Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 643: Before the annual meeting

This incredible rapid development is a traffic carnival for many small and medium-sized self-media. For a time, opinions are divergent, but for the big head, it is trembling, and few people end up making a sound, and it is not just because of rabbits and foxes. Its class.

After this eclipse, there must be someone pushing, but I don’t know what force is pushing, why, and most importantly, to what extent?

Especially the information revealed between the lines in the official media is even more disturbing. Dissemination of false content and release of bad information, what is false and what is bad? Those who work on the public account consider hot spots as their vocation. Who has not tried crazy on the verge of death? Who has never caught the wind or the shadow? Even Pakistani Entertainment would not dare to make this package ticket.

The general practitioners in the storm have seen a lot, they are all at the level of heroes, know how to respond if something happens, and even those with a b-number know clearly what can be written and what cannot be touched. But this time it was too scary. It’s okay if some people think that it’s not pleasing to the eye. If it triggers a new wave of network-wide rectification similar to the Jianwang operation, it will have to crush a billion-dollar valuation. The most critical problem is that they don’t know the sword of Damocles. Randomly fall on whose head.

This is the most scary in this age of dead daoists and poor daoists.

Soon it came to February 2nd. This day, I went to work as usual, and I went to the hotel collectively after get off work. Thanks to the efforts of the audit agency, all bonuses, dividends, and other matters have been arranged today. The co-founders represented by the clamoring Zhu Yan can get the money today, and of course Chu Yuanxi can also.

Chu Yuanxi and Liu Lu, as well as the newly promoted Zhou Mingjun, had a meeting every day recently. The four people formed a small team to sort out what needs to be done after the holiday. Of course, the issue of options is inevitable.

Liu Lu’s option was 3, but the other two could not give it so high. They readily accepted the option of 1, while Zhou Mingjun did not. He accepted a task claim plan similar to that originally issued by Chu Yuanxi to Xue Ming. Every task Corresponds to a little option, but it is not a lot of them.

As a result, when the meeting was adjourned, Chu Yuanxi suddenly saw Baisha leaving a message on WeChat, and asked him what happened to the "Jixia Xuegong" project in the name of his early years.

"Fuck, definitely!" Chu Yuanxi immediately replied. Recently, he was in a good mood, but he forgot about it...

Bai Sha: So how do you do it? You give me a charter.

Chu Yuanxi’s mentality at this time is completely different from when he talked about Jixia Academy. Having money in hand makes him confident, “I think it’s possible. Let’s sign the contract and pay the money according to the script copyright procurement process. Suppose it is milestone 1, after the diversity outline, as milestone 2, and then writing the script, as milestone 3, half of the prepayment before the beginning of each milestone, the payment of the previous money at the end, the price of the first season, let’s just What do you think about it... at 3 million?"

The purchase price of 3 million as a variety show script is already very high. Bai Sha has no reason to disagree, but Chu Yuanxi immediately added: "Of course, the contract must be in the form of commissioned creation. You reserve the right to sign. I have all other knowledge. Property rights and neighboring rights, is this okay?"

Bai Sha sighed on the Internet. Although it must be so, as a literati, it feels too bad to be taken away from him. However, he has done enough psychological development, and thought that this matter is just like a surrogate mother, who will be familiar with each other once, although he must be very sad every time.

This is the case for mortals. After making a choice, they will certainly have doubts about themselves. After all, choosing the right one is an answer that takes time. And extraordinary people only think carefully before making a choice, and after making a choice, they no longer consider the consequences, and only overcome all difficulties.

His reply was solemn: I agree. Then when shall we sign the contract?

Chu Yuanxi had to tell him to talk about it after the new year, because today's annual meeting means that the work of the Ba people has ended.

This annual meeting was held at the Wuzhou Grand Hotel, and there were more than 100 people in Pakistan, which is a small case for this kind of old hotel. However, today's annual meeting Li Jingfei and Yuan Mu will also come to join in, come to the scene to see what Pakistani Entertainment looks like after dividing the money.

And Chu Yuanxi had one more important thing before he set off, that is, he personally designed the mobile game "Out of the Mountains" during the Spring Festival.

This can make Sanjing Wang Le sorrowful, pulling on Zhao Jie's weak temptation: "Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu, you have promised me that you will never add it after the game is online, no, you will never participate in the specifics. Are you working?"

"Ah? Did I say it?" Chu Yuanxi looked blank, "I'm sorry I have forgotten, how could I promise this kind of thing?"

Wang Lexin said that if you were not the president of the company, I would have strangled you!

But the boss is rich and self-willed, what can he do with a small Sankei?

In fact, Wang Le is the hero of the Ba people. Under his precise operation and maintenance, the dau of the mobile game has reached the expected 35 million. It is the most active game besides the dead and the chicken-eating mobile game, and it is not Optimistic card category.

Although the dau of "Troubled Times" is far lower than that of the dead, it has already attracted the attention of the big penguin because it consumes a long time for users. The average daily consumption of users is a little more than 2 hours. This online time greatly squeezes the online time of the game of eating chicken and the All model innovations in the Internet field are recombination of user time, so the app is The competition between users is not only a competition for the number of users, but also a tug-of-war for users' time. It is an extremely cruel stock competition. The user's time is actually a kind of currency in the eyes of the app. Everyone is 24 hours a day. Wherever they are spent, they will increase and decrease. There is no possibility of inflation in this market.

In this case, "Troubled Times" occupies 70 million hours of users every day, and the dead and the chicken eat tens of millions of hours, and the dead and the chicken need to be grouped by multiple players. Once matching problems occur, the game life will be affected. All have an impact. Relatively speaking, the game of eating chicken is more flexible, and the deceased’s playing black is like socializing with acquaintances, one person is not online, and the other four are not happy, which is extremely affected.

Therefore, a project that has already started copycats has become increasingly dignified within Big Penguin, accelerating and accelerating. It is impossible to have a holiday during the Spring Festival. Every second is very important.

Although Chu Yuanxi didn't know anything about it, he had done projects in the Tian Dynasty, unless he had some unique skills, otherwise it was only a matter of time before being copied, so he had already done numerous psychological constructions. He didn't have any burdens and drove the Cullinan SUV straight to the annual meeting.

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