Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 730: very common

Shen Guoran has never heard of these two companies! She is focused on overseas, mainly in Europe and the United States, and the influence of the Pakistani people happens to be in China, and gradually spread to the island universe. If it's printed on the business card, Shen must know it, but the problem is that it can't be printed like that on the business card...

Therefore, in the process of sprinting for science and technology creation, Shen felt that he should not waste any more time. Uberon knew more people. Some were super gods and some were super ghosts. Who knew this guy who brought two beautiful women to the conference was super God or super ghost? The probability of wearing a plaid shirt is a programmer, right? But Pakistani Entertainment, this is obviously an entertainment company, and a well-off life, according to the name, is it to do o2o home delivery of vegetables and fruits? Similar to Meituan Grocery? These two businesses are completely irrelevant.

The problem is that he just said that he is from the media? This is even more difficult to say. It is very possible for programmers to start a business with super super ghosts, far less stable than entrepreneurs with financial or management backgrounds.

In this regard, Shen feels that he has the most say as a Bachelor of Computer Science from Tsinghua University and a Master of Management from Stanford.

So she took a business card and flipped it into the pocket of her suit casually, "Mr. Chu, do you have any business with me? In addition, you... the entertainment industry and life service industry, can you have any business dealings with me? "

This means that if it's okay, let's bye bye. Of course Chu Yuanxi understood, and she said you don't know how to ask questions from the media? This obviously despises me! "Oh, I really have several business plans to talk to you. Zhou Minxi, tell Ms. Shen about your business in the universe."

"Aniha Thiyo. My name is Zhou Minxi. I used to be a member of the Audition Girl Group. Now I am here to develop. Half of my job is to make short videos, and half is to run the self-media account of the Universe Country that runs Pakistani Entertainment, mainly tiktok. There are probably more than 2 million fans, supplemented by youtube and ins, and the main content is videos and comics." Zhou Minxi bowed as he said, and then asked, "Ligger, is it okay for me to introduce this way?"

"No problem, the words are concise and focused, better than most people say."

Shin blinked as he listened, "Ah? Ah, that really has something to do." Tiktok is Douyin, which she must know, and that the small country and the few people in the universe have more than 2 million fans. It is very, very amazing. This is common sense. In other words, if you divide the country by country, no country except India can have tens of millions of fans like the Celestial Dynasty, and India does not belong to the East Asian cultural circle. It is a big challenge to take fans there to the practitioners of the Celestial Dynasty.

"So, you plan to talk to me about the access of your company's self-media advertisements from Universe Country to my platform? I am really good at overseas channels, but it just happens that Universe Country does not have much business."

Chu Yuanxi shook her finger: "No, this is not the business I want to start."

"Uh..." Shen looked dazed, "That's it?"

Chu Yuanxi waved: "Monica, it's your turn."

Smart as Monica, knowing that Chu Yuanxi is holding back zhuangbility, she took a step forward: "My name is Monica, a New Zealander. I used to be an adventure anchor on the tubing. I have more than 1 million fans, right? I was dug over by Chu Yuanxi to operate the Pakistani’s overseas self-media matrix, mainly for short videos of igtv. Now it has more than 3 million followers, and I also do English Facebook Twitter and YouTube. However, the account I maintain is not as good as Zhou Minxi’s Over there, she did a reverse flow of games and got a lot of users from games released by Pakistani people in East Asia."

This amount of information is much larger than Zhou Minxi, even if it is as strong as Shen, it took five or six seconds to sum up one, two, three. She was a little curious: "How many users are there?"

"How much is Zhou Minxi? Isn't it five million?" Chu Yuanxi asked casually.

Zhou Minxi still didn't understand the format, and he was out of anger for a while: "How could it be 5 million? The total is just over 1 million, OK? The two areas of the overseas mobile game dau combined are less than 4 million, so be more sober!"

"Ah? Didn't it all say that the comics we translated saved the game? Why don't you even have five million?" It's still early anyway, Chu Yuanxi continued to blow, but not all of them, at least in Universe Country. Say.

There are two authentic Korean Sangsu, Zhou Minxi and Jin Yonghan inside and outside the Pakistani, who also understand Chinese, which has a huge advantage. Jin Yonghan is still a cartoonist, so the comics turned over are extremely high-quality, and even fine-tuned according to their tastes. No matter the composition or color matching, it is equivalent to being "localized" by Jin Yonghan. A work of this quality is enough as a first comic, let alone a companion comic for a mobile game?

As a result, the mobile game that was suffering from the problem of ai translation, as the comics continue to be updated and assisted, the mobile game itself has strong signs of rising. Then, through word of mouth in the game circle and comic circle, cross infection the social media account under Zhou Minxi's account is quite high.

It's a pity that there are so few people in the universe, and they don't understand their hatred.

Chu Yuanxi wanted to hire a manga master who is proficient in Chinese from the island country. Unfortunately, he also encountered a common disease in overseas operations and was eagerly unable to find the temple door with a pig's head.

Why does Shin feel so unreal? Don't talk about island nations and cosmic nations. This mouth is one million, two million, and three million concerns. Is this a premeditated "play" me? But if this is true, the business that can be generated is already relatively large.

"So, what kind of games do you operate overseas? Do you operate it yourself or find an agent? Ordinarily, even in the island region and the universe region, my business is not good, but..."

After all, to a certain extent, Shen is also a channel integrator, in other words, the person responsible for turning the faucet, and whether a mobile game is self-operated or an agent, as long as the advertising purchases are sold, even if she did not take her faucet, she left the next one This very thick tube shouldn't be without feeling.

"Ah, it's a very ordinary card game." Chu Yuanxi said "casually" again.

Now even Zhou Minxi could see that something was wrong, and only listened to Shen taking a breath, and finally knew who the great immortal was standing in front of him, and then thought that he was worth less than six or seven times his own...

After sucking in her breath, she immediately couldn't wait to say: "Mr. Chu, I think there is really a lot of room for our cooperation?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi shook his finger again: "But the cooperation I want is more than that."

"Huh? Oh, what is the main business you want to tell me?"

"Before talking about the business, I want to know how Muli Mobile's positioning has changed after Google introduced such a comprehensive advertising service to developers at this conference?"

Shen quietly changed color.

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