Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 665: Academic misconduct

As a technology choice, the advantages of blockchain are actually in all aspects.

For example, let's talk about games. If the game industry uses the same blockchain, it can solve a huge problem-number portability.

I think that Glass Slag and Dog City ended the contract with Yamaguchi Mountain back then, and this great game was delegated to Zhaiyi. Then the players of the Celestial Kingdom experienced a long and painful period of network transition. Presumably every veteran player of Yamaguchi Mountain was concerned about what happened in those two years The thing is still fresh in my memory.

This is a **** case, but it's just a data transfer job. Why can it take so long? Because, not to mention the dark side, the user's "point card fee balance" alone can cause baldness, because it involves money, and Dog City has already put money in his pocket. How difficult is it to make Dog City spit out the money that you eat?

But if there was a blockchain at the time, it would be difficult for Dog City to find an excuse to hinder the transfer of data, because all the player’s data is recorded on the blockchain’s ledger, and the arrangement is clear, there is no loopholes, no Room for obstruction.

To Dali, this technology can change the ecology and rules of the heavenly game world. For example, a player plays "Unwind in the Wind" on the Xiaomi channel, and then finds that every version update of Xiaomi is the last update, which is super slow and uncomfortable, and the Huawei channel is always the first update, what should I do?

Players in the past had no choice, because the money was charged to the account of the Xiaomi channel, which is equivalent to being shut down by Xiaomi and hitting the dog. If you want to switch to the Huawei channel, you can only go to Huawei and create a new account.

But if it’s the blockchain model, what about Bitcoin-like blockchain coins instead of cash? Bitcoin can be traced back, and all data is recorded. As long as there is a transfer protocol on this blockchain, players can activate the transfer process and transfer the bitcoins that they have not recharged but have not consumed to Huawei channels in accordance with the convention .

As for the level equipment and other data on the player's account, it is easier to transfer it. In the past, these data were very difficult to verify, and there was no interest in communicating between channels. Blockchain makes this communication zero barriers.

Of course, this is a theoretical state. In fact, it is impossible to establish such a convention based on the urinary nature of the channel merchants beggars their neighbors.

But theory represents possibilities. In fact, blockchain can bring infinite possibilities. This is also the fascinating aspect of blockchain technology itself.

Chu Yuanxi actually had a lot of things he wanted to talk to Cao Xiang, but fortunately, he still remembered today's task-the expropriation of Du's shirt, so he had to leave Cao Xiang to Liu Lu and prepare to embark on the journey to 724 again.

It was late at this time. He was almost off work the first time he went out. After Cao Xiang’s misfortune, it seemed that it was already eight o’clock, but fortunately, 724 was not released so early. He should have the fighting spirit of Du shirt. Still.

Ran Go, when he walked to Xiaokang's door again, Yuan Mu suddenly chased out from behind, and stopped Chu Yuanxi with a look of shock.

Why did Chu Yuanxi say he wanted to confess to me? Unexpectedly, Yuan Mu was out of breath taking out his mobile phone and stuffing it to Chu Yuanxi.

When I opened it, Chu Yuanxi's expression suddenly changed, and Dr. Zhai, the protagonist of "Troubled Times", went on a hot search!

"Why doesn't he know HowNet? Why doesn't he know HowNet? What a post-doctoral fellow!" Chu Yuanxi became angry after reading the predecessors, Yuan Mu hurried to the side and avoided Hengfei. The saliva stars.

Uncle Sheng just returned from the evening foraging activities, passing by the aisle next to the deck, and asked: "Are you talking about Dr. Zhai? You just know it? But don't you know what is the crime of decapitation? I can’t understand, why is the whole network fighting?"

"That's because you are too old. You have been away from university for too long, okay? I don't know that the postdoctoral fellow of HowNet is a crime of decapitation for university students, and it is a heinous crime!" Chu Yuanxi curled his lips, "You need to know that you are like me People of this age have been scammed by HowNet when they go to college. HowNet gets papers from academia for free, and then students need to pay to download them, earning billions of dollars every year, and the profit margin is close to 60%. Is it really a real profit? You have to pay to download your own papers, do you know what it is like? No student has not been scammed by HowNet. Isn’t he a special postdoctoral fellow who hasn’t been scammed by HowNet? Don’t say decapitate, the car cracked his heart Both!"

"Does that have a big impact on us?" Uncle Sheng asked weakly. Yuan Mu rolled his eyes and asked if the impact was not big, would I be so anxious to find Chu Yuanxi? Zhang Dongdong cried over there, okay? The schedule of "Troubled Times" is about to be set, and it is almost ready to start up after buying a pig's head to worship the sky.

Although Yuan Mu's current status is the well-off CFO, after all, he has been involved several times before and after the film and television production of "Unwinding". After such a short time, Youtu and Zhang Dongdong on her WeChat were already the same as the salted fish on the hot pot. Except for lying dead, they were helpless, and they rushed back and forth to turn over.

Chu Yuanxi was also anxious, but not so anxious. She said her heart was steady. Don't panic. The main reason is that it's useless to panic. Fortunately, "Troubled Times" hasn't started yet, and everything still has room for change. No matter how troubled it is, "Uncle Bo" is not the worst. Last month, Hengdian also shelved a spy war drama. It was mentioned by Qi Yu last year. Tang Yan from the magic capital invited her to join. Dr. Zhai, as a result, Uncle Bo came up with "Dating in love or going to jail?"

Originally, Uncle Bo wanted to be rescued when the accident happened, but now it seems that there is no need for rescue...

But Chu Yuanxi was so tossed that he really didn't want to go to 724 again. The main reason is that he needs his performance as well as the requisition of the Du shirt. People don't know him, and it takes a lot of Now this state is not very good.

As a result, on the next day, I had hoped that things would calm down, but I didn't expect it to get worse. Dr. Zhai is a postdoctoral fellow at Guanghua. As a result, after one night, the paper was taken out for investigation. Don’t you know HowNet? The main function of HowNet is to check the duplicates. Once checked, the repeat rate is 40%, and the red line for graduation thesis is 30%.

It's not over yet. The careful netizens picked up Dr. Zhai's Ph.D. supervisor and found that his Ph.D. supervisor had only a bachelor's degree. Then he dug out a basket of peachy news.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that the situation had developed to this point. Chu Yuanxi didn't even have the mood to eat breakfast. She said that this was bad luck. Peach news is the favorite of the people who eat melons. This is a complete play!

To add fuel to the fire, Nishikawa University categorized the incident as academic misconduct with a posture exceeding the speed of light! This is really a personal order. Not everyone can wear the hat of academic misconduct, because the consequences are particularly bad.

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