Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 703: Zhu Yan's need for regularization

Li Zifeng's complexion was condensed, Lou Xiao found that this job was very difficult to do, and Zhu Yan felt cold, and quickly asked, "What about the second ability?"

"The second ability is actually related to work, but it's not "Church of the Mountains". We plan to make a costume variety show. This show has higher requirements for the actors to perform on the spot. The variety sense must be strong, and it must have a certain cultural literacy. ."

Speaking of this, Chu Yuanxi wanted to ask Li Zifeng's gossip a little, but he restrained it. When Li Zifeng was in the upswing period of his career a few years ago, the gossip was very popular, but this shouldn't be a matter of gossip now. "I know you have participated in variety shows before, and Kuaben has also been there, and there are creative live game shows, but in general there are relatively few, and have not been in recent years. You have to find the variety show, and then you have to take more time Read some books. Treat this as homework. It’s impossible to play this variety show without a few catties of ink."

When Li Zifeng and Lou Xiao heard the word "variety show", they became very energetic. One asked: "What variety show?" The other asked: "Online variety show or Taiwan variety show?"

Chu Yuanxi decided to leave some leeway to speak, especially, God knows if Wei Ning would ask them? Although these two have joined the Pakistani people, they are in the same circle with Wei Ning, and their mentality must not be exposed. "It's hard to say right now, I'm not sure, but I will definitely be there. I am very sure of this, and it is definitely a good opportunity. It is impossible to make a fuss. This is why I hope to sign an artist now, I hope My own person. However, the requirements are very high, and I will not push my own person up."

"How tall are you talking about? What variety show?" Zhu Yanxin said, why don't I know about variety show? Chu Yuanxi's mouth is strict enough!

"The main content is a variety show of ancient celebrities. It is a role-playing type from the Warring States period, and the style is very high. So if Li Zifeng is interested, I will send you a set of books later, and read it if you have time. It will be more embarrassing to click on the ink, which does not fit the temperament of the show."

Speaking of this, it was almost time. Chu Yuanxi sent the two away and found Zhu Yan waiting for him when she came back, and she was squeezed and squeezed.

"Why are you so serious? What's wrong with me?" Chu Yuanxi laughed, "Successfully signed two outstanding employees, you performed well."

"Don't be hippie smiling! I ask you, why did your variety show plan deliberately keep it from me?"

"I didn't deliberately conceal it from you, haven't these characters been written yet?"

Zhu Yanxing's eyes widened: "Are you bullying me that I don't understand anything? Haven't there been a document without a word? I have read all the documents of the Pakistani media... directory."

"The document is on Uncle Sheng's side, are you a layman?" Chu Yuanxi calmly responded, "Any film and television project starts with a script. The script is the starting point of a project, understand? The script, Obviously it belongs to the business of the IP company. When the time comes, the media company will have to obtain the authorization from the IP company and then start to operate. So the railway police will take charge of each section. Besides, what am I doing without you? You don’t understand."

Well, this is the Chu Yuanxi I know! Zhu Yan's expression suddenly eased. But in fact, the confidentiality level of this matter is indeed very high. Uncle Sheng has no documents, and he has a one-line contact with Baisha. He only has a desk book from the white sofa in his hand. Most people can't understand the thing. The top priority of this project is Baisha. No one can write about it except Baisha. In the operation, money is the bottom and the heart is the top. We need to let Weining go to Taishan Terrace to work hard, so we can't pass it randomly.

Just listen to Zhu Yan and then ask: " have gone to start a second business, and you haven't seen you take care of the media subsidiary. When will I get a regular job?"

This question really stopped Chu Yuanxi, he had never considered letting Zhu Yan be the top leader, even if only the top leader of the media subsidiary. The problem is that he didn't expect that Zhu Yan would want to be the leader, so he said Zhu Yan, you have changed! Don't want to lay hands on me!

But thinking about it the other way round, Zhu Yan’s request is reasonable, because the actual situation of the Pakistani media subsidiary is now that Zhu Yan is a bare-headed commander, and he has a famous CEO, so why don’t he use Zhu Yan’s name?

The reason why he is a polished commander is mainly because he has no business. The film and television drama "Unwinding" only needs to be signed, and the rest is handed over to Zhang Dongdong. The variety show has not been put on the agenda. Currently, it is a stage of gaming with the big guys behind the scenes. It is not a business, so there is no independent finance. , And also take the financial channel of Pakistani Group.

According to Chu Yuanxi's thinking, the future of the media company should actually belong to Qi Yu, especially before the start of the variety show, Qi Yu must be brought back. She is already in the entertainment industry. She basically understands everything that should be understood. If you don’t understand, you can find someone who As for the current stage, because there is no business, it is nothing more than presiding over the contract work. Either one is required.

But if Zhu Yan wants to do it, he will execute his own orders anyway, so why... why should Yang Yuanmei be transferred to support her? At least this can be done during the cycle of "A World of Disorder", but the cycle of "Ji Xia Xue Gong" is still early, so we will talk about it then.

Although Yang Yuanmei has a salty fish, she has a good relationship with everyone in the company. This is her greatest strength.

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi nodded: "Since you decide to take on greater responsibilities, I think you can, but you have to go through a period of internship. There are a lot of things to learn, and you can't leave it to you now."

"How to practice?"

"Let’s not talk about how to be a media company. At least you have to be familiar with the entire process of making a film and television drama, otherwise you don’t know if you are deceived in the future. Seeing "Troubled Times" is about to start, the script is polished, the crew is composed, and signed You have to follow up the workflow of the whole chain of casting and post-production, etc., can you do it if you eat this set of procedures?"

"These, can't you hire a professional manager?"

"Of course we may recruit people with this kind of ability, but if you don't understand it at all, you are not afraid of being tricked by others? Do you know the screenwriter of "Wolf Warrior"? The one who wrote the online novel before , After "Wolf Warrior" became popular, what did you do by yourself? Even the pants were almost taken away. People are still insiders. You don’t know what is not a proper person and how fast the money is. Are you coming?"

"Okay, okay, I can learn all of these." Zhu Yan regretted a bit, but thinking of the analysis Monica gave her, the CEO of this media company must take it down! Otherwise, who will it belong to in the future? Anyway, it can't always be Chu Yuanxi.


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