Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 659: 0 State of Beings (Part 2)

Before Chu Yuanxi left, he went to the incubator company downstairs.

Other departments of the Pakistani people are relatively easy to get on the right track, including the Enemy of Rome project team. At present, even the game development part has not been seen. It is at the stage of first establishing the technical framework and it is easy to get on the right track.

This project needs to wait until the VR development environment is set up before it can go on the road. Chu Yuanxi plans to transfer a group of capable people from the TCG group to develop it to fulfill the commitment to the TCG group.

As for what can't be done? That’s nothing I’m sorry. I’ve given such a long time to self-improvement and I still “can’t do it”. The company is not a charity, and the opportunity to earn bonuses is not for people who discuss seniority. Open to catch.

Therefore, the TCG group was the first to recover from the Spring Festival state. Chu Yuanxi briefly described the requirements of the "Enemy of Rome" project for employees, especially programmers. There are still a few months left for them. Those who fail to meet the requirements will definitely not be able to enter the new project, making everyone A sense of urgency was created.

When Chu Yuanxi came to the incubation company, and the news spread that he went faster than him, Yang Jiangang raised the matter first: "So, is it cruel to the old brothers?"

"It's very cruel. The question is why not be cruel?" Chu Yuanxi felt that Yang Jiangang must have the ability, but his mentality may not have been successfully transferred to the position of the company's boss.

He tried to be concise and concise: "He is an old brother. I will give him a job opportunity. He earns more than he used to earn. My love is in place, right? I have no obligation to let the old brother take a super high amount. Bonus? He has the ability to give him a chance. That's okay. He doesn't have the ability to give him time. He doesn't improve himself. He wants to earn a huge bonus. Why should I satisfy him?"

Yang Jiangang was startled, not sure what to say, but still had the desire to speak. Chu Yuanxi continued to beat: "From another angle, he is my old brother. I asked him to rub the bonus, but his ability is not good. The project failed. Does he have any loss? In fact, he has no loss. Anyway, he is not allowed to rub him. There is no bonus. What about me? I have lost a lot! Don't think about any brothers! Brothers are mutual, I take care of him and he has to take care of me, even if you don't take care of me, don't do harm to me, otherwise, what kind of brother?

You are now the boss, think clearly! The company is not only yours, but also mine! "

"What you said is right..." Yang Jiangang was sprayed by Chu Yuanxi, and he finally understood a little bit.

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's question: "Where is Chen Kuo? How is his condition?"

"Are you afraid that his mentality fluctuates after he draws a car? He is very motivated for nothing."

"Well, there are other worries too." Chu Yuanxi had many concerns about Chen Kuo, such as whether he was jealous of the employees of the Pakistani Group? However, the least worrying is the attitude of work. It is impossible for others to worry about the attitude of working hard, especially after the company-level praise.

"Okay, don't worry about it." Yang Jiangang laughed. "He is beautiful now. I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it when Taohuayun comes with the car."

The so-called peach blossom luck seemed to be worthless in Chu Yuanxi's eyes. Chen Kuo suddenly became attractive because he was drawn to Rolls Royce Cullinan. He was attracted by Yang Jiangang, a newly recruited beauty artist named Wang Hui, and fell in love instantly after confession.

This kind of love is absolutely unacceptable for Chu Yuanxi, maybe he is a little bit extreme, or has some psychological problems, but people who didn’t love me knew that I took advantage of a lot of money and fell in love with me. Was it for my people? For money?

Are you attracted by my talents? But isn't my so-called talent the ability to make money? Therefore, he cautiously reminded Yang Jiangang, "Office romances must be controlled. If employees and employees are neglected, you should pay more attention to the leadership."

But Chen Kuo is a hard-working man who is nearly 30 years old. He is devoted to his work, benefiting from never making any big money, and never enjoying the tenderness of a beautiful woman.

In terms of net worth, Chen Kuo worked in the imperial capital alone for many years, and he was able to use his skills. The money was definitely saved, but he was only able to buy a toilet outside the fifth ring, which made him face the situation of urging marriage at home. Difficult decisions must be made.

This is also the sad part of the group of programmers. In 9012, a considerable proportion of programmers still had to accept an arranged marriage in their hometown, go back to marry a wife and have children, and then let their children become left-behind children.

There are also some people who have a certain pursuit of the spiritual world, so they fall into a formal marriage and deal with errands.

Chen Kuo sees more of this kind of thing. For the program ape of Bei Diao, long-term separation between the two places is a normal thing. With his bald forehead before getting rich, he can't escape these two endings. Therefore, when he was nourished by love, he would not have the same psychological reaction as Chu Yuanxi. Instead, he felt that he was favored by fate and plunged into it.

The next week was a fantastic week for him. He had never been so cool in his life. Of course, he could be a little cooler. Unfortunately, I don't know if it is because he is too tender in this regard, or Wang Hui has become conservative at this point and has not given a chance. He has never found a chance to make further requests.

This state was even reflected in the work, so Yang Jiangang had to admire Chu Yuanxi's ability to be a prophet. Thinking of the scene where Chu Yuanxi sprayed his face with flowers, he immediately talked to Chen Kuo for a long time.

This made Chen Kuo wake up a bit, rearrange his emotions, and devote himself to crazy work. So when Chu Yuanxi returned to the imperial capital, Chen Kuo was still the same as before, but his painter girlfriend did not need to work overtime like an engine siege lion, so the Rolls Royce library that Chu Yuanxi had a deep affection for Linan was frequently borrowed by Wang Hui.

When Chu Yuanxi returned to the company, Yuan Mu had accepted the Of course, the option issue has not been discussed in detail. According to Yuan Mu, “How can the option of this palace be less than 5%? It's too low to see people!"

Can't see people? Chu Yuan Xixin said, do you know how much 5% is equivalent to in two years? At that time, you will overtake your brother. Too bad is not a good thing. Isn't it easy to cause Yuan Jing to complain? I can't give you so much for the stability and harmony of the Yuan family!

He did not return to the imperial capital alone, and brought back more than a dozen brothers at once, no more, no less, and he was regarded as the first batch of staff members of the Pakistani people.

This selection made Cao Shan love and hate, because the flagship store does not need to be super-edited, and the cost pressure is greatly reduced, but what Chu Yuanxi took away was all capable and did not support her work...


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