Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 723: And investors

This was a devastating blow to a company, not only was the entire company's elite class empty, but also busy fighting with past brothers. He knows his own people best and is the most difficult to fight. As a result, Haikang was given a chance to come from behind. Immediately after 2010, Haikang was also on the market, and Dahua could not chase Shanghaikang anymore. So far, its market share is less than half of Haikang's.

However, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. Haikang was too invincible for his work. He and Huawei were named and sanctioned by Emperor Mi, and Dahua escaped.

The investment elites in the audience are all experienced practitioners, and there are no small gangsters. Obviously, they all have an understanding of this public case. As a result, all eyes gathered to Aunt Cynthia again, making her uneasy.

Yuan Jing had to come forward to make a round of battle, "Hey, Chu Yuanxi, Sister C definitely didn't mean that, Wang Zengqiu's situation..."

"Even if it means that, Wang Zengqiu will follow the rules!" Aunt Cynthia didn't wait for Yuan Jing to finish speaking and said, "It's not that Wang Zengqiu did things that didn't comply with the rules, but the head of Dahua did his own food and did not take the helm. You made a mistake. You are so capable, so what can you hide from you?"

Chu Yuanxi shrugged and spread his hands. "So? Are you investing in this company to make money, to control the company, or to take down the platform? My company is not good at preventing infighting, and my energy is limited! "

Aunt Cynthia immediately expressed her feelings. "But do you know how terrible investment is without rules and regulations? Do you know Mr. Chu? There are no rules. You are not financing Pakistani Entertainment. You are a super large company that just passed 300 billion. what……"

Ha ha? Your Magic Capital Syndicate has earned more than one billion yuan in half a year, but aren't you happy? Chu Yuanxi began to practice Tai Chi. "You are right, but there is no need to rush to establish rules. I think that by the time of the C round of financing, relatively complete corporate governance should be established. Not all rules are suitable for all companies. Even if it is suitable, it may not be suitable for the left and right stages. It is impossible to apply a set of rules to the whole world. Keep up with the times!"

Aunt Cynthia has never seen such a person who can (hou) speak (yan) be good (wu) and argue (chi), so she doesn't know how to refute a bunch of myths that are justified.

But after all, it is someone who has many years of investment experience and experienced so many storms. Aunt Cynthia adjusted her mood instantly and said to the investors present, "Everyone is a leader in the investment industry, all experienced people. I just want to know. Do you believe in a company that does not have the most basic regulatory framework and rules, does not have director seats to supervise the company on behalf of the interests of small and medium shareholders, but can live a very long time in the capital market and achieve a scale of 100 billion? Is it possible? I don't believe it anyway!"

Chu Yuanxi said that Yuan Jing was unnecessary to invite you! Look at the old man numbly tearing you up! If this is a gangster, you can say that you don’t like it and you can go away, because there is no need to ask her to come, because the rules are really good. This is a well-off financing and not a Pakistani round of B round. Asking her to come is just to consider the incense here, please don’t ask She has a bad reputation.

But in this kind of situation, the basic demeanor must be maintained, otherwise it will be sweeping, and many things will be inconvenient to unfold. Therefore, it is normal to be peaceful, and it is also normal to talk and talk. Of course, it is best for the enthusiastic investors to actively contribute funds and even bid with each other. But today is out of play, the old lady must be torn first, and the tearing must find a reason and then tear it apart.

Regarding how to occupy the moral commanding heights, Chu Yuanxi felt that she was professional. After all, torn on Weibo, it would be impossible next time. The main contradiction was how to seize the moral commanding heights.

And the truth is readily available! Chu Yuanxi didn't wait for other investors to speak out, and smiled directly, "Ms. Cynthia, it's okay if others don't believe it. Why don't you believe it? Isn't Pakistan the company you are talking about?"

Cynthia was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Are you embarrassed to say you are a Tiba? The Pakistani people are so quick to make you hollow! 5 billion! Where is your face and dare to say that the Pakistani people have contracted the well-off investment? How big of a face do you directly transfer a group of Pakistani employees to a well-off? This is not part of the transfer of interests, even the talents are directly transferred! Fortunately, Xue Ming did not go. Xue Ming is the core talent of the Ba people. If he also transfers to a well-off job, he will really vomit blood! And she was helpless except vomiting blood, and she was completely unable to stop it.

However, when this psychological activity was over, she heard Chu Yuanxi continue to say, "As you said, everyone here is the elite of the investment industry, let alone pay attention to their own interests. Even without considering the founder team, You have to consider the interests of all investors, right?"

Cynthia quickly became confused. "Am I considering the interests of all investors?"

"No, you are not. You think, I can't give you privileges? Others have about the same amount of investment as you, and they can't be a director, so you can be. Isn't it appropriate?" , Um, investors are very concerned, "That means everyone is eligible to be a director, or you, or other people, in short, investors have to form a group to occupy some seats on the board, right?"

Cynthia had to nod her head, which was exactly what she thought.

"That's not the end! Even if I believe you are not at ease, who can guarantee that everyone is a gentleman? Who can guarantee that a gentleman will be elected as an investor representative to exercise director power? The first founder of a startup company I don’t have the energy to entangle with directors. Second, I’m more vulnerable. I can’t withstand unexpected blows. The appearance of a Wang Zengqiu can harm a company. In the end, it hurts the interests of all your investors!

Nothing about Wang Zengqiu, Dahua’s current market value is at least multiplied by 3, right? How about Dahua setting up a board of directors five years later? Even if Wang Zengqiu had this idea, he would not have the opportunity. What would his ordinary shareholder frequently contact the backbone of our company? I will liquidate him directly! "

Xu Xin smiled and looked at the two in tears. What Chu Yuanxi said was completely false, but because he had created very good corporate expectations before, he took the initiative when raising funds. And venture capital, especially in the early stage of investment, is not a reasonable place. It pays attention to being good at the head, and it is active and passive.

So she knew that Cynthia couldn't tear it off, because she and Cynthia had known each other a long time ago, and they had been in the same circle for many years.

Xu Xin remembers that Cynthia did a lot of e, and he also voted early, but it would not be so quick, otherwise he would not miss Pinduoduo and Qu Toutiao one after another. These two are the business cards of the magic capital. As a big investor of the magic capital, cynthia missed these two brothers. It is equivalent to holding a shotgun and can not catch prey in his back garden. This shows that there must be problems with thinking and values.

And Chu Yuanxi, at first glance, it is a master of tearing and forcing, and seeing this fierce expression is to tear someone who has not known how many times, this result is obvious without asking.

Sure enough, Cynthia was stunned by Chu Yuanxi's aura. For a while, she was speechless, and her hands trembled for a few times before she said, "You, you actually want to set a winding-up clause!"

"Of course, you want to form a system. Since it is a system, you must ensure that the company does not have any theoretical possibility of being deceived? Is there any doubt about this? Otherwise, look at how miserable Dai Wei is? Xiao Huang Isn’t the lesson learned enough? Pakistani Entertainment’s investment did not include liquidation because it did not set those you requested. Otherwise, our agreement is definitely not like this. It is all equal and very fair."

"Wait first, is it too early for you to set up liquidation before you make a round of investment? It is not easy to solve technically." Xu Xin suddenly interjected.

Chu Yuanxi immediately replied, "It’s not too early to get a seat on the board of directors before it has made a round of investment...I can’t always say that what is good for me is the rules ~ ~ what is bad for me is conspiracy. Right?"

The so-called technically difficult solution means that the liquidation must have a trigger criterion, and the entrepreneurs who cannot liquidate the investors just want to liquidate. Moreover, there must be a consideration. It cannot be said that investors will pay back as much money as they have invested, and at most add interest. No one will sign such an agreement. Investors can only be dismissed by spending appropriate money when the trigger conditions are met.

The problem lies in "appropriate", how much is appropriate? It’s easiest to write down a specific amount, but if you write it down, investors don’t do it, and if you write it high, entrepreneurs don’t do it, so it is technically easier for both parties to accept that it is based on indicators, such as valuation or financial indicators. A dynamic value.

However, the start-ups in round a are still in the stage of brainstorming, but they are more detailed than the angel rounds. It is the normal state to be in a frenzy of burning money. There are no financial indicators. The financial indicators are usually clearer when they are in round c. .

So when writing the winding-up clauses, all the pressure comes to valuation. It is not that the winding-up clauses cannot be written, but it is more awkward for entrepreneurs.

The problem is, it's not awkward at all for some people. Chu Yuanxi said that what the old man is most proud of is that he has extremely rich experience with investors! I have practiced in the original world. Aunt Cynthia is just a younger brother. We are clear in all forms except that we didn't fight with investors!

"As for the technical problems, they can always be solved." He looked at Xu Xin and said, "The company can repurchase stocks. Do you think this is OK?"

Xu Xin nodded slightly. This is another technical problem, that is, who will pay the liquidation money. Liquidation cases happen from time to time, but they usually find new investors to pay the bills, so the pressure is just above the valuation.


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