for the execution. I have never heard that the writer on duty has changed the general direction, but this is fine in Chu Yuanxi, because according to the genes of the operation, Uncle Sheng asked for modification. The content has only a good impact on the operating cost.

Lao Fan is of course very familiar with this situation. Every network-station-linked drama is of this nature. Although the amount of satellite TV purchases has now been compared by the webcast platform, being able to go to the satellite TV is always Deep-rooted pursuit.

"Then, I'll bring you the small tube in charge of the project on our side to bring you a group, you bring Yuan Mu and Zhang Dongdong in and let them talk?"

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